Friday, January 23, 2009


Understanding Jewish Hate

I returned to something I'd read recently on Jew Watch which described how much Jews hate the rest of us. I was astonished and much edified. Let me explain: As we all know, Jews think of themselves as 'The Chosen People of God.' But Jewish history clearly demonstrates that Jews are, on the contrary, the accursed people of god. Us Christians and Muslims (and others)understand that Jewish Delusion well enough, but The Jews persist in that ancient tribal delusion to this very day. And as it turns out, 2008 was a banner year for Jews in that regard. Can it be that after 3000 years of disaster The Jews have finally 'arrived?' Jews think so: They control America, the most powerful nation in the world... for the moment!
The piece also revealed to me that my subjective impression of Jews as 'hate-filled racists' was right on target. I had formed this opinion back in the late '80s and early '90s as I interacted with various Jews at the Denver Chess Club (DCC). It seemed illogical to me at the time because of my impression (from media) that Jews were victims. Historical victims. And yet I could not deny the evidence that many Jews at the DCC hated me for no apparent reason. As a result of that impression I took great pleasure in kicking lots of Jewish Ass over the chessboard. I remember one Jew in particular. He was an old man like me. He obviously liked me. One night he was assaulted in the parking lot and bloodied by an unknown assailant as he walked from his car to the club. Within a week or two he was obviously hostile to me. I think he was assaulted by Gerashian thugs.
One scenerio sticks with me, which was repeated over and over in the late '90s and early '00s: The chess match: My (Jewish) opponent and I find each other in the tournament room. We exchange pleasantries, then sit down to play. One of us starts the clock. Instantly, my opponent's demeanor changes from 'friendly' to 'hateful.' I can see it in his face and in his body language: he hates me. He hates me second to second, minute to minute, move to move. He hates me with all of his heart and all of his soul. I chalk his demeanor up to 'the competitive spirit.' I figure that he hates me not as a fellow human being but as 'the opponent,' and that once the game is done he will cease to hate me.
I kick his dumb Jewish ass more or less succinctly.
And sure enough at the end of the game he resumes a friendly attitude, reinforcing my impression that his obvious hatred during the game was only an expression of his competitive spirit.
But nowadays I understand that he really did hate me, and that before the game and after the game he was being deceptive. I now understand that even though he lost the game it was worth it to him because during the game he could be himself.
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