Friday, August 22, 2008
Do you Like Blue?

Given my recent consternations concerning my beloved HMO I thought it only appropriate to pose this lovely young lady as a surrogate for my imaginary next PCP. Here is the scenerio:
I was waiting in the waiting room. The impending appointment caused my blood pressure to go up. (That is a well-known phenemonon called, 'White Coat Syndrome.') As appointment time approached, my BP rose higher and higher. I adjusted to the rise as usual, steeling myself against the increased pressure, stiffening all artery walls as necessary.
The crisis came when my prospective new Kaiser PCP suddenly appeared instead of the usual nurse, who had called in sick. She introduced herself as Doctor Pussimus Maximus, and that she was ready for me immediately. She smiled.
As a result, my circulatory system suddenly deflated pressurewise, causing a sudden drop in blood pressure. I became dizzy and disoriented, eventually collapsing in the middle of the waiting room floor.
Doctor Maximus instantly diagnosed my problem as a sudden loss of blood pressure, and made the decision to increase said blood pressure by obvious means.
She had only a few seconds before I sank into unconsciousness, but she got it in just in time.
'Do you like blue?' she said as she bent over just above me, smiling.