Friday, December 19, 2008


A Sophisticated World View

Before I go on, valuable information here! As someone who has worked an entire lifetime to come up with a reasonable 'world view' I can recommend the above. Interestingly, Carl Sagan was a Jew. We watched Sagan's 'Cosmos' religiously back in the '80s: Me, Kootch, Kathy, and Jenny. I would often engage the girls in philosophy discussions on those occasions. They never went to church because Kootch and I were not 'believers.' They learned life lessons from us, not stupid ancient books. We were imperfect, of course, but much more perfect than those dumbass Jewish books. So far as I know, neither of them, and none of their children ever came to believe any Judeo-Christian nonsense. (But little do I know!) JF forces attacked me through them, and I have no idea nowadays whatever became of them in the 'spiritual sense.' (Or any other sense!) Did JF forces stop attacking them after we parted? I doubt it: It was 'us against them,' only we didn't know it. Kootch still doesn't know it. None of them know it, I'm sure. But I know it. That makes me delusional.
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