Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Stay Tuned!
As you can see, I lost control of my blog (below) formatwise. Judeofaggot forces entered my blog without permission and added unwanted spaces. It was a demonstration of 'control,' a typical stalker objective. I have formed the hypothesis that if I do not abandon the 'create' function I can retain control until I publish. Only then. Therefore I will henceforth write my blog entries as a single 'gulp,' paying no attention to formatting. I will continue my conversation with Jesus next time, my plan being to introduce Jesus to the glorious spectrum of Human Sexuality.
I predict that Jesus will turn out to be a heterosexual who nevertheless understands the homosexual point of view and applauds it.
Jesus is, of course, a virgin and will remain so for the forseeable future. Jesus is, furthermore, anorgasmic. My intention is to acquaint Jesus with masturbation. Will my plan work? And if so, how will that affect my relations with His Father, WHTZSNM?
Stay tuned!
(update: I made the necessary format corrections Saturday afternoon (08-30-08) after bracing myself with a shot of Canadian Mist and a Natural Light. The booze was (as usual) a pleasant prelude to reading The Forgotten, and increased the fun of it. But now I'm wondering what to do with Jesus... Hmm.)
As you can see, I lost control of my blog (below) formatwise. Judeofaggot forces entered my blog without permission and added unwanted spaces. It was a demonstration of 'control,' a typical stalker objective. I have formed the hypothesis that if I do not abandon the 'create' function I can retain control until I publish. Only then. Therefore I will henceforth write my blog entries as a single 'gulp,' paying no attention to formatting. I will continue my conversation with Jesus next time, my plan being to introduce Jesus to the glorious spectrum of Human Sexuality.
I predict that Jesus will turn out to be a heterosexual who nevertheless understands the homosexual point of view and applauds it.
Jesus is, of course, a virgin and will remain so for the forseeable future. Jesus is, furthermore, anorgasmic. My intention is to acquaint Jesus with masturbation. Will my plan work? And if so, how will that affect my relations with His Father, WHTZSNM?
Stay tuned!
(update: I made the necessary format corrections Saturday afternoon (08-30-08) after bracing myself with a shot of Canadian Mist and a Natural Light. The booze was (as usual) a pleasant prelude to reading The Forgotten, and increased the fun of it. But now I'm wondering what to do with Jesus... Hmm.)
Talking With Jesus: The Beginning
Toward that end I dialed 123 on the brown telephone, expecting much static. I was quite surprised, therefore, when Jesus' voice came back to me loud and clear:
js: Hello?
me: Me again. You busy?
js: Doing push-ups, keeping warm. You were right.
me: You in the mood for a revelation?
js: Is the pope catholic?
me: Does the subject of sex bother you?
js: Not at all. Simple: either-or. Everybody knows that.
me: Not so simple. Ever heard of pussy?
js: Uh... no.
me: Sex? Ever heard of sex?
je: Either-or.
me: Fornication?
js: Fornication! Now you're getting interesting!
me: Do you have a problem with discussing fornication?
js: Not at all. Please continue.
me: Fornication is sin.
js: Theoretically. You need to qualify your judgements in that regard. An unproven hypothesis is worthless. Keep to the facts, please.
Toward that end I dialed 123 on the brown telephone, expecting much static. I was quite surprised, therefore, when Jesus' voice came back to me loud and clear:
js: Hello?
me: Me again. You busy?
js: Doing push-ups, keeping warm. You were right.
me: You in the mood for a revelation?
js: Is the pope catholic?
me: Does the subject of sex bother you?
js: Not at all. Simple: either-or. Everybody knows that.
me: Not so simple. Ever heard of pussy?
js: Uh... no.
me: Sex? Ever heard of sex?
je: Either-or.
me: Fornication?
js: Fornication! Now you're getting interesting!
me: Do you have a problem with discussing fornication?
js: Not at all. Please continue.
me: Fornication is sin.
js: Theoretically. You need to qualify your judgements in that regard. An unproven hypothesis is worthless. Keep to the facts, please.
The Business End...

Continuing with our theme for this week I offer the amazing photo to our right, the substance of which you could never find in a Sears Catalog. Blue continues as the thematic color. Red will surface next week.
Do you see this amazing view of The Female as 'beautiful?' I do. But what would Jesus think?
I pose this question as a testable idea, because I have Jesus' number, and I know that next week the Republicans would be totally aghast by such a scenerio. You Democrats, on the other hand, are somewhat less critical of outrageous themes, and so I pose the question to you: would this photograph offend Jesus?
I am convinced that Republicans would unamimously condemn the said photo, whereas you Democrats would be divided, as usual, the reason being that you are a much more diverse bunch. It remains for Jesus Himself to answer the question.
Now is the Time...
Bill Clinton is speaking as I write this. I am getting it on both TiVo and DVD. But time flies when you're doing booze: Write now! is the mantra. Only the now exists. Past and future are imaginations, confabulations, memories. Now is the time...
I love the fact that an 'African-American' has been nominated by the Democrats. This fact will have far-reaching consequences, not the least of which will be the demonstration to AAs who have tended to wallow in unfortunate tribal memories that Obama Made it! Therefore there is no existential excuse for their failures. The 'playing field' is not very steep any more. They need to shape up or ship out (to Africa). They need to take cues from Mexican Wetbacks who know prime real estate when they see it. They need to assimilate. Sooner is better.
(Naughty me. I can be so very simplistic now and then!)
Women can wait, as usual.
But I predict that a woman will soon grace our National Stage again, and that will be a lesson as telling as Obama's racial lesson: that lesson will be another worldwide lesson to wierdos who think that only sexually mutilated males are fit to lead, and that women are inferior because god is male.
The fact of the matter is that god is female. prove me wrong if you can.
Bill Clinton is speaking as I write this. I am getting it on both TiVo and DVD. But time flies when you're doing booze: Write now! is the mantra. Only the now exists. Past and future are imaginations, confabulations, memories. Now is the time...
I love the fact that an 'African-American' has been nominated by the Democrats. This fact will have far-reaching consequences, not the least of which will be the demonstration to AAs who have tended to wallow in unfortunate tribal memories that Obama Made it! Therefore there is no existential excuse for their failures. The 'playing field' is not very steep any more. They need to shape up or ship out (to Africa). They need to take cues from Mexican Wetbacks who know prime real estate when they see it. They need to assimilate. Sooner is better.
(Naughty me. I can be so very simplistic now and then!)
Women can wait, as usual.
But I predict that a woman will soon grace our National Stage again, and that will be a lesson as telling as Obama's racial lesson: that lesson will be another worldwide lesson to wierdos who think that only sexually mutilated males are fit to lead, and that women are inferior because god is male.
The fact of the matter is that god is female. prove me wrong if you can.
A Very Interesting Woman
Been watching much of the Democratic Convention, of course, between sessions of C-III and web surfing. Whoa! Just checked the LR tv sets at 1700L and Obama has been nominated by acclamation! Historic moment! Watched ABC News 1730-1800 and they had a rerun of the historic events. Amazing. I will revisit the LR from time to time, of course.
I recently experienced a revelation concerning human gullibility, and the 'test subject' in this case was Kootch. Here is the scenerio: I had left the picture of the nurse in blue panties (below) up on my computer screen (in order to irritate electronic eavesdroppers) while I watched the national newscasts. At some point I was moved to play a joke on Kootch, who, at the time, was watching channel nine and Japanese tv on her two tv sets while playing a video game on her computer. I brought her to the door of my bedroom and showed her the screen. I told her the story outlined in my blog to the effect that it was a photo of my new PCP from my position on the waiting room floor. I expected her to laugh at the joke. Instead, she believed my story! Kootch said, 'She is gonna be pissed!' Kootch has never read my blog, but she knows that it exists. I'm wondering why she thought that Kaiser personnel were reading it. Very strange. I don't know what to think about that.
My first reaction was that Kootch was so used to me telling her the truth - (the last time I lied to her in a very big way was when I said something like, 'I did not have sex with that woman!' way back in the early '70s) - that she was totally conditioned to believe me after all those years. That is an understandable reaction. Kootch believes me because I always tell her the truth. The problem is that Kootch projects my truthfulness onto others, especially 'persons of power.' Thus Kootch can 'believe' a dumbass Jewish 'psychiatrist' who tells her that I am 'delusional!'
I told Kootch that she is 'a very interesting woman.'
Do you always tell your children 'the truth?' That might be a very bad idea. A better idea might be to challenge their credulity from time to time in order to better prepare them for the Real World.
Been watching much of the Democratic Convention, of course, between sessions of C-III and web surfing. Whoa! Just checked the LR tv sets at 1700L and Obama has been nominated by acclamation! Historic moment! Watched ABC News 1730-1800 and they had a rerun of the historic events. Amazing. I will revisit the LR from time to time, of course.
I recently experienced a revelation concerning human gullibility, and the 'test subject' in this case was Kootch. Here is the scenerio: I had left the picture of the nurse in blue panties (below) up on my computer screen (in order to irritate electronic eavesdroppers) while I watched the national newscasts. At some point I was moved to play a joke on Kootch, who, at the time, was watching channel nine and Japanese tv on her two tv sets while playing a video game on her computer. I brought her to the door of my bedroom and showed her the screen. I told her the story outlined in my blog to the effect that it was a photo of my new PCP from my position on the waiting room floor. I expected her to laugh at the joke. Instead, she believed my story! Kootch said, 'She is gonna be pissed!' Kootch has never read my blog, but she knows that it exists. I'm wondering why she thought that Kaiser personnel were reading it. Very strange. I don't know what to think about that.
My first reaction was that Kootch was so used to me telling her the truth - (the last time I lied to her in a very big way was when I said something like, 'I did not have sex with that woman!' way back in the early '70s) - that she was totally conditioned to believe me after all those years. That is an understandable reaction. Kootch believes me because I always tell her the truth. The problem is that Kootch projects my truthfulness onto others, especially 'persons of power.' Thus Kootch can 'believe' a dumbass Jewish 'psychiatrist' who tells her that I am 'delusional!'
I told Kootch that she is 'a very interesting woman.'
Do you always tell your children 'the truth?' That might be a very bad idea. A better idea might be to challenge their credulity from time to time in order to better prepare them for the Real World.
I, Radiation Test Dummy
'If you feel good, do it' is my excuse for showing up again early. Last night's EMR log reads: (Light TCR, occ. gas, Rad 0300-0500, 0700-0830). Obviously I got enough sleep (2240-0830). Before leaving the depressing subject of EMR harrassment I want to revisit TCR. It is my duty as a Radiation Test Dummy to report this stuff: The night of 8-24-8 was a night devoted almost exclusively to TCR. Heavy TCR. Such nights are somewhat unusual but not exactly rare. Next morning as I sat on the couch watching tv I was still feeling the effects. I seemed to have a 'TCR hangover.' My upper body seemed to still be vibrating at the same frequency as the previous night, the difference being that the vibrations were only about ten percent as strong. I had noticed this effect before and had attributed it to a 'hangover effect.' But was it really? So, in something of a scientific mood I moved to the other side of the couch. Same feeling. I moved to the chair near the tv set. Same thing. I went to the bedroom and sat in the chair next to the computer. Same thing. I concluded that the sensation was indeed a 'hangover effect' and not more TCR. Question: how long will it last? As I sat there on the couch watching tv I made it a point to periodically estimate the 'hangover intensity.' My log reads:
Up at 0845 BP 127/66 p54
0904 LR TCR or? (late entry:) TCR hangover until
0927 rat itch R foot
0959 LR TCR Hangover almost gone
1040 BP 125/69 P50 - nose running
1055 TCR H gone? ----> BR
The 'hangover effect' declined in intensity over a period of about two hours to the point where it was no longer detectable. Do any of you neurologists out there have an explanation for this apparent effect?
Yours truly,
Your Radiation Test Dummy
'If you feel good, do it' is my excuse for showing up again early. Last night's EMR log reads: (Light TCR, occ. gas, Rad 0300-0500, 0700-0830). Obviously I got enough sleep (2240-0830). Before leaving the depressing subject of EMR harrassment I want to revisit TCR. It is my duty as a Radiation Test Dummy to report this stuff: The night of 8-24-8 was a night devoted almost exclusively to TCR. Heavy TCR. Such nights are somewhat unusual but not exactly rare. Next morning as I sat on the couch watching tv I was still feeling the effects. I seemed to have a 'TCR hangover.' My upper body seemed to still be vibrating at the same frequency as the previous night, the difference being that the vibrations were only about ten percent as strong. I had noticed this effect before and had attributed it to a 'hangover effect.' But was it really? So, in something of a scientific mood I moved to the other side of the couch. Same feeling. I moved to the chair near the tv set. Same thing. I went to the bedroom and sat in the chair next to the computer. Same thing. I concluded that the sensation was indeed a 'hangover effect' and not more TCR. Question: how long will it last? As I sat there on the couch watching tv I made it a point to periodically estimate the 'hangover intensity.' My log reads:
Up at 0845 BP 127/66 p54
0904 LR TCR or? (late entry:) TCR hangover until
0927 rat itch R foot
0959 LR TCR Hangover almost gone
1040 BP 125/69 P50 - nose running
1055 TCR H gone? ----> BR
The 'hangover effect' declined in intensity over a period of about two hours to the point where it was no longer detectable. Do any of you neurologists out there have an explanation for this apparent effect?
Yours truly,
Your Radiation Test Dummy
Friday, August 22, 2008
Do you Like Blue?

Given my recent consternations concerning my beloved HMO I thought it only appropriate to pose this lovely young lady as a surrogate for my imaginary next PCP. Here is the scenerio:
I was waiting in the waiting room. The impending appointment caused my blood pressure to go up. (That is a well-known phenemonon called, 'White Coat Syndrome.') As appointment time approached, my BP rose higher and higher. I adjusted to the rise as usual, steeling myself against the increased pressure, stiffening all artery walls as necessary.
The crisis came when my prospective new Kaiser PCP suddenly appeared instead of the usual nurse, who had called in sick. She introduced herself as Doctor Pussimus Maximus, and that she was ready for me immediately. She smiled.
As a result, my circulatory system suddenly deflated pressurewise, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure. I became dizzy and disoriented, eventually collapsing in the middle of the waiting room floor.
Doctor Maximus instantly diagnosed my problem as a sudden loss of blood pressure, and made the decision to increase said blood pressure by obvious means.
She had only a few seconds before I sank into unconsciousness, but she got it in just in time.
'Do you like blue?' she said as she bent over just above me, smiling.
Are You a Hippie?
(Just checked on Kootch again. Denver is losing 7-3. Her fans are blowing air in. It's chilly in there.)
The big news in Denver nowadays is, of course, the Democratic Convention. Glorious! Denver is about to cook up one very esoteric political dish! (By the way, I should mention that I have not been suffering from the effects of EMR since I began this iteration of my blog!) I will stay glued to my three tv sets, of course, for the next five or six days! Two of them are pretty much dedicated to CNN and MSNBC. I use the third one to roam the channels. I am one informed muthafuka!
Linkdump time:
How to teach science to the Pope. I love this article because it illustrates how cultural blending occurs, to our collective benefit. Looong. Get coffee and sandwich first.
Awareness. Who and/or what has it? Very interesting. Do you have it?
Why LSD is good for your brain. I used to think that my chess game improved as a result of study, but I always suspected LSD even though that proposition seemed preposterous.
Acid tale.
The Periodic Table of Videos. I've only watched the Sodium video. Sodium is a metal which floats on water. You can cut it with a knife. It is an extremely violent chemical which combines with another extremely violent chemical, Chlorine to produce NACL, table salt.
Getting a grip on religion.
Five scientific theories which will make your head explode.
Are you a hippie? I am.
(Just checked on Kootch again. Denver is losing 7-3. Her fans are blowing air in. It's chilly in there.)
The big news in Denver nowadays is, of course, the Democratic Convention. Glorious! Denver is about to cook up one very esoteric political dish! (By the way, I should mention that I have not been suffering from the effects of EMR since I began this iteration of my blog!) I will stay glued to my three tv sets, of course, for the next five or six days! Two of them are pretty much dedicated to CNN and MSNBC. I use the third one to roam the channels. I am one informed muthafuka!
Linkdump time:
How to teach science to the Pope. I love this article because it illustrates how cultural blending occurs, to our collective benefit. Looong. Get coffee and sandwich first.
Awareness. Who and/or what has it? Very interesting. Do you have it?
Why LSD is good for your brain. I used to think that my chess game improved as a result of study, but I always suspected LSD even though that proposition seemed preposterous.
Acid tale.
The Periodic Table of Videos. I've only watched the Sodium video. Sodium is a metal which floats on water. You can cut it with a knife. It is an extremely violent chemical which combines with another extremely violent chemical, Chlorine to produce NACL, table salt.
Getting a grip on religion.
Five scientific theories which will make your head explode.
Are you a hippie? I am.
EMR Lesson
Some background may help you understand this phenomenon: Peripheral nerve fibers are of two basic types: sensory and motor. Sensory nerves sense 'incoming data' and motor nerves drive muscle cells to 'contract.' Sensory nerves are located mostly on the skin and in the other sense organs (eyes, ears, tongue, etc), whereas motor nerves are connected to muscles and are responsible for movement. You know that. The problem is that EMR can stimulate both types of nerves to 'fire.'
But in order to have that effect the EMR 'density' must be HUGE. Your cell phone will not tickle your scalp, the signal is way too small. Power lines will not give you a 60 cycle buzz, not enough EMR. (I just checked on Kootch: she is doing Sudoku while waiting for the Bronco game to begin.)
But on the other hand a microwave oven will roast you, because the EMR Density inside a microwave oven is HUGE. EMR simply cannot be experienced unless it is of sufficient density.
It is difficult to generate the necessary density in normal circumstances. You can rest your head against your tv set but you will feel nothing, because the EMR density is low. In order to produce the necessary EMR density you must amplify the source.
I could go on and on, of course, but this is not an electronics lesson. I think that the form of amplification in this case is 'beaming.' That is to say that an extremely strong EMR source of the proper frequency is being beamed by appropriately-sized and shaped antennas. That beam easily penetrates walls, floors and ceilings which do not contain metal. That radiation is absorbed by little ole me. The result is that my surface nerves are stimulated by the radiation. Sensory nerves respond painfully. Motor nerves respond by generating muscle contractions. Those contractions are then detected by adjacent sensory nerves. Thus, SCRS (Skin Crawling Radiation, Scrotum) causes fine muscle contractions in the scrotum which are then detected by adjacent sensory nerves, and reported to the sensory cortex. PR (Pricking Radiation) may be a pain response; IR (Itching Radiation) is a sensory response, and TR (Tingling Radiation) is probably caused by very small muscle contractions which are detected by nearby sensory nerves.
TCR (Teeth Chattering Radiation) seems to be in a class by itself in that it seems to affect mostly muscle structures far below the skin's surface. Corresponding sensory nerves report the contractions, of course, but the difference is that TCR is a deep structure phenomenon. My conjecture is that TCR represents a 'deep penetration' aspect of EMR, probably attributable to a large change in the fundamental frequency. It would seem to follow that TCR is the most dangerous form given its penetrating power, and why it is always present at night, luring me to sleep. Could this explain why I sometimes wake up with a slight headache on the left side? Does TCR irritate my left sinus cavities, given that I spend most of the night sleeping on my left side? I think so.
Prove me wrong if you can.
Some background may help you understand this phenomenon: Peripheral nerve fibers are of two basic types: sensory and motor. Sensory nerves sense 'incoming data' and motor nerves drive muscle cells to 'contract.' Sensory nerves are located mostly on the skin and in the other sense organs (eyes, ears, tongue, etc), whereas motor nerves are connected to muscles and are responsible for movement. You know that. The problem is that EMR can stimulate both types of nerves to 'fire.'
But in order to have that effect the EMR 'density' must be HUGE. Your cell phone will not tickle your scalp, the signal is way too small. Power lines will not give you a 60 cycle buzz, not enough EMR. (I just checked on Kootch: she is doing Sudoku while waiting for the Bronco game to begin.)
But on the other hand a microwave oven will roast you, because the EMR Density inside a microwave oven is HUGE. EMR simply cannot be experienced unless it is of sufficient density.
It is difficult to generate the necessary density in normal circumstances. You can rest your head against your tv set but you will feel nothing, because the EMR density is low. In order to produce the necessary EMR density you must amplify the source.
I could go on and on, of course, but this is not an electronics lesson. I think that the form of amplification in this case is 'beaming.' That is to say that an extremely strong EMR source of the proper frequency is being beamed by appropriately-sized and shaped antennas. That beam easily penetrates walls, floors and ceilings which do not contain metal. That radiation is absorbed by little ole me. The result is that my surface nerves are stimulated by the radiation. Sensory nerves respond painfully. Motor nerves respond by generating muscle contractions. Those contractions are then detected by adjacent sensory nerves. Thus, SCRS (Skin Crawling Radiation, Scrotum) causes fine muscle contractions in the scrotum which are then detected by adjacent sensory nerves, and reported to the sensory cortex. PR (Pricking Radiation) may be a pain response; IR (Itching Radiation) is a sensory response, and TR (Tingling Radiation) is probably caused by very small muscle contractions which are detected by nearby sensory nerves.
TCR (Teeth Chattering Radiation) seems to be in a class by itself in that it seems to affect mostly muscle structures far below the skin's surface. Corresponding sensory nerves report the contractions, of course, but the difference is that TCR is a deep structure phenomenon. My conjecture is that TCR represents a 'deep penetration' aspect of EMR, probably attributable to a large change in the fundamental frequency. It would seem to follow that TCR is the most dangerous form given its penetrating power, and why it is always present at night, luring me to sleep. Could this explain why I sometimes wake up with a slight headache on the left side? Does TCR irritate my left sinus cavities, given that I spend most of the night sleeping on my left side? I think so.
Prove me wrong if you can.
NSEMR as a Weapon
Right on schedule for TGIF Day, but a day late given my recent blog history. I would have done this yesterday but for what I will call, 'excessive NSEMR' the night before last. (I was really happy to see that you missed me! I love you too!)
'NSEMR' stands for, 'Nerve Stimulation (by) ElectroMagnetic Radiation.' After three hours or so of sleep I faced the day (yesterday) convinced that there would be no boozing and no blog. I got through it with ass dragging, determined to do it (this blog) today no matter what. I hit the sack at 6 PM. I could literally hear (as well as feel) the massive TCR (Teeth-Chattering Radiation) as soon as my head hit the pillow. TCR is like a vibrating bed: Muscles in the jaw, face, and neck contract in unison to the ambient electromagnetic dance. Sleep is not a problem with TCR. It can lull you to sleep if only you can put aside the fact that your body is being subjected to massive doses of unfriendly radiation. I do it by way of necessity of course, convinced that my thick Irish skull protects my small Irish brain from the worst of the radiation.
The other forms of radiation are somewhat less 'user-friendly.' SRF (Stinging Radiation, Feet) is a case in point. This form usually manifests as a sudden violent stinging in a toe or other part of the foot. It is the most common form of SR.
Working our way up, SRL (Stinging Radiation, Leg) manifests as a sudden stinging sensation in one or the other leg. Stinging is always limited to a small area less than a square inch in diameter. (Interestingly, I have never observed Stinging Radiation in more that one place at the same time.)
I don't remember any cases of SRB (Stinging Radiation, Body); However there have been numerous cases of SRE (Stinging Radiation, Eye). Apparently, the moisture in the eyes is heated up by the radiation, resulting in a sudden violent stinging sensation. This form manifests almost exclusively in bed at night.
Other manifestations of NSEMR are, SCR (Skin-Crawling Ratiation), MTR (Muscle Twitching Radiation), PR (Pricking Radiation), IR (Itching Radiation), and TR (Tingling Radiation).
Right on schedule for TGIF Day, but a day late given my recent blog history. I would have done this yesterday but for what I will call, 'excessive NSEMR' the night before last. (I was really happy to see that you missed me! I love you too!)
'NSEMR' stands for, 'Nerve Stimulation (by) ElectroMagnetic Radiation.' After three hours or so of sleep I faced the day (yesterday) convinced that there would be no boozing and no blog. I got through it with ass dragging, determined to do it (this blog) today no matter what. I hit the sack at 6 PM. I could literally hear (as well as feel) the massive TCR (Teeth-Chattering Radiation) as soon as my head hit the pillow. TCR is like a vibrating bed: Muscles in the jaw, face, and neck contract in unison to the ambient electromagnetic dance. Sleep is not a problem with TCR. It can lull you to sleep if only you can put aside the fact that your body is being subjected to massive doses of unfriendly radiation. I do it by way of necessity of course, convinced that my thick Irish skull protects my small Irish brain from the worst of the radiation.
The other forms of radiation are somewhat less 'user-friendly.' SRF (Stinging Radiation, Feet) is a case in point. This form usually manifests as a sudden violent stinging in a toe or other part of the foot. It is the most common form of SR.
Working our way up, SRL (Stinging Radiation, Leg) manifests as a sudden stinging sensation in one or the other leg. Stinging is always limited to a small area less than a square inch in diameter. (Interestingly, I have never observed Stinging Radiation in more that one place at the same time.)
I don't remember any cases of SRB (Stinging Radiation, Body); However there have been numerous cases of SRE (Stinging Radiation, Eye). Apparently, the moisture in the eyes is heated up by the radiation, resulting in a sudden violent stinging sensation. This form manifests almost exclusively in bed at night.
Other manifestations of NSEMR are, SCR (Skin-Crawling Ratiation), MTR (Muscle Twitching Radiation), PR (Pricking Radiation), IR (Itching Radiation), and TR (Tingling Radiation).
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sock it to Me

Which brings us to my final post for tonight. The glorious yum-yum to our (non-political) right is obviously quite beautiful. But you wonder about her socks. Right? Apparently she is an iteration of 'Japanese Schoolgirl,' which sexually iconoc image demands big white socks. It's a cultural sexual thing... in Japan.
I am a Dangerous Man
A conspiracy becomes complex as the number of members increases. That complexity is exponential, not linear. And that, folks, is the 'Jewish problem.'
Which brings us to tonight's 'link dump:'
Like son, like father.
Remarkable Silences.
The sexual rage behind Islamic terror.
I present the above links as a kind of revenge on Kaiser Permante, my HMO. I wonder how much money KP would lose in one year if infant sexual mutilation (circumcision) became illegal on January 1, 2009. Any estimates?
I don't involve myself with that sort of thing, of course, being a 'generalist,' and a lazy one at that. And I really have no emotional bent against KP. Not at all. My quarrel is with individuals. I have no quarrel with KP as an organization - other than KP's obvious policy of continued routine infant sexual mutilation as 'cultural norm.' 'Cultural norm' indeed! (Oops. Published accidentally, then unpublished.)
The key to my 'attack' is my age: I am o-o-o-l-d. Seventy three. I will die soon. Judeo-faggot forces can not intimidate me at my advanced age! Social Security is my sole income, and I manage quite well with that while living with Kootch. My only vulnerability (aside from my physical vulnerabilities) is my psychological state. The Judeo-faggot problem is that I am very psychologically solid, and unlikely to 'melt down' in the current mileau.
But my most valuable asset is this blog (and my other blogs).
It is my blogs which make me a dangerous man.
A conspiracy becomes complex as the number of members increases. That complexity is exponential, not linear. And that, folks, is the 'Jewish problem.'
Which brings us to tonight's 'link dump:'
Like son, like father.
Remarkable Silences.
The sexual rage behind Islamic terror.
I present the above links as a kind of revenge on Kaiser Permante, my HMO. I wonder how much money KP would lose in one year if infant sexual mutilation (circumcision) became illegal on January 1, 2009. Any estimates?
I don't involve myself with that sort of thing, of course, being a 'generalist,' and a lazy one at that. And I really have no emotional bent against KP. Not at all. My quarrel is with individuals. I have no quarrel with KP as an organization - other than KP's obvious policy of continued routine infant sexual mutilation as 'cultural norm.' 'Cultural norm' indeed! (Oops. Published accidentally, then unpublished.)
The key to my 'attack' is my age: I am o-o-o-l-d. Seventy three. I will die soon. Judeo-faggot forces can not intimidate me at my advanced age! Social Security is my sole income, and I manage quite well with that while living with Kootch. My only vulnerability (aside from my physical vulnerabilities) is my psychological state. The Judeo-faggot problem is that I am very psychologically solid, and unlikely to 'melt down' in the current mileau.
But my most valuable asset is this blog (and my other blogs).
It is my blogs which make me a dangerous man.
Conjecturetime Again...
The situation with Kaiser became deliciously complex today with a series of phone calls, beginning with Kootch's announcement, 'Kaiser wants to talk to you on the phone.' I said, 'oh goodie!' The time was about 1150. I answered the phone. The caller was a female named, 'Deshisha.' She advised me that (Dr. Anna) had filed a complaint against me on July 2, concerning my last visit with her on June 25, and that due to a heavy workload, Kaiser was only now, on August the fucking 14th, making me aware of that 'fact.' (Blogger seems to be no longer working properly at 18:13 - but ok at 18:17) She assured me that nothing would come of the allegation unless there was another incident filed by another doctor. I gave her my side of the story, which she seemed to accept without reservation. I got the impression of, 'no real problem.' But was I correct? Conjecturetime again, folks:
Kaiser deliberately waited to inform me of Dr. Anna's tardy allegation in hopes that Dr. Tony would be able to also report an 'incident.' Kaiser had in fact taped my meeting with 'Tony baby' (and probably Gerash had also taped the same meeting). I would be willing to bet that there are three recordings of that meeting with Dr. Tony! Prove me wrong if you can. I know this: I intend to hang on to my version! I will also hang on to my recording of the meeting with Dr. Anna on June 25! And I have other recordings...
This brings us to The Elephant in the Room, mentioned in number (1) below: what was 'the elephant in the room?' Have you figured it out yet? No?
'My voice.' My voice was the Elephant in the Room. Neither the dumbass nurse, nor the dumbass doctor bothered to ask me about the Elephant in the Room. QED.
I further conjecture that Dr. Anna did not file her 'grievance' (being gassed here) because she was not following my blog (the address of which I had given her in our first meeting), but that after I informed her that she was 'fired' she became an avid reader, more or less in self defense. Too late, of course. It took her a while to get through it, hence her late response.
Prove me wrong if you can.
The situation with Kaiser became deliciously complex today with a series of phone calls, beginning with Kootch's announcement, 'Kaiser wants to talk to you on the phone.' I said, 'oh goodie!' The time was about 1150. I answered the phone. The caller was a female named, 'Deshisha.' She advised me that (Dr. Anna) had filed a complaint against me on July 2, concerning my last visit with her on June 25, and that due to a heavy workload, Kaiser was only now, on August the fucking 14th, making me aware of that 'fact.' (Blogger seems to be no longer working properly at 18:13 - but ok at 18:17) She assured me that nothing would come of the allegation unless there was another incident filed by another doctor. I gave her my side of the story, which she seemed to accept without reservation. I got the impression of, 'no real problem.' But was I correct? Conjecturetime again, folks:
Kaiser deliberately waited to inform me of Dr. Anna's tardy allegation in hopes that Dr. Tony would be able to also report an 'incident.' Kaiser had in fact taped my meeting with 'Tony baby' (and probably Gerash had also taped the same meeting). I would be willing to bet that there are three recordings of that meeting with Dr. Tony! Prove me wrong if you can. I know this: I intend to hang on to my version! I will also hang on to my recording of the meeting with Dr. Anna on June 25! And I have other recordings...
This brings us to The Elephant in the Room, mentioned in number (1) below: what was 'the elephant in the room?' Have you figured it out yet? No?
'My voice.' My voice was the Elephant in the Room. Neither the dumbass nurse, nor the dumbass doctor bothered to ask me about the Elephant in the Room. QED.
I further conjecture that Dr. Anna did not file her 'grievance' (being gassed here) because she was not following my blog (the address of which I had given her in our first meeting), but that after I informed her that she was 'fired' she became an avid reader, more or less in self defense. Too late, of course. It took her a while to get through it, hence her late response.
Prove me wrong if you can.
The Diagnosis Surfaces: Delusion!
I was attempting the impossible, of course, as I gave him a most succinct summary of a long-term stalking situation. He listened, then observed that the situation I described was 'far-fetched.' I agreed that it was 'unbelievable.' He asked if I was married (as if he didn't fucking already know!) I answered in the affirmative thinking, 'Here comes the 'What does your wife think about all this?' question. He then said, 'What does your wife think about all this?' It is a favorite question of both ACSD and Kaiser 'skeptics,' the implication being that, 'Nobody knows you better than your wife and we are willing to accept her diagnosis. Gotcha!'
I answered his dumbass question in words that amounted to, 'She doesn't know what to think.'
He then asked whether I had ever talked to Kaiser mental health professionals concerning the matter. I replied that I 'didn't like' the bastards. He then said that it seemed to him that I was 'delusional.' Surprise, surfuckingprise! I thought, 'This muthafucka has morphed into a psychiatrist!'
It was the final straw, which allowed me to terminate the meeting to my advantage. I nailed his dumb Jewish ass to the wall with something like, 'You obviously think that you know more about my life than I know. And that, Doctor, is your delusion.'
It was a glorious moment. As the unfortunate doctor hung there on the wall like Jesus crucified I stood up and said, 'This interview is over.' He said, 'That's your choice.' I agreed. He said something like, 'See you later.' I said something like, 'I don't think so.' Then I walked out.
On reflection it seemed to me that Dr. Tony had been 'prepped' by Judeo-faggot (Gerashian) forces who suggested the line of 'inquiry' which led to the most recent 'diagnosis.' Now I owe them another one of my own, which will appear in due time.
I got the impression that the visit had been recorded, at least audiowise, and maybe videowise, by Kaiser or Gerashian forces. If so, that would make at least two of us. At least.
I was attempting the impossible, of course, as I gave him a most succinct summary of a long-term stalking situation. He listened, then observed that the situation I described was 'far-fetched.' I agreed that it was 'unbelievable.' He asked if I was married (as if he didn't fucking already know!) I answered in the affirmative thinking, 'Here comes the 'What does your wife think about all this?' question. He then said, 'What does your wife think about all this?' It is a favorite question of both ACSD and Kaiser 'skeptics,' the implication being that, 'Nobody knows you better than your wife and we are willing to accept her diagnosis. Gotcha!'
I answered his dumbass question in words that amounted to, 'She doesn't know what to think.'
He then asked whether I had ever talked to Kaiser mental health professionals concerning the matter. I replied that I 'didn't like' the bastards. He then said that it seemed to him that I was 'delusional.' Surprise, surfuckingprise! I thought, 'This muthafucka has morphed into a psychiatrist!'
It was the final straw, which allowed me to terminate the meeting to my advantage. I nailed his dumb Jewish ass to the wall with something like, 'You obviously think that you know more about my life than I know. And that, Doctor, is your delusion.'
It was a glorious moment. As the unfortunate doctor hung there on the wall like Jesus crucified I stood up and said, 'This interview is over.' He said, 'That's your choice.' I agreed. He said something like, 'See you later.' I said something like, 'I don't think so.' Then I walked out.
On reflection it seemed to me that Dr. Tony had been 'prepped' by Judeo-faggot (Gerashian) forces who suggested the line of 'inquiry' which led to the most recent 'diagnosis.' Now I owe them another one of my own, which will appear in due time.
I got the impression that the visit had been recorded, at least audiowise, and maybe videowise, by Kaiser or Gerashian forces. If so, that would make at least two of us. At least.
The Elephant in the Room
It has definitely been an interesting week so far. I finally got around to the dreaded task of looking for a new PCP (primary care physician) last week, and met with him for the first time yesterday. Yeeesh! I had selected him because his brief Kaiser 'bio' described him as 'married with children.' Therefore there was a high probably he was not a homo. His name suggested a possible Jewish background; however, since it is difficult to avoid Jews in the medical profession I was more interested in his personal ethics and honesty than in his tribal history. (Believe it or not, I've actually met Jews who are honest and ethical, but they seem to be rare.) I had a 1:40 appointment for yesterday (August 13).
I arrived right on time and was seen soon after arriving. The wierdness began with his nurse, who talked constantly in a very loud voice. She made it a point to say that since my previous PCP was (Dr. Anna) and since this was a new doctor I needed to be measured heightwise with my shoes off. Huh?! The woman seemed to be suggesting something of a 'new beginning.' Very strange. I eventually told her that her loud voice was unnecessary given that I was not 'hard of hearing.' She replied that she was hard of hearing, hence the loud voice. She continued to shout (almost). She eventually left the room. Doctor Tony J Toloczko entered soon after. I barely had time to activate my voice recorder, but I got it all.
Listening to the conversation today I was horrified by how terrible my voice sounded. It was even worse than I had thought. Dr. (Tony's) voice, on the other hand, was quite normal and intelligible. Dr. Tony asked some pertinent drug questions to familiarize himself with my case, during which I made the decision to eliminate the good doctor from consideration, and I was ready to call it a 'take' and boogey on outa there. But he was curious: Why had I dumped Dr. Anna? It was none of his fucking business, of course, and I answered in a general, non-specific way. His questions continued, leading eventually to the 'stalking situation,' a subject I had not intended to bring up. Meanwhile, the elephant in the room went ignored, as usual.
It has definitely been an interesting week so far. I finally got around to the dreaded task of looking for a new PCP (primary care physician) last week, and met with him for the first time yesterday. Yeeesh! I had selected him because his brief Kaiser 'bio' described him as 'married with children.' Therefore there was a high probably he was not a homo. His name suggested a possible Jewish background; however, since it is difficult to avoid Jews in the medical profession I was more interested in his personal ethics and honesty than in his tribal history. (Believe it or not, I've actually met Jews who are honest and ethical, but they seem to be rare.) I had a 1:40 appointment for yesterday (August 13).
I arrived right on time and was seen soon after arriving. The wierdness began with his nurse, who talked constantly in a very loud voice. She made it a point to say that since my previous PCP was (Dr. Anna) and since this was a new doctor I needed to be measured heightwise with my shoes off. Huh?! The woman seemed to be suggesting something of a 'new beginning.' Very strange. I eventually told her that her loud voice was unnecessary given that I was not 'hard of hearing.' She replied that she was hard of hearing, hence the loud voice. She continued to shout (almost). She eventually left the room. Doctor Tony J Toloczko entered soon after. I barely had time to activate my voice recorder, but I got it all.
Listening to the conversation today I was horrified by how terrible my voice sounded. It was even worse than I had thought. Dr. (Tony's) voice, on the other hand, was quite normal and intelligible. Dr. Tony asked some pertinent drug questions to familiarize himself with my case, during which I made the decision to eliminate the good doctor from consideration, and I was ready to call it a 'take' and boogey on outa there. But he was curious: Why had I dumped Dr. Anna? It was none of his fucking business, of course, and I answered in a general, non-specific way. His questions continued, leading eventually to the 'stalking situation,' a subject I had not intended to bring up. Meanwhile, the elephant in the room went ignored, as usual.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Beautiful Stuff

At this point I entered post #3. I had a clear idea what to write about. It was to be the final post for tonight. However the image to our right blew my mind. The woman is gloriously beautiful. I forgot what this post was supposed to be about.
I had uploaded this image a few days ago, the idea being to end my blurb here. I am now at a loss.
I cannot tell you folks how much my current state of loss translates to freedom. I forgot! All things are now possible!
Oops. Now I remember. Darn. It was about a sick bird. The sick bird planted hirself in the feed bowl. Other birds came, and one bird pecked the sick bird. The sick bird was not impressed. Other birds came and went. At one point sick bird covered the feed bowl with hir wings, denying other birds access to food. Other birds respected sick bird's occupation of the feed bowl. I decided to help sick bird. I slid the patio door open. I went out onto the patio. Sick bird was not impressed. I filled a paper tube with bird food (Panko), then allowed it to slide into the bowl. Sick bird got out of the feed bowl. Later, sick bird appeared to fall off the porch railing. I later spotted sick bird on the top of a shrub below the patio. Sick bird appeared to be clinging to the shrubbery by spreading its wings over the the top of the clipped shrub. I decided that sick bird was a goner.
Wrong. Sick bird reappeared later, once again commandeering the feed bowl. Sick bird disappeared then reappeared. I got some photos. Sick bird occupied the feed bowl, pecking Panko from time to time. Sick bird seemed to be in control of hir one chance to survive. Other birds avoided sick bird.
Next day, sick bird was gone - as sick bird!
'Sick bird' reappeared as 'well bird' today along with hir clan of four or five family birds. sHe pecked the other birds as usual. I was happy to see that sHe had survived.
The Ecstatic Llama Doll?
Meet Doctor Alexander Shulgin. He holds the world record for psychedelic trips. Apparently Dr. Shulgin is still sane and alive after all those trips! Whowudathought!? I need to admit at this point that although I am very familiar with the subject of illegal drugs, especially the 'mind-manifesting' drugs like Ganja and LSD (havinging done both numerous times), I am not at all familiar with recent developments, drugwise. Ecstasy (Empathy misnamed) sounds very interesting. I would love to try it. Would it replace my first love, LSD? Maybe. Maybe not.
Question: has the Dolly Lama ever done Ecstacy? If not, why not?
Further question: Shouldn't an Ecstacy Trip be mandatory for every political candidate? If not, why not?
Which brings me to my point: Shouldn't Buddhists all over the world be doing Ecstacy? If not, why not? It seems to me that the Buddhist ideal would be significantly enhanced by this drug. Why is there not a drug crisis in Tibet? Why is there not a drug crisis in Buddahism the world over? Why not in Christianity?
The answer, of course, is that the left brain dominates. The right brain waits.
Meet Doctor Alexander Shulgin. He holds the world record for psychedelic trips. Apparently Dr. Shulgin is still sane and alive after all those trips! Whowudathought!? I need to admit at this point that although I am very familiar with the subject of illegal drugs, especially the 'mind-manifesting' drugs like Ganja and LSD (havinging done both numerous times), I am not at all familiar with recent developments, drugwise. Ecstasy (Empathy misnamed) sounds very interesting. I would love to try it. Would it replace my first love, LSD? Maybe. Maybe not.
Question: has the Dolly Lama ever done Ecstacy? If not, why not?
Further question: Shouldn't an Ecstacy Trip be mandatory for every political candidate? If not, why not?
Which brings me to my point: Shouldn't Buddhists all over the world be doing Ecstacy? If not, why not? It seems to me that the Buddhist ideal would be significantly enhanced by this drug. Why is there not a drug crisis in Tibet? Why is there not a drug crisis in Buddahism the world over? Why not in Christianity?
The answer, of course, is that the left brain dominates. The right brain waits.
When Will They Ever Learn?
This is a good time to admit that last Saturday's two blurbs owe a lot to Jill Bolte Taylor, whose book, My Stroke of Insight, arrived recently quite to my surprise. I had apparently ordered it from Amazon Thursday night while writing my blog more or less 'under the influence' after watching the above video. I was impressed by her description of her left brain stroke, which to me resembled an LSD trip. Her book is now my current potty book, replacing, 'god is not Great.'
Continuing with 'cleanup,' it seems to me that you could reasonably conclude from my recent 'musings' that I am beginning to lean away from Obama in the direction of McCain. Not so. I think that another four years of Republican rule would be a disaster, but it will be fascinating to watch the American political process play itself out once again. The fact that I live in a world full of idiots makes it even more interesting.
Speaking of which, what's with the Clintons?! Whose side are they on anyway? Are we witnessing an actual dynamic case of Family Memory Disorder?
I recently discovered growabrain and have been spending lots of time there between sessions of C-III. Here's a sample linkdump from their 'illegal drugs/acid/pot' archives:
LSD trip stories. Very interesting. I read enough of them to conclude, based on my own experiences, that whereas there is a common human thread to them all, there is also much that is personal and individual. The broadest conclusion seems to be that those trips were 'valuable.' It follows therefore that the government ban on psychedelic drugs (Entheogens) is unfortunate.
Chemical Salvation? This is a fun 'comic strip' of the history of LSD. Lots of good information for the curious internet user to pursue.
Ratio of fatal dose to effective dose. You will be shocked, shocked by this information. Too bad they left out Aspirin...
Take a trip to ease your final journey. How the Acid Experience calms people who are terminally ill. I predict that LSD will eventually be legalized, in hospices first.
Alan Watts. I've read several of his books. Among others, he connected Entheogens with Eastern Religions. This suggests the possibility that Judeo-Christian 'religion-envy' influenced (in a small way) the government to clamp down on Entheogens.
Where has all the Acid gone? How the DEA busted the two top American Acid makers (being gassed here - LLG) back in 2003. It was a National Tragedy, and the American Acid Scene has yet to recover. This brings us to tonight's music: When will they ever learn?
This is a good time to admit that last Saturday's two blurbs owe a lot to Jill Bolte Taylor, whose book, My Stroke of Insight, arrived recently quite to my surprise. I had apparently ordered it from Amazon Thursday night while writing my blog more or less 'under the influence' after watching the above video. I was impressed by her description of her left brain stroke, which to me resembled an LSD trip. Her book is now my current potty book, replacing, 'god is not Great.'
Continuing with 'cleanup,' it seems to me that you could reasonably conclude from my recent 'musings' that I am beginning to lean away from Obama in the direction of McCain. Not so. I think that another four years of Republican rule would be a disaster, but it will be fascinating to watch the American political process play itself out once again. The fact that I live in a world full of idiots makes it even more interesting.
Speaking of which, what's with the Clintons?! Whose side are they on anyway? Are we witnessing an actual dynamic case of Family Memory Disorder?
I recently discovered growabrain and have been spending lots of time there between sessions of C-III. Here's a sample linkdump from their 'illegal drugs/acid/pot' archives:
LSD trip stories. Very interesting. I read enough of them to conclude, based on my own experiences, that whereas there is a common human thread to them all, there is also much that is personal and individual. The broadest conclusion seems to be that those trips were 'valuable.' It follows therefore that the government ban on psychedelic drugs (Entheogens) is unfortunate.
Chemical Salvation? This is a fun 'comic strip' of the history of LSD. Lots of good information for the curious internet user to pursue.
Ratio of fatal dose to effective dose. You will be shocked, shocked by this information. Too bad they left out Aspirin...
Take a trip to ease your final journey. How the Acid Experience calms people who are terminally ill. I predict that LSD will eventually be legalized, in hospices first.
Alan Watts. I've read several of his books. Among others, he connected Entheogens with Eastern Religions. This suggests the possibility that Judeo-Christian 'religion-envy' influenced (in a small way) the government to clamp down on Entheogens.
Where has all the Acid gone? How the DEA busted the two top American Acid makers (being gassed here - LLG) back in 2003. It was a National Tragedy, and the American Acid Scene has yet to recover. This brings us to tonight's music: When will they ever learn?
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Existential Connections
This theory would explain the psychedelic drug experience: an overworked LB tends to collapse first, leaving the RB in command. The RB continues in command for some time before its relatively diffuse duties also collapse, leaving the total brain in a state of chaos.
This fits with my LSD experiences back in the late '70s. This also fits with my booze experiences, and with my booze/ganja experiences.
If I am correct, booze, Ganja, and LSD affect the total brain, disabling the 'dominant brain' first, and allowing the 'back-up brain' to 'take over' for a while. Too much drug disables both brains, resulting in chaos until the drug has been metabolized.
It would seem to follow that as both brains recover, the RB recovers first, dominating LB recovery. Thus RB 'witnesses' the recovery of LB. This process astonishes RB, which never even suspected the existence of LB!
This theory would explain the psychedelic drug experience: an overworked LB tends to collapse first, leaving the RB in command. The RB continues in command for some time before its relatively diffuse duties also collapse, leaving the total brain in a state of chaos.
This fits with my LSD experiences back in the late '70s. This also fits with my booze experiences, and with my booze/ganja experiences.
If I am correct, booze, Ganja, and LSD affect the total brain, disabling the 'dominant brain' first, and allowing the 'back-up brain' to 'take over' for a while. Too much drug disables both brains, resulting in chaos until the drug has been metabolized.
It would seem to follow that as both brains recover, the RB recovers first, dominating LB recovery. Thus RB 'witnesses' the recovery of LB. This process astonishes RB, which never even suspected the existence of LB!
Prove Me Wrong if You Can
I should know better. I had read the previous post cluster before signing off Thursday night and had satisfied myself that it was safe to read totally sober. I had then made it a point to remember that fact. And I remembered it! I read it sober today, confirming my drunken judgement of Thursday night. And yet, after rereading those posts today I was somehow not quite satisfied. Something seemed to be missing: the buzz. The posts were not quite as funny as I had remembered them. So I dropped a 16-ouncer of Coors light, then reread the series. Much funnier! (I actually did the first beer at the end of my cooking turn; Kootch and I then did our usual (recorded) Millionaire while she ate supper, during which I began my second 16-ouncer. I finished that beer at the computer.)
I had noticed this effect before: I am much funnier when drunk. Why? (Hmm... I need to do a blurb on this subject... But I suspect it has something to do with the way our brains work. Here is my conjecture in a nutshell:)
Booze ( and other drugs) affect the brain globally, which is to say equally; however, the left brain is overworked as a result of the rapid advances in human intercommunication over the last 40 thousand years or so. The right brain, meanwhile, has enjoyed a relatively free ride, concerning itself mostly with 'big picture thinking and emotional thinking.' The rapid evolution of Homo Sapiens has essentially overwhelmed the Left hemisphere while at the same time leaving the right hemisphere free to 'enjoy.' Somehow, the left brain became the dominant brain, and the right brain became the 'gravy brain.' The left brain works; the right brain enjoys. The fact that 'emotion preceeds logic' reflects the situation whereby the massivly connected right brain can instantly overwhelm the overworked areas of the left brain, in a situation which, time and again, resulted in species survival. The right brain rules, but the left brain does most of the work, most of the time.
I should know better. I had read the previous post cluster before signing off Thursday night and had satisfied myself that it was safe to read totally sober. I had then made it a point to remember that fact. And I remembered it! I read it sober today, confirming my drunken judgement of Thursday night. And yet, after rereading those posts today I was somehow not quite satisfied. Something seemed to be missing: the buzz. The posts were not quite as funny as I had remembered them. So I dropped a 16-ouncer of Coors light, then reread the series. Much funnier! (I actually did the first beer at the end of my cooking turn; Kootch and I then did our usual (recorded) Millionaire while she ate supper, during which I began my second 16-ouncer. I finished that beer at the computer.)
I had noticed this effect before: I am much funnier when drunk. Why? (Hmm... I need to do a blurb on this subject... But I suspect it has something to do with the way our brains work. Here is my conjecture in a nutshell:)
Booze ( and other drugs) affect the brain globally, which is to say equally; however, the left brain is overworked as a result of the rapid advances in human intercommunication over the last 40 thousand years or so. The right brain, meanwhile, has enjoyed a relatively free ride, concerning itself mostly with 'big picture thinking and emotional thinking.' The rapid evolution of Homo Sapiens has essentially overwhelmed the Left hemisphere while at the same time leaving the right hemisphere free to 'enjoy.' Somehow, the left brain became the dominant brain, and the right brain became the 'gravy brain.' The left brain works; the right brain enjoys. The fact that 'emotion preceeds logic' reflects the situation whereby the massivly connected right brain can instantly overwhelm the overworked areas of the left brain, in a situation which, time and again, resulted in species survival. The right brain rules, but the left brain does most of the work, most of the time.