Friday, December 08, 2006


Good News for Humanity


This brings up the subject of 'The American Curse,' which is a mild form of 'The Jewish Curse' (or The Israeli Curse). This curse is increasing rapidly in Europe and America due to the increasing Muslim population in both places. It is a cultural curse. It is the result of cultural rigor mortis: Old, dead cultures collide with hip, young cultures, and the result is war.

Interestingly, Japan has no such cultural curse. True, Japan is suffering the results of Westernization and Modernization. That is normal cultural process. But Japan is not bothered so much by immigration and the resulting cultural chemical reactions. One reason is that the religions of Japan are very 'laid back,' unlike Western Religions which are not at all laid back. Do you want to piss off a practitioner of Zen by insulting Hir religion? Good fucking luck!

There are other reasons, of course, for Japan's fortunate position in the culture wars, overpopulation being among the most prominent. But it seems to me that at the moment Japanese religion plays a major part in Japanese cultural stability. Japanese Racism, although alive and well, seems to be a minor factor nowadays.

Volatile Religion is the sociological enemy of The West. The most volatile religions are the 'Abrahamic Religions' which include Judaism, Christianity, and Mohammedism. Modern Western cultures suffer intensely from those bizarre religions, and those same Western Cultures may well die forever as a result of the corrosive cultural influences of those religions. If so, those corrosive and volatile religions will die with them.

Good news for Humanity.
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