Friday, August 22, 2008


EMR Lesson

Some background may help you understand this phenomenon: Peripheral nerve fibers are of two basic types: sensory and motor. Sensory nerves sense 'incoming data' and motor nerves drive muscle cells to 'contract.' Sensory nerves are located mostly on the skin and in the other sense organs (eyes, ears, tongue, etc), whereas motor nerves are connected to muscles and are responsible for movement. You know that. The problem is that EMR can stimulate both types of nerves to 'fire.'
But in order to have that effect the EMR 'density' must be HUGE. Your cell phone will not tickle your scalp, the signal is way too small. Power lines will not give you a 60 cycle buzz, not enough EMR. (I just checked on Kootch: she is doing Sudoku while waiting for the Bronco game to begin.)
But on the other hand a microwave oven will roast you, because the EMR Density inside a microwave oven is HUGE. EMR simply cannot be experienced unless it is of sufficient density.
It is difficult to generate the necessary density in normal circumstances. You can rest your head against your tv set but you will feel nothing, because the EMR density is low. In order to produce the necessary EMR density you must amplify the source.
I could go on and on, of course, but this is not an electronics lesson. I think that the form of amplification in this case is 'beaming.' That is to say that an extremely strong EMR source of the proper frequency is being beamed by appropriately-sized and shaped antennas. That beam easily penetrates walls, floors and ceilings which do not contain metal. That radiation is absorbed by little ole me. The result is that my surface nerves are stimulated by the radiation. Sensory nerves respond painfully. Motor nerves respond by generating muscle contractions. Those contractions are then detected by adjacent sensory nerves. Thus, SCRS (Skin Crawling Radiation, Scrotum) causes fine muscle contractions in the scrotum which are then detected by adjacent sensory nerves, and reported to the sensory cortex. PR (Pricking Radiation) may be a pain response; IR (Itching Radiation) is a sensory response, and TR (Tingling Radiation) is probably caused by very small muscle contractions which are detected by nearby sensory nerves.
TCR (Teeth Chattering Radiation) seems to be in a class by itself in that it seems to affect mostly muscle structures far below the skin's surface. Corresponding sensory nerves report the contractions, of course, but the difference is that TCR is a deep structure phenomenon. My conjecture is that TCR represents a 'deep penetration' aspect of EMR, probably attributable to a large change in the fundamental frequency. It would seem to follow that TCR is the most dangerous form given its penetrating power, and why it is always present at night, luring me to sleep. Could this explain why I sometimes wake up with a slight headache on the left side? Does TCR irritate my left sinus cavities, given that I spend most of the night sleeping on my left side? I think so.
Prove me wrong if you can.
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