Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Good Stuff Week

Welcome to Earth Day (Wednesday); and Monday, April 20 ,was Cannabis Day; two excellent days in the same week. As Earth's Children we are concerned about our Mother's failing health, and Cannabis, of course, is only one of Earth's many blessings (which are too numerous to mention). Check out this amazing list of 'drug vacations' which are more or less legal enough to attract tourists who can afford them. Celebrate Mother Earth with a mind-bending vacation. I can't afford that sort of thing, but for you folks who can, here are my recommendations based on my personal experience:

I suppose that these drugs are 'legal' in their various locations because they are natural productions of Mother Nature. Missing from the list are LSD (Acid) and MDMA (Ecstasy), possibly because both drugs are semi-synthetic derivatives. In the case of LSD I propose that Switzerland claim its rightful role in the creation of this most valuable drug. Switzerland should legalize this drug and make it freely available. The United States should legalize MDMA in the same manner. An affluent world needs more tourist sites which cater to self knowlege. And Mother Nature would, no doubt, approve!

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