Friday, December 26, 2008


Rebuilding Infrastructure

Madoff's problem was that he solicited the wrong victims. Seems he ignored the Italians.
I'm 'winging it' this week, having spent most of my time researching my new job of STI. No C-III at all. Barf. I love C-III! This leaves me with a difficult task: how to entertain a sophisticated clientele on minimum drunken brainpower. I think I have solved that problem: infrastructure.
I refer of course to our next president, Barrak Obama. See if you agree with me:
President Obama (being gassed here) understands the current financial mileau: increasing unemployment, less tax revenue, falling real estate values, tanking stock market, deflation. And I could go on and on: Shades of the Great Depression of the '30s.
The fix seems to be to replace poofed funds: Print money. Reinflate. And The Fed is doing that. Printing presses are rolling. Inflation looms. But the really effective strategy is to put people to work creating wealth in the form of rebuilding aging infrastructure. Obama understands that. A reinflated currency is eventually justified by a more valuable America. Did I get that right?
But I know you and you know me: What about 'personal infrastructure?'
Do the American People have a 'personal infrastructure problem?' Yes! And what exactly is that personal infrastructure problem? The National Penis. We need to rebuild the National Penis. We need to rebuild the National Penis along with (for example) the national transportation system. Enter Senator Tom Harkin who has been designated as one of the 'in the know' lawmakers who understands the sorry state of the National Penis.
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