Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Perversions and Lies


Beer #8 at 1420L. JF forces are 'signed on' with me at the moment attempting to interfere with my blog. Will they succeed? We shall see...

The links below were done after dr. Nancy, in an interview with Matt Lauer, revealed the most recent CDC/AAp conspiracy on TODAY; it was work, folks - something I'm not used to, especially when sleep deprived - but I got through it in preparation for this blog. I prepared this series in support of my theory that the bizarre nature of the current circumcision controversy constituted proof of a Jewish conspiracy. Prove me wrong if you can.

MEDICAL FRAUD and the criminal assault of boys. Awesome site!

'Circumcision is a multi-billion dollar industry. Circumcision, child pornography and child prostitution are all crimes against children. Let’s end these evil practices.'
Contrast the above site with CIRCLIST, a circumfetish site created by sadosexual perverts who are sexually (or otherwise) stimulated by pictures and stories of male sexual mutilation. Darren and the Skinhead is a typical circumfetish fantasy. Notice that Darren and his 'doctor' friend punish the 'skinhead' by circumcising him 'Turkish style.' Notice also that the 'author' enjoys being sexually mutilated. My take on the 'meatus enlargement' is that it might be routine in order to prevent meatal stenosis later in life. 'The Doctor' is obviously intended to represent the modern day circumcisionist.
CIRCINFO, on the other hand, literally crawls with ignorance, superstition, and lies. Especially lies. This site is totally fraudulent, but not overtly circumfetishistic like CIRCLIST. Indeed, the very first lie is the title of the home page itself: CIRCUMCISION: An Evidence-Based Appraisal. The lies snowball from there. Amazing!
(revised 8-28-09)
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