Sunday, December 31, 2006
Terra Incognita
I think you can see from the foregoing that I am especially attentive to the female psyche. The reason is that females have always been a mystery to me. Females were terra incognita as I was growing up, but their mystery only tended to fascinate me. Females still fascinate me.
This blog is my favorite Science Blog. The author seems to be Jewish but that's OK: Truth transcends Tribe and religion. Alway has. Always will.
Then there's this hilarious site. I owe much to these very funny people.
What blog could escape my interest in Astronomy? Not this one.
Oops. It's 0032L and I missed (tap) the local TV celebrations. Barf. 2007 arrived unobserved during the night. Meanwhile I am only on my 9th beer. As I think about this my kidneys seem to have sent me a message to the effect that 'a holiday is a sacred day.' But they had their 'holiday' last night. Screw the kidneys for now. Not that I have to pee at the moment.
So here I am in 2007. I never thought I would arrive. I thought my journey would end before this event. Surprise, surprise.
Here is another female blog which interests me. We have something in common: insanity.
New Year's Eve
2236 now and I have watched the New Year's celebrations in Time's Square. I have also come down from the lates(tap)t booze spike (the tap seemed to be a signification that I had failed to add the 't' to 'lates.') I am feeling only good again.
Continuing with my acknowlegements of sources for my three blogs I should name the following in no particular order: Walk This Way. I discovered this glorious blog while doing a search on 'Charleston Orphanage.' This woman reminds me of Anne Bellinger, my old high school girl friend: very popular and socially connected.
Next on the list is this spectactular blog, written by another woman who - like the author of the above blog - is too young for me (not that I wouldn't fuck either one of them at the drop of a hat). I love the poetry quote related to the New Year, and would like to add another by Alfred Lord Tennyson.
Then there is this blog by a wierd Jewish woman (apparently). I was first attracted to her by her 'art.' Butt 'Art' soon became 'Politic.' This blog is number ten (also in the Japanese sense).
2330 and I have begun to sip another whiskey. Feeling good. Four beers to go. But I have the strange feeling that I am on my third whiskey. Hmm. Theoretically this should only be the second whiskey. Oh well, what the hell: it is, after all, New Year's Eve...
Feeling GOOD
Now, at 2015, I am down from that spike (thump) feeling only fairly good, but good enough.
This You Tube video reminded me of what it is like to be gassed. My guess is that they hit her with a mild dose of Throat Gas. Had it been a large dose she would have been coughing so violently that she would have been throwing up in her mouth. It seems a blessing that (tap) 'they' are now using 'RF' (really, EME (ElectroMagnetic Energy) in the VLF range) in place of gas. I am celebrating this reduction in violence every day by signing in to my computer with the password, WELLDONE ( as in 'overcooked.' I mention this only because I intend to change the password for the New Year).
If you like fun little Internet Games this may be a real find. I've only tried one or two, but I'll come back to it several days from now. Being gassed again, as above (or below). I just tried a few of the games. I liked Sand. Begin with 'earth.'
2104 and I just checked in to the LR. Set the TiVo to CNN. I'm about 30 percent through the sixth beer. I appear to have zero agenda. This could be a very skinny night, blogwise, but I'm only about halfway through the beer and a third of the way through the whiskey, and anything could happen. Stay tuned.
2124 and I just finished the sixth beer. I shall now whip up another glass of ice, booze, and caffine-free Diet Pepsi...
2130 and I'm back. Will the booze nudge me out of my 3.2 doldrums? We shall see...
By the way I should mention that I am much indebted to my favorite blogs this year and I should mention them here. First, of course, is the MSNBC Science section (not exactly a blog) which leads to a number of other sources of information, among them being Cosmic Log, my favorite. Then there is Clicked, my second choice. Those two are blogs. Great Blogs. I have other favorite blogs too, most of which I read on a weekly basis. (Booze has gone down the tube at 2155. Rats. But I am again feeling GOOD.)
Lord of the Rings
The top ten astronomy images of 2006. The number one image is a breathtaking view of Saturn eclipsing the Sun. There is the suggestion of a 'diamond ring effect' at the bottom. Earth is visible in the upper left as a starlike object shining through the rings. I also very much liked the number four and number three choices. The sight of a giant shock wave spreading over the surface of the sun was amazing, and 'visual proof' of the existence of Dark Matter was astonishing. 'Dark Matter?' Huh?! There is also something called, 'Dark Energy.' The Universe is much more interesting nowadays than it was back when I last viewed the Ring Nebula (number ten) through my 10 inch reflector.
Kootch has been unavailable since 2PM, So I was forced to cook the pork roast alone while she watched her beloved Broncos end the season with a close loss. It was a difficult job, but between me and the oven we got it done in four dimensions. Can you imagine the tenth dimension?
Science relies on experiment to test theories and conjectures (being gassed here: 1924 1,1 R burning). This experiment tests an aspect of memory called, 'change blindness.' Apparently, the brain has such faith in the continuity of perception that it does not - from moment to moment - look for discrepancies. To me this means that Nature does not deceive and that the brain has learned to expect this rigorous consistency over the millions of years it has evolved. Further conclusions could be drawn, of course. For example I once read a 'report' that Magellan's ships appeared to be invisible or incomprehensible to the natives of Terra Del Fuego. The suggestion was that those ships were so far outside the comprehension of those aborininals that they simply failed to register on consciousness. Sounds to me like the makings of a great science fiction story. Go for it, boys!
(For the record (thump) I have now (1950L) finished four 3.2 Natural Lights (of 12) and just now a double shot of whiskey mixed with caffine-free diet pepsi. I feel good!)
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The Circumcision Cult
Newsweek printed this story recently, about the same circumcision/AIDS study I referred to in a previous post. I found the comments very interesting in the sense that all commentators had negative impressions of the 'study,' an obvious propaganda ploy of the Circumcision Cult. By the way, I am wondering whether the fact that circumcision reduces sexual pleasure in both the male and the female, significantly affected the result. Did circumcision reduce sexual activity? Did that affect the result? Almost certainly.
And interestingly, The Circumcision Cult has begun to refer to us (you and me) as the Anti-circumcision Cult. But since circumcision violently alters a natural state, it is clear where the label of 'cult' should reside. There is also a female circumcision cult.
This year's (2006) Science News you may have missed.
And obviously I have opted for a Tuesday night performance instead of waiting for Friday night. The new plan is to visit with you again on New Year's Eve (Sunday night), skipping Friday.
Labels: circumcision cult, female circumcision, science
Friday, December 22, 2006
Season's Greetings
Season's Greetings from Hubble.
Slate wonders why NASA wants a moon base. Could this be the answer?
Advice to Bush concerning success in Iraq: have the troops grow moustaches. Might even work with the females. Maybe Bush and Cheney should also grow one. Couldn't hurt... The First Dog has one. My guess is that mass circumcisions of American troops in Iraq would also work, especially if broadcast on Iraqi TV. This link appears to see the insurgency problem more deeply.
'Tis the season. My sense is that Jews will especially like this one. Christians...? Maybe not so much. (Do not watch this, Denise!)
Blasphemy is a victimless crime (Stay away from this one too, Denise.) leads directly to The Blasphemy Challenge in which you are invited to commit the Unforgivable Sin.
Ouspensky, in A New Model of the Universe, defines the Holy Ghost as '...that which is good in everything... If a man does not see this good, if he condemns everything irrevocably, if he seeks and sees only the bad, if he is incapable of seeing the good in things and people - then this is the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost... This blasphemy is not forgiven.' Ouspensky is obviously a heretic.
I finally ordered a copy of The God Delusion. Christmas present to myself.
Labels: blasphemy, christmas, circumcision, Hubble, iraq
Friday, December 08, 2006
Good News for Humanity
This brings up the subject of 'The American Curse,' which is a mild form of 'The Jewish Curse' (or The Israeli Curse). This curse is increasing rapidly in Europe and America due to the increasing Muslim population in both places. It is a cultural curse. It is the result of cultural rigor mortis: Old, dead cultures collide with hip, young cultures, and the result is war.
Interestingly, Japan has no such cultural curse. True, Japan is suffering the results of Westernization and Modernization. That is normal cultural process. But Japan is not bothered so much by immigration and the resulting cultural chemical reactions. One reason is that the religions of Japan are very 'laid back,' unlike Western Religions which are not at all laid back. Do you want to piss off a practitioner of Zen by insulting Hir religion? Good fucking luck!
There are other reasons, of course, for Japan's fortunate position in the culture wars, overpopulation being among the most prominent. But it seems to me that at the moment Japanese religion plays a major part in Japanese cultural stability. Japanese Racism, although alive and well, seems to be a minor factor nowadays.
Volatile Religion is the sociological enemy of The West. The most volatile religions are the 'Abrahamic Religions' which include Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedism. Modern Western cultures suffer intensely from those bizarre religions, and those same Western Cultures may well die forever as a result of the corrosive cultural influences of those religions. If so, those corrosive and volatile religions will die with them.
Good news for Humanity.
Who Can You Trust?
In short, that meeting was a botched performance whether it was done by bona-fide local authorities or whether it was done by Judeo-faggot agents. But that performance was apparently reinforced by my conversation with the 'ACSD representative' on the telephone. What gives?
It has been obvious to me for many years that Gerash controls our telephone line, but does this 'control' extend beyond the mere ability to disconnect? I think so. In fact, I think that control extends to the ability to redirect. I suspect that Gerash has the capability to redirect an outgoing call. If so, then Gerash (his agents) could have redirected Kootch's call to the ACSD to the number of a confederate - a phoney number - who 'confirmed' the authenticity of those dumb-ass 'detectives.'
This is conjecture, of course, and there are other possible conjectures. For example, Gerash might have been setting us up for the theory that I was assasinated by a Muslim Extremist - presuming of course that I am eventually assasinated. (There is no end to conjecture, so I rarely do more than just test the waters, as in this case.)
As I watched the Evening News tonight I was struck by the similarity of my situation with the situation of the average Iraqi who lives in a tribal/sectarian world in which you don't know who to trust.
Remembering a Bizarre Encounter
Rereading the posts from Tuesday (below - not above) was interesting in the usual sense that they were only dimly remembered. But the encounter with the 'drug detectives' was of special interest because while I remembered the incident intensely I remembered few of the details. For example, I did not remember that I had declined to be interviewed, but that they had pressed the issue, insisting on an interview and even providing a phone number I could call to 'verify' their 'authenticity.' (The phone number, by the way, turned out to be the same ACSD phone number which is written on a more or less permanent note hanging on one of the kitchen cabinets.)
Frankly, I had serious doubts about those 'detectives' at the time. They seemed phoney to me:
(1) They had not called ahead but had arrived in the middle of the night. Furthermore they had arrived after I had been boozing for about five hours. Excellent timing.
(2) They refused to describe their 'agenda.'
(3) They refused to allow me to inspect their badges up close. They apparently would not trust me to give their badges back to them.
(4) The 'officer' who interacted with me seemed to be either Hispanic or Arabian, and had a slight, unidentifiable accent. (By the way, I could see the other 'officer' through the opening. He was about ten feet East, walking in circles with what appeared to be a cell phone held to his ear.)
These warning signs prompted me to take self-defensive measures. I went into the bedroom and picked up my .357 revolver (I upgraded the Detective Special .38 some years ago but that is another story). I woke up Kootch because I could not find the voice recorder (I later found it). I then carried on the conversation with gun in hand, fairly drunk.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Judeo Barfalonity
During those few years I would often meet 'mixed' couples: black men with white women. They would be obviously 'together.' Sometimes they would be holding hands. I met them in the maul every day. The black dude was usually very black. The white chick was usually very white. We always met head-on, which is to say that I first noticed them as we approached each other in the maul. On those rare occasions where I did not notice their approach, I was always alerted by loud talking on the part of the black male, who was always smiling as we made eye contact.
I remember (thump) that after it dawned on me that I was experiencing a bizarre situation, I undertook to test my various hypotheses concerning my growing consternation that my life was being fucked up by Extreme Wierdness. I did all of the usual Logico-Scientific tests. You know me: I am not a true believer.
All of those tests turned out to be positive.
I am not a fan of Judeo Barfalonity.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Constructing Racism: Very Black; Very White
The previous posts tonight were only prelude. My intention tonight was to describe a very strange (tap) series of incidents related to the theme described previously wherein The Stalker sends the message, 'I know where you are right now.' (The Stalker may have intended other messages too, but we need to keep it simple.) Previous examples of meeting people who were mentioned in my 'drog' were intended to prepare you for this idea. Here is the idea:
The Stalker wanted to grab my attention in a way which was not obvious to other people, and at the same time he wanted to do it in public, and he wanted it to be obvious to me. But folks like the two who were mentioned previously were fairly rare. The Stalker wanted a daily (thump) experience. How?
The Stalker came up with the (thump) idea of 'meeting (thump) me in the maul.' These 'meetings' were to be 'invisible' in the sense that the folks who surrounded me at the time would be oblivious: Only I would 'get the message' of our mutual interaction (tap) which would be invisibile to others. How to do that?
Answer: Racism. The Stalker needed to suddenly grab my attention, racewise. Toward this end he began a campaign of paying couples to 'meet' me during my walks in the Southglenn Maul. A typical couple would consist of a very white young girl and a very black young boy. Very black!
The Hyperbolic Jew
To continue with the previous theme concerning Carter's new book, it was my intention to spotlight the concept of, 'Hyperbolic Jew.' What is a 'Hyperbolic Jew?'
My conception of 'THJ' is a Jew who is extremely bothered by the past. Such a Jew has learned a lot about Unfortunate Jewish History. Possibly this unfortunate knowlege was transferred to him (her) by loving parents, cautious that their offspring should not suffer from historical Jewish problems. Such parents might have impressed (indeed, over-impressed) Sad Jewish History on their intellectually defenseless children. This is a very common cultural practice which serves a certain cultural stability. Cultural Stability is essential: not enough? the result is cultural anarchy. Too much? The result is cultural rigor mortis. Culture needs to be passed down at an ideal rate. This is obvious. And not only Jewish History is passed down, all of cultural history is passed down and becomes the basis of various cultural wars.
I think that the woman in question above was a Hyperbolic Jew.
(2243 and I just got another beer. I could see the light under Kootch's door, so I opened it. Kootch was doing her new Sudoku book. I laughed. Kootch - not at all impressed - ignored me. It is very rare for Kootch to be awake at this hour of 2253.)
Sudden Wierdness
Jimmy Carter (the former president) was recently castigated by a C-SPAN viewer on the ground that he was a 'Vile Racist antiSemite.' I saw the clip on FOX (which I occasionally watch).
Huh?! The critic was a woman who was obviously (judging by the tremulous quality of her voice) very emotionally involved in what she was saying. She believed it! The occasion was a C-SPAN interview concerning Carter's most recent book, the title of which compares Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the South African policy of Apartheid (1948-1994). It seemed to me at the time that the woman must have been a hyperbolic Jew who knew very little about president Carter. Carter's book is titled, 'Peace, not Aparthied' and is apparently critical of
(Ooooo. 'The cops' just knocked on my door! Something about a 'drug task force.' They looked very suspicious to me. The only drug we have around here is booze, so I really had no reason to talk to them. Also, they were interrupting my booze blog. There were two of them. I asked them what they wanted to talk about. They repeated their request to be let in 'so that the neighbors would not be privy to our conversation.' I told them that I didn't give a fat fuck about what the neighbors thought. I asked for ID. The 'cop' showed something resembling a badge in a wallet. I could not see it clearly. I asked him to pass the badge to me through the opening in the (chained) door. He refused. I asked him whether he had a warrant. He did not. I then informed him that there would be no conversation unless he had a warrant. I woke up Kootch so she could be a witness to the proceedings. The cop pressed the issue, giving me a phone number to call. I directed Kootch to call it. Somebody answered. Kootch gave the phone to me. Nothing. It was hung up (we have a new phone and are both just learning to use it). Kootch dialed again. Again nothing when the phone was handed to me. The third time was a charm, and the lady on the other end of the line assured me that 'they' were genuine. I informed her that unless they had a warrant there would be no conversation tonight. She appeared to be satisfied. The 'cops' disappeared while we were talking.)
I Can Relate to That
Continuing with the theme of religion, today I found a Newsweek article by my favorite Rabbi, Mark Gellman, who is currently celebrating 25 years in the God Business. I enjoyed the article immensely. But Gellman used a (to me) curious term: 'Professionally religious.' The use of this term struck me immediately as something of an oxymoron. Religion as profession?!
It is true that many folks make their daily bread by professing religion. John Agee and Pat Robertson are outstanding examples of that (in the 'Christian' religion). Indeed most all preachers in most all religions are 'religious professionals:' They do it for the money (among other considerations: prestige, power and control being among those considerations). I call it, 'The God Business.'
So Gellman's admission was a breath of fresh air so far as I was concerned, and a curious admission. He must have written it while drunk as a skunk. I can relate to that.
Celebrating Hell
A Chemistry student examines Hell . Hellarious!
Nowadays you can condemn a person to Hell via the internet. NSFA. (Don't visit this site while doing Acid.)
A clean joke about Hell.
Find your probable personal level in Hell on the Dante's Inferno test.
Theological Thermodynamics: Was I wrong? Is Heaven actually hotter than Hell?
The Uncyclopedia of Hell.
Oops. Hell is real. Uh-oh...
Friday, December 01, 2006
Celebrating God
I say this of course because the major attributes of God seem to be invisibility followed by the inability to communicate: God is not only 'in-visible' but 'in-communicate:' the devotee can neither see god nor communicate with god. This is as it should be: were god visible, then ancient paintings would have to be revised. Were the voice of god hearable, then old ideas concerning the will of god would be subject to revision. Preachers would be reduced to studying current events, then commenting to their flocks regarding those events.
Of course the voice of God remains a mystery because such voice is beyond modern technology. All information about God resides in a make-believe world called 'The Supernatural.' But there is no such world. There is only this world. You live in this world. You will die out of this world. Furthermore you will die forever. My advice to you is that you celebrate your existence in this world while you can. Once dead you will celebrate nothing.
We Laughed!
Personal Terrorism
The Stalker enjoys the advantage. Only the Stalker knows what plans are being hatched versus the stalkee. The stalkee, on the other hand, must speculate. The situation very much resembles the relationship between the terrorist and the his victim: America must prepare for an almost infinite number of possible terrorist attacks, while the terrorist has only to pursue his defined objective. It follows that the victim is at a serious economic disadvantage in this case. To make the matter clearer, Bin Laden and his associates are so effective because they need only focus on a specific course of (certain) action, whereas Bin Laden's 'targets' must pay diffuse attention to an infinite number of possible attacks. It amounts to an economic nightmare for the defender, not to mention a practical nightmare. In other words the terrorist enjoys the advantage because he can focus rescources, whereas the victim must deploy rescources to cover a diffuse multitude of possibilities. The analogy is that of the relationship between a stilleto and human skin.
Stalkers resemble terrorists in that regard. Indeed, stalkers are terrorists. Stalkers are not generally recognized as terrorists because the 'victim' is only an individual and 'terrorism' is a relatively new idea. Stalkers are personal terrorists (tap). But 'personal terrorism' is not a recognized category in American Jurisprudence. Yet.
Not yet. I intend to change that.
Nefarious Urinary Activity
The most persistent of all individual encounters during my walks in the Southglenn Maul during the early '90s were those with an anonymous woman. I had never met her or talked to her. But for at least a year I would meet her in the maul during my walks. She was as much a fan as the Jewish Optometrist. It was her job, apparently, to remind me of my little perversion (described recently on Non Serviam) of pants-peeing in DeCovend Park.
I remembered her from one of those occasions: I had been relaxing in the park on my blanket. I was reading and drinking Diet Pepsi. She was sitting at a table alone, about 50 feet away. She was faced away from me about 135 degrees. We seemed to be the only two people around. I kept track of her from time to time because I was there on a hot summer day to enjoy my private little perversion and read. I was not there to impress some strange woman with my wet shorts. Furthermore I was lying on a slope (near a brook) which hid all but my head from her view. I am sure she never saw my wet shorts (which were difficult to spot in any case). After an hour or so she left. Meanwhile I kept a lookout for other park visitors; I did not wish to be discovered doing my private little thing.
But apparently somebody was watching: a Gerash agent. This agent was probably the same Gerash agent who later that day entered my car in the Ice Arena parking lot and rotated the rear view mirror clockwise to the stops, informing me - in effect - that my nefarious urinary activities had been well observed.
This post branches directly from (2) below, wherein I describe many close encounters with a certain Jewish fella while walking in the (Southglenn) maul. These were not the only strange encounters during that time (the early half of the '90s). Sometimes, after I had mentioned a certain person in my 'drog,' I would meet that person (tap) in the maul soon after (within a few days) of writing the 'post.' It was very clear that these encounters were not coincidental: Gerash was arranging these encounters. One effect of these encounters was to reinforce my conviction that Gerash was reading my 'drog.' It was - as I would later discover - a typical stalker tactic. The 'messages' in this case were: '(1) I read your computer diary. (2) You are correct in your conjectures regarding this person. (3) I can still 'summon up' this person. Such is my power.'
This is pretty elaborate stuff, a labor of love/hate (obsession). A further message might be that, 'My money is my weapon.' 'Money buys' (stomp) people.
As I write this I have in mind a young girl with a Jewish-sounding last name who was one of Jenniffer's 'friends.' The name escapes me at the moment. But the message in that case was also, 'She was my personal agent who invaded your family via a 'friendship' with your daughter Jenniffer.' It was an unmistakable message. Gerash wanted me to know that even some of my children's 'friends' were, in effect, his agents. I would later conclude that his 'agents' included some of Kootch's 'friends' also. Gerash was invading our family with his 'agents.'
This sounds bizarre. Unbelievable.
A Sensational Life
Wow. Rereading that previous series sober was not a good idea. I'm usually a much nicer fella, especially when drunk. As a result I now I have a brand new cold (thump) sore. Thank Science for Abreva!
The radiation/gas attacks this week are down from last week, but every night I am required to endure at least a few hours in the 'microwave oven.' Gas attacks remain limited to 'nose gas' and the occasional 'lung gas.' No 'throat gas' attacks at all this week. Daytime RF attacks are mostly of the SCRF (scrotum) type. Nightime RF attacks are mostly of the TRF (feet) and the PRF (whole body) type, with occasional TCRF (tap above) always in the early morning in bed. These interesting sensations are occasionally punctuated by SRF (usually feet or legs) and IRF (face and scalp). I live a sensational life, especially at night.
Recently discovered links: Hell is 'The Machine'... Christmas present suggestions... and timely news from the lovely state of Kansas...