Thursday, June 18, 2009
Being God is Always Interesting
2011L and I seem to be fairly stable inebriationwise, so I just popped open beer #10. And at the 10th beer I am always in the mood to write about either Pussy or Philosophy. Tonight it will be Philosophy.
I love this article about 'Biocentrism' (compare Ethnocentrism) because the ideas involved have interested me since I first learned, long ago, that 'the world around me' was only 'a model created by my brain,' and that 'the real world' was ultimately unknowable due to that necessary interposition of 'brain.' Conclusion: to know about 'the world' was to know only about 'a model created by the brain.' But the concept of 'brain' was itself necessarily a construct of 'brain!' Barfalonius: 'Reality' therefore was forever unknowable. One was forced to rely on the model alone, which was suspect right from the start because it posited itself as The Knower: Brain invented itself!
This realization was instrumental in the formulation of my later (current) interest in philosophy.
Which brings us to the raw sensations of everyday experience. Must we rely on current experience in order to construct a framework of 'truth?' Must we infer, moment to moment, massive ideas concerning morality? Are there no eternal principles? This is ludicrous on the face of it.
The result is that we seem to live in a Universe which is forever ultimately incomprehensible, but which seems to make sense moment to moment as we go about our daily lives. We are entities who create a universe - not the other way around. How weird is that?!
Which brings me to the point: we can always escape, like Einstein, to a better place when we really want to...
2011L and I seem to be fairly stable inebriationwise, so I just popped open beer #10. And at the 10th beer I am always in the mood to write about either Pussy or Philosophy. Tonight it will be Philosophy.
I love this article about 'Biocentrism' (compare Ethnocentrism) because the ideas involved have interested me since I first learned, long ago, that 'the world around me' was only 'a model created by my brain,' and that 'the real world' was ultimately unknowable due to that necessary interposition of 'brain.' Conclusion: to know about 'the world' was to know only about 'a model created by the brain.' But the concept of 'brain' was itself necessarily a construct of 'brain!' Barfalonius: 'Reality' therefore was forever unknowable. One was forced to rely on the model alone, which was suspect right from the start because it posited itself as The Knower: Brain invented itself!
This realization was instrumental in the formulation of my later (current) interest in philosophy.
Which brings us to the raw sensations of everyday experience. Must we rely on current experience in order to construct a framework of 'truth?' Must we infer, moment to moment, massive ideas concerning morality? Are there no eternal principles? This is ludicrous on the face of it.
The result is that we seem to live in a Universe which is forever ultimately incomprehensible, but which seems to make sense moment to moment as we go about our daily lives. We are entities who create a universe - not the other way around. How weird is that?!
Which brings me to the point: we can always escape, like Einstein, to a better place when we really want to...