Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Last Game of C-III?
Time for a linkdump of sites which have been of interest to me over the last weeks:
- Ten Surprising Sex Statics. (I doubt that only 75% of men achieve orgasm during coitis, but if the data are indeed accurate, I would suggest that the cause of this male debacle is circumcision. Circumcision is a cultural mutilation which desensitizes the penis and renders it much less able to satisfy both the owner and the pardner.
- A surprising song: Born intact. A parody of Bruce Springsteen, revered singer.
- Human Rights. Ten Years Working for Human Rights.
Which brings us more or less up to date: I recently bought two new video games, Civilization IV, and Halo. Therefore my current game of C-III is likely to be my last. I plan to publish my initial take on both games next week. Halo already sounds intriguing. But will the music of C-IV equal or surpass the music of C-III?