Friday, December 08, 2006


Who Can You Trust?


In short, that meeting was a botched performance whether it was done by bona-fide local authorities or whether it was done by Judeo-faggot agents. But that performance was apparently reinforced by my conversation with the 'ACSD representative' on the telephone. What gives?

It has been obvious to me for many years that Gerash controls our telephone line, but does this 'control' extend beyond the mere ability to disconnect? I think so. In fact, I think that control extends to the ability to redirect. I suspect that Gerash has the capability to redirect an outgoing call. If so, then Gerash (his agents) could have redirected Kootch's call to the ACSD to the number of a confederate - a phoney number - who 'confirmed' the authenticity of those dumb-ass 'detectives.'

This is conjecture, of course, and there are other possible conjectures. For example, Gerash might have been setting us up for the theory that I was assasinated by a Muslim Extremist - presuming of course that I am eventually assasinated. (There is no end to conjecture, so I rarely do more than just test the waters, as in this case.)

As I watched the Evening News tonight I was struck by the similarity of my situation with the situation of the average Iraqi who lives in a tribal/sectarian world in which you don't know who to trust.
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