Friday, January 30, 2009


The Cut and Uncut


TgIF again, and once again I am sleep-deprived due to heavy microwave radiation from the apartments above and below me. Gas has been minimal, however (TgFSF). I'll begin with this recent post titled, 'The Internet Will Cut You.' It's about the kind of people who bombard me with radiation, an appropriate starting point for tonight's session. The guy who is the subject of that blurb doesn't yet realize how lucky he was to have been only spit on; but, like me, he has done something of a 're-evaluation' of his fellow man. I've gone much further than he has in that process! (Interestingly, it is 'radiation-quiet' now at 1506 after ten and a half hours of it. I suppose the intended 'message' is that 'beer cures radiation,' but the problem is that the 'cure' is worse than the 'disease.')

Continuing with the current theme, president O'Bama has just signed the SCHIP legislation which will extend MEDICAID to needy children. Good idea. But you know me: I wondered whether any of those federal funds would be used to further Jewify America through infant sexual mutilation (circumcision). So I Googled, 'medicaid circumcision' which yielded this very interesting map. Seems that the various states must decide whether Medicaid can be used for Jewification purposes! Whoa! (Still rad-quiet at 1540L.) As you can see, some states have prohibited the practice, some states are considering banning the practice, and some states are apparently oblivious to the practice. Very interesting. There is opportunity for further research here. The subtitle of the article is, 'How your State can save $1,000,000 every year.' So now I am wondering: given the current economic situation, can any state afford not to at least consider a ban on government-assisted infant sexual mutilation?
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