Friday, December 12, 2008


The National Ponzi Scheme

Well, that was fun, but now it is time for me to make good on my promise of music. Lessee... Mozart! You can never go wrong with Mozart: Piano Concerto 21, 2nd movement.
Nor can you go wrong with Beethoven: Symphony #7. I love this too. Music enhances other life-experiences.
For what it's worth, my impression of the current economic catrastrophe is that it is the result of a giant 'Ponzi Scheme' which recently collapsed. The result is that 'trust' has evaporated. Monetary flow has come to a halt, and normal economic verities have lost credibility. We no longer trust 'the other.' In my opinion, the government needs to reinforce trust in critical sectors. Then (down the road) the government needs to regulate essential economic processes for the good of the nation such that Ponzi Schemes become less likely. Our national production capability should be preserved. We need to arrive at a balanced economy based on pragmatic rules.
Nothing else will work for America. Nothing else will work for Mankind. Greed needs to be put under the microscope. The Ten Commandments are obsolete, and should be abandoned. New commandments, appropriate to our modern world, should be formulated. The 'Ten Commandments' should be relegated to Myth.
We need to acknowlege that we understand each other, and that we don't like what we see.
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