Thursday, August 07, 2008


When Will They Ever Learn?

This is a good time to admit that last Saturday's two blurbs owe a lot to Jill Bolte Taylor, whose book, My Stroke of Insight, arrived recently quite to my surprise. I had apparently ordered it from Amazon Thursday night while writing my blog more or less 'under the influence' after watching the above video. I was impressed by her description of her left brain stroke, which to me resembled an LSD trip. Her book is now my current potty book, replacing, 'god is not Great.'
Continuing with 'cleanup,' it seems to me that you could reasonably conclude from my recent 'musings' that I am beginning to lean away from Obama in the direction of McCain. Not so. I think that another four years of Republican rule would be a disaster, but it will be fascinating to watch the American political process play itself out once again. The fact that I live in a world full of idiots makes it even more interesting.
Speaking of which, what's with the Clintons?! Whose side are they on anyway? Are we witnessing an actual dynamic case of Family Memory Disorder?
I recently discovered growabrain and have been spending lots of time there between sessions of C-III. Here's a sample linkdump from their 'illegal drugs/acid/pot' archives:
LSD trip stories. Very interesting. I read enough of them to conclude, based on my own experiences, that whereas there is a common human thread to them all, there is also much that is personal and individual. The broadest conclusion seems to be that those trips were 'valuable.' It follows therefore that the government ban on psychedelic drugs (Entheogens) is unfortunate.
Chemical Salvation? This is a fun 'comic strip' of the history of LSD. Lots of good information for the curious internet user to pursue.
Ratio of fatal dose to effective dose. You will be shocked, shocked by this information. Too bad they left out Aspirin...
Take a trip to ease your final journey. How the Acid Experience calms people who are terminally ill. I predict that LSD will eventually be legalized, in hospices first.
Alan Watts. I've read several of his books. Among others, he connected Entheogens with Eastern Religions. This suggests the possibility that Judeo-Christian 'religion-envy' influenced (in a small way) the government to clamp down on Entheogens.
Where has all the Acid gone? How the DEA busted the two top American Acid makers (being gassed here - LLG) back in 2003. It was a National Tragedy, and the American Acid Scene has yet to recover. This brings us to tonight's music: When will they ever learn?
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