Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Yes it is
Kootch was furious, of course, because I could have fucked her that night instead. Our marriage went downhill, but later recovered somewhat. I would not suspect Filthy Bill for many years.
(1520L and I just popped open my 7th beer. Kootch just advised me that she was going to her room to eat.)
Here is my theory of what actually happened: Filthy Bill took me to that bar where the woman was waiting for us. She made her 'availability' known and engaged us in conversation. We exchanged information, including the information that she was hot for our bodies. Filthy Bill lived in Kansas at the time and was obviously 'out of the loop,' leaving only me to quiet the woman's raging hormones. I fell for the trap and called her from Dalhart. The rest became 'history.'
Does the film of my naked body still exist in Gerashian 'archives?' Almost certainly.
Uh-oh. 1541L and my alcohol intake is exceeding my liver's ability to detoxify. Which brings us to the next level: Beautiful Women. Beautiful Women who have interested me this week are, Christina Chang and Neda.
I saw Christina Chang for the first time several days ago while watching a PBS documentary about Greece. As I watched the show I thought, 'This must be Ann Curry's daughter! The voice, the personality, the facial expressions so much resemble those of Ann Curry!' But after a bit of research it became clear that the illusion was only coincidental. Nevertheless, thumbs up on Christina Chang!
Poor Neda. That beautiful young woman fell victim to an odious religion. (I claim that all 'religions' are more or less odius cultural manifestations which need to be discarded in this scientific age. Morality is innate and needs no 'religion' to justify it. Indeed, 'religion' is usually the excuse for the most obscenely immoral behavior, as in this case. The ancient Jews, for example, had more than 600 'rules' but no 'morality.' They have improved slightly since then, but still have a long way to go. (Check the nearest penis. Is it mutilated in the Judeo-muslim manner?)
Kootch was furious, of course, because I could have fucked her that night instead. Our marriage went downhill, but later recovered somewhat. I would not suspect Filthy Bill for many years.
(1520L and I just popped open my 7th beer. Kootch just advised me that she was going to her room to eat.)
Here is my theory of what actually happened: Filthy Bill took me to that bar where the woman was waiting for us. She made her 'availability' known and engaged us in conversation. We exchanged information, including the information that she was hot for our bodies. Filthy Bill lived in Kansas at the time and was obviously 'out of the loop,' leaving only me to quiet the woman's raging hormones. I fell for the trap and called her from Dalhart. The rest became 'history.'
Does the film of my naked body still exist in Gerashian 'archives?' Almost certainly.
Uh-oh. 1541L and my alcohol intake is exceeding my liver's ability to detoxify. Which brings us to the next level: Beautiful Women. Beautiful Women who have interested me this week are, Christina Chang and Neda.
I saw Christina Chang for the first time several days ago while watching a PBS documentary about Greece. As I watched the show I thought, 'This must be Ann Curry's daughter! The voice, the personality, the facial expressions so much resemble those of Ann Curry!' But after a bit of research it became clear that the illusion was only coincidental. Nevertheless, thumbs up on Christina Chang!
Poor Neda. That beautiful young woman fell victim to an odious religion. (I claim that all 'religions' are more or less odius cultural manifestations which need to be discarded in this scientific age. Morality is innate and needs no 'religion' to justify it. Indeed, 'religion' is usually the excuse for the most obscenely immoral behavior, as in this case. The ancient Jews, for example, had more than 600 'rules' but no 'morality.' They have improved slightly since then, but still have a long way to go. (Check the nearest penis. Is it mutilated in the Judeo-muslim manner?)