Friday, August 17, 2007
Preserving Future Choice
Create your image. This site allows you to present your desired image in the most nonunsavory way.
Coming out Godless. Interesting (tap), but philosophically worthless. I would classify this in the realm of 'modern culture.'
Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths About Circumcision. An ignorant Jew rants (boom) against the modern tendancy to reject infant sexual mutilation.
Dutch Bishop suggests that Christians call God, Allah. Bad idea. I would offer instead my characterization, WHTZSNM. This would preserve the various possibilities into the foreseeable future while not necessarilly offending the diety in question.
Create your image. This site allows you to present your desired image in the most nonunsavory way.
Coming out Godless. Interesting (tap), but philosophically worthless. I would classify this in the realm of 'modern culture.'
Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths About Circumcision. An ignorant Jew rants (boom) against the modern tendancy to reject infant sexual mutilation.
Dutch Bishop suggests that Christians call God, Allah. Bad idea. I would offer instead my characterization, WHTZSNM. This would preserve the various possibilities into the foreseeable future while not necessarilly offending the diety in question.