Friday, January 30, 2009
Nighty Night!

Time for me to wrap this up. And it seems to me at this time that I ought to end on a very serious note: human survival. (And not that I am a fan! Nofuckingway!)
I refer to the inventor of the Gaia Hypotheses, James Lovelock. Lovelock conjectured that The Earth is a huge organism interested (as are we all) in self-preservation. Lovelock called that huge organism, 'Gaia.' In this essay he seems to think that humankind can halt global warming just in time by capturing Carbon in the form of charcoal and burying the result. He thinks that we as a species will not realize that and that therefore 90% or our species will die out in the current century. Sounds good to me!
Sexual Hate
I absolutely loved this Elevating Essay concerning the origin of Ethics. Most people think that ethics originated with various ancient religions and that those 'ethics' were 'inscribed in stone' never to be revised. Bullshit. Ethics evolved as Science evolved. Ethics is evolving moment to moment even as I type this. Ethics evolves as a shadow to evolving culture. Culture moves on, Ethics follows. Ethics always lags Culture because Culture is the point of the spear. Ethics follows Culture. Why?
Ethics is the result of Process. Ethics lags Direction. Indeed, Ethics lags Culture! Therefore Ethics is a lagging manifestion of cultural awareness.
Do you hate your neighbor because his penis is superior?
I absolutely loved this Elevating Essay concerning the origin of Ethics. Most people think that ethics originated with various ancient religions and that those 'ethics' were 'inscribed in stone' never to be revised. Bullshit. Ethics evolved as Science evolved. Ethics is evolving moment to moment even as I type this. Ethics evolves as a shadow to evolving culture. Culture moves on, Ethics follows. Ethics always lags Culture because Culture is the point of the spear. Ethics follows Culture. Why?
Ethics is the result of Process. Ethics lags Direction. Indeed, Ethics lags Culture! Therefore Ethics is a lagging manifestion of cultural awareness.
Do you hate your neighbor because his penis is superior?
...or What's Left of it.
Botched! And in keeping with the previous post I must warn you that this site shows many examples of penises which have been 'modified' according to Judeo-Islamic law. The main lesson to be derived from this site, in my opinion, is that religion is a dangerous idea. And notice that each and every one of these penises is obviously an 'external organ.' That is, each and every one of them was converted from an internal-external organ to an external-only organ. To my knowlege I was the first to formulate this realization. I was also the first to point out that the small preputal opening served, in the skinned-back state, to choke off returning veinous (surface) blood supply, contributing to erection solidity. Prove me wrong if you can. And before leaving this subject for tonight I want to make it very clear that I am the ultimate expert in this matter: I know: You don't know. Why? I have been playing with my glorious natural penis for at least 62 years. I love it! I adore it! Those thousands of orgasms have contributed immensely to my mental well-being over many years. I am still alive because of my very talented penis...
To those of you who have trouble grasping the concept of an organ which is both external and internal... I refer you to the penis of a dog. I am, in some sense, a dog. And I love it.
Botched! And in keeping with the previous post I must warn you that this site shows many examples of penises which have been 'modified' according to Judeo-Islamic law. The main lesson to be derived from this site, in my opinion, is that religion is a dangerous idea. And notice that each and every one of these penises is obviously an 'external organ.' That is, each and every one of them was converted from an internal-external organ to an external-only organ. To my knowlege I was the first to formulate this realization. I was also the first to point out that the small preputal opening served, in the skinned-back state, to choke off returning veinous (surface) blood supply, contributing to erection solidity. Prove me wrong if you can. And before leaving this subject for tonight I want to make it very clear that I am the ultimate expert in this matter: I know: You don't know. Why? I have been playing with my glorious natural penis for at least 62 years. I love it! I adore it! Those thousands of orgasms have contributed immensely to my mental well-being over many years. I am still alive because of my very talented penis...
To those of you who have trouble grasping the concept of an organ which is both external and internal... I refer you to the penis of a dog. I am, in some sense, a dog. And I love it.
Welcome to Your Penis
Continuing with the subject at hand, I've been saving this video link which explains how Mother Nature intended for the 'male sexual member' to function and perform. Be advised that Jews and other circumcised males and their wives and girlfriends may feel 'goatsed' by this video, and those folks are advised to consider using caution here, and skip to (3) above. For the rest of you, the video is a graphic description of the functions of the most sensitive part of the penis, the prepuce (foreskin) which is cut off during circumcision. Prospective parents are advised to watch this video! The video shows only still photographs. This is unfortunate. A much more effective approach would have been to show a video of a natural penis being 'skinned back.' Such a video would be worth a thousand words and would be convincing to 90 percent of parents. Indeed, no words at all would have been needed to make the anti-circumcision point in such a video! But alas, there seems to be no video on the internet showing a natural penis being skinned back.
The producers of this video have chosen to illustrate the functions of the foreskin by using ink markings. A circle is drawn around the penis at about the sulcus. Another circle is drawn around the tip of the foreskin. The foreskin is then retracted in stages and photographs are taken illustrating how the the foreskin inverts itself to present the most sensitive parts to the (vaginal) environment. The photographs attempt to illustrate how a skinned-back penis is transformed from an external organ into an internal organ suitable for interaction with an internal vagina. The result is a clinically acceptable but inadequate exposition.
Continuing with the subject at hand, I've been saving this video link which explains how Mother Nature intended for the 'male sexual member' to function and perform. Be advised that Jews and other circumcised males and their wives and girlfriends may feel 'goatsed' by this video, and those folks are advised to consider using caution here, and skip to (3) above. For the rest of you, the video is a graphic description of the functions of the most sensitive part of the penis, the prepuce (foreskin) which is cut off during circumcision. Prospective parents are advised to watch this video! The video shows only still photographs. This is unfortunate. A much more effective approach would have been to show a video of a natural penis being 'skinned back.' Such a video would be worth a thousand words and would be convincing to 90 percent of parents. Indeed, no words at all would have been needed to make the anti-circumcision point in such a video! But alas, there seems to be no video on the internet showing a natural penis being skinned back.
The producers of this video have chosen to illustrate the functions of the foreskin by using ink markings. A circle is drawn around the penis at about the sulcus. Another circle is drawn around the tip of the foreskin. The foreskin is then retracted in stages and photographs are taken illustrating how the the foreskin inverts itself to present the most sensitive parts to the (vaginal) environment. The photographs attempt to illustrate how a skinned-back penis is transformed from an external organ into an internal organ suitable for interaction with an internal vagina. The result is a clinically acceptable but inadequate exposition.
The Cut and Uncut
TgIF again, and once again I am sleep-deprived due to heavy microwave radiation from the apartments above and below me. Gas has been minimal, however (TgFSF). I'll begin with this recent post titled, 'The Internet Will Cut You.' It's about the kind of people who bombard me with radiation, an appropriate starting point for tonight's session. The guy who is the subject of that blurb doesn't yet realize how lucky he was to have been only spit on; but, like me, he has done something of a 're-evaluation' of his fellow man. I've gone much further than he has in that process! (Interestingly, it is 'radiation-quiet' now at 1506 after ten and a half hours of it. I suppose the intended 'message' is that 'beer cures radiation,' but the problem is that the 'cure' is worse than the 'disease.')
Continuing with the current theme, president O'Bama has just signed the SCHIP legislation which will extend MEDICAID to needy children. Good idea. But you know me: I wondered whether any of those federal funds would be used to further Jewify America through infant sexual mutilation (circumcision). So I Googled, 'medicaid circumcision' which yielded this very interesting map. Seems that the various states must decide whether Medicaid can be used for Jewification purposes! Whoa! (Still rad-quiet at 1540L.) As you can see, some states have prohibited the practice, some states are considering banning the practice, and some states are apparently oblivious to the practice. Very interesting. There is opportunity for further research here. The subtitle of the article is, 'How your State can save $1,000,000 every year.' So now I am wondering: given the current economic situation, can any state afford not to at least consider a ban on government-assisted infant sexual mutilation?
TgIF again, and once again I am sleep-deprived due to heavy microwave radiation from the apartments above and below me. Gas has been minimal, however (TgFSF). I'll begin with this recent post titled, 'The Internet Will Cut You.' It's about the kind of people who bombard me with radiation, an appropriate starting point for tonight's session. The guy who is the subject of that blurb doesn't yet realize how lucky he was to have been only spit on; but, like me, he has done something of a 're-evaluation' of his fellow man. I've gone much further than he has in that process! (Interestingly, it is 'radiation-quiet' now at 1506 after ten and a half hours of it. I suppose the intended 'message' is that 'beer cures radiation,' but the problem is that the 'cure' is worse than the 'disease.')
Continuing with the current theme, president O'Bama has just signed the SCHIP legislation which will extend MEDICAID to needy children. Good idea. But you know me: I wondered whether any of those federal funds would be used to further Jewify America through infant sexual mutilation (circumcision). So I Googled, 'medicaid circumcision' which yielded this very interesting map. Seems that the various states must decide whether Medicaid can be used for Jewification purposes! Whoa! (Still rad-quiet at 1540L.) As you can see, some states have prohibited the practice, some states are considering banning the practice, and some states are apparently oblivious to the practice. Very interesting. There is opportunity for further research here. The subtitle of the article is, 'How your State can save $1,000,000 every year.' So now I am wondering: given the current economic situation, can any state afford not to at least consider a ban on government-assisted infant sexual mutilation?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Time to wrap this up. Before leaving you I want to express my joy concerning the election of O'Bama! And goodbye Bush!
Which brings us back to the question posed at the beginning: 'Do you fear Jews?' Be advised that such an 'answer' is impossible unless you have interacted with Jews over a long period of time. I claim that if you are a human being who is not a Jew, then you need to fear Jews. Why? Because they hate you because you are not a Jew.
Nighty night!
Time to wrap this up. Before leaving you I want to express my joy concerning the election of O'Bama! And goodbye Bush!
Which brings us back to the question posed at the beginning: 'Do you fear Jews?' Be advised that such an 'answer' is impossible unless you have interacted with Jews over a long period of time. I claim that if you are a human being who is not a Jew, then you need to fear Jews. Why? Because they hate you because you are not a Jew.
Nighty night!
Only Human

Before wrapping this up tonight I need to mention my notes:
Judaism vs Humanism
Barf. There are many others but they don't seem to fit the current mood. So let me just point out that Judaism is antithetical to Humanism. To sum up the Jewish perspective: MY WAY OR THE HI-WAY. The Humanist perspective is that, WE ARE ALL ONLY HUMAN...
What is the perspective of this beautiful woman who has been raised without a religious ideology?
Which brings us to tonight's music. Mozart!
Rereading the previous post just now it dawned on me how valuable it might be to extremely sophisticated organisims (like us) to be able to operate in an environment wherein we need not construct a fascade. The Jews at the DCC could relax and be themselves when they played me. Furthermore they could use the resulting neural rescources toward defeating me in the game!
Interesting! This conjecture might explain the success of my current psychological attitude of 'expression with no deception' (You Know Me). OMg! ('scuse me, I need to quench some rat itch... standby... I'm back after squirting shower water on the affected area of my RL chin. Orgasmic!)
OK, I'm back. To continue with this theme, my conjecture is that organisms which do not need to construct 'fascades' have the advantage of efficency. This seems to be true on the face of it and may explain why I am so popular: (You know me.) But the important aspect is that I need not devote neurological rescources to deception. The result is that my total neurological power is available to focus on the job at hand (eheh). Think of it this way: I never lie, therefore I never need to remember my lies. I call it neurological efficiency. Mystical folks might call it by other names and they would be correct mystically. But scientifically I am correct. I claim that being truthful is the most efficient way to live.
Which brings us to tonight's music. Mozart!
Rereading the previous post just now it dawned on me how valuable it might be to extremely sophisticated organisims (like us) to be able to operate in an environment wherein we need not construct a fascade. The Jews at the DCC could relax and be themselves when they played me. Furthermore they could use the resulting neural rescources toward defeating me in the game!
Interesting! This conjecture might explain the success of my current psychological attitude of 'expression with no deception' (You Know Me). OMg! ('scuse me, I need to quench some rat itch... standby... I'm back after squirting shower water on the affected area of my RL chin. Orgasmic!)
OK, I'm back. To continue with this theme, my conjecture is that organisms which do not need to construct 'fascades' have the advantage of efficency. This seems to be true on the face of it and may explain why I am so popular: (You know me.) But the important aspect is that I need not devote neurological rescources to deception. The result is that my total neurological power is available to focus on the job at hand (eheh). Think of it this way: I never lie, therefore I never need to remember my lies. I call it neurological efficiency. Mystical folks might call it by other names and they would be correct mystically. But scientifically I am correct. I claim that being truthful is the most efficient way to live.
Understanding Jewish Hate
I returned to something I'd read recently on Jew Watch which described how much Jews hate the rest of us. I was astonished and much edified. Let me explain: As we all know, Jews think of themselves as 'The Chosen People of God.' But Jewish history clearly demonstrates that Jews are, on the contrary, the accursed people of god. Us Christians and Muslims (and others)understand that Jewish Delusion well enough, but The Jews persist in that ancient tribal delusion to this very day. And as it turns out, 2008 was a banner year for Jews in that regard. Can it be that after 3000 years of disaster The Jews have finally 'arrived?' Jews think so: They control America, the most powerful nation in the world... for the moment!
The piece also revealed to me that my subjective impression of Jews as 'hate-filled racists' was right on target. I had formed this opinion back in the late '80s and early '90s as I interacted with various Jews at the Denver Chess Club (DCC). It seemed illogical to me at the time because of my impression (from media) that Jews were victims. Historical victims. And yet I could not deny the evidence that many Jews at the DCC hated me for no apparent reason. As a result of that impression I took great pleasure in kicking lots of Jewish Ass over the chessboard. I remember one Jew in particular. He was an old man like me. He obviously liked me. One night he was assaulted in the parking lot and bloodied by an unknown assailant as he walked from his car to the club. Within a week or two he was obviously hostile to me. I think he was assaulted by Gerashian thugs.
One scenerio sticks with me, which was repeated over and over in the late '90s and early '00s: The chess match: My (Jewish) opponent and I find each other in the tournament room. We exchange pleasantries, then sit down to play. One of us starts the clock. Instantly, my opponent's demeanor changes from 'friendly' to 'hateful.' I can see it in his face and in his body language: he hates me. He hates me second to second, minute to minute, move to move. He hates me with all of his heart and all of his soul. I chalk his demeanor up to 'the competitive spirit.' I figure that he hates me not as a fellow human being but as 'the opponent,' and that once the game is done he will cease to hate me.
I kick his dumb Jewish ass more or less succinctly.
And sure enough at the end of the game he resumes a friendly attitude, reinforcing my impression that his obvious hatred during the game was only an expression of his competitive spirit.
But nowadays I understand that he really did hate me, and that before the game and after the game he was being deceptive. I now understand that even though he lost the game it was worth it to him because during the game he could be himself.
I returned to something I'd read recently on Jew Watch which described how much Jews hate the rest of us. I was astonished and much edified. Let me explain: As we all know, Jews think of themselves as 'The Chosen People of God.' But Jewish history clearly demonstrates that Jews are, on the contrary, the accursed people of god. Us Christians and Muslims (and others)understand that Jewish Delusion well enough, but The Jews persist in that ancient tribal delusion to this very day. And as it turns out, 2008 was a banner year for Jews in that regard. Can it be that after 3000 years of disaster The Jews have finally 'arrived?' Jews think so: They control America, the most powerful nation in the world... for the moment!
The piece also revealed to me that my subjective impression of Jews as 'hate-filled racists' was right on target. I had formed this opinion back in the late '80s and early '90s as I interacted with various Jews at the Denver Chess Club (DCC). It seemed illogical to me at the time because of my impression (from media) that Jews were victims. Historical victims. And yet I could not deny the evidence that many Jews at the DCC hated me for no apparent reason. As a result of that impression I took great pleasure in kicking lots of Jewish Ass over the chessboard. I remember one Jew in particular. He was an old man like me. He obviously liked me. One night he was assaulted in the parking lot and bloodied by an unknown assailant as he walked from his car to the club. Within a week or two he was obviously hostile to me. I think he was assaulted by Gerashian thugs.
One scenerio sticks with me, which was repeated over and over in the late '90s and early '00s: The chess match: My (Jewish) opponent and I find each other in the tournament room. We exchange pleasantries, then sit down to play. One of us starts the clock. Instantly, my opponent's demeanor changes from 'friendly' to 'hateful.' I can see it in his face and in his body language: he hates me. He hates me second to second, minute to minute, move to move. He hates me with all of his heart and all of his soul. I chalk his demeanor up to 'the competitive spirit.' I figure that he hates me not as a fellow human being but as 'the opponent,' and that once the game is done he will cease to hate me.
I kick his dumb Jewish ass more or less succinctly.
And sure enough at the end of the game he resumes a friendly attitude, reinforcing my impression that his obvious hatred during the game was only an expression of his competitive spirit.
But nowadays I understand that he really did hate me, and that before the game and after the game he was being deceptive. I now understand that even though he lost the game it was worth it to him because during the game he could be himself.
Jew Watch
Do you also fear Jews? (Wait... don't answer yet. Think about it for a while...)
TgIF, and I am beginning my weekly blog posts after one 3.2 beer. But strange things are happening: My mind seems to be frozen at the moment. Very strange. Let me explain: I hit the sack around 9PM last night, knowing that I would face several hours of radiation torture which would keep me from sleeping. I figured I might be able to salvage six hours of sleep from an expected disasterous night, but I was wrong. I had even taken the precaution of eating a huge helping of a salty snack food (Doritos Cool Ranch), the idea being to limit urine production during the night, allowing me more sleep time before being awakened by bladder signals. It worked, more or less. I got about 4 hours of sleep before waking up to pee. I have learned not to move immediately after waking, but to instead do an 'audit of the situation:' 'I'm awake. Don't move! Gas? Radiation?' I lay there, motionless for several minutes, at least, sampling the 'milieu.' All quiet on the western front. They don't know yet that I am awake! I enjoy the lack of gas and radiation, but my bladder signals are becoming more urgent and my sholder nerves are telling me that it is time to turn over. I cave in, and roll over onto my back. There is a thump above me, the standard signal that they have detected movement. I get up and pee in the pee pot next to the bed. Near the end of the process I fart. There is another thump above me in response. For the ten thousandth time they have communicated to me the message: 'We see you and we hear you.' It is 0230 AM and I have slept for about 4 hours.
I yawn, crawl back into bed and prepare for the worst. Within a minute or two I can feel the radiation from below: pricking sensations all over my left arm, face, and neck. Itching sensations on the right side of my face and scalp. They are hitting me from above and below. Sleep will be impossible until they stop. This could go on for as long as four hours. I endure the situation for an hour and a half, then I get out of bed at 0400 and begin watching tv in the LR. My plan is to go back to sleep after Kootch leaves at 0700. I finish watching The Ascent of Money on my TiVo. (It is a revelation and I recommend it. You can find it on PBS.)
Later I return to the BR and fire up my computer. My intention is to prepare for 'Blog Night' (tonight). I review several of the possible candidates and reject a couple of them, then I return to the most astonishing of them all, Jew watch.
Do you also fear Jews? (Wait... don't answer yet. Think about it for a while...)
TgIF, and I am beginning my weekly blog posts after one 3.2 beer. But strange things are happening: My mind seems to be frozen at the moment. Very strange. Let me explain: I hit the sack around 9PM last night, knowing that I would face several hours of radiation torture which would keep me from sleeping. I figured I might be able to salvage six hours of sleep from an expected disasterous night, but I was wrong. I had even taken the precaution of eating a huge helping of a salty snack food (Doritos Cool Ranch), the idea being to limit urine production during the night, allowing me more sleep time before being awakened by bladder signals. It worked, more or less. I got about 4 hours of sleep before waking up to pee. I have learned not to move immediately after waking, but to instead do an 'audit of the situation:' 'I'm awake. Don't move! Gas? Radiation?' I lay there, motionless for several minutes, at least, sampling the 'milieu.' All quiet on the western front. They don't know yet that I am awake! I enjoy the lack of gas and radiation, but my bladder signals are becoming more urgent and my sholder nerves are telling me that it is time to turn over. I cave in, and roll over onto my back. There is a thump above me, the standard signal that they have detected movement. I get up and pee in the pee pot next to the bed. Near the end of the process I fart. There is another thump above me in response. For the ten thousandth time they have communicated to me the message: 'We see you and we hear you.' It is 0230 AM and I have slept for about 4 hours.
I yawn, crawl back into bed and prepare for the worst. Within a minute or two I can feel the radiation from below: pricking sensations all over my left arm, face, and neck. Itching sensations on the right side of my face and scalp. They are hitting me from above and below. Sleep will be impossible until they stop. This could go on for as long as four hours. I endure the situation for an hour and a half, then I get out of bed at 0400 and begin watching tv in the LR. My plan is to go back to sleep after Kootch leaves at 0700. I finish watching The Ascent of Money on my TiVo. (It is a revelation and I recommend it. You can find it on PBS.)
Later I return to the BR and fire up my computer. My intention is to prepare for 'Blog Night' (tonight). I review several of the possible candidates and reject a couple of them, then I return to the most astonishing of them all, Jew watch.
Friday, January 16, 2009
I Fear Jews

There are huge gaps in the preceeding history of course. But my main objective was to give you some indication of how a normal human being like me can become an 'antisemite.' And clearly I have not proved my thesis. You can take my story with 'a grain of salt.'
I need to make it very clear that as an 'antisemite' I am extremely Jew-phobic. I fear Jews.
But enough is enough. Time for me to post the most antiSemitic photo I can come up with and then bid you all goodnight: Tied2
My Conversion
We continue with the subject of stalking perforce: My stalker is a Jew. This fact disposes me to take a dim view of Jews in general, but my perception that this creepy Jewish stalker used his creepy tribal connections effectively against me for many years prompts me to - in self defense - publish a timeline of my conversion from 'Pro-semite' to 'Anti-semite.' (Let me be very clear that nowadays I trust a Jew about as far as I can shit. Horizontally.)
1935: I am born in a Catholic hospital. I am left intact sexually.
1942: I am initiated into the Catholic faith with First Communion. I am not impressed.
1952: I read several books about 'The Holocaust.' I become a Pro-semite for many years.
1963: I meet my first Jew. He falls within 'normal.'
1967: I meet my second Jew. I am struck by how differently we see the world. After meeting one of my co-workers he remarks, 'So that's your competition!' I had never thought in such terms.
I flag him as, 'interesting.' Hmm.
1968: My Jewish dentist seems to drill out my cavities too rambunctiously. I decline medication. He drills just the same. painfull. I deduce that he hates me. I don't go back.
1970: My Jewish doctor sticks his finger up my ass during my flight physical. I am embarrassed. It's the first time. He says, 'You're paying for it.' His face turns red. I am working for a Jew but don't realize it. My boss is a Jew. I am clueless. Strange things are happening in my job and I develop a fear of talking on the radio. This leads to the loss of my job as a pilot-instructor. I seek medical advice. My doctor is probably a Jew. Worthless. My problems continue...
1973: I am 'set up' by an ACSD 'lieutenant.' I hire a Jew lawyer. I plead 'not guilty' to a Jew judge. I make the mistake of selecting a 'trial to the judge' instead of a 'trial to the jury.' Bad Idea! I am found guilty after a sham trial and ordered to pay hundreds of dollars I cannot afford. I pay. I pay an equal amount to my 'lawyer,' a filthy Jew. I am become an antisemite.
1975: I meet Walter Gerash at the DCC. It is obviously an 'arranged meeting.' I play Gerash a few games of chess and kick his dumb Jewish ass... but I am not yet a true antisemite. I do not realize that Gerash is a filthy Jew. Nor do I realize that Gerash is a homosexual. Nor do I realize that Gerash is mentally impaired.
1977: I buy 8331V instead of investing the 8,000 dollars in stocks. My family is unimpressed. It is a big mistake. My females decline my invitation to learn aviation from a 'flight instructor.' I would have done the job for free. My girls would have benefitted immensely from such training. Moreover 8331V is a setup. I don't have a clue as the faggot Gerash invades our family life, an invasion which eventually culminates in Kathleen's marriage to Mark. Mark becomes our drug source until I learn to grow pot. Gerash decides to introduce us (through Mark) to LSD.
1978: We all do LSD. ASTONISHING! It is Gerash's biggest mistake: LSD is the unifying agent which allowed the disparate aspects of my life to become unified. After LSD everything made sense! Gerash did not intend that! Gerash thought that LSD was just another drug. Wrong. LSD is a revelation, a revelation which will be forever unavailable to Walter L Gerash, Jewish queer.
We continue with the subject of stalking perforce: My stalker is a Jew. This fact disposes me to take a dim view of Jews in general, but my perception that this creepy Jewish stalker used his creepy tribal connections effectively against me for many years prompts me to - in self defense - publish a timeline of my conversion from 'Pro-semite' to 'Anti-semite.' (Let me be very clear that nowadays I trust a Jew about as far as I can shit. Horizontally.)
1935: I am born in a Catholic hospital. I am left intact sexually.
1942: I am initiated into the Catholic faith with First Communion. I am not impressed.
1952: I read several books about 'The Holocaust.' I become a Pro-semite for many years.
1963: I meet my first Jew. He falls within 'normal.'
1967: I meet my second Jew. I am struck by how differently we see the world. After meeting one of my co-workers he remarks, 'So that's your competition!' I had never thought in such terms.
I flag him as, 'interesting.' Hmm.
1968: My Jewish dentist seems to drill out my cavities too rambunctiously. I decline medication. He drills just the same. painfull. I deduce that he hates me. I don't go back.
1970: My Jewish doctor sticks his finger up my ass during my flight physical. I am embarrassed. It's the first time. He says, 'You're paying for it.' His face turns red. I am working for a Jew but don't realize it. My boss is a Jew. I am clueless. Strange things are happening in my job and I develop a fear of talking on the radio. This leads to the loss of my job as a pilot-instructor. I seek medical advice. My doctor is probably a Jew. Worthless. My problems continue...
1973: I am 'set up' by an ACSD 'lieutenant.' I hire a Jew lawyer. I plead 'not guilty' to a Jew judge. I make the mistake of selecting a 'trial to the judge' instead of a 'trial to the jury.' Bad Idea! I am found guilty after a sham trial and ordered to pay hundreds of dollars I cannot afford. I pay. I pay an equal amount to my 'lawyer,' a filthy Jew. I am become an antisemite.
1975: I meet Walter Gerash at the DCC. It is obviously an 'arranged meeting.' I play Gerash a few games of chess and kick his dumb Jewish ass... but I am not yet a true antisemite. I do not realize that Gerash is a filthy Jew. Nor do I realize that Gerash is a homosexual. Nor do I realize that Gerash is mentally impaired.
1977: I buy 8331V instead of investing the 8,000 dollars in stocks. My family is unimpressed. It is a big mistake. My females decline my invitation to learn aviation from a 'flight instructor.' I would have done the job for free. My girls would have benefitted immensely from such training. Moreover 8331V is a setup. I don't have a clue as the faggot Gerash invades our family life, an invasion which eventually culminates in Kathleen's marriage to Mark. Mark becomes our drug source until I learn to grow pot. Gerash decides to introduce us (through Mark) to LSD.
1978: We all do LSD. ASTONISHING! It is Gerash's biggest mistake: LSD is the unifying agent which allowed the disparate aspects of my life to become unified. After LSD everything made sense! Gerash did not intend that! Gerash thought that LSD was just another drug. Wrong. LSD is a revelation, a revelation which will be forever unavailable to Walter L Gerash, Jewish queer.
Cultural Mutilation
I should mention at this point that if the stalker(s) decide to 'take me up' on (2) below, I have a detailed description of the various gases they have used in the past and are using currently. This is a depressing subject. Let us hope... they don't...
Getting back to more recent posts, I notice that some of you were revulsed by my recent Brown Telephone explorations of The Divine. Very understandable: You were propagandized at an early age when you were intellectually defenseless. The result was that your brain constructed a bizarre 'religion' which you believe to this very day. Indeed, some of you were also physically assaulted sexually (in the name of religion) while you were even younger. The assault took the form of a mutilated penis. And now, today, you live with a mutilated penis and a mutilated brain. Furthermore you live in a mutilated culture within which your personal internal and external mutilations are invisible. I know you. What is the cure for you?
In the case of circumcision the only cures seem to be either foreskin restoration or acceptance. In the case of religious indoctrination the only cure seems to be an emotional disposition to learn new religious information: you must abandon your early indoctrinations. You must see life as it is... Rotsa ruck...
I should mention at this point that if the stalker(s) decide to 'take me up' on (2) below, I have a detailed description of the various gases they have used in the past and are using currently. This is a depressing subject. Let us hope... they don't...
Getting back to more recent posts, I notice that some of you were revulsed by my recent Brown Telephone explorations of The Divine. Very understandable: You were propagandized at an early age when you were intellectually defenseless. The result was that your brain constructed a bizarre 'religion' which you believe to this very day. Indeed, some of you were also physically assaulted sexually (in the name of religion) while you were even younger. The assault took the form of a mutilated penis. And now, today, you live with a mutilated penis and a mutilated brain. Furthermore you live in a mutilated culture within which your personal internal and external mutilations are invisible. I know you. What is the cure for you?
In the case of circumcision the only cures seem to be either foreskin restoration or acceptance. In the case of religious indoctrination the only cure seems to be an emotional disposition to learn new religious information: you must abandon your early indoctrinations. You must see life as it is... Rotsa ruck...
Radiation: Ya Gotta Love it!
Before going on to more definitions, I want to express to the stalker(s) my intense gratitude for switching from gas to radiation. I realize that my fan system probably had something to do with your decision in that regard, but I want you to know that I am not unmindful of your collective emotional sacrifices in making the switch. That said, more definitions:
IRFL manifests as a generalized itching below the knees, usually involving an area of about 20-30 square inches. Scratching the itch involves using all fingers together, dragging the entire area, gently. The result of such a procedure is an exquisitely sensually satisfying experience. When this particular form first appeared in the late '90s I made the mistake of scratching too hard, causing generalized skin damage. I blamed that form of itch on an allergy to my pet rats. Nowadays, however, I know it to be the result of radiation. The ultimate fix for 'rat itch' is the application of hot water in the shower, which produces a unique combination of pain and pleasure which I can only describe as 'orgasmic.' Interestingly, the level of 'hotness' I use seems to result in the temporary destruction of surface tissue including nervous tissue. The skin becomes 'hardened and insensitive' for some time, making it immune to 'rat itch radiation.' It eventually recovers, however, at which point 'RI ratiation' becomes detectable again.
SCRS manifests as the feeling that my entire scrotum is 'writhing.' This may be a common masculine sensation (I remember having it since I was a child) as the scrotum expands or contracts to changes in body temperature. However SCRS goes on and on like the energizer bunny. The fix is to leave the area, or to cup the genitalia in one or both hands. The hands apparently absorb the radiation, shielding the scrotum. Interestingly, the hands do not 'notice' the radiation.
MTRFL manifests as muscle contractions of 'surface muscles.' The phenomenon presents as 'coarse' or 'fine.' The 'course' variety produces small muscle twitches which can be detected by adjascent sensory nerves in the affected foot. The 'fine' variety presents as a tingling sensation in the affected foot, which is detected by the other foot as tiny muscle contractions.
SR manifests as a sudden strong stinging sensation, usually in the toes or feet. Next, in order of frequency is the legs, followed by the eyes. Any part of the body surface can experience SR.
TCR usually manifests as an upper body phenomenon detectable in the jaw muscles. However, strong TCR can affect the entire upper torso, producing the feeling that the upper body is shivering or vibrating. TCR is unrelated to OAT. On one occasion I experienced TCR in one arm only. My conjecture at the time was that 'they' miss-aimed.
Before going on to more definitions, I want to express to the stalker(s) my intense gratitude for switching from gas to radiation. I realize that my fan system probably had something to do with your decision in that regard, but I want you to know that I am not unmindful of your collective emotional sacrifices in making the switch. That said, more definitions:
IRFL manifests as a generalized itching below the knees, usually involving an area of about 20-30 square inches. Scratching the itch involves using all fingers together, dragging the entire area, gently. The result of such a procedure is an exquisitely sensually satisfying experience. When this particular form first appeared in the late '90s I made the mistake of scratching too hard, causing generalized skin damage. I blamed that form of itch on an allergy to my pet rats. Nowadays, however, I know it to be the result of radiation. The ultimate fix for 'rat itch' is the application of hot water in the shower, which produces a unique combination of pain and pleasure which I can only describe as 'orgasmic.' Interestingly, the level of 'hotness' I use seems to result in the temporary destruction of surface tissue including nervous tissue. The skin becomes 'hardened and insensitive' for some time, making it immune to 'rat itch radiation.' It eventually recovers, however, at which point 'RI ratiation' becomes detectable again.
SCRS manifests as the feeling that my entire scrotum is 'writhing.' This may be a common masculine sensation (I remember having it since I was a child) as the scrotum expands or contracts to changes in body temperature. However SCRS goes on and on like the energizer bunny. The fix is to leave the area, or to cup the genitalia in one or both hands. The hands apparently absorb the radiation, shielding the scrotum. Interestingly, the hands do not 'notice' the radiation.
MTRFL manifests as muscle contractions of 'surface muscles.' The phenomenon presents as 'coarse' or 'fine.' The 'course' variety produces small muscle twitches which can be detected by adjascent sensory nerves in the affected foot. The 'fine' variety presents as a tingling sensation in the affected foot, which is detected by the other foot as tiny muscle contractions.
SR manifests as a sudden strong stinging sensation, usually in the toes or feet. Next, in order of frequency is the legs, followed by the eyes. Any part of the body surface can experience SR.
TCR usually manifests as an upper body phenomenon detectable in the jaw muscles. However, strong TCR can affect the entire upper torso, producing the feeling that the upper body is shivering or vibrating. TCR is unrelated to OAT. On one occasion I experienced TCR in one arm only. My conjecture at the time was that 'they' miss-aimed.
I Sleep in Radiation City
Today will be an experiment which will answer the question, 'How well do you blog while severely sleep-deprived and drunk?' Let us begin the experiment:
As you know, I claim to be under attack by a stalker. This attack is a 24/7/365.25 process. The process consists of harrassment and invasion of privacy. The 'harrassment module' currently involves noxious gases, microwave radiation, and unwanted communications based on the invasion of privacy information. To my knowlege, this particular form of attack is unique. Indeed, the 'uniqueness' of the attack makes it 'virtually unbelievable.' My claims are far from proven because the only evidence I can offer is the evidence of my senses. To make matters worse, I have been 'diagnosed' as 'delusional.' The occasion of the (phoney) 'diagnosis' was a setup, and the 'diagnosor' was (presumably) well-paid by the stalker for his 'diagnosis.' Thus my interpretation of my sensory data is suspect. And with that introduction I will proceed to the sensory data, of which I can only quote a few examples from my 'gas log:'
1-10-9: '...Bed at 0045. HEAVY IRFS, PRUB, IRFL 0045-0300, 0400-0600, also TCR ...up at 0915'
1-11-9: 'Bed at 2230. Heavy Rad 0330-0430... up at 0430'
1-12-9: 'Bed at 2315. PRUB, IRFS, MTRFL 2330-0030, HEAVY SRFL 0330-0430... up at 0730'
1-13-9: 'Bed at 2245. Rad 2300-2400, 0330-0430, 0600-0730 (IRFS, PRUB, IRFL, MTRFL, occasional gas... up at 0730)'
1-14-9: 'Bed at 2245. HEAVY PRUB, IRFS, SR, 0230-0530. TCR, IRFL 0800-0830... up at 0830'
1-15-9: 'Bed at 2300. Rad 2330-2400, 0430-0500, 0600-0615, the usual gas... up at 0615'
Which brings us to today, the 16th. See definitions below:
IRFS: Itching Radiation, Face, Scalp: This form of radiation is the most 'directional.' That is to say that the transmitting antenna (dish) direction can be inferred directly from sensory information, thus: With my head on the pillow laying on my left side, IRFS from below causes intense generalized itching only on the left side of my head, especially on the scalp. The reverse is also true, of course, and IRFS in the LR involves the entire scalp, usually, because (presumably) it comes exclusively from above.
PRUB: This is the next most directional form of radiation, the direction of which is inferred per above. PRUB is a generalized pricking sensation on an area of skin about the size of a circle with a diameter of 20 to 40 inches.
Today will be an experiment which will answer the question, 'How well do you blog while severely sleep-deprived and drunk?' Let us begin the experiment:
As you know, I claim to be under attack by a stalker. This attack is a 24/7/365.25 process. The process consists of harrassment and invasion of privacy. The 'harrassment module' currently involves noxious gases, microwave radiation, and unwanted communications based on the invasion of privacy information. To my knowlege, this particular form of attack is unique. Indeed, the 'uniqueness' of the attack makes it 'virtually unbelievable.' My claims are far from proven because the only evidence I can offer is the evidence of my senses. To make matters worse, I have been 'diagnosed' as 'delusional.' The occasion of the (phoney) 'diagnosis' was a setup, and the 'diagnosor' was (presumably) well-paid by the stalker for his 'diagnosis.' Thus my interpretation of my sensory data is suspect. And with that introduction I will proceed to the sensory data, of which I can only quote a few examples from my 'gas log:'
1-10-9: '...Bed at 0045. HEAVY IRFS, PRUB, IRFL 0045-0300, 0400-0600, also TCR ...up at 0915'
1-11-9: 'Bed at 2230. Heavy Rad 0330-0430... up at 0430'
1-12-9: 'Bed at 2315. PRUB, IRFS, MTRFL 2330-0030, HEAVY SRFL 0330-0430... up at 0730'
1-13-9: 'Bed at 2245. Rad 2300-2400, 0330-0430, 0600-0730 (IRFS, PRUB, IRFL, MTRFL, occasional gas... up at 0730)'
1-14-9: 'Bed at 2245. HEAVY PRUB, IRFS, SR, 0230-0530. TCR, IRFL 0800-0830... up at 0830'
1-15-9: 'Bed at 2300. Rad 2330-2400, 0430-0500, 0600-0615, the usual gas... up at 0615'
Which brings us to today, the 16th. See definitions below:
IRFS: Itching Radiation, Face, Scalp: This form of radiation is the most 'directional.' That is to say that the transmitting antenna (dish) direction can be inferred directly from sensory information, thus: With my head on the pillow laying on my left side, IRFS from below causes intense generalized itching only on the left side of my head, especially on the scalp. The reverse is also true, of course, and IRFS in the LR involves the entire scalp, usually, because (presumably) it comes exclusively from above.
PRUB: This is the next most directional form of radiation, the direction of which is inferred per above. PRUB is a generalized pricking sensation on an area of skin about the size of a circle with a diameter of 20 to 40 inches.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Loving Each Other

Time to hit the sack... Whoa! Drunk as I am I just stumbled across the formula to upload a sexy image from my softporn stash! Close your eyes if you are offended by reality.
You are probably shocked by this image, if you are very religious. You think that 'god' hates the human cunt. You think that Jesus would puke at the sight of this gloriously beautiful woman spreading her legs for the camera.
You know me and I know you even more than you know me! Trust me!
I decided to take advantage of this situation to contact the Jewish god WHTZSNM. I dialed 666 on the brown telephone and extended the antenna. God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Do You see the photograph?
gd: What photograph?
me: Thank You for Your input. Sayonara...
I then dialed 123 on the Brown Telephone. Jesus answered immediately.
js: Hello (static)?
me Check out the image I am now uploading. Do You have any comment?
js: Mother (static)! What a (static)!
me: I agree. Awesome.
js: Thank you very much for this information! I love you!
me: And I love You too. Enjoy.
me: What, exactly, irritated You about Lucifer's design?
gd: Masturbation. I hated it. I would not have designed such... 'genitalia.'
me: How would You have modified that design?
gd: I would have eliminated the 'pleasure' of it.
me: Why?
gd: My conception of your life is that you should experience very little pleasure until you enter Heaven and learn Latin praises. Lucifer designed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much pleasure into the human nervous system. I hated that.
me: I take it that You are extremely offended by masturbatory orgasms?
gd: You got it.
me: One last question: how do You monitor human sexual behavior?
gd: I hide.
me: Hide? Where?
gd: I hide in your underpants.
me: What, exactly, irritated You about Lucifer's design?
gd: Masturbation. I hated it. I would not have designed such... 'genitalia.'
me: How would You have modified that design?
gd: I would have eliminated the 'pleasure' of it.
me: Why?
gd: My conception of your life is that you should experience very little pleasure until you enter Heaven and learn Latin praises. Lucifer designed waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much pleasure into the human nervous system. I hated that.
me: I take it that You are extremely offended by masturbatory orgasms?
gd: You got it.
me: One last question: how do You monitor human sexual behavior?
gd: I hide.
me: Hide? Where?
gd: I hide in your underpants.
Uh-oh. Almost time for the news. (Personal note: get the interview with god in before you get too drunk. Later: Ok. Good idea!)
I'm back at 1806L. As I watched the news I wondered what questions I would ask god per last week's 'commitment.' (Kootch just wished me 'goodnight' at 1809L.)
Hmm! I must admit that my questions were mostly sexual. That is to say that my 'existential guilt' centered almost exclusively around my illicit sexual life since age 12 or so (I am a big fan of masturbation and heterosexual fornication). After considerable consideration regarding the matter I gritted my (false) teeth and dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone, and extended the Antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: I'm baaack. Ready for the interview?
gd: If you insist. What is your question?
me: I speak for billions of human beings when I ask You how closely You watch individual human genitalia.
gd: Excellent question! I am very interested in the subject because of the fact that you humans are so needy! Generally speaking you are 'oversexed.' Waaay oversexed. My job is to 'make a list and check it twice,' if you get the metaphor.
me: I take it that 'illicit sex' irritates You?
gd: Exactly.
me: Can You tell us why? Did You not create human beings as sexual creatures? Should You not celebrate human sexual activities?
gd: You are being waaaay too logical. You need to understand that I have a sexual 'point of view.'
Furthermore you need to understand that I did not design the human genitalia. I am a sexless creature. Sex was not my idea. I hate sex.
me: I take it that You were not impressed with Lucifer's design in that regard?
gd: Exactly.
Uh-oh. Almost time for the news. (Personal note: get the interview with god in before you get too drunk. Later: Ok. Good idea!)
I'm back at 1806L. As I watched the news I wondered what questions I would ask god per last week's 'commitment.' (Kootch just wished me 'goodnight' at 1809L.)
Hmm! I must admit that my questions were mostly sexual. That is to say that my 'existential guilt' centered almost exclusively around my illicit sexual life since age 12 or so (I am a big fan of masturbation and heterosexual fornication). After considerable consideration regarding the matter I gritted my (false) teeth and dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone, and extended the Antenna. God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: I'm baaack. Ready for the interview?
gd: If you insist. What is your question?
me: I speak for billions of human beings when I ask You how closely You watch individual human genitalia.
gd: Excellent question! I am very interested in the subject because of the fact that you humans are so needy! Generally speaking you are 'oversexed.' Waaay oversexed. My job is to 'make a list and check it twice,' if you get the metaphor.
me: I take it that 'illicit sex' irritates You?
gd: Exactly.
me: Can You tell us why? Did You not create human beings as sexual creatures? Should You not celebrate human sexual activities?
gd: You are being waaaay too logical. You need to understand that I have a sexual 'point of view.'
Furthermore you need to understand that I did not design the human genitalia. I am a sexless creature. Sex was not my idea. I hate sex.
me: I take it that You were not impressed with Lucifer's design in that regard?
gd: Exactly.
Decisions, Decisions...
Just checked up on Kootch at 1600L and found her cooking up a batch of Tempura. Yum!
And I am happy to report that my recent foray into the world of stock trading has so far yielded a profit of about 150 dollars after expenses of 14 dollars per 'round trip' (buy, sell). I have still not 'read the instructions,' prefering to 'make it up as I go along.' I do have a 'guiding principle,' however: 'What goes down, must come up, eventually.' This is a temporary guiding principle based on the fact(s) that stocks never drop below zero; that stocks tend to oscillate up and down over time, and that currently stocks are nearer to zero. As stocks recover toward historical levels that guiding principle will need to be revised, of course, but by then I will be out of the market.
Recent buys and sells have been interesting to me emotionally: I find that I tend to make snap decisions based on very little information in the case of 'buy' decisions, and that I tend to make premature 'sell' decisions based on the principle that 'you don't go broke making a profit.' All transactions were in lots of 100 shares, with a share price below ten dollars. My most recent purchase (today) was a 500 share deal, the eventual result of which I will report in the near future. I must admit at this point that I am wondering about the ethics of publishing personal stock purchases on a blog.
Just checked up on Kootch at 1600L and found her cooking up a batch of Tempura. Yum!
And I am happy to report that my recent foray into the world of stock trading has so far yielded a profit of about 150 dollars after expenses of 14 dollars per 'round trip' (buy, sell). I have still not 'read the instructions,' prefering to 'make it up as I go along.' I do have a 'guiding principle,' however: 'What goes down, must come up, eventually.' This is a temporary guiding principle based on the fact(s) that stocks never drop below zero; that stocks tend to oscillate up and down over time, and that currently stocks are nearer to zero. As stocks recover toward historical levels that guiding principle will need to be revised, of course, but by then I will be out of the market.
Recent buys and sells have been interesting to me emotionally: I find that I tend to make snap decisions based on very little information in the case of 'buy' decisions, and that I tend to make premature 'sell' decisions based on the principle that 'you don't go broke making a profit.' All transactions were in lots of 100 shares, with a share price below ten dollars. My most recent purchase (today) was a 500 share deal, the eventual result of which I will report in the near future. I must admit at this point that I am wondering about the ethics of publishing personal stock purchases on a blog.
Eyeless in Gaza
After reading last week's drunken posts it seems prudent at this time to reassure you that when I say something like, 'I know you and you know me...' I am only 'being drunk.' I know you readers only as fellow human beings. Indeed, your personal lives are of no interest to me at all. And, please, try not to be too upset by my stupid opinions.
I finally figured out the math formula for translating Palestinian casualties in Gaza into the relative numbers in other populations: p/g(c)=x (divide the population of Gaza (g) into your nation's population (p), then multiply the result by the number of Gazanian casualties (c). This formula gives, for the U.S population of 300,000,000, a comparable causualty count of about 150,000, of which about 44,000 are children, based on the latest death count in Gaza of 750.
Did I get that right? (It amazes me as I write this how easy it is for me to do writing while 'under the influence' but how hard it is to do math under the same conditions.)
It would be interesting to apply this formula to the Israeli side, but I don't have the figures at this time. My guess is that the result of such a comparison would be 'eye-opening.'
After reading last week's drunken posts it seems prudent at this time to reassure you that when I say something like, 'I know you and you know me...' I am only 'being drunk.' I know you readers only as fellow human beings. Indeed, your personal lives are of no interest to me at all. And, please, try not to be too upset by my stupid opinions.
I finally figured out the math formula for translating Palestinian casualties in Gaza into the relative numbers in other populations: p/g(c)=x (divide the population of Gaza (g) into your nation's population (p), then multiply the result by the number of Gazanian casualties (c). This formula gives, for the U.S population of 300,000,000, a comparable causualty count of about 150,000, of which about 44,000 are children, based on the latest death count in Gaza of 750.
Did I get that right? (It amazes me as I write this how easy it is for me to do writing while 'under the influence' but how hard it is to do math under the same conditions.)
It would be interesting to apply this formula to the Israeli side, but I don't have the figures at this time. My guess is that the result of such a comparison would be 'eye-opening.'
Saturday, January 03, 2009
I Know You and You Know Me

Time to wrap this up. Tonight's photo is a sexy crotch shot. My impression is that the photographer sprayed her crotch area with water in order to enhance her sex appeal. Do you agree that it worked? Yes you do!
And with that I bid goodnight to all of my lovely and glorious pets. May you all have a most glorious 2009!
I love you!
Ask God Anything! OMG!
I hung up at that point after advising god that I needed more time to take advantage of His amazing offer to 'ask Me anything.' What an opportunity! I will be thinking up a bunch of questions to ask! Naturally I will report the results to you in future posts. Meanwhile, I would suggest that you think up your own quesions. Ask god those questions. Wait for an answer.
Last beer at 0024 AM. My impression is that 'heavy beer' is more potent than 'light beer.'
On a more somber note: circumcision news. What a dreary scenerio. God sucks.
I hung up at that point after advising god that I needed more time to take advantage of His amazing offer to 'ask Me anything.' What an opportunity! I will be thinking up a bunch of questions to ask! Naturally I will report the results to you in future posts. Meanwhile, I would suggest that you think up your own quesions. Ask god those questions. Wait for an answer.
Last beer at 0024 AM. My impression is that 'heavy beer' is more potent than 'light beer.'
On a more somber note: circumcision news. What a dreary scenerio. God sucks.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Tormented Gaza
Unfortunately I just wasted a bunch of time since (2) below, and as a result I have very little sobriety left to offer to you. On my 10th beer at the moment... just checked in on CNN (LKL). Looks like Israeli forces have not yet begun a ground offensive in tormented Gaza. I recently saw an interview on CNN with 'Ziggy' who suggested that the situation is so dire that an international intervention is needed immediately. I agree. The nations of the world need to proclaim that enough is enough (in the Middle East, at least), and move in immediately. This religious madness must not be allowed to continue. Billions of lives are at stake. Toward that end I have pledged my influence and support: Indeed, I recently concluded a personal conversation with the Jewish god, WHTZSNM, in an attempt to devine divine opinion in the matter before us at the moment.
Most of you know me exclusively as the only human who has in his possession 'The Brown Telephone' (a direct line to the Jewish god WHTZSNM). You know that it is a one-way phone: I can call god but god cannot call me. The result is that my conversations with god are few and far between. But it seemed to me that, in view of Ziggy's opinion in the matter, I should call The Old Bastard and seek out his opinion. I taped the conversation, of course, in self defense:
gd: Hello?
me: Been a long time since we last spoke.
gd: Not long enough.
me: I should advise you that I am recording this conversation.
gd: Recording?
me: I presume you are following current events in the Middle East?
gd: Middle East?
me: The Holy Land.
gd: Oh.
me: Jews and Muslims are killing each other.
gd: Jews? Muslims?
me: I'm calling from Earth.
gd: Earth?
me: You are, at bottom, a comedian. Do I need to remind you that I am recording this conversation?
gd: And you are a discerning human, otherwise I wouldn't bother with you. Record to your heart's content. Ask Me anything!
Unfortunately I just wasted a bunch of time since (2) below, and as a result I have very little sobriety left to offer to you. On my 10th beer at the moment... just checked in on CNN (LKL). Looks like Israeli forces have not yet begun a ground offensive in tormented Gaza. I recently saw an interview on CNN with 'Ziggy' who suggested that the situation is so dire that an international intervention is needed immediately. I agree. The nations of the world need to proclaim that enough is enough (in the Middle East, at least), and move in immediately. This religious madness must not be allowed to continue. Billions of lives are at stake. Toward that end I have pledged my influence and support: Indeed, I recently concluded a personal conversation with the Jewish god, WHTZSNM, in an attempt to devine divine opinion in the matter before us at the moment.
Most of you know me exclusively as the only human who has in his possession 'The Brown Telephone' (a direct line to the Jewish god WHTZSNM). You know that it is a one-way phone: I can call god but god cannot call me. The result is that my conversations with god are few and far between. But it seemed to me that, in view of Ziggy's opinion in the matter, I should call The Old Bastard and seek out his opinion. I taped the conversation, of course, in self defense:
gd: Hello?
me: Been a long time since we last spoke.
gd: Not long enough.
me: I should advise you that I am recording this conversation.
gd: Recording?
me: I presume you are following current events in the Middle East?
gd: Middle East?
me: The Holy Land.
gd: Oh.
me: Jews and Muslims are killing each other.
gd: Jews? Muslims?
me: I'm calling from Earth.
gd: Earth?
me: You are, at bottom, a comedian. Do I need to remind you that I am recording this conversation?
gd: And you are a discerning human, otherwise I wouldn't bother with you. Record to your heart's content. Ask Me anything!
Holy Land... Holy Shit
A visit to the fridge for another beer at 1715 revealed an interesting program on CNBC: 'Untold Wealth: Rise of the Super Rich.' Alright! I'm recording the remainder on CD. Maybe I'll do a blurb on it next week.
But the subject for tonight will be... The Holy Land.
I must admit at the outset that I have a problem understanding the concept of 'Holy Land.' Isn't all land, 'holy'? Isn't the sea 'holy' too? And what about 'holy days?' Aren't all days holy? My problem is related to my lack of 'belief,' of course. The Bible, The Koran, are 'holy books.' But aren't all books, 'holy?' 'Holy' is a very wierd word. In fact there are also 'holy words!' I do not understand the word, 'holy' as it is used by 'religious people.' To me the word 'holy' is superfluous. Everything is 'holy' or nothing is 'holy.' Everything is the same... real. I do not understand the idea of the holy, except perhaps as a complex emotion: a real emotion in response to an imaginary idea. Religion is full of that.
As I type this, the 'Holy Land' is in turmoil as Israeli military forces strike targets in Gaza, home of The Palestinians. The attacks are in response to rocket attacks by Gazanians on Israel, which are in turn a response to Israeli attempts to steal Palestinian land on the West Bank. True, the Israelis are stealing this Palestinian land as legally as possible... that much is true, but the Palestinians refuse to accept the process. To them, theft is theft, no matter the legality of it. I side with the Palestinians on this issue. Theft is theft.
The current statistics place the number of Israelis killed at 4, while the number of Palestinians killed is 400 plus. 1700 Palestinians have been wounded. Hmm. I just attempted to make a comparison to the American population of approximately 300 million. What percentage of Gazanians were killed? What does that translate to in terms of the American population? What's the population of Israel? What percentage of Israelis were killed?
The answer seems to be... You do the math. I'm waaay too drunk.
A visit to the fridge for another beer at 1715 revealed an interesting program on CNBC: 'Untold Wealth: Rise of the Super Rich.' Alright! I'm recording the remainder on CD. Maybe I'll do a blurb on it next week.
But the subject for tonight will be... The Holy Land.
I must admit at the outset that I have a problem understanding the concept of 'Holy Land.' Isn't all land, 'holy'? Isn't the sea 'holy' too? And what about 'holy days?' Aren't all days holy? My problem is related to my lack of 'belief,' of course. The Bible, The Koran, are 'holy books.' But aren't all books, 'holy?' 'Holy' is a very wierd word. In fact there are also 'holy words!' I do not understand the word, 'holy' as it is used by 'religious people.' To me the word 'holy' is superfluous. Everything is 'holy' or nothing is 'holy.' Everything is the same... real. I do not understand the idea of the holy, except perhaps as a complex emotion: a real emotion in response to an imaginary idea. Religion is full of that.
As I type this, the 'Holy Land' is in turmoil as Israeli military forces strike targets in Gaza, home of The Palestinians. The attacks are in response to rocket attacks by Gazanians on Israel, which are in turn a response to Israeli attempts to steal Palestinian land on the West Bank. True, the Israelis are stealing this Palestinian land as legally as possible... that much is true, but the Palestinians refuse to accept the process. To them, theft is theft, no matter the legality of it. I side with the Palestinians on this issue. Theft is theft.
The current statistics place the number of Israelis killed at 4, while the number of Palestinians killed is 400 plus. 1700 Palestinians have been wounded. Hmm. I just attempted to make a comparison to the American population of approximately 300 million. What percentage of Gazanians were killed? What does that translate to in terms of the American population? What's the population of Israel? What percentage of Israelis were killed?
The answer seems to be... You do the math. I'm waaay too drunk.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! It's a bit late for 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Hanuka' but think of the important aspect: a full year! Kootch and I did our usual low key 'celebration:' no Christmas cards sent; none received. I bought her a can of chilli as a 'Christmas present' because that's what she wanted. I would have bought her a new computer - indeed, I asked her whether she would like a new computer for Christmas. She declined. I understand: Kootch is very attached to her old laptop handed down to her by her sister in Tokyo. By the way, as we ate her can of chilli on Christmas day she remarked, 'I make much better chilli.' I agreed. (Sorry, Hormel.)
Reviewing last week's posts, I should hasten to affirm your suspicions that the 'penile infrastructure' stuff was a joke. Foreskin Restoration is a difficult, time-consuming process not amenable to government funding at this time. Also, while Senator Harkin is an Irish-Catholic and - given his age - probably is not circumcised, he may not even be aware that America has a penile infrastructure problem. Most people aren't. In fact, most people are not aware that the term, 'universal coverage' is also a 'code word' for 'national de-circumcision.'
The stock market rallied today and I sold my 200 shares of stock, putting my account back in the black for the time being. Looks like it's time to read the instructions. And by the way I like this book by Toni Turner: A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online. Take care to acquire the 2nd edition, which has been updated for today's market! An added value is that Toni is also a bit of a new age guru. You will like her.
Happy New Year! It's a bit late for 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Hanuka' but think of the important aspect: a full year! Kootch and I did our usual low key 'celebration:' no Christmas cards sent; none received. I bought her a can of chilli as a 'Christmas present' because that's what she wanted. I would have bought her a new computer - indeed, I asked her whether she would like a new computer for Christmas. She declined. I understand: Kootch is very attached to her old laptop handed down to her by her sister in Tokyo. By the way, as we ate her can of chilli on Christmas day she remarked, 'I make much better chilli.' I agreed. (Sorry, Hormel.)
Reviewing last week's posts, I should hasten to affirm your suspicions that the 'penile infrastructure' stuff was a joke. Foreskin Restoration is a difficult, time-consuming process not amenable to government funding at this time. Also, while Senator Harkin is an Irish-Catholic and - given his age - probably is not circumcised, he may not even be aware that America has a penile infrastructure problem. Most people aren't. In fact, most people are not aware that the term, 'universal coverage' is also a 'code word' for 'national de-circumcision.'
The stock market rallied today and I sold my 200 shares of stock, putting my account back in the black for the time being. Looks like it's time to read the instructions. And by the way I like this book by Toni Turner: A Beginner's Guide to Day Trading Online. Take care to acquire the 2nd edition, which has been updated for today's market! An added value is that Toni is also a bit of a new age guru. You will like her.