Friday, December 12, 2008


Hello Again

The 'acid test' mentioned in (3) below produced excellent results, and so I am making it my 'booze night' procedure.
I apologize if you were offended by (5) below, but don't say I didn't warn you! Tonight's blog will be much less 'pornographic' (I think. That's the plan). Remind me to do a music link too.
'Plan' is problematic here because I have been devoting much of my 'spare time' to learning my new part-time job of stock trading: No C-III at all. Lots of CNBC and, of course, lots of time learning about my 'trading platform' (ScotTrade). Lots of 'stock list' research has produced a pool of stocks which seem interesting and appropriate, and I'll modify those lists from time to time. I am amazed by how much I don't know about the subject, despite my college class in 'Macro-Economics 101' back in the early '80s. And by the way, don't expect any stock 'recommendations' from me. I'm still a 'stock-trading idiot' until further notice. True, I made a little money when I sold F on monday... but what was really valuable there was the experience of 'having money at risk.' I found that emotion 'unpleasant but tolerable.'
My first trade (F) was what is called a 'swing trade:' hold the stock for two to five days before selling. I may also become a 'position trader:' hold the stock for as much as four to six weeks before selling. 'Day Trading' is not an option because I don't have enough money in the account, plus I have another life.
Speaking of which, here is the most recent 'radiation test dummy' report:
Bed at 2230 (Heavy PRUB, IRFS, MTRFL 2300-2400, 0430-0730, 1000-1030. Occasional gas and TCR.
The 'gas test dummy' report for that day is interesting because radiation was not mentioned:
Up at 0845.
1000 KT Nose runs when I stand.
(1100) BR 7,1 R burning
1126 KT 12, 1 R burning
1138 BR 10, 0 R burning
1340 LR 7, 2 R burning
1524 LR 1, 1 constant gas
1730 KT M M (no idea what this means)
1920 BR 6, 1 R burning
2010 LR 6, 2 burning (also rat-itch back of both lower legs)
2034 BP 96/53 p57
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