Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Following the outline below, here is a photograph:
Oops. I had another photograph in mind, but in my current condition I'll take it. Beer #12 certainly contributes to my decision here, as I enjoy my usual weekly buzz. The photo shows the female genitalia in the most pristine possible terms, surrounded by moisture - extremely erotic. Indeed, both the male genitalia and the female genitalia are visually enhanced by associated moisture. Dry sucks. I am sure you will agree.
So it seemed to me that here was a good time to upload this image to Jesus as He makes His way Home to Heaven at nearly the speed of light. I selected the image and hit 'send.' I waited for several hours, then I dialed 123 on the Brown Telephone:
js: Hello?
me: Sorry for waiting so long.
js: I forgive you.
me: Did You receive the most recent upload of a most magnificient female butt?
js: Yes! Just now!
me: Enjoy.
Js: I will! You da man!
me: I know. I know.