Friday, August 10, 2007


Jews can be Very Dangerous People

Continuing with the current investigations it just now occurred to me that you - idiots that you are - might be supposing that I (boom) 'get off' on thinking about men and boys masturbating. Possibly you are thinking that I am a secret (tap) devotee of 'circle jerking.' Utter nonsense. I am attacking the procedure because it is a Jewish thing. I really don't give a fat fuck whether you do or do not mutilate your infant sons. Really. Your son's penises are of no interest to me. I am attacking circumcision because I am at war with Jews. All Jews, everywhere. More generally I am at war with what I call 'The Circumcision Cult.' This includes Muslims too, but I am especially at war with Jews. It's them against me.
(I use the 'them against me' phrase (instead of 'me against them') historically: (boom) Jews attacked me first. It took me about twenty years to conclude that my family and I were under attack by Jews for unknown reasons. The eventual (tap) reason turned out to be the obsessed Jewish faggot Walter L Gerash who used his tribal connections against us. This realization astonished me. Jews can be very dangerous people. If you don't believe that, check the nearest penis.)
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