Wednesday, August 26, 2009
All Wee-wee'd Up?

I love this photograph because it suggests a sexy woman who recently peed in her panties and enjoyed it and is proud of it. My regular readers will recognize her from a previous entry.
The title of this entry is taken from an amazing quote by our beloved President Obama, who introduced the expression, 'wee-weed up'
It seems to me that The Prez was posing a riddle to National Media: Wee-weed up?! WTF!
Many interpretations of 'Wee-weed up' are possible.
CBS' interpretation was, 'losing control' (bladderwise).
My personal interpretation is 'pissed off' or otherwise emotionally agitated.
Only The Prez knows.
And that will remain His Secret.
Good afternoon, good evening, and good night.
Advice From an Old Man
American culture became so distorted by The American Jewish Establishment during the 20th Century (boosted by the Holocaust) that the 'difficulty of penile hygiene' was touted by the Jewish Medical Establishment as a reason for infant sexual mutilation: 'The uncircumcised penis is difficult to keep clean: Simplify it. Chop off the more complex parts of it.'
It was a Jewish lie, of course and the average American Idiot believed it. As a result, American culture became Jewish below the belt. So sad. But things, they are a-changing!
And it seems to me at this time that after 74 years of enjoying a normal (uncut) penis I am perfectly positioned to give advice to young men who have been so lucky as to have escaped 'the Jewish knife.'
So, herewith I present the advice of 74 years experience:
Enjoy those golden feelings below the belt whenever they come around.
Play with your penis accordingly, surrepticiously. Do not alarm your mother.
In bed at night, when you get the golden feeling in your crotch, you should play with your penis.
Play until you experience 'the revelation.' Enjoy. Tell Jesus to 'get out of my underpants!'
Do it over the years and enjoy it as your birthright.
Consider your night-time pleasures as 'private training:' You are learning your sexual duty and your future wife will appreciate your ability to control orgasmic urges until she comes first. Enjoy.
(revised 8-28-09)
Devolution? Evolution?
Well, as you can see, normal formatting disappeared. 'Booze' no doubt contributed to that.
Time to wrap this up. I am buzzing nicely but not outrageously. My weekly blog hereby devolves to the lowest drunken denominator at this moment, meaning, 'I am too fucked up to lie at this point: What you read is what I am.' Here are my notes for tonight:
Millionaire - TODAY
Circumcision Industry - CDC - AAP
Winners: Who benefits? Hospital. Doc. Skin business. The currently mutilated (Jews, Muslims, others, who take psychological pleasure as the circumcision process proceeds. God.)
Losers: The baby. His future wife. His mother (post partum depression).
MSNBC asks: Circumcision for all boys?
MSNBC asks: Circumcision for all boys?
'Newborn male circumcision is the most common surgical procedure performed in the U.S. Many people believe that there are tangible health benefits to male circumcision but, the truth is no medical society in the world recommends it. In fact, the American Medical Association calls the surgery "non-therapeutic." What's worse, over 100 babies die as a result of complications from circumcision in the U.S. each year.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is developing public health recommendations for the U.S. on male circumcision – ignoring the serious risks such as hemorrhage, infection, surgical mishap, and death – in favor of highly debatable and inconclusive research.
The CDC is the foremost expert on public health in our country and, as such, has a responsibility to share the truth about circumcision.
I just took action, signing a petition to the CDC, demanding the organization release a truthful statement on the harms and risks of circumcision.
If you believe as I do, that we should protect newborn babies from harmful and unnecessary surgery, then join me by clicking the link below:
Perversions and Lies
Beer #8 at 1420L. JF forces are 'signed on' with me at the moment attempting to interfere with my blog. Will they succeed? We shall see...
The links below were done after dr. Nancy, in an interview with Matt Lauer, revealed the most recent CDC/AAp conspiracy on TODAY; it was work, folks - something I'm not used to, especially when sleep deprived - but I got through it in preparation for this blog. I prepared this series in support of my theory that the bizarre nature of the current circumcision controversy constituted proof of a Jewish conspiracy. Prove me wrong if you can.
MEDICAL FRAUD and the criminal assault of boys. Awesome site!
Contrast the above site with CIRCLIST, a circumfetish site created by sadosexual perverts who are sexually (or otherwise) stimulated by pictures and stories of male sexual mutilation. Darren and the Skinhead is a typical circumfetish fantasy. Notice that Darren and his 'doctor' friend punish the 'skinhead' by circumcising him 'Turkish style.' Notice also that the 'author' enjoys being sexually mutilated. My take on the 'meatus enlargement' is that it might be routine in order to prevent meatal stenosis later in life. 'The Doctor' is obviously intended to represent the modern day circumcisionist.
CIRCINFO, on the other hand, literally crawls with ignorance, superstition, and lies. Especially lies. This site is totally fraudulent, but not overtly circumfetishistic like CIRCLIST. Indeed, the very first lie is the title of the home page itself: CIRCUMCISION: An Evidence-Based Appraisal. The lies snowball from there. Amazing!
(revised 8-28-09)
The Final Solution of the Jewish Problem
Beginning beer #4 at 1210L.
The other big news is that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has advised that it is considering recommending that all American baby boys be sexually mutilated at birth (circumcised) to prevent the spread of HIV and other STDs when those boys become sexually active 15 or 20 years from now. And concurrently the AAP ( American Accademy of Pediatrics) has hinted that it would not oppose such a recommendation. Very interesting.
But it seems to many that such a change in course might pre-empt possible improvements in medical technology, with the result that millions of male Americans could be left mutilated for no reason in the event medical technology comes up with preventions or cures for said STDs during that time period. There are many other reasons to oppose such a CDC/AAP policy.
As many of my readers already know, I claim that 'routine infant circumcision' is the solution to a Jewish problem, not the solution to an infant problem. The Jewish problem is that Jews are routinely mutilated (circumcised) at birth according to Abraham. This would be 'ok' if Jews existed in an isolated state (or State). But unfortunately for all concerned, Jews are everywhere (the Diaspora). And the most defining difference between the Jew and the indigenous male population is that Jewish males are sexually mutilated such that they have difficulty with all forms of sex compared to the locals. The historical result is that Jewish females have tended to bond with uncircumcised locals, not fellow Jewish males. Complicating this is the Jewish law which defines a Jew by maternal parentage. This state of affairs tended to keep the Jewish religion 'snipped in the bud' compared to (for example) Christianity, which is essentially Judaism sans circumcision.
But a core tribal Jewish culture persisted, and through a well hidden process began to eliminate the essential Jewish problem of comparatively poor Jewish male sexual performance. Indigenous populations were circumcised for various 'health reasons' with the result that the indigenous male sexual performance was brought down to the Jewish level. A simpler and much better solution to the Jewish problem would have been the abandonment of Brit Milah altogether, but apparently this solution did not occur to the Jews, who thought of themselves as 'the children of Abraham.' Jews by the thousands became physicians. English speaking countries became more and more circumcised, and as a result Jewish males gained (comparatively) in sexual stature. They do not want to lose that sexual standing, hence the recent CDC proposal to sexually mutilate the competition, again, for 'health reasons.'
(re-written 8-28-09)
Ted Kennedy RIP
Hello again at 1126L. Kootch and I just finished a quickie Millionaire while I drank my first Natural light and I'm already slightly buzzed. Gonna be a long night... And speaking of Millionaire, the last of the recent prime time series with Regis Philbin was unforgetable: the final contestant blew 475 thousand dollars on a 1 in 4 guess. What an idiot! The look on his face was priceless. Add to that the appearance of Meredith Vieira, the host of the daytime show, plus the meredith maneuver, and it was a show I wish I had saved. The Meredith maneuver? She turned the tables on Regis and he became the final 'charity contestant.' Neat.
The big news today is that Ted Kennedy died last night, and that as a result the TV media is pretty much all Ted Kennedy and I was able to FF through the first three hours of TODAY in record time. TGF TiVo!
I've been hitting the sack early recently, and waking up early because of heavy microwave radiation in the early morning hours which makes it impossible for me to sleep during that time. My log reads in part: 'Bed at 1830 severely sleep-deprived. TCR morphed to other Rad 0400-0500. Up at 0500.' There was also a note to the effect that there was much wall-banging above at 2100-2200 (approximately). That was unusual and I wondered about it. When I learned of the Kennedy death this morning I made the possible connection: Could Gerash have become aware of Kennedy's death and gone on a sort of 'celebration spree' by banging the walls above me? The conjecture could not be reinforced by knowlege of the time of Kennedy's death. Oh Well...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Foreskin Tempura
Poor Kootch! She has no idea of what I am doing here. She only knows that I am being a bit odd at the moment. As usual she attempts to accomodate me, so I asked her the question:
'Your only 'meat product' is the skin of baby pigs. All veggies are available. All condiments are available. Rice and potatoes are available. Given that scenerio, what dish would you come up with to satisfy a drunk, irritable husband?
'Tempura,' she said. 'Sounds good!' I said. She was looking at me as if I was insane: 'Baby pigs?'
I explained to her that this was all 'theoretical, not practical,' and that I needed a recipe. 'Tempura,' she repeated. She began looking at me as if I was going pre-alzheimic.
We then agreed that the ingredients needed to be dipped in batter, then roasted in hot oil until done. I suggested that in view of the different structures of the inner and outer pig skins, that those skins might exhibit a tendency to 'roll up' She looked at me in dismay: 'WTF?'
(I hasten to add at this point that 'WTF' is not a part of Kootch's lexicon.)
I complimented her and suggested that she would come off in my blog in a favorable manner, and she 'rolled her eyes.' Why?
She knows that I am delusional.
The Final Four
Prove me wrong if you can.
Better get the link dump in before I get too drunk (just popped open beer number 8):
Albert Fish loved roasted female buttocks. (Be warned that this link is extremely disgusting.) After reading it last week or so I wondered whether human cannibalism might also include the possibility that the availability of hundreds of thousands of infant prepuces in our modern mobile society might generate a certain demand among the 'Jewifilia Grotesqia Gourmandia.' After thinking about it for a while I concluded that this was a definite possibility. I then began to fantasize about a group of rich perverted Jews (males, of course) who got together from time to time to consume - in a ritual manner - infant Christian foreskins. The said foreskins - need I say it? - must be certified such that not a single Jewish version contaminated the lot.
I then conjectured that such a secret society could only exist in New York City, Miami, and Las Vegas. I conjectured that such a group would meet exactly four times per year. I conjectured furthermore that a similar group existed in Israel, bringing the total to four. I conjectured that the ritual would involve all four groups simultaneously, and that they would all be in contact (via satellite) at the moment of 'first taste.' So far, so good: every Jewish participant would 'crunch down at exactly the same time.' At that point a local Rabbi would praise WHTZSNM in the most grotesquely slavic terms.
('WHTZSNM' would remain silent, of course, as expected.) This all would happen at the exact beginning of the Jewish New Year.
So much for conjectured ritual: what about recipe?
The Evolution of Circumcision
'They' are screwing with me again. Frustrated by the message in red I clicked 'publish' and it published! So where was I? Ah yes: 'Foreskin: Advantage of.' I claim that human evolution is a massive general process, and that the important details of the human sexual organs have been overlooked as a significant part of that process. I claim that the human foreskin made it possible for large groups of humans to live together in rigidly hierarchial societies (towns, cities), which large scale associations made possible the massive exchange of information. Dominant males claimed most of the females, but less dominant males could satisfy an intense desire to 'reproduce' by masturbating. Those males contributed to the group by working and hunting for the group even though they may have been deprived of pussy. I claim furthermore, that 'prepuce performance' was a significant factor in female sexual satisfaction, and that dominant males eventually came to circumcise less dominant males in order to destroy possible challenges to their sexual dominance. This practice eventually led to a father-son cultural ritual which was eventually codified in the Jewish religion by Abraham.
Foreskin Stuff
Readers who are confused by (5) below should see this blog entry. I decided to include Jesus in my brown telephone interviews because of my desire to be an equal opportunity offender concerning the ancient religions. I have even done a little bit of conversation with the Holy Ghost; however HG's speech impediment tended to discourage frequent contact. Islam is the other iteration of Abrahamic religion, but I know very little about it, hence cannot do it justice in terms of making fun of it. So I shame it.
'60 Minutes' creator Don Hewitt has died. And not a moment too soon. I've been watching the show for many years and couldn't remember a single episode about routine infant circumcision. So I bet myself that Hewitt was a Jew and Wiked him. Sure enough! I also Googled circumcision 60 minutes and discovered nothing except references to 60 Minutes Australia. Apparently Mother Nature is winning in Australia.
My personal speculation concerning the value of the foreskin is that it (could not contact Saving and publishing may fail. Retrying...) was essential to human development because it allowed the less dominant males to satisfy an intense orgasmic need (mating need) while at the same time allowing for large scale socialization. Male masturbation was the essential link which insured Homo Sapiens' eventual domination of the (?).
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tonight's Music
Which brings us to tonight's theme: sexual mutilation. I have posted the Title Link above as my suggestion to the reader as sHe reads this link dump.
The Darker Regions of the Human Mind. MDs question infant sexual mutilation.
I'm going to cut your foreskin off, little boy. Sexual mutilation as a 'paraphilia.'
History will not remember Kindly Those Who Advocate Circumcision. Letter to the creator of Kaiser Permante.
Wives of Circumcised Husbands Support Group. Wives band together.
Infant Circumcision: Crime against Humanity. 'The birthright of males -- all males -- to keep all of the penis they are born with must therefore be secured by law.
Open Letter From the Mother of Three Boys... It is this letter which inspired me to select Tonight's Music. Play this music as you read the above. I see the YouTube visual as the mother of a circumcised son who is remembering her mistake while at the same time celebrating her son's decision to 'restore.'
Capitalism Gone Apeshit
The big news nowadays is, 'Healthcare Reform.' American healthcare seems to have fallen victim to human greed, which is the principle underlying Capitalism. The result is that 50 million Americans lack reliable health care, and America has been 'left behind' the rest of the civilized world, which tends to view the health care opportunities of its citizens as 'human rights.' America is living in the Dark Ages in terms of health care, while the more enlightened European countries are living in Modernity. The 'profit motive' permeates a system which is supposed to be altruistic. Jesus Himself would not recognize American healthcare! Indeed, He would be appalled.
Furthermore, the American way to health care is so profitable as to be unsustainable. It has become a bubble threatening to pop in the same way the housing bubble popped. Intervention is required, and the political battle is proceeding even as I type this.
I live in a world full of idiots, as my readers already know. And the American idiots who oppose health care reform seem to be treating the matter as a zero sum game. It is not. Healthcare is a human right which enlightened societies provide to their citizens as a matter of course.
I will leave the broad outlines of any new system to the 'sausage makers,' but I would like to weigh in on one of the extremely important details of any new system: Circumcision. Any makeover of American health care should exclude routine infant sexual mutilation from the list of 'covered procedures.' If the 'sausage makers' can accomplish this, then the way will open to the next iteration: outlawing sexual mutilation altogether except in clear medical situations.
Proposed New Blog Format
Mortified by last week's blog meltdown, I decided to devote less time to playing C-III and more time to preparing for my weekly blog. Indeed, I even proposed a 'standard format' for my blog as follows:
Sober linkdump of researched material.
Photo or picture.
Poetry verse or other inspiring quotation.
Faux interview.
Other stuff.
Concerning the Faux Interview, I've done many 'faux interviews' of course, most notably those with the Jewish god WHTZSNM. But this would be an interview with a ficticious person who had read my blog and was frustrated by my policy of no comments. I would give a short answer to an imaginary question. Will this proposed new format work? We shall see.
Higher Consciousness
Strange things are happening with Blogger. I logged on about an hour ago and got an error message. Several more tries yielded the same type of message, so I finished my beer and decided to abort the blog for today. I helped Kootch in the kitchen for a while (cutting pork ribs into bite sized pieces for a batch of curry), then popped open a Diet Pepsi, experienced a bit of 'taste shock,' and began watching TODAY3. Another check of Blogger just now revealed that it was up and running again, so I gave the remaining Pepsi to Kootch and popped open another beer. More taste shock. Pepsi actually tastes better than beer, but beer provides more buzz for the buck.
Last week's blog entries were lots of fun to write (while drinking 3.2 Natural Light) but they eventually soared into the thin air of booze banality and after checking them in a sober environment two days later I deleted the last three. That happens sometimes. Embarrassing.
So today I have requested the assistance of Daruma. He is on duty now, staring at me as I write this. His eyes are wide open. He never blinks. Legend has it that he cut off his eyelids in order to remain permanently awake. That is a metaphor, of course, for the Zen ideal of Higher Consciousness.
Let us hope it works tonight.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Snow White
Beer #9 at 1712L. Buzz has stabilized. Liver is apparently doing detox at the appropriate rate. All is well with the world. Evening News at 1732.
I'm back, as most of the news I already know. But what fascinates me at this time is the recent confluence of events: Ahmadinejad has been officially installed as the new prime minister of Iran based on the results of the recent 'election.' Furthermore, Bill Clinton ( has just returned to the US from a visit to North Korea. He returned with two lovely and glorious females who had apparently strayed into NK. Good work!
But the 'confluence' involved both Iran and North Korea, not to mention genital mutilation.
Question: Am I over-reaching here in my associative neural habits? Maybe. Maybe not. (Nose running again at 1815L.)
Background: I did a personal interview with Ahmadinejad back in 2006 which I published in Non Serviam, one of my older blogs. I promised to do a similar interview with Kim Jong IL soon after that, but NK international politics squashed that idea. I was told by the State Department that in view of the NK belligerence I would be forced to wait for a more auspicious occasion. I agreed.
So when the State Department contacted me recently concerning the upcoming Clinton visit to North Korea I accepted the invitation immediately. Wow! Kim Jong IL?! I was very impressed!
To make a long story short I jumped aboard a snow white 737 headed to North Korea.
You Da Man, Gary!
Beer #5 at 1531L. Buzzing slightly. Inhibitory neurons pretty much disabled. Love flows within me! Mucus flow and tearing tapering off dramatically. All is well. Face pulsating...
Just a note while I'm thinking about it: I use the term, 'Judeo-faggot forces' as a direct attack on Walter L Gerash and his minions, not as a general derogatory reference to Jews and homosexuals. I have nothing against Jews and homosexuals per se. Indeed, Gerash himself introduced me to the word, 'faggot' many years ago. Here is the story:
I was running a BBS (Bulletin Board System) for chessplayers in the mid '80s. I allowed 'messages to the TD (tournament director). One such 'message' was: 'Faggets (sic) like you should be burned at the stake.' I was stunned. Me? Homosexual? No Way! Who the fuck was that sonofabitch? I would remember the message because it was so incongruent: Somebody out there hated me. Who? 'Burn me at the fucking stake?!'
As the years of stalking wore on (being gassed here, LLG), I would eventually put that piece of the puzzle into its proper place: The misspelling was intended to indicate an uneducated person; the 'burned at the stake' reference was intended to indicate a Christian person. The actuality was that the message had been sent by a lying Jew named Walter L Gerash who was well educated. But I remained until this day mystified by the 'signature' on the message: Michael Jackson. Huh?!
My current interpretation is that the 'signature' was intended to predispose me to hate blacks. If so, it was a clumsy, ill-conceived idea. My guess is that the faggot Gerash had in mind his eventual Black-White stalking assault against me during my daily walks in the Southglenn Maul during the early '90s.
(Whoa! Gary just called at 1630L! He works for Vision Essentials, a Kaiser Optical provider. He informed me that my claim for a refund (of about $475.00) for two pair of glasses based on the most recent prescription (by Kristine) had been forwarded to VISA. I had given the glasses to Gary several days ago, but had not asked for a receipt. I trusted Gary. He came through just now.) (Eyes watering; mucus flow has dried up at 1656L.)
Rather (sorry, Dan) than confront Kristine about the flawed prescription I have chosen to rely on the current (old) prescription. Go in peace, Kristine.
Heil Hitler! Jewish Scum vs Nazi Scum
Popped open beer #1 at 1400L (two minutes ago). Inhibitory neurons still rule in here, but that will change soon. Kootch is whipping up a huge batch of Sweet and Sour Pork. Yummy.
While doing my homework yesterday and today in preparation for today"s blog I stumbled across this article about (British) Muslim dog abusers at The Freethinker. (Beer #1 gone at 1414L. Inhibitory Neurons declining in influence. Natural ebullience beginning to surface... beer#2 at 1420L.) I'm not a big fan of dogfighting, of course. I love dogs and would own one but for the probability that I would eventually become allergic to my pet dog just as I became allergic to my pet cat and my pet rats. (Constant nose rad as I type this: not enough to cause sneezing, but huge mucus flows force me to blow my nose every few minutes. I have saturated 1/2 of a paper towel in the last 20 minutes or so. There was no mucus problem before I began the blog, so I am assuming that Judeo-faggot forces would like me to mention the problem here. "You're welcome, Assholes.")
I seem to be the only one on the planet who associates the Judeo-Muslim hatred of dogs to 'unconcious foreskin envy!' (Beer #3 at 1445L. Also new paper towel.) (IE crashed at that point. Back at 14:51. Carriage returns not entered by me appear in the reconstructed version.)
This seems to be an auspicious time to refer to a link describing the kind of weapon currently being used against me: a microwave cannon. I've been saving this link for an appropriate time and now seems to be appropriate in view of the constant nose rad. Amazingly, although I've viewed the link many times, the 'politics' of the cannon creator eluded me until this morning. Can you spot his 'politics?' (Examine the photographs. Read no further!)
Mystified? So was I until I noticed the little flag with '88' on it. As I was walking to the potty the number rang a bell. 88? Sounds familiar... lessee... abcdefgh... hh... Aha! Heil Hitler! Looks like Jewish scum and Nazi scum are pretty much the same kinds of scum.