Friday, December 26, 2008
The Staff of Life

Time to wrap this up. I like you, otherwise I wouldn't write this. In fact I love you. You are so beautiful! Don't let it go to your beautiful sexy heads... Standby...
Improving National Infrastructure
The question is whether doing a new post will cure the odius problem in the last post. We shall see: 'Bafrolitonicus.' Alright! Looks like Blogger has regained sanity for the moment. My god! It's only 7:00 PM!
Washington, March 1, 2009.
President Obama announced today that our national penis was in such a sorry state that immediate governmental intervention was justified. The president compared our national dick to that of Afghanistan where virtually 99 percent of males are circumcised before the age of 13. The president went on to cite a long list of other nations, all Muslim, where male sexual mutilation was practiced routinely, and observed - tellingly - that those nations were generally backward, technologically.
The President went on to affirm our American faith in the future and signed 'The Bill to Kill' infant sexual mutilation. The bill was dubbed 'The Kill Bill' bill by Jewish opponents.
The vast majority of American Media professionals 'signed on' to the idea as evidenced by the national coverage of this topic.
Significantly, Jewish media interests, focused on the South African hospitals where circumcision is a common 'preventive,' ramped up their pro-circumcision agenda.
The Jewish god WHTZSNM could not be contacted for comment.
National Personal Infrastructure
I claim that Senator Harkin understands the sorry state of our national penis. I claim that Senator Harkin will propose a national goal of restoring our mutilated National Penis to its original state. I claim furthermore that Senator Harkin will move to prevent further Jewification of our national penis by proposing stringent rules regarding 'neo-natal circumcision' for 'health reasons.' Let me be very clear about this: I claim that the good senator will move to provide unlimited funds for 'foreskin restoration.' I claim that FR will become the right of all americans, and that unapproved neonatal circumcisions carry a penalty of four years in prison, except in those cases of Jewish mohels who circumcise Christians in which case the mandatory sentence is five years followed by death.
Call me stern. I accept that judgement.
Just said goodnight to Kootch at 1820L. We have a difficult time understanding each other even when I am sober, but drunk I seem to be a mystery. I reminded her that she can always turn me offy instantlyg the 'vampire sign' (index fingers formed in the shape of a cross).
Bafrolitonicous. Blogger went bonkers and I am unable to write this.
Rebuilding Infrastructure
Madoff's problem was that he solicited the wrong victims. Seems he ignored the Italians.
I'm 'winging it' this week, having spent most of my time researching my new job of STI. No C-III at all. Barf. I love C-III! This leaves me with a difficult task: how to entertain a sophisticated clientele on minimum drunken brainpower. I think I have solved that problem: infrastructure.
I refer of course to our next president, Barrak Obama. See if you agree with me:
President Obama (being gassed here) understands the current financial mileau: increasing unemployment, less tax revenue, falling real estate values, tanking stock market, deflation. And I could go on and on: Shades of the Great Depression of the '30s.
The fix seems to be to replace poofed funds: Print money. Reinflate. And The Fed is doing that. Printing presses are rolling. Inflation looms. But the really effective strategy is to put people to work creating wealth in the form of rebuilding aging infrastructure. Obama understands that. A reinflated currency is eventually justified by a more valuable America. Did I get that right?
But I know you and you know me: What about 'personal infrastructure?'
Do the American People have a 'personal infrastructure problem?' Yes! And what exactly is that personal infrastructure problem? The National Penis. We need to rebuild the National Penis. We need to rebuild the National Penis along with (for example) the national transportation system. Enter Senator Tom Harkin who has been designated as one of the 'in the know' lawmakers who understands the sorry state of the National Penis.
Religion is a Ponzi Scheme
I'm beginning a little early today due to a lethargic stock market and a lethargic brain. Yesterday (Christmas Day) was spectacular, brainwise, but today is a downer. 'Sleep' is, as usual, the defining factor. Interestingly, too much sleep can be a bad idea (for me at least) because when bedtime comes I am still wide awake, and as a result don't get enough sleep that night. True, you can solve that problem by sleeping late; but I have to contend with an insane stalker who can easily prevent such a solution. So I'm sleep-deprived at the moment. I will spare you the radiation details except to say that I spent 13 hours in bed the night before (Christmas Eve).
Nevertheless! I just finished reading last week's posts (for the first time) and am very satisfied with them. (I usually do a 'read' on Monday after a shot or a beer, but skipped it this time. The purpose of the 'read' is to correct any embarrassing drunken crap I might have written the previous Friday night.)
My new job of Idiot Stock Trader is going well so far, in the sense that my 'tuition fees' are minimal and most of my account money is still available for trading. I now own 200 shares of cheap stocks which are looking more and more like 'long term investments.' Barf.
I continue to be fascinated by the Madoff Matter, of course, because it demonstrates that Jews are people too. Really. And not only are Jews 'people,' Jews are people who have a sense of humor, and Madoff is the succinct example of that. Here is what I mean:
Italians stole the Jewish religion from the Jews. Those Italians later confirmed that the stolen religion was a very profitable venture. They then parlayed that stolen religion into a giant ponzi scheme which recruited billions of people, leaving the original inventors behind as historical victims.
Enter Madoff: He immediately recognized that fact. He wanted revenge. Jewish revenge. Sweet Jewish Revenge presented itself in the form of that old familiar Italian maneuver, in this particular case named after a son of Italy called 'Ponzi.' Madoff determined to out-Ponzi, Ponzi. And it worked for a while.
But Ponzi Schemes eventually fail.
Friday, December 19, 2008

A Sophisticated World View
Before I go on, valuable information here! As someone who has worked an entire lifetime to come up with a reasonable 'world view' I can recommend the above. Interestingly, Carl Sagan was a Jew. We watched Sagan's 'Cosmos' religiously back in the '80s: Me, Kootch, Kathy, and Jenny. I would often engage the girls in philosophy discussions on those occasions. They never went to church because Kootch and I were not 'believers.' They learned life lessons from us, not stupid ancient books. We were imperfect, of course, but much more perfect than those dumbass Jewish books. So far as I know, neither of them, and none of their children ever came to believe any Judeo-Christian nonsense. (But little do I know!) JF forces attacked me through them, and I have no idea nowadays whatever became of them in the 'spiritual sense.' (Or any other sense!) Did JF forces stop attacking them after we parted? I doubt it: It was 'us against them,' only we didn't know it. Kootch still doesn't know it. None of them know it, I'm sure. But I know it. That makes me delusional.
Link Dump
Time for a linkdump:
Can this be hope for people suffering from Tribal Memory Syndrome?
The 50 best cult books. I've read about ten of them.
Let the bodies hit the floor! Screwball religion in the 21st century. Gotta laugh at it.
A fascinating brain study of how perception/interpretation/experience changes with language.
Let there be Light. Whoa! Maybe I need to call Lucifer again.
Information for us Astronomy nuts.
Fascinating spoof of atomic physics. Play with it!
First Salvia trip. WTF?! Seems to be an extremely quick Acid trip. Still legal. I would never try it. Indeed, I would never even try another Acid trip in my current situation because my current set and setting would certainly produce a disaster. A total disaster.
I want to point out just before I publish this that the spaces between the various subjects above were not entered by me, but must have been entered by JF stalker forces.
A Job is a Job
My own money management has been going well this week, although I think I've lost the profits from my sale of F last week (haven't looked today). My strategy in this case will be that my most recent purchase will become a more or less long term investment if I am unable to make a profit in the near future. I think we 'bottomed' on November 21. I could be wrong, of course, but my reading of many stock charts convinces me for the time being. (1801L and I just checked in on Kootch. Still awake, but lights off...) This 'strategy' is available only because we are in such a down market, of course, and there is no way but up.
The ScotTrade site has excellent tools including streaming real time quotes and other stuff for folks who are ready and willing to 'pull the trigger' on this or that stock for a quick profit, but I am a low volume trader who is only 'nibbling at the bait' while I learn the business. Most of my money remains in cash, ready to pounce. But I want to clue you in on a valuable web resource for stock traders: Google Finance. Example: I want to see where my 100 shares of STX is, but I don't want to sign in to ScotTrade, so I consult Google Finance for STX: (Ratfuck. I'm still losing money.) I will be looking at STX again monday morning and will sell for a reasonable profit (hint, hint) and I am ready to commit more funds as indicated. (For what it's worth, I enjoy C-III much more than I enjoy my new hobby of 'stock trading idiot.' But what the heck, a job is a job.)
Schadenfreude Nation
It's been a very muddle-headed day so far in spite of the fact that I got enough sleep last light (I think). Things began going downhill Tuesday night:
(Bed at 2230. PRUB 2230-2330; HEAVY PRUB, IRFS 0430-0600) (Up at 0630).... (bed at 1915) (and I could go on and on...)
Tonight's beers will not improve things, of course, so get ready for a short one. Short and not so sweet.
The big news continues to be the bizarre case of Bernie Madoff, Jewish money guru, who bilked a bunch of trusting idiots out of 50 billion dollars. I've been enjoying this case all week, schadenfreudwise, as I watched it unfold on tv. The most interesting aspect of this case to me was that many of his victims were fellow tribemembers. Sort of reminds me of how many Jews did Hitler's dirty work in the Nazi concentration camps late in WWII. The lesson is that tribal interests are often secondary to personal interests. And pardon my simple-minded reasoning at this point, but I wonder how many Jews were convinced to trust Bernie Madoff based solely on the shape of his nose? (Naughty me!) (Oy vey!)
Here is a timely piece from MSNBC regarding this odorous subject, originally by Newsweek.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Enjoy Your Body!
Time to wrap this up. I will now finish my current booze, then eat our current fare. Kootch is asleep at 2225L. Beautiful. It seems to me at this time that I ought to transmit some sort of advice to you, my lovely and glorious pets. So here it is:
Enjoy your body! Love it and enjoy it!
The National Ponzi Scheme
Well, that was fun, but now it is time for me to make good on my promise of music. Lessee... Mozart! You can never go wrong with Mozart: Piano Concerto 21, 2nd movement.
Nor can you go wrong with Beethoven: Symphony #7. I love this too. Music enhances other life-experiences.
For what it's worth, my impression of the current economic catrastrophe is that it is the result of a giant 'Ponzi Scheme' which recently collapsed. The result is that 'trust' has evaporated. Monetary flow has come to a halt, and normal economic verities have lost credibility. We no longer trust 'the other.' In my opinion, the government needs to reinforce trust in critical sectors. Then (down the road) the government needs to regulate essential economic processes for the good of the nation such that Ponzi Schemes become less likely. Our national production capability should be preserved. We need to arrive at a balanced economy based on pragmatic rules.
Nothing else will work for America. Nothing else will work for Mankind. Greed needs to be put under the microscope. The Ten Commandments are obsolete, and should be abandoned. New commandments, appropriate to our modern world, should be formulated. The 'Ten Commandments' should be relegated to Myth.
We need to acknowlege that we understand each other, and that we don't like what we see.
Oscillation Leads to Celebration
Imagine me in a hospital or nursing home unable to attend to my urinary needs. I pee at inconvenient times. Authorities have decided to take control. They instigate the procedure outlined in the video in (2) below. It works, more or less. Satisfied with the result, the nurse (female, thank god) interviews me. She is very good looking.
nu: I am here to evaluate. We are interested in your take on the effectiveness of our most recent intervention. Will you agree to take this survey?
me: I will.
nu: Thank you. What is your overall impression of our performance?
me: Fair.
nu: Only fair? How can we improve our procedure?
me: I think you should begin with less equipment. This would result in savings.
nu: Noted. What else? What equipment should we eliminate?
me: The entire 'condom-tube' scenerio. It's obscene.
nu: That is your opinion.
me: Granted...
nu: Anything else?
me: Your procedure left out an important step, that of 'skinning back the penis.'
nu: Noted. Anything else?
me: Skinning it forward again.
nu: Noted.
me: And I would add, from a personal point of view, that it would not be a bad idea if the attending nurse repeated the procedure cyclically, once a week or so, depending on the age of the patient. Younger patients would need that procedure done more often.
nu: Do you mean, 'skin back, skin forward?'
me: At least once a week. Ideally, the nurse should oscillate the uncircumcised penis on those occasions, skinning it forward and back partially until the patient says, 'Enough!' Or 'Oh my god!' In the case of patients who are awake, the entire procedure could take less than five minutes. Older patients might require more time.
nu: Thank you for your input.
There are many other components to my life, of course. 24/7 harrassment is a relatively small slice of the pie. Birds, for example: recent snows have seen a migration of Tree Sparrows away from my patio feed bowl, probably toward more southern destinations. A few remain, however, apparently determined not to fly south. Lazy birds just like last year. I'll continue to feed them my specialty, PANKO. (Just had to blow my nose again at 1623 due to the constant nose gas.)
Whoa!!! I just signed into YouTube and found this video at the top of a short list of recommendations. No Mozart; no Beethoven; only a poorly animated video of how to collect urine from a (presumably) comatose male patient. The most interesting aspect of this video (to me) was that at times the dick in question seemed to have two eyes. Also, the penis was obviously mutilated in the traditional Judeo-American sense (circumcised). (1649L and I just got the 'could not contact Blogger' message again. I suspect cable interference from JF forces.) Hmm. I wonder how YouTube came to the conclusion that I was interested in the disposal of male urine. (Just checked up on Kootch at 1659L and she is watching her Soap and playing a video game.)
YouTube may need to redo their 'customer interest' algorithm.
Ok. I just watched the entire piece, and apparently 'comatose' is not a necessary condition because the 'nurse' must ask the patient how sHe did (another nose-blow at 1724). So I thought, 'How might I respond to such a question?'
Time for me to watch the news, but stay tuned...
Hello Again
The 'acid test' mentioned in (3) below produced excellent results, and so I am making it my 'booze night' procedure.
I apologize if you were offended by (5) below, but don't say I didn't warn you! Tonight's blog will be much less 'pornographic' (I think. That's the plan). Remind me to do a music link too.
'Plan' is problematic here because I have been devoting much of my 'spare time' to learning my new part-time job of stock trading: No C-III at all. Lots of CNBC and, of course, lots of time learning about my 'trading platform' (ScotTrade). Lots of 'stock list' research has produced a pool of stocks which seem interesting and appropriate, and I'll modify those lists from time to time. I am amazed by how much I don't know about the subject, despite my college class in 'Macro-Economics 101' back in the early '80s. And by the way, don't expect any stock 'recommendations' from me. I'm still a 'stock-trading idiot' until further notice. True, I made a little money when I sold F on monday... but what was really valuable there was the experience of 'having money at risk.' I found that emotion 'unpleasant but tolerable.'
My first trade (F) was what is called a 'swing trade:' hold the stock for two to five days before selling. I may also become a 'position trader:' hold the stock for as much as four to six weeks before selling. 'Day Trading' is not an option because I don't have enough money in the account, plus I have another life.
Speaking of which, here is the most recent 'radiation test dummy' report:
Bed at 2230 (Heavy PRUB, IRFS, MTRFL 2300-2400, 0430-0730, 1000-1030. Occasional gas and TCR.
The 'gas test dummy' report for that day is interesting because radiation was not mentioned:
Up at 0845.
1000 KT Nose runs when I stand.
(1100) BR 7,1 R burning
1126 KT 12, 1 R burning
1138 BR 10, 0 R burning
1340 LR 7, 2 R burning
1524 LR 1, 1 constant gas
1730 KT M M (no idea what this means)
1920 BR 6, 1 R burning
2010 LR 6, 2 burning (also rat-itch back of both lower legs)
2034 BP 96/53 p57
Friday, December 05, 2008
I Know You and You Know Me
Time to wrap this up. Nighty-night!
Softporn Universe
2122L and time to bid goodnight to my lovely and glorious fans. Be warned that the following links are 'pornographic' in some sense. NSFW! But these links are not 'Hardcore.' The following links are actually 'softcore.' I love softcore. Hardcore does not interest me at all. See if you agree with me:
Japanese Fountain. A bunch of girls arrange themselves into a circle, point their butts into the air, then pee on command. I love this softporn video. Astonishing!
Missle Launcher. This video is the gloriously beautiful visual story of a sexy young girl playing with a dildo. What a beautiful pussy!
Urination contest? My impression is that the female enjoys orgasm much more when she is urinating as she comes. I know for a fact that the male is unable to urinate and come simultaneously.
Amazing Orgasm. This is the most astonishing sexual video I have ever seen.
Lighter Than Air
Ten beers at 2030L. Two left. 'Inspiration' seems lacking. I need a kick. So I just poured a double hit of Canadian Mist. Whoa! I love Canada!
Nose dripping. Gas. Nose dripping usually happens when I stand up to get another Pepsi from the fridge, or when I go to the potty, or any other time I stand up. Nose dripping is probably a result of 'nose gas.' Low levels of nose gas result in nose dripping. High levels of nose gas produce violent sneezing, huge mucus production, and watering eyes. Nose gas is lighter than air. Most of the time I experience nose gas only after I stand up.
Buzzing my brains out at 2057! Doing another doubleshot of CM. Things will now go downhill rapidly.
2104: Doing another glass of CM and DP. And ice. Buzzing my brains out. Beautiful. Time for the last two beers.
Overcoming HCL
1921L and I am on a reasonably placid booze trip so far tonight. I just checked up on Kootch and found her already asleep. Before hitting the sack she whipped up a batch of sauteed onions and potatoes. Smelled yummy. Should go quite well with yesterday's leftovers.
I think I've solved the hydrochloric acid problem related to booze night. I was so determined to solve the problem, in fact, that I actually did an experiment: I dropped the contents of a capsule of Omeprazole into a glass of water at room temperature. I probed the little cylindrical entities (which had dropped to the bottom) with a sharp instrument. Solid. I waited, probing from hour to hour. Over the hours they became more malleable. Eventually, after 12 hours or so, they floated to the top. Ha! I eventually theorized that my acid problem was due to the fact that after 12 hours my defense had evaporated. The beer generated huge amounts of acid on an empty stomach (on top of six previous hours of caffine-containing Diet Pepsi) and midnight food generated the rest. I was an acid factory, generating enough acid to literally burn my sigmoid colon not to mention my butthole.
So. New procedure: do another 40 mg of Omeprazole before eating after boozing. Supplement with antacid liquids as seems appropriate. Tonight is the 'acid test' of the theory. I will report the results next week.
My Delusional Self Image
In other recent developments I just received my new driver license. Yuck. I'm even uglier on this one than I was on the last one. (I do not take a great mug shot, folks. O.J. does a much better job.) So I wondered: 'Why don't I see this in the mirror? In the mirror I see a handsome chubby old guy.' Today I re-checked my mirror image as I was shaving and, sure enough, I was a handsome chubby old guy, at least in the mirror. Amazing. Even amazinger, my 'self image' (in lieu of mirror) is that of a fit 45 year old sex god, a clearly delusional self image. (But WTF, I like it so I'll keep it.) BTW, two women smiled at me today as I was shopping. Glorious! If later tonight I had some Ganja and smoked it I am sure that the memories of those smiles would 'make my night.' The Booze-Ganja high is like that.
Just walked into the LR and they are talking about how Israel (300 nuclear weapons) might be planning a conventional attack on Iran's (zero nuclear weapons) nuclear facilities during these last days of the lame duck Bush administration. The idea is to prevent Iran from (maybe) developing nuclear weapons of their own. An Israeli-Iran war!? Alright! Should be fun to watch! Hmm. Maybe I'll buy up some defense stocks. Lessee...
My New Job
TGIF again, and after a week or so of 'working' I am ready to relax with some booze 'n blog. The 'work' consisted of opening a stock trading account, then beginning a course of study of 'the stock market in action' using the web (mostly and my tv sets. I also have a 'potty book' about stock trading which I refer to from time to time but have not actually read yet. This is typical 'me' who prefers to read the directions only as a last resort. By Thursday I was ready to make my first move: F: 100 shares. Within minutes of my purchase F took a nose dive, and last I looked I was down about 30 bucks. Barf. I explained to Kootch that I was 'paying tuition' on a course in stock trading 101. She suggested companies which produce food: 'Everybody's gotta eat.' Hmm! Maybe she's not so dumb after all...
So now I am learning a new emotion, the feeling of 'stock trading idiot.' It's not all that bad, actually, since I limited my first purchase to 100 shares. Maybe I'll read the book... Nawwww. Not yet. Good thing I didn't buy a thousand shares? I think. Maybe. Maybe not.