Sunday, December 31, 2006


Lord of the Rings


The top ten astronomy images of 2006. The number one image is a breathtaking view of Saturn eclipsing the Sun. There is the suggestion of a 'diamond ring effect' at the bottom. Earth is visible in the upper left as a starlike object shining through the rings. I also very much liked the number four and number three choices. The sight of a giant shock wave spreading over the surface of the sun was amazing, and 'visual proof' of the existence of Dark Matter was astonishing. 'Dark Matter?' Huh?! There is also something called, 'Dark Energy.' The Universe is much more interesting nowadays than it was back when I last viewed the Ring Nebula (number ten) through my 10 inch reflector.

Kootch has been unavailable since 2PM, So I was forced to cook the pork roast alone while she watched her beloved Broncos end the season with a close loss. It was a difficult job, but between me and the oven we got it done in four dimensions. Can you imagine the tenth dimension?

Science relies on experiment to test theories and conjectures (being gassed here: 1924 1,1 R burning). This experiment tests an aspect of memory called, 'change blindness.' Apparently, the brain has such faith in the continuity of perception that it does not - from moment to moment - look for discrepancies. To me this means that Nature does not deceive and that the brain has learned to expect this rigorous consistency over the millions of years it has evolved. Further conclusions could be drawn, of course. For example I once read a 'report' that Magellan's ships appeared to be invisible or incomprehensible to the natives of Terra Del Fuego. The suggestion was that those ships were so far outside the comprehension of those aborininals that they simply failed to register on consciousness. Sounds to me like the makings of a great science fiction story. Go for it, boys!

(For the record (thump) I have now (1950L) finished four 3.2 Natural Lights (of 12) and just now a double shot of whiskey mixed with caffine-free diet pepsi. I feel good!)
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