Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The Condom Environment

Continuing with the debate, MO then addresses the MP representative:
MO: I'd like you to take it from there. What is your perspective?
MP: Condoms are a no-no. Condoms seriously reduce male sexual pleasure during coitis. We do not recommend condoms. Our advice is to have all prospective sexual pardners checked out in advance by competent medical staff, and that Condoms should only be used in cases of extreme sensual emergency.
MO: Fill us in here: you're in the back seat at the local drive-in. The yum-yum is hot to trot but has not been certified. You decide to do it with a condom. Any advice?
MP: Yes. This is an emergency situation so you need to improvise: 1) Skin your penis back. 2) Spit on it. This will provide lubrication to your penis in addition to the natural effusions therefrom. 3) Mix it all, then don the condom and fuck the bitch silly. 4) Dispose of the condom.
MO: What if the condom tends to slip off during coitis, given the slippery mileau?
MP: That could be a problem. You need to use your free fingers to anchor the base of the condom to the base of your dick.
MO: (to MH) Do you have any comment?
MH: Uhh, no.
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