Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Weird Shit Week

Welcome to Weird Shit Week.
I see that some of my Jewish readers out there are beginning to get a bit nervous, given the recent 'anti-semitic' turn of this blog. You are shocked. Shocked! My take on your current state of mind is that (you Jews) have become so used to your previous (1945-2008) immunity from honest criticism that you find the truth threatening. Can't say I blame you given your collective history, but you need to take at least partial credit for your historical situation: you are, after all, the uh 'Chosen People of God,' a claim guaranteed to really, really piss off most of the rest of us. (But not me. I say, 'Better thee than me!')

Well folks, if last week celebrated April Fools Day, this week celebrates April Fools Week:
  1. Tomorrow is 'Passover.'
  2. Friday is 'Good Friday.'
Passover celebrates the first genocide.
Good Friday celebrates the Death of God. Weird shit!

For those of you who are innocent of biblical 'knowlege,' Passover is a Jewish celebration based on the times when Jews were the slaves of the Egyptians. Seems the Jewish god WHTZSNM decided to take pity on His Chosen People and free them from their persecutors. To this end He visited the Egyptians with ten Plagues, the last of which was that, on a particular night an 'Angel of The Lord' would visit every home in Egypt and kill the first born child in every Egyptian family. The age of the child was not a factor. The designated 'angel' was brutal but stupid: the dumb bastard could not distinguish a Jew from an Egyptian! So (Oops. I could not remember how the Jews marked their front and rear doors in order to signal to the dumbass angel that, 'Here is a Jewish household, do not kill our babies!' so I looked the incident up in my Booger Bible. Whoa! The dumbass Jewish god WHTZSNM did the dirty deed himself! No fucking angel! This means that the dumbass Jewish god WHTZSNM couldn't tell who was fucking who! Some 'god!' Sheeeit.
Good Friday is a Christian celebration of the day when this same Evil Monster decided to kill His own 'son' in order to satisfy His personal lust for vengence: the son would become the scapegoat on whom all past and future generations could load their collective sins: no more sheep and goats. Sheeeit!
Next week will be another week of course, and I will deal with it at an appropriate time.
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