Friday, August 03, 2007


The Power of Emotion


Here is the story: Kootch owns the apartment in which we live. Kootch is the boss. So, when she mounted the figure of a 'Devil' on the wall in the hallway I did not object. Kootch explained at the time that this figure (which reminded me of Satan with horns) was a Japanese God whose duty it was to scare away 'evil spirits.' I accepted her reasoning. Whatever. We had no visitors except immediate family (Kathy and Jenny) in any case, therefore 'image' was not an issue. The two girls accepted the figure without question because (presumably) they understood the (stomp) banality involved. The image of 'The Devil' hung on the hallway wall for many years. It became a fixture unnoticed... by us.
Came the ACSD one fine day (tap) as harrassment from above assumed legal proportions. Those cops certainly noticed 'The Devil' hanging on the hallway wall. Those cops must ha(tap)ve concluded that we were 'Devil Worshippers' in some sense, and must have reported to ACSD 'Intelligence' that we were probable 'Devil Worshippers.' ACSD 'intelligence' must have labeled us in that regard. Meanwhile we were oblivious concerning how we were being characterized in police 'intelligence' circles. No cop ever questioned us concerning the Devil in the hallway.
My conjecture is that 'police intelligence' (a gross oxymoron, by the way) interfered with my later attempts to enlist the ACSD in my defense against the stalker Walter L Gerash, obsessed Jewish Faggot. This characterization formed the emotional substrate upon which later facts would be evaluated (tap): the ACSD was irrevocably committed against me. Little did I know. I doubt that the filthy Jewish queer Gerash needed to pay off a single cop back in those days. Nowadays he might have to pay, especially if the cop in question is not Jewish.
The faggot Gerash (tap) had total access to our apartment back in those days, and certainly (boom) noticed 'the Devil on the wall.' He must have used his connections in 'ACSD Intelligence' to formulate a plan whereby a visit by the ACSD would result in my damnation.
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