Friday, August 31, 2007
I Doubt
Concerning (4) below I was having drunken fun while thinking of David Hume, who had little respect of 'the law of cause and effect.' I allowed my mind to type out the sequences of thoughts, but when I read it all back I was obliged to make the final comment. I have such fun when I'm drunk!
Concerning the synopsis of a recent conversation with Kootch (5), I invented it. It is true that whenever I 'talk to god' I hold my right (boom) hand/arm in the described position, but it is not true (tap) that the middle finger is a 'transmitting antenna.' Indeed, I think of the left middle finger as the true 'flip-off finger,' but I sit on the right side of the couch when I watch tv, hence the choice of the right hand. I doubt that God would be less offended by the right hand even if He knew about the distinction, which I doubt He does.
Bringing us to the unfortunate senator from Idaho, whose machinations have permeated media recently: I would say that personal sexual preferences are of public importance only when they impact public policy. Senator Craig's secret sexual life falls within that category, obviously, because closet homosexuals (tap) are vulnerable to blackmail. The faggot Gerash knows that well, and has used that principle often in the past to work his will, the result being that many Denver homos remain (boom) 'incognito' and vulnerable even as I type this. Gerash himself is a closet 'deviant' and well knows the advantage of unsavory information. Indeed, Gerash's contacts within the 'deviant community' (I must be in there somewhere!) have been instrumental in his (tap) rise (tap) toward the top (tap) of 'Denver power.' And Power demands expression!
The expression of power can be either 'extro' or 'intro' (Stomp!) (Wow. That was a surprise!)
'The Curse' is Alive and Well
Which brings us to the CNN series by Christiane Amanpour. I found the series exhilarating because it represented a true (or fairly true) report on the fundamental modern problem: too much fucking religion. It amazes me that in this technological age the vast majority of people everywhere still cling to various ancient religious ideas, most of which are utter crap.
Concerning the the final 'Christian Warrior' segment of the series I was mostly up to date. I have long been aware of the ludicrous Christian 'eschatology' concerning the 'end of the world' (not to mention the equally ludricous Muslim and Jewish versions) and this segment gave me much cause for laughter (being gassed here, RLG). I consider that fat-assed San Antonio preacher John Hagee to be more of a Jew than a Christian and I record his Sunday morning show (Cornerstone) on tivo for laughs. I play (tap) the first 15 minutes of it (more or less) before my revulsion (faint boom) forces me to delete it. I once told Kootch, as I played a little of it for her in the absense of a Millionaire (tap) segment that 'This is the creepiest Christian you will ever see on tv.' Kootch was totally unimpressed with my revulsion: she already knows that it is all crap.
The thing I hate most about Hagee is his joy of anticipation - not of possible pussy in paradise - but of possible close-up 3-D views he will have of sinners burning in Hell. He obviously loves thinking about those times to come and punctuates his sermons with verbal and physical exclamation points designed to scare the the hell out of those poor folks who don't have the balls to think for themselves.
The series was generally well received, but I noticed a review on MSNBC's (tap) Dan Abrams show which was distinctly not. Although Abrams (probable Jew) himself did not use the modern Jewish curse (antisemitism) one of his 'guests' did, and I got the impression that Abrams agreed with him.
EMR Update
Seems like a good idea to br(tap)ing last week's posts up to date:
T(bonk)he ELF detector did not support the theory that my problem is electromagnetic radiation in the 20-10000 hertz zone. I could not correlate ELF readings with skin (tap) sensations. It seems to be working as advertized (although I can't be certain that it is not defective in some way), so I will assume for the time being that the results invalidate the theory. (No ghosts were detected either, by the way.) This failure would appear to eliminate the ELF range, and seems to be at odds (tap, tap) with my strong perceptions of 'teeth chattering' which cause I have attributed to ELF in the 20 cycle range. I've revised the theory accordingly. I now attribute the teeth chattering effect to modulation (tap) at about 20 cps. The fundamental frequency remains unknown, but is not in the 20-10000 cps range. Indeed, the various effects besides the TC effect (fine muscle twitching, itching, pricking, and stinging) might all be induced by modulation of a fundamental frequency. Might. One thing is very clear to me in any case: these symptoms are not the result of a disease process but are the result of EMR (boom). One more thing is clear: the EMR is not the result of a local wiring error such as the failure of a local ground connection, but is controlled (turned on and off (thump) and modified in regard to intensity, effect (symptom) and location (general body location) by persons unknown who use the apparatus to torture and harrass me.
The ELF failure got me interested again in the ZC-185, and I renewed my investigations with that device. The results were generally confusing because the ZC-185 has such a broad frequency sensitivity (3 MHZ - 5 GHZ), plus an excellent signal strength sensitivity. I found numerous 'hot spots' near where I watch tv in the LR and work with my computer in the BR (thump). But the most significant finding was that the ground pipes connected to the bathroom were highly radiative, whereas the (faint boom) equivalent pipes in the kitchen were not. The metal tables on which I place my computer equipment were also highly radiative. I've concluded for the time being that the copper pipes (tap) leading up to our apartment bathroom have been electrically isolated from ground. I reached the same conclusion some time ago but was seduced by the ELF theory. (By the way, I should mention at this time that I have had zero radiation symptoms as I write this, even though the ZC-185 sitting upright on the table is reading over 50 percent on the mid scale sensitivity, and reads 100 percent on the same scale when the antenna part of the device is pressed against the lip of the table (vertically).) There are high readings in bed too, but my body - fat ass that I am - absorbs and reradiates the energy in bewildering modes.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Caught in the Act
Bringing us to the end of my notes (tap). Whoa! I suddenly realized that there is no music. So I just put on Mozart PC#21 at 2343L - waaay late. 'Better late than...'
Now is the time to catch up on current family history:
Kootch recently bought a used TIVO (tap) from a Japanese friend for 25 dollars. Seems the woman bought it not realizing it needed a telephone connection. All she had was a cell phone. She sold it to Kootch for 25 dollars. After two or three days of trying to activate the thing (which had already been activated) she was able to do the tivo thing. But then the tivo failed. Kootch packed it up and sent it back to tivo, who was very interested in retaining her as a customer. About a week later a used (presumably re-conditioned) tivo arrived and she plugged it in. It has been working since then. She is being charged half (tap) of what tivo charges me. Furthermore she has a tivo which has double the capacity of my tivo! (80 vs 40) Barf. I pay for her tivo I think... but we shall see.
It's 0003L and I need to wrap this up. How to do it? Ha! Got it! Continuing with the theme of 'current family history' I offer the following synopsis of a recent conversation with Kootch. The scene was the LR. The occasion was a recent conversation with the Jewish God WHTZSNM. I was talking to WHTZSNM when Kootch walked in. She seemed puzzled by the scene:
ku: What are you doing?
me: Talking to God.
(gd: Hello? You still there?)
ku: Are you flipping me off!?
me: Not at all. I am talking to God.
ku: Why is your right hand in the stinkfinger position?
me: (to God): Call you back later.
me: (to Kootch): Think 'antenna.'
ku: Huh?
me: I'm talking to God on the Brown Telephone.
ku: I don't see any telephone...
me: It's invisible. Only I can see it. Trust me.
ku: Is this another dumb joke?
me: Not at all. The middle finger acts as the antenna for the Brown Telephone.
ku: Looks to me like you are flipping somebody off.
me: Be that as it may...
ku: Does God talk back?
Interestingly, all three previous posts published immediately. I had 'saved' them (bonk) and published them all in sequence at once, but it seems doubtful that that could account for the obvious Blogger problems I have been experiencing. We shall see.
I love the idea of Evolution as a 'universal principle.' Others have no doubt defined it as such way before me, and as such it is certainly an expression of the principle of 'cause and effect,' only more complex. That is to say that 'Evolution' describes a universal truth: multiple causes when 'combined' lead collectively to various resultant states. 'Cause and effect' is a theoretical construct (a metaphysical principle) which has no demonstrable single physical case, but only multiple cases in Nature. Nature obviously produces the complex results we see every day, the previously mentioned example of the gravity(boom) prone shorts being a case in point. Therefore the metaphysical rule, for which there is no obvious natural single example, works complexly in the complexity of Nature. Indeed, if the metaphysical rule of 'cause and effect' were reduced to the level of quantum mechanics it would be found to be dubious by experiment. Yet the behavior of the macro-world affirms its validity. Therefore 'Evolution' is the single most fundamental principle of physics. Prove me wrong if you can.
The Denver Faggot Division
CNN's Christiane Amanpour had a fascinating series this week titled 'God's Warriors.' I tivo'd all three, of course. I found the first installment - God's Jewish Warriors - the most interesting because I am currently engaged with the GJW's Denver Faggot Division commanded by Walter L Gerash. Did you know that it takes more than six Jewish terrorists to blow up a bunch of Palestinian schoolgirls? No? Neither did I. I wonder how many Jewish terrorists it takes to screw in a light bulb...
Whereas I enjoyed the Jewish segment I found the Muslim segment boring. I already knew most of it. I did find the part about Syed Qutb, father of modern jihad, quite interesting and concluded that he was a probable faggot in denial. I am only halfway through the Christian segment at the moment but it promises to be almost as interesting as the Jewish segment. I'll report next week. Highly recommended, so watch it if CNN repeats it. You will not be disappointed unless you're Jewish. Or Muslim. Or Christian.
Continuing in realm of 'religion,' it turns out that 'Mother Theresa' was a closet atheist. Who would have guessed!? One source suggests that she will be named as the 'patron saint of doubters.' Bet she gets the lion's share of prayers for the forseeable future unless Jesus arrives. Or the Hidden Imam. Or the Messiah.
Then there is the subject of 'low fashon: Today had a piece today on (tap) the (mostly black) urban practice of males wearing oversized cutoffs (tap) so low as to reveal the underwear (stomp) beneath. No briefs. No panties. Only boxers allowed. This 'cultural practice' appears to have had its origin in the black community (tap) many years ago as poor black families fashioned 'hand-me-downs' to pass on to younger siblings using only a pair of scissors. The resulting 'shorts' were (boom) too long and the waists were too loose, resulting in that hangdog look. The rise of Rap acted synergen(boom-boom)ically to produce the modern look, all of which really represents yet another instance of the universal principle of Evolution. (tap)
Prove me wrong if you can.
Question: will the downward migration eventually reach the point where it begins to interfere with mobility? If so, then I predict that you will see a rise in the incarcerated black population up to the point - the exact point - where clothing style interferes with flight from the police. I doubt you will ever see the final logical expression of pants around the ankles. Evolution doesn't work that way.
There has been a recent interesting development in my war with Judeofaggotry: my account has been slightly hacked. Here is the story: Last Sunday I ordered a device called the 'E.L.F. ZONE' from Amazon. The deviced was advertised as a cheap ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) detector. I thought it might help me test my current theory of 'harrassment by electromagnetic radiation.' The current theory holds that my physical symptoms are the result of massive ER in the 20-10,000 HZ zone. If correct, the device should tend to validate (tap) the theory. If, on the other hand, the theory was wrong the device should tend to discredit the theory. I had my doubts, of course, based not only on the price but on the 'reviews' which suggested that it was great for 'ghost hunting.' But it was cheap. I ordered it anyway. It arrived Wednesday. I began testing it immediately, trying to correlate the 'readings' with my subjective symptoms (tap). I'm still testing (tap). Then Thursday two books arrived from Amazon, the result of another order, this one not placed by me: The End of Faith and The God Delusion, both of which I already have. How to explain this? (tap)
I concluded that Judeo-faggotry either has a mole at Amazon or was able to fool Amazon (slight stomp). My first inclination was to return the books for credit. I signed in to Amazon and went through the process (such as it is: there was no such choice as 'I did not order this'). When I reached the 'print and continue' page (print the return address) I failed to notice that the printer cable was not plugged in. The result was that I (boom) have no return address. I will try again. If I am unable to redo the return I will donate the books to either one of the local libraries or to the Christian Bookstore (eheh - that should be fun!).
Which brings us to the point of this post: I think that this 'hack' (boom) represents yet another violation of the 'leave no evidence' rule which Gerash and his buttie boys have been following for so many years (the previous violation being the screen door incident). Though not as clear as the screen door incident it is still objective evidence (tap) in my view. The point of the hack (tap) was probably to take advantage of my acquired honesty: they wanted me to mention the E.L.F.-ZONE. Perhaps they knew it wouldn't work. We shall see...
Ancient Religious Bullshit
Cherem is the Jewish form of excommunication. Hilarious. (I wonder what they mean by 'self abuse.' Hmm...) I got the 'cherem' word from Hitchens' book with which I am almost finished. Hitchens was describing the damnation of Spinoza and quoted most of the formal curse against Spinoza. You can find the entire curse here, about halfway down the page. Whew. Those Jews sure know how to curse! In fact, they even went so far as to quote 2 Kings 3:11-12 where the bald-headed Elisha cursed a mob of children who were teasing him. Two she-bears came out of the woods and 'savaged' 42 of them. Do not tease a bald-headed Jew, folks. I also can personally testify that it pisses the suckers off. Back when I was writing my DROG I used to refer to Walter L Gerash as that, 'Ugly old bald-headed Jewish cock(boom)sucker lawyer' knowing that he was reading my DROG. The intent was to piss him off and it worked. The phrase contained the five most hateful adjectives I could think up at the time, plus one hateful noun.
By the way, I highly recommend Hitchens' book! It is by far the best of the three (The End of Faith and The God Delusion being the other two) because it clearly shows the consequences of trying to live in a technologically advanced world while simultaneously believing ancient religious bullshit.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Here and Now
Which brings us to here. We are all here. Most of us don't realize that. We are nevertheless here whether we realize it or not. Furthermore we are all now. We are all now, not yesterday or tomorrow, even though most of us don't see that as we experience our lives moment to moment. Most of us think that we are not here and not now, in spite of the fact that we obviously are here and now.
The reason is that we model the future excessively, and/or we model the past incessantly. We therefore miss the here and now, most of out brainpower having been devoted to modeling the future and the past.
This mode works (more or less) in the economic sense because it contributes toward our individual survival: we need to be aware of the past and the possible future. I call this cerebral state, 'economic mode.' But this is only one possible mode. There is at least one other mode which I call, 'Acid Mode.' Acid Mode disables all modeling. The result is that the subject experiences, perforce, the here and the now (being gassed here, RLG) perhaps for the first and only time.
The experience is astonishing. Therein lies the value of the Acid Experience.
Here is yet another post.
Friday, August 17, 2007
This is a Test
Time to wrap this up. I am still in the dark concerning why my blog has recently failed to follow the previous history concerning publication and public availability. But my blog 'publishes' in some sense after all, judged by the fact that although I can't 'refresh' my blog I can 'view' the 'published' result.
So, here is the latest (boom) example.
Preserving Future Choice
Create your image. This site allows you to present your desired image in the most nonunsavory way.
Coming out Godless. Interesting (tap), but philosophically worthless. I would classify this in the realm of 'modern culture.'
Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths About Circumcision. An ignorant Jew rants (boom) against the modern tendancy to reject infant sexual mutilation.
Dutch Bishop suggests that Christians call God, Allah. Bad idea. I would offer instead my characterization, WHTZSNM. This would preserve the various possibilities into the foreseeable future while not necessarilly offending the diety in question.
On The Take
You have probably never talked to an ACSD detective. In that case you have not missed much. I found them to be superficially interested in my problem. They took copious notes as I was speaking (tap). That would have been the end of the story (thump thump) but for my discovery of the narrative of their ensuing 'investigation,' which narrative I have already published. Nothing, of course, ever came of their 'investigations' which was remotely in my favor. Indeed, they managed to turn up 'evidence' that I was actually ins(tap)ane to the point of being 'delusional.'
I later concluded that the Jewish faggot Walter L Gerash 'owned' those (tap) detectives in the same way he 'owned' (tap) the 'psychiatrist' (tap) who furnished him with his first 'diagnosis.' (Amazingly, you can actually buy a diagnosis! For another person! I shit you not, folks: if you have enough money you can buy a 'diagnosis' for whomever is complaining to the police about you. You can then present that 'diagnosis' to the police, who will then believe it officially. All it takes is money (tap). If you have enough money you can buy anybody. (Only not me!) But I digress. Here is my interview with the ACSD detective, Paul E Goodman, probable Jew, 'on the take:' (being gassed here - R burning)
me: Somebody sabotaged my screen door.
gm: Show me.
me: There.
gm: Where.
me: Right there.
gm: You called me out here for this?!
me: Um, yes.
gm: You need to contact a psychiatrist. You need help.
me: Help doing what?
gm: I will let this pass for now on the condition that you not bother me again. If you try to bother me again I will call the tri-county Mental Health Department and they will sic their best psychologist on you.
me: Shabby Shawn?
gm: How did you know that?
Meeting Kelso
Kelso arrives at the appointed time. His demeanor reeks of contempt. He wears a Taser on his left hip, and his left hand hangs near it, twitching almost uncontrollably.
me: Somebody climbed up on my patio and cut my screen door.
ke: Show me.
me: There.
ke: That's all?
me: Yes.
ke: You got me out here to report a 1.5 inch gash in your screen door?
me: Exactly.
ke: Do you realize how much County Money you have just wasted?
me: Huh?
ke: Firstly, there is my pay. Nextly, there is my automobile expenses. I would say that - at minimum - you have just now wasted over a hundred dollars of County money, and all for a 1.5 inch cut in your stupid screen door. You could have replaced the door for that.
me: Well, maybe.
ke: Anything else before I leave?
me: I guess not. Can I talk to a detective? (tap)
ke: I can schedule one for you next Thursday at 5:30 PM.
me: Please do.
I should mention here that I used Thursday in the above fantasy because an ACSD yum-yum once told me some time ago that the ACSD was least busy on Thursdays, and that that day would be my best bet on getting some sort of police interest in my stalking situation. That was near the day of my most recent call to the ACSD, when the idiot Kelso showed up. (And at this point I should mention that just before writing this segment I called the ACSD at the number mentioned above. After 4 rings a woman answered and said the words above. I pretended to have dialed (tap) the wrong number. It was one of my rare lies.
Calling for Help
Which brings us to the question of why I have treated the matter so indifferently. After all, some bozo climbed up onto our patio (tap) early in the morning with a pair of dikes and clipped part of the screen which supported the safety pin to which another safety pin attached to a lanyard connected to a pin in an alarm designed to warn of (boom) intruders was inserted. Clearly this was more than a simple case of random vandalism. In fact, this incident supports the claim I have been making (tap) for many years concerning personal terrorism. Indeed, this incident is the single most compelling evidence supporting my claim because it is actual physical evidence. Even Kootch was impressed. Even Kootch! Subjective evidence (tap) like frequent violent coughing (tap), frequent bizarre skin sensations like skin-crawling, pricking, and stinging, and bizarre muscle movements like fine muscle twitching and teeth chattering, are all merely subjective body actions which may or may not (tap) have any relation to 'gas' or 'electromagnetic radiation.' But the screen door evidence was actual objective evidence. Why didn't I call the ACSD immediately?
Eheh. You don't know the ACSD. I do (tap).
In order to illustrate what I mean by that last remark I am minded to cook up a series of interviews with local 'law enforcement.' I will begin with my initial call for help over the telephone:
me: (dialing 303-795-4711)
sd: Arapahoe County Sheriff's Department. How can I help you?
me: My screen door has been vandalized.
sd: Vandalized how?
me: Somebody took a pair of dikes to it (tap) and cut a 1.5 inch channel in it.
sd: That's all?
me: yes. I would like to talk to a detective.
sd: We are very busy at the moment, and you would need to talk to an officer first. Our soonest opening is Thursday afternoon.
me: But today is Friday morning.
sd: Thursday afternoon. Take it or leave it.
me: I'll take it.
sd: Officer Kelso will be visiting you Thursday afternoon at 5:30. PM.
me: but I watch The News then.
sd: Take it or leave it.
me: I'll take it.
The Screen Door
I finally got around to getting a close-up photograph of the damage to the screen door. After the damage I moved the safety pin up about an inch, and we have been using it in this position since then. The photo was taken without a flash. A paper towel was taped over the area to provide a light contrast.
There are two forms of damage: cutting damage on the left and stress damage on the right. It is possible that Kootch or I did the stress damage, but the cutting was done by a person or persons unknown, probably using diagonal pliers (dikes). The intruder had to have climbed up onto the patio, the floor of which is about 7 feet off the ground. (later:) Kootch tells me that she caused the stress damage as she tried to separate the two safety pins whose 'heads' had become entangled at the time of the incident. Apparently she did not want to set off the alarm by pulling too hard on the 'lanyard' and so pulled the screen out of shape as she disentangled the 'heads.' (I later 'improved the design' by rotating the fixed safety pin 180 degrees. There has been no entanglement since then.)
Kootch's denial was shaken by the incident and she stopped cooling the living room for a week or so, but began doing it again at my request. I just now told her not to do it tomorrow morning because I don't want to kill anybody while I am hungover. She smiled knowingly and confided that she had already reached that conclusion.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Humor is Fun
You would probably think it un(boom)wise to be at war under such circumstances, (tap) and you would be correct under ordinary conditions. I understand.
(Hmm. I see from the previous post that (tap) the published result exactly mimics the format in my blog editor. Strange. Blogger is behaving rightly for a change. Weird.) Next subject:
Humor is fun. Hominids love humor. Why? And what, exactly, is 'humor?' I know, you don't know, so listen up and listen good: We laugh when our neural circuitry arrives at a 'neural non-sequiter.' Let me explain:
It takes a big brain to appreciate a joke. Little brains never get it, but really big brains do. We have really big brains, so we laugh when we 'get it.' The reason has to do with our capacity to 'think ahead.' Our brains constantly 'model reality.' Those models include 'probable scenerios.' That is to say that our brains constantly 'anticipate the next logical moment' in our lives. It's an automatic function of the brain which evolved many years ago because it proved to be of survival value: our brains model the future moment to moment. This has a huge survival value which we humans have enjoyed for hundreds of thousands of years. But why do we laugh?
My conjecture is that laughter is a brain state where hundreds of thousands of possible future scenerios have suddenly been terminated by reality. The result is that many millions of neurons suddenly find themselves bereft of anticipated input. The result is laughter as the brain adjusts to the new situation. Prove me wrong if you can.
This brings up the question of exactly where the motor (among other) signals originate in that scenerio. My guess is that the sudden cessation of massive input forces a neural 'retrenchment' which is expressed (motorwise) in the 'laughter reflex.'
Jews can be Very Dangerous People
Continuing with the current investigations it just now occurred to me that you - idiots that you are - might be supposing that I (boom) 'get off' on thinking about men and boys masturbating. Possibly you are thinking that I am a secret (tap) devotee of 'circle jerking.' Utter nonsense. I am attacking the procedure because it is a Jewish thing. I really don't give a fat fuck whether you do or do not mutilate your infant sons. Really. Your son's penises are of no interest to me. I am attacking circumcision because I am at war with Jews. All Jews, everywhere. More generally I am at war with what I call 'The Circumcision Cult.' This includes Muslims too, but I am especially at war with Jews. It's them against me.
(I use the 'them against me' phrase (instead of 'me against them') historically: (boom) Jews attacked me first. It took me about twenty years to conclude that my family and I were under attack by Jews for unknown reasons. The eventual (tap) reason turned out to be the obsessed Jewish faggot Walter L Gerash who used his tribal connections against us. This realization astonished me. Jews can be very dangerous people. If you don't believe that, check the nearest penis.)
Not one but two funnies from The Onion: Deities sort it out, and The value of DNA.
You don't get no respect from Pat Condell. (Pat is a very funny guy. Check out his web site.) And Jesus and Mo duke it out with the barmaid. (both via Pharyngula)
I signed up for this project and tried my hand at classifying a couple hundred dim galaxies.
Quick funny: Q. What does D.A.M. mean? A. Mothers against Dislexia. (via Walkthisway)
Well folks, the above work was done this week while totally sober. Except for the galaxy project it is funny stuff, most of which makes fun of whatever stupid religion you happen to belong to. Enjoy it if you can. If not, try classifying indistinct blobs for Science.
As often happens I found myself tonight with no 'agenda' so I revisited one of last week's sites, Mothers Against Circumcision. There I read some of the links and began to wonder how much money was involved it a typical 'procedure.' Try this on for size, folks: it only cost you and your insurance company $1869 back in 1999 to mutilate your newborn son sexually such that he could not masturbate normally when he came of age. By now it must be over $2000 per 'procedure.' Congratufuckinglations.
Labels: circumcision sexual mutilation
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Hot Pink

I love this photograph. What we have here is tits (tap), navel, pubic hair, and 'attire suggestivaire' (tap). Unfortunately this is the last (thump) image from oldcomputer that I uploaded a few weeks ago. Oldcomputer crashed recently as I attempted to install some new software. I'm sure I can recover oldcomputer (boom). But why bother? That is the question. So it might be a while before I will be able to grace you again with some more Asian Pussy. (But stay tuned!)
Concerning the woman in question I love her smile. Nothing is more sexy than a smile. Her tits are great too, of course, and I love her vertical navel.
Most of all I love her crotch.
Searching for Lucifer
Before signing off tonight I need to assure you that 'The Devil' may not be all that bad, especially when he is compared to the Jewish God, WHTZSNM. For example, you may or may not know that 'Lucifer' played the definitive part in the creation of The Universe. I have interviewed both WHTZSNM and Lucifer from time to time and I know what I am talking about: God was little more than an enterpreneur who reaped the rewards of Luciferian research, yet God (WHTZSNM) recieved all the credits for Creation, whereas Lucifer was assigned a minimal role: The Jewish Myth was born. But the truth is this:
God (having no clue) contracted Lucifer (and friends) to design The Universe.
At the point when the Big Bang happened, God screwed up, saying the magic words ('Let there be Light') prematurely. The result was that all documentation concerning how to manage The Universe was lost in the firey explosion known as The Big Bang. As a result the Universe runs on automatic pilot, while 'God' pretends to be in charge. That is the situation. The fact of the matter is that 'God' is scientifically clueless, and is little more than a 'poseur'.
Labels: WHTZSNM.
Friday, August 03, 2007
The Power of Emotion
Here is the story: Kootch owns the apartment in which we live. Kootch is the boss. So, when she mounted the figure of a 'Devil' on the wall in the hallway I did not object. Kootch explained at the time that this figure (which reminded me of Satan with horns) was a Japanese God whose duty it was to scare away 'evil spirits.' I accepted her reasoning. Whatever. We had no visitors except immediate family (Kathy and Jenny) in any case, therefore 'image' was not an issue. The two girls accepted the figure without question because (presumably) they understood the (stomp) banality involved. The image of 'The Devil' hung on the hallway wall for many years. It became a fixture unnoticed... by us.
Came the ACSD one fine day (tap) as harrassment from above assumed legal proportions. Those cops certainly noticed 'The Devil' hanging on the hallway wall. Those cops must ha(tap)ve concluded that we were 'Devil Worshippers' in some sense, and must have reported to ACSD 'Intelligence' that we were probable 'Devil Worshippers.' ACSD 'intelligence' must have labeled us in that regard. Meanwhile we were oblivious concerning how we were being characterized in police 'intelligence' circles. No cop ever questioned us concerning the Devil in the hallway.
My conjecture is that 'police intelligence' (a gross oxymoron, by the way) interfered with my later attempts to enlist the ACSD in my defense against the stalker Walter L Gerash, obsessed Jewish Faggot. This characterization formed the emotional substrate upon which later facts would be evaluated (tap): the ACSD was irrevocably committed against me. Little did I know. I doubt that the filthy Jewish queer Gerash needed to pay off a single cop back in those days. Nowadays he might have to pay, especially if the cop in question is not Jewish.
The faggot Gerash (tap) had total access to our apartment back in those days, and certainly (boom) noticed 'the Devil on the wall.' He must have used his connections in 'ACSD Intelligence' to formulate a plan whereby a visit by the ACSD would result in my damnation.
The Devil Made Me do it
(By the way, I have never had anal sex, one way or the other. Nor do I ever plan to. Ass holes in any form do not appeal to me.)
Sloganizer is a cool site. Type in a word and it creates slogans for you. I tried, WHTZSNM (among others) and got back, 'WHTZSNM says it all' (among others). Speaking of slogans, cafepress appeals to the religious-minded/unminded (among others). UNIQLOCK. Skinny Japanese yum-yums dance as the clock ticks off the seconds...
Back to sex, Jews, and perversions in general. I was struck recently by the amazing disparity between these two sites: AAP (American Association of Pediatrics) seems to approve of infant sexual mutilation by way of a very weak disclaimer, whereas MAC (Mothers Against Circumcision) is absolutely opposed to the infant sexual mutilation. Why?
There are several reasons, I think: (1) Jews dominate the AAP. (2) Goyim (non-Jews) fear the curse of 'AntiSemitism' if they differ with Jews on this issue. (3) Routine infant sexual mutilation is a significant source of revenue in pediatric circles. (4) Most male Goyim are themselves circumcised (for 'health reasons' - eheh) and therefore suffer the same amount of penis envy as Jews suffer. Result: if you are born in America you can kiss your sex life goodbye. You will be able to procreate eventually but it won't be that much fun. And forget about the pleasures of jacking off.
Finally, there is Oni, or, 'How I got stamped as a Devil Worshipper by the ACSD.' I blame it all on Kootch (tap). Really. Not that I really blame her. Read on...
Now I Am Become Sex Guru, the Destroyer of Nonsense
Looks like I got a bit redundant there in that last post. By the way, I followed the first link in that article to Masturbation and the Bible , which led to this bizarre link. Next, I went to this link (Porn flakes) which is the quite funny story of John Harvey Kellog, klismaphile. Unfamiliar with the term I Googled it, leading me to this site where I discovered Paraphilia and fetishes. Although I spend a good part of the day there laughing my ass off, so to say, I barely touched the surface of this amazing collection. Highly recommended. I finished a hilarious day at omorashi checking out Wet Set Magazine.
Before we leave the subject of wierd sex I found this bizarre piece about a husband who showers after having sex with his wife of 30 years:
Q: I’m wondering if I have an obsessive-compulsive husband. He feels he has to get up immediately after intercourse and wash himself. He’s never been one to stay in bed, snuggle or prepare for Round Two. I’m immaculate in my personal hygiene, but he makes me feel like I got him dirty. After 30 years of marriage and two children, he’s still the same. Any words of wisdom?
I was astonished by the 'sex guru's' reply. What crap! Sex guru's first mistake was his failure to ask whether they had had 'anal sex' (tap). It seems only natural to me that if you have had your penis up somebodys rectum you would be naturally inclined to wash off the poop as soon as possible. 'Elementary hygiene, Mister Watson.' But pussy juice? No way. If you are afraid of your wife's pussy environment you have a serious problem. Kootch and I used to shower before sex, not after. And I was amazed by this piece of sheer nonsense:
Utter nonsense. Only one thing interferes with a man's urinary aim: a prepuce. And even a prepuce will deflect the urinary path no more than about 20 degrees at most. Furthermore it is easy to overcome this aiming problem by skinning the prepuce back slightly before peeing.