Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What a Glorious Body!
I've finished the previous alcohol and am now on an extra (#10) beer. Time to speak 'sournoodles' for now. I'm feeling a bit naughty... Uhoh... Satin Panties.
Nighty night!
Two is Enough for Me
As you have probably concluded, I see 'self remembering' as a practical psychological self-improvement idea which should be taught in high school and college. I don't see it as a 'mystical' or 'supernatural' idea. Self remembering is a practical tool of awareness and self control which tends to enhance the experience of being human and living life. As such it should be emphasised in psychology classes as early as the 12th grade, maybe earlier. Every citizen should have at least two simultaneous neural streams going at any one time, one of which is the constant awareness of being alive.
Which brings us to the idea of three simultaneous neural streams. Hmm. Gotta think about that... Hmm... I suppose it's possible, but I don't do it. Two is enough for me.
I'm wondering as I type this what would be the earliest age to teach children how to form dual awareness... my guess is that dual awareness should be taught at the earliest possible age.
Self Remembering
Whew. That's a whole lotta work while you're trying to get drunk on 3.2 beer, folks. In fact, I just popped open beer #5. My schedule is: one more beer, then a double shot of Canadian Mist and Diet Pepsi, followed by three more beers and then blog shutdown followed by supper (leftovers).
I Love You Tube! I recently did a You Tube search on 'satin panties.' OMG! Arachnagirl has one magnificient butt! I've always been a fan of women's underpants, especially the nylon (satin) variety. I will never forget the days back in the late '80s and early '90s when I would walk around the Southglenn Maul wearing nylon panties (under my clothes, of course). The feel of the panties produced a 'secondary awareness' which ran parallel to my normal thought stream, and I used that second awareness to remind myself constantly that, 'I am alive!' I did that practice for several years, and it eventually resulted in a permanent dual state of mind. The result is that I am never overwhelmed by events, even when drunk. I can always remember that, 'I am alive!' That 'secondary thought stream' has saved my fat ass a thousand times!
Can you do it? Test yourself: Go to the supermarket. As you shop, remember constantly that 'you are alive.' Rotsa ruck!
Ok, so you failed the test. But you can improve your score next time by wearing a thong. The feeling of that unusual underwear can be used to create a parallel stream of consciousness while you shop. You can use it in this manner: 'Oops! I'm wearing a thong. I'm alive! Where's the mayo? Ah, there it is... oops, I'm alive!' Your thong will constantly interrupt your normal neural stream as you shop. You will then change the subject from your underpants to your existential state of being alive. Meanwhile your primary neural stream will control the shopping process. Simple. After months or years of this routine your brain will automatically create a parallel awareness, and this parallel stream of awareness will continue even when you don't wear a thong: You will always remember that you are alive, no matter what you are doing. The result is that you will never get lost in the moment.
There is reason to suspect that some people who have been given a fatal diagnosis tend to develop this awareness... too late.
Squaring the Circle
Well folks, I didn't get around to Halo yet, but I did install C-IV yesterday and played through part of the tutorial. I also read part of the little book which came with the game and inspected the large chart. What crap! My first impression is that the makers of C-IV attempted to reinvent the wheel (C-III) and came up with a square 'improvement.' My initial impression was so unfavorable that I almost deleted the entire file. I'll give it one more chance, later, after I have finished my next game of C-III. If my initial impression is confirmed I'll delete it from my hard drive. Two thumbs down!!
Very nice weather today in Denver. I went for a bike ride and soaked up some sunshine.
Time for a linkdump to clear my 'nexblog file:'
Ignorant circumcate pontificates. Recommends infant sexual mutilation.
Top 100 Classical Music hits. Fine music.
Need a Guru? Highly recommended by me. I found his ideas helpful in the late '80s - early '90s.
Being in Love. A sample of the above.
Medical Marijuana is the subject.
Zeitgeist - all the news you can't use. Funny. Related to above.
How to stuff Carbon where the sun don't shine. Saving The Earth. (Attention, O'Bama!)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Last Game of C-III?
Time for a linkdump of sites which have been of interest to me over the last weeks:
- Ten Surprising Sex Statics. (I doubt that only 75% of men achieve orgasm during coitis, but if the data are indeed accurate, I would suggest that the cause of this male debacle is circumcision. Circumcision is a cultural mutilation which desensitizes the penis and renders it much less able to satisfy both the owner and the pardner.
- A surprising song: Born intact. A parody of Bruce Springsteen, revered singer.
- Human Rights. Ten Years Working for Human Rights.
Which brings us more or less up to date: I recently bought two new video games, Civilization IV, and Halo. Therefore my current game of C-III is likely to be my last. I plan to publish my initial take on both games next week. Halo already sounds intriguing. But will the music of C-IV equal or surpass the music of C-III?
Welcome to Civilization III
Concerning (5) below, I finished the previous game and am now on a new game. I was able to protect France by landing tanks on Her most important island (containing the strategic resourse, oil). I then occupied all available squares on the small island with tanks. No other nation could land troops! I quit the game when only Britain, France, and Rome remained. In this new game, France seems to be a robust power, but the Brits have been decimated by war and reduced to only two nearby cities. My plan is to rescue British citizens by invading and claiming both cities for the Roman Empire. A 'plus' is that I will thereby acquire the resourse, silk, which will please my population of men and women who delight in silk panties. (The conquered Brits will quickly learn to love the Roman Empire.) I have destroyed the Persians with whom I shared the Island in the beginning, and the Iroquois were destroyed early in the game by an unknown civilization. The Aztecs are a monsterous civilation positioned between France and Rome. The Babelonians are a robust civilization about the size of France. The Indians have been much decimated by war with the Aztecs...
Concerning 'tips' mentioned in (5) below: when you come to the section, 'Player Setup - Rules,' it is very important that you check only 'Accelerated Production,' 'Allow Conquest Victory,' and 'Civilization-specific abilities.' Start meek and small. Learning this game takes years and it is extremely addictive for some types of people. I would also recommend that you set a timer to remind you to get out of your chair every 30 minutes or so and move around in order to avoid the possibility of a DVT. Enjoy!!!
Good Stuff Week
Welcome to Earth Day (Wednesday); and Monday, April 20 ,was Cannabis Day; two excellent days in the same week. As Earth's Children we are concerned about our Mother's failing health, and Cannabis, of course, is only one of Earth's many blessings (which are too numerous to mention). Check out this amazing list of 'drug vacations' which are more or less legal enough to attract tourists who can afford them. Celebrate Mother Earth with a mind-bending vacation. I can't afford that sort of thing, but for you folks who can, here are my recommendations based on my personal experience:
- 3) Pot in Amsterdan. Pot and alcohol share a glorious synergy. Do Pot after at least one serving of alcohol. Mystical. Careful! Dutch Pot is very potent. One hit only, at first...
- 4) Magic Mushrooms in the British Virgin Islands. The active ingredient is Psilocibin, an hallucinogenic drug similar to LSD.
- 7) Hash in Morocco. Hmmm... concentrated Pot.
- 8) Bhang in India. Edible Pot.
- 9) Peyote in Mexico. The active ingredient is Mescaline, an hallucinogenic drug similar to LSD and Psilocibin.
- 11) Ayahuaska in Brazil. Active ingredient is DMT. Sounds really mystical.
I suppose that these drugs are 'legal' in their various locations because they are natural productions of Mother Nature. Missing from the list are LSD (Acid) and MDMA (Ecstasy), possibly because both drugs are semi-synthetic derivatives. In the case of LSD I propose that Switzerland claim its rightful role in the creation of this most valuable drug. Switzerland should legalize this drug and make it freely available. The United States should legalize MDMA in the same manner. An affluent world needs more tourist sites which cater to self knowlege. And Mother Nature would, no doubt, approve!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Play it if You Can Find it...
12 beers gone, and I am on my final backup: Canadian Mist, ice, and diet pepsi.
This is just in time for me to express my love to you, my readers, in the form of an ultimate recommendation: Buy or otherwise acquire Civilization III 2001. Play the game. You will love it! The music of Civilization III is the most gloriously beautiful music you will ever hear in this life! Better than Beethoven? Yes! Better than Mozart? Yes! But how is that possible?!
The answer seems to be that raw musical talent is merged with modern technology such that human output is complimented with the natural sounds of birds and other animals to create an astonishing result. Haunting music!
Do not bother with 'other' versions of C-III: play C-III 2001!
More tips:
Civilization III - 2001
Working on beer #10 at 1849L... (Natural Light 3.2. Well-buzzed, now.) Kootch admired my 'Japanese stir fry' as usual. I have yet to taste it. Lots of leftover Saba (mackerel) mixed with rice. I will eat the leftovers first, with kimchee. The stir-fry will be tomorrow's leftovers.
During my Civilization III play yesterday I put the earphones on as I interacted with 'Joan of Ark' in the game. The earphones present a much enhanced version of the music produced by my speakers amidst the sound of my noisy air cleaner constantly running, the purpose of which is no longer to clean the air but to instead produce ambient noise in order to reduce the intimacy imposed on me by the creepy Jewish faggot lurking above me. The old cocksucker likes to tap 'gently' above me in his attempts to interact with me as I go about my everyday life. The ambient noise of the air cleaner (and later the fans) forces him to tap much louder, resulting in less 'intimacy.'
My current 'position' in C-III is That I (Ceasar of the Romans) am at war with the 'Barfalonians' (Babelonians) during the time of 'Motorized Transportation,' a stage in human technological development. I am ahead of all other civilizations, as usual at this particular point (lots of pounding on the walls above as I write this - boom, boom, boom). Most of our six remaining civilizations are at war. My ultimate loves, Britain and France, are at war with each other. Akward for me. I will eventually side with the winner. Meanwhile I will destroy the Barfs. I will eventually do my best to protect either or both Britain and France, and concentrate on destroying (with my allies) the other civilizations. When I have succeeded in that quest, and only the British and (or) the French remain alongside me, I will quit the game for a new game.
This will astonish the C-III programmers! They designed the game to be won!
But over the many years of playing this most magnificient game I have found it more emotionally satisfying to quit when only my love(s) and I remain. Naturally I will let you know...
Religion Spoils Everything
Which brings me to the subject of... 'odor:' What is your attitude towards, 'odor?' I am refering especially to personal body odors:
- Do you like the smell of your underarms?
- Do you like the smell of your farts?
- Do you like the smell of your excrement (shit and piss)?
If you answered 'yes' to all three questions then congratulations, you are normal! (Personal body odors contain important information about body processees.)
If, on the other hand, you answered 'no' to any of the above questions, you have a 'body image problem.' This BI/BO problem is most likely the result of modern commercialism which sells anti-odor products to a crowded community. Seems we like our own odors but do not like the odors of 'the other' except in certain special cases: Apparently women seek out the sexual company of men based partly on the man's odor, and that this attraction is genectically based.
(I will never forget my high school girlfriend, Anne Bellinger, who told me that she 'liked my smell.' She also confided that 'you have beautiful hands.' But I - idiot that I was - began using a deoderant! I also failed to muster up the nerve to feel her glorious tits. In retrospect I think that my early sexual failures were due to isolation from the opposite sex between the ages of 12 - 15. It was a sexual/social problem based on inadequate exposure to the opposite sex, due to a religious environment which tended to stunt my sexual/social development. I would be very successful sexually later, in Japan, because the social component was minimized. Interestingly, this same sexual/social problem is at work in the Muslim World today, and the result is truly massive socio-sexual problems which confine half the Muslim World (women) to a non-economic status, resulting in the generic low Muslim GDP. Religion spoils everything. Especially for Muslims.)
Twitter, Twutter, Twotter
Twittering right along...
I cooked today. Cubed pork (chops or ribs) and sauteed veggies:
Slice pork into bite-sized pieces; marinate in soy sauce, crushed garlic, ginger.
Slice onions, carrots, zuchinni, asparagus.
Sautee pork in cannola oil until about half done (do not overcook!) Remove.
Add veggies, carrots and onions first. When half done add pork, zuchinni and asparagus. Also add the marinade, salt and pepper. A shot of water can also be added. (This will produce steam which will assist in cooking.) Toss constantly as the entire mass cooks over a high heat. When done, remove from heat and continue to toss, cooling the mass down to prevent overcooking. Serve over hot rice. Boy they good.
Followup: Over the following 4-18 hours you should notice how the meal has affected your body: 1) Does your pee smell a little like asparagus? Congratulations. 2) What about your farts? Can you identify any of the meal's components by odor? Very good! (I have noticed this about spaghetti sauce, not to mention Kimchee and mackerel.)
Rereading that just now, I am minded to modify the spelling and meaning of the intended title, 'Twitter' to, say, Twutter. Or Twotter. Or Twatter. The idea is to expand Twitter's limited characters in an exponential manner more suited to better exposition: Twitter equals TLI.
Prove Me Delusional if You Can
Kootch and I just finished watching (yesterday's) Millionaire while she ate lunch and I drank 3.2 beer. Fun as usual. I would have done this (weekly) blog yesterday except that I felt too sleep-deprived after a night of heavy harrassment (gas and radiation). So I played C-III instead and went to bed early (2115). After about an hour of harrassment (mostly gas and stomping) I was allowed to sleep until 0600, when I was assaulted by a wide-spectrum microwave attack from above and below until I got out of the sack at 0800. I got about 6-7 hours of sleep, and as a result feel about normal, much better than yesterday.
I'd like to see whether the 'Myth Busters' on the Discovery Channel can confirm what I already know: is it possible to harrass someone with microwaves? In a wood-frame building? Using high power (at least 1000 watts) beamed microwave energy? If so, does this have implications for National Security? (For example, could we torture terrorists with it 24/7 until they 'broke' and spilled all the beans? And would that even work? Would we get true beans?) (Whoa! at precisely 1427L I am being gassed: (BR 5, 1 L burning). Very unusual while I am writing my blog.)
But on the other hand there is the moral question: Would such a segment on Myth Busters (if successful) put a weapon into the hands of 'personal terrorist personalities' and result in preventable human suffering in multi-family wood frame buildings? I propose, you decide.
So here is my official challenge to The Discovery Channel: prove me delusional if you can.
I am aware, of course, that the US Military has a microwave weapon (by Ratheon) which beams microwave energy for a considerable distance and produces a very unpleasant 'hot' sensation on the skin. But could a technologically adept citizen produce a short range 'weapon' capable of inflicting the symptoms I have been experiencing? Using commonly available parts? From microwave ovens? And dish antennas?
And if so, what would be the penalty for doing that? What laws could possibly be applied in such a case?
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Circumcision is an Emotional Idea
Which brings us to my expertise as a male sex guru: I know and you don't know! I can tell you this: the natural penis is far superior to the 'modified' version. Jews and Muslims who claim that the mutilated penis is preferable to the natural version are really swimming in local evil. Circumcision is a cultural concept, totally unrelated to religion. The circumcision cult is based on penis envy. Circumcision is an emotional idea which has nothing to do with scientific ideas.
My advice to you new parents it to leave your newborn male penises 'as is.' Trust Nature.
Nighty night.
A family tragedy soon followed: my brother David was circumcised, whereas I was left sexually intact. The result was that we would become forever separated by 'circumcisional penis envy' (I call it, 'Jewish Penis Envy'). My brother David (now an honorary Jew) stopped wetting the bed. I continued to wet the bed. I furthermore discovered that I liked masturbating in the middle of the night in my wet underpants. The orgasms were absolutely stunning! One night I woke up dry, having to pee. It was a telling moment: I could either go out to the boy's bathroom on the back porch and pee, or I could pee in my pants in my bed as usual, then masturbate to a truly mind-blowing orgasm, then go to sleep immediately. It was my choice. I chose to pee in my pants, then masturbate. Fuck Sister Charlotte! Bitch!
I had, at that midnight moment, decided on my sexual preference. Forever.
I was a 'hetero' of course: boys did not interest me. David turned out to be hetero too, but David was a Jew. Honorary Jew. David hated me as much as a circumcised Jew hates an uncircumcised Christian. We never recovered our brother-brother relationship.
David still hates me.
But he doesn't know why.
Oh boy!
(You circumcates out there 'don't know what you been missin')
Now I get to write about my early sex life beginning at about the age of 8: My first orgasm happened around the age of eight while I was living in North Charleston: I would be running, then I would begin to feel a glorious 'golden feeling' in my crotch. I would stop running and would instead 'run in place' as the feeling intensified, then disappeared. Those feelings were my first orgasms. I had no idea, of course, of what was actually going on. I discovered masturbation about the age of 11. I thought of the result as, 'getting the feeling.' I thought that I had discovered an important fun thing and discussed it with my male friends. They told me that fucking girls produced the same feeling, but that girls became pregnant from it. I eventually rejected a female offer based on that information: I didn't want to be a daddy yet.
My pathetic parents split up and I and my brother were placed in a Catholic orphanage where I was mistreated by a pair of very creepy Catholic nuns. I woke up on the first night in a wet bed. I told the nun in charge of my dormitory. She was totally disgusted. She moved me as far away from her bed as possible (I was right next to hers). She showed me how to wash my sheet and underpants and hang them out to dry. She became my sworn enemy for life, apparently. My brother (David) also wet the bed that first night. (Interestingly, David was assigned to a different dormatory on the very first night although in all other cases of siblings, brothers were assigned to the same dormitory and were allowed to sleep next to each other.) My nun was named, 'Sister Charlotte.' His nun was named 'Sister Marcella.' 'Charlote was a very creepy bitch, whereas Marcella was a good-looking plump woman whom I would have fucked at the drop of a hat. (Sister Mary was yet to be 'identified.')
I remember that Marcella often visited Charlotte in her 'cubicle' before 'lights out.' I made plans to 'flash her.' One night as she was returning to her own dormitory I pulled my shorts down exposing my penis; I then pulled the covers down exposing my lower torso to Sister Marcella. The good sister did not ignore me as she walked by my bed on her way back to her dormitory, but instead acknowleged that she had seen my penis! She told me to pull my covers up. She became my first confirmed flash! I loved it!
Jewish Bullshit
I am a Today Show fan, of course, and I noticed a blurb on this morning's show concerning the subject of 'penile sensitivity.' Seems that up to 40 percent of males suffer from 'premature ejaculation' syndrome, a condition where the male is so overcome by the sexual situation that he 'comes' prematurely. Eheh. Really!?
I wouldn't know about that because I have rarely suffered from the problem. But it seems to me that as a 'natural man' I should 'weigh in' on the discussion as to a possible cause. The Today Show piece suggested that the problem was 'too much penile sensitivity' and offered hope to PE victims in the form of a spray which could be applied to the over-sensitive penis: the spray would 'numb-down' the offending penis, thus providing the female pardner with more time to enjoy her situation clitorically, coming eventually. Eheh.
Here's the kicker, folks: this magic spray is being developed in Ireland, home of the 'naturals! The implication is that the uncircumcised (Irish) penis is so sensitive that it 'comes' prematurely. The further implication is that the Jewified (circumcised) penis is desensitized to the point that it can last the appropriate time! Bullshit. Jewish bullshit!
(I just talked to Kootch in the bathroom and asked her about her orgasmic percentage back in the days when we were still fucking: 95 percent. I agree. That was also my perception. My impression was that Kootch rarely if ever 'faked it.' (Indeed, I remember Kootch's first orgasm. It was as if she had had a revelation: 'Now I understand sex!'))
My impression of the Today Show piece is that it was yet a further Jewish attempt to convince you idiots out there that circumcision, a well known penile desensitizer, can improve your sex lives!
Weird Shit Week
Well folks, if last week celebrated April Fools Day, this week celebrates April Fools Week:
- Tomorrow is 'Passover.'
- Friday is 'Good Friday.'
Good Friday celebrates the Death of God. Weird shit!
For those of you who are innocent of biblical 'knowlege,' Passover is a Jewish celebration based on the times when Jews were the slaves of the Egyptians. Seems the Jewish god WHTZSNM decided to take pity on His Chosen People and free them from their persecutors. To this end He visited the Egyptians with ten Plagues, the last of which was that, on a particular night an 'Angel of The Lord' would visit every home in Egypt and kill the first born child in every Egyptian family. The age of the child was not a factor. The designated 'angel' was brutal but stupid: the dumb bastard could not distinguish a Jew from an Egyptian! So (Oops. I could not remember how the Jews marked their front and rear doors in order to signal to the dumbass angel that, 'Here is a Jewish household, do not kill our babies!' so I looked the incident up in my Booger Bible. Whoa! The dumbass Jewish god WHTZSNM did the dirty deed himself! No fucking angel! This means that the dumbass Jewish god WHTZSNM couldn't tell who was fucking who! Some 'god!' Sheeeit.
Good Friday is a Christian celebration of the day when this same Evil Monster decided to kill His own 'son' in order to satisfy His personal lust for vengence: the son would become the scapegoat on whom all past and future generations could load their collective sins: no more sheep and goats. Sheeeit!
Next week will be another week of course, and I will deal with it at an appropriate time.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
The Definition of Beauty

Two Sparrows to the Nest
Having heard from both of the male participants in this debate we now turn to the female representative from Women's Pleasure Magazine:
MO: We now turn to you as the representitive of Women's Pleasure Magazine. We now ask you directly: which penis version does the sensual women prefer? Circumcised? Natural? Which?
WP: No contest. Women prefer the natural version by 99 percent.
MO: We have only a few minutes, so be as succinct as possible: Why is the natural version of the male penis preferred by so many women?
WP: Sexual pleasure. Every woman who has ever been fucked by a circumcised penis, who has then been fucked later by a natural penis, has been stunned by the difference in sexual pleasure.
MO: Can you be more specific?
WP: The circumcates lacked sensitivity and therefore bludgeoned their way to orgasm at the woman's expense. The naturals, on the other hand, seemed to take the woman's needs into consideration and then glided with the women as if two sparrows to the nest.
MO: This ends the debate.
The Condom Environment
Continuing with the debate, MO then addresses the MP representative:
MO: I'd like you to take it from there. What is your perspective?
MP: Condoms are a no-no. Condoms seriously reduce male sexual pleasure during coitis. We do not recommend condoms. Our advice is to have all prospective sexual pardners checked out in advance by competent medical staff, and that Condoms should only be used in cases of extreme sensual emergency.
MO: Fill us in here: you're in the back seat at the local drive-in. The yum-yum is hot to trot but has not been certified. You decide to do it with a condom. Any advice?
MP: Yes. This is an emergency situation so you need to improvise: 1) Skin your penis back. 2) Spit on it. This will provide lubrication to your penis in addition to the natural effusions therefrom. 3) Mix it all, then don the condom and fuck the bitch silly. 4) Dispose of the condom.
MO: What if the condom tends to slip off during coitis, given the slippery mileau?
MP: That could be a problem. You need to use your free fingers to anchor the base of the condom to the base of your dick.
MO: (to MH) Do you have any comment?
MH: Uhh, no.
Jewish Penis Envy
Welcome to April Fool's Day. As you know, today is the day we play jokes on each other. Most of the time these jokes are benign and funny, but occasionally these jokes can be quite evil. And interestingly, the Jew-dominated MSNBC web site has chosen to ally itself with Men's Health magazine to play a massivly evil April Fool's joke on your family penis. The author of this 'joke' is Charles Hirshberg, a circumcised Jew who obviously suffers from a serious case of Jewish Penis Envy: he wants all of you new parents out there to sexually mutilate your new baby boys for 'health' reasons. He cares about their health. Eheh.
So I thought I'd do a quick blurb between representatives of Men's Health Magazine, Men's Pleasure Magazine, and Women's Pleasure Magazine (MH, MP, WP). The following is a fictional account of a two-way debate involving three entities. I could increase the number of participants, of course, but the objective here is to keep the debate as simple as possible. The Moderator (MO) begins the debate:
MO: Let the debate begin.
MH: I claim that circumcision is healthy because it reduces the chance of a man catching HIV by 50 percent.
MO: So if a circumcised man fucks an HIV-infected woman twice, is the rate increased to 75 percent?
MH: Exactly. And the infection rate goes up from there, unfortunately, in proportion to coital frequency.
MO: Is it therefore safe to say that after five fucks that man will have a 97 percent chance of contracting HIV?
MH: Um, yes... unless, of course, he uses a condom, in which case his risk is reduced exponentially