Thursday, April 16, 2009


Prove Me Delusional if You Can

Kootch and I just finished watching (yesterday's) Millionaire while she ate lunch and I drank 3.2 beer. Fun as usual. I would have done this (weekly) blog yesterday except that I felt too sleep-deprived after a night of heavy harrassment (gas and radiation). So I played C-III instead and went to bed early (2115). After about an hour of harrassment (mostly gas and stomping) I was allowed to sleep until 0600, when I was assaulted by a wide-spectrum microwave attack from above and below until I got out of the sack at 0800. I got about 6-7 hours of sleep, and as a result feel about normal, much better than yesterday.
I'd like to see whether the 'Myth Busters' on the Discovery Channel can confirm what I already know: is it possible to harrass someone with microwaves? In a wood-frame building? Using high power (at least 1000 watts) beamed microwave energy? If so, does this have implications for National Security? (For example, could we torture terrorists with it 24/7 until they 'broke' and spilled all the beans? And would that even work? Would we get true beans?) (Whoa! at precisely 1427L I am being gassed: (BR 5, 1 L burning). Very unusual while I am writing my blog.)
But on the other hand there is the moral question: Would such a segment on Myth Busters (if successful) put a weapon into the hands of 'personal terrorist personalities' and result in preventable human suffering in multi-family wood frame buildings? I propose, you decide.
So here is my official challenge to The Discovery Channel: prove me delusional if you can.
I am aware, of course, that the US Military has a microwave weapon (by Ratheon) which beams microwave energy for a considerable distance and produces a very unpleasant 'hot' sensation on the skin. But could a technologically adept citizen produce a short range 'weapon' capable of inflicting the symptoms I have been experiencing? Using commonly available parts? From microwave ovens? And dish antennas?
And if so, what would be the penalty for doing that? What laws could possibly be applied in such a case?
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