Friday, December 01, 2006
We Laughed!
Next week I will continue to expound on the idea that a stalker is a form of terrorist. Meanwhile here is a (tv) photograph of the representatives of the world's two major religions. Both of these men are no doubt 'impeccable warriors.' They met recently in Turkey. The photo shows both men praying together. Presumably the idea was to suggest that they were praying to the same god, thus suggesting a sort of religious solidarity. It was an illusion, of course, in the sense that the god in question resided at a mutually agreeable address. There is no such address. There is no such god. But it was good video.
It seems that Pope Benedict was in Turkey to 'make nice' regarding his recent intemperate remarks concerning the historical Muslim predelection to convert the inherently unfaithful by threats of death. We understand that intuitively.
We laughed at the enormous spectacle of the two representatives of the two giant religions praying to the same silent and invisible god, together.
We laughed!
At least I laughed. I don't know about you...