Thursday, August 07, 2008
Beautiful Stuff

At this point I entered post #3. I had a clear idea what to write about. It was to be the final post for tonight. However the image to our right blew my mind. The woman is gloriously beautiful. I forgot what this post was supposed to be about.
I had uploaded this image a few days ago, the idea being to end my blurb here. I am now at a loss.
I cannot tell you folks how much my current state of loss translates to freedom. I forgot! All things are now possible!
Oops. Now I remember. Darn. It was about a sick bird. The sick bird planted hirself in the feed bowl. Other birds came, and one bird pecked the sick bird. The sick bird was not impressed. Other birds came and went. At one point sick bird covered the feed bowl with hir wings, denying other birds access to food. Other birds respected sick bird's occupation of the feed bowl. I decided to help sick bird. I slid the patio door open. I went out onto the patio. Sick bird was not impressed. I filled a paper tube with bird food (Panko), then allowed it to slide into the bowl. Sick bird got out of the feed bowl. Later, sick bird appeared to fall off the porch railing. I later spotted sick bird on the top of a shrub below the patio. Sick bird appeared to be clinging to the shrubbery by spreading its wings over the the top of the clipped shrub. I decided that sick bird was a goner.
Wrong. Sick bird reappeared later, once again commandeering the feed bowl. Sick bird disappeared then reappeared. I got some photos. Sick bird occupied the feed bowl, pecking Panko from time to time. Sick bird seemed to be in control of hir one chance to survive. Other birds avoided sick bird.
Next day, sick bird was gone - as sick bird!
'Sick bird' reappeared as 'well bird' today along with hir clan of four or five family birds. sHe pecked the other birds as usual. I was happy to see that sHe had survived.