Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Final Solution of the Jewish Problem

Beginning beer #4 at 1210L.
The other big news is that the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has advised that it is considering recommending that all American baby boys be sexually mutilated at birth (circumcised) to prevent the spread of HIV and other STDs when those boys become sexually active 15 or 20 years from now. And concurrently the AAP ( American Accademy of Pediatrics) has hinted that it would not oppose such a recommendation. Very interesting.
But it seems to many that such a change in course might pre-empt possible improvements in medical technology, with the result that millions of male Americans could be left mutilated for no reason in the event medical technology comes up with preventions or cures for said STDs during that time period. There are many other reasons to oppose such a CDC/AAP policy.

As many of my readers already know, I claim that 'routine infant circumcision' is the solution to a Jewish problem, not the solution to an infant problem. The Jewish problem is that Jews are routinely mutilated (circumcised) at birth according to Abraham. This would be 'ok' if Jews existed in an isolated state (or State). But unfortunately for all concerned, Jews are everywhere (the Diaspora). And the most defining difference between the Jew and the indigenous male population is that Jewish males are sexually mutilated such that they have difficulty with all forms of sex compared to the locals. The historical result is that Jewish females have tended to bond with uncircumcised locals, not fellow Jewish males. Complicating this is the Jewish law which defines a Jew by maternal parentage. This state of affairs tended to keep the Jewish religion 'snipped in the bud' compared to (for example) Christianity, which is essentially Judaism sans circumcision.
But a core tribal Jewish culture persisted, and through a well hidden process began to eliminate the essential Jewish problem of comparatively poor Jewish male sexual performance. Indigenous populations were circumcised for various 'health reasons' with the result that the indigenous male sexual performance was brought down to the Jewish level. A simpler and much better solution to the Jewish problem would have been the abandonment of Brit Milah altogether, but apparently this solution did not occur to the Jews, who thought of themselves as 'the children of Abraham.' Jews by the thousands became physicians. English speaking countries became more and more circumcised, and as a result Jewish males gained (comparatively) in sexual stature. They do not want to lose that sexual standing, hence the recent CDC proposal to sexually mutilate the competition, again, for 'health reasons.'
(re-written 8-28-09)
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