Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Sudden Wierdness


Jimmy Carter (the former president) was recently castigated by a C-SPAN viewer on the ground that he was a 'Vile Racist antiSemite.' I saw the clip on FOX (which I occasionally watch).

Huh?! The critic was a woman who was obviously (judging by the tremulous quality of her voice) very emotionally involved in what she was saying. She believed it! The occasion was a C-SPAN interview concerning Carter's most recent book, the title of which compares Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the South African policy of Apartheid (1948-1994). It seemed to me at the time that the woman must have been a hyperbolic Jew who knew very little about president Carter. Carter's book is titled, 'Peace, not Aparthied' and is apparently critical of

(Ooooo. 'The cops' just knocked on my door! Something about a 'drug task force.' They looked very suspicious to me. The only drug we have around here is booze, so I really had no reason to talk to them. Also, they were interrupting my booze blog. There were two of them. I asked them what they wanted to talk about. They repeated their request to be let in 'so that the neighbors would not be privy to our conversation.' I told them that I didn't give a fat fuck about what the neighbors thought. I asked for ID. The 'cop' showed something resembling a badge in a wallet. I could not see it clearly. I asked him to pass the badge to me through the opening in the (chained) door. He refused. I asked him whether he had a warrant. He did not. I then informed him that there would be no conversation unless he had a warrant. I woke up Kootch so she could be a witness to the proceedings. The cop pressed the issue, giving me a phone number to call. I directed Kootch to call it. Somebody answered. Kootch gave the phone to me. Nothing. It was hung up (we have a new phone and are both just learning to use it). Kootch dialed again. Again nothing when the phone was handed to me. The third time was a charm, and the lady on the other end of the line assured me that 'they' were genuine. I informed her that unless they had a warrant there would be no conversation tonight. She appeared to be satisfied. The 'cops' disappeared while we were talking.)

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