Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The Final Four

Prove me wrong if you can.
Better get the link dump in before I get too drunk (just popped open beer number 8):
Albert Fish loved roasted female buttocks. (Be warned that this link is extremely disgusting.) After reading it last week or so I wondered whether human cannibalism might also include the possibility that the availability of hundreds of thousands of infant prepuces in our modern mobile society might generate a certain demand among the 'Jewifilia Grotesqia Gourmandia.' After thinking about it for a while I concluded that this was a definite possibility. I then began to fantasize about a group of rich perverted Jews (males, of course) who got together from time to time to consume - in a ritual manner - infant Christian foreskins. The said foreskins - need I say it? - must be certified such that not a single Jewish version contaminated the lot.
I then conjectured that such a secret society could only exist in New York City, Miami, and Las Vegas. I conjectured that such a group would meet exactly four times per year. I conjectured furthermore that a similar group existed in Israel, bringing the total to four. I conjectured that the ritual would involve all four groups simultaneously, and that they would all be in contact (via satellite) at the moment of 'first taste.' So far, so good: every Jewish participant would 'crunch down at exactly the same time.' At that point a local Rabbi would praise WHTZSNM in the most grotesquely slavic terms.
('WHTZSNM' would remain silent, of course, as expected.) This all would happen at the exact beginning of the Jewish New Year.
So much for conjectured ritual: what about recipe?
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