Thursday, July 25, 2013

Buzzing outrageously at 0052.
Bed at 0152.


Sleep Well My Love!

Sip. I'm doing whiskey at the moment. Sip. Huh? What did I mean by that?
Sip. Who cares. Sip.
Consider 'the moment:' Now.
I am become a teacher, and I teach you Now! Call me Ra! Sip.
My interest is to teach you 'fearlesness.' Really. You need to become 'fearless.'
There is no other way to live. Sip.
For example, You are a woman:
You have long 'played with your clit.'
You orgasmed almost every night.
You slept well.
You feel guilty. (God)
I say that you are gloriously lucky!
I assume that you are about 18 (+ or -) years old.
I say onto you, 'Vibrate!'
Shiver violently with pleasure!
Then fall instantly into sleep.
Wake up, a Genius!
Get ready to spread your legs.
Masturbate to orgasm.
Sleep well, my love!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The Creepiest Bitch of All Tme: Sister Mary Mary.

I continued to 'wet the bed' and masturbate (thump) every night. I got plenty of sleep because after orgasm I would fall asleep instantly. My orgasms were Glorious! I got up early every morning to wash my bedding. I went to the Nunnery near the Orphanage. I was 'an altar boy.' I assisted Father Manning at Mass. The nuns liked me. Father Manning hated me.
Many years later I would conclude that 'religion' did not predispose anybody to 'goodness.' That is to say that 'being a Catholic,' for example, did not at all correlate with 'being a good person.'
I would remember the bitch Sister Mary Mary much later when I began to study philosophy. She became the emotional component of my conversion to 'Atheism.'
I loved being an Atheist! I thought I had at last found my ultimate philosophy! I lived Atheism! I was satisfied with my 'ultimate philosophy' until I did LSD. Then everything changed.
My 'personal philosophy' was shattered by my LSD experience. It was at that point that I first realized that I was The God RA and that you were also RA.
A single sip brings us down!
Another single sip brings us
more down!

I Become Mister Mud.

We became part of a very long term 'Jewish study.' It was a very 'unofficial study,' of course. But apparently it was an extremely interesting 'study' so far as American Jews were concerned. We were 'followed' by quite a few Jews. We didn't know it, of course. Only The Jews knew it.
Back to Sister Mary Mary: She was an ugly old bitch. She was the cook. We saw her every evening at suppertime.
The Jews decided to 'set me up' for 'experimental purposes.' The idea was to correlate 'slave labor' with 'future prospects.' The Jews had Sister Mary Mary stand behind me while I began to eat the desert for that evening meal. One of my 'cohabitants' said something like, 'Yuck. Mud.'
Not realizing that the cook, sister Mary Mary, was standing right behind me, I sampled the chocolate pudding. I said, 'Looks like mud... tastes like mud... it is mud!'
Sister Mary Mary instantly 'took offense' to my evaluation and ordered me to appear in her dormatory every Saturday morning at 8 AM until further notice. She addressed me as, 'Mister Mud.'
(Just finished CW #1 at 2221. Beer is all gone down the tubes.)
I scrubbed her dormatory floor every Saturday morning for at least a year, probably two. It took about four hours. She would stand above me, or very close to me. But it was very clear that that floor did not need any cleaning beyond sweeping! It was very clear that Sister Mary Mary was torturing me. I came to conclude that Sister Mary Mary was a very creepy and evil bitch.
The Jews hoped that the fact that Sister Mary Mary was female would tend to change my sexual preference to 'male.' Charleston Jews followed my bed-wetting, masturbatory activities with interest. Presumably, my sexually mutilated brother did not offer much of an 'agenda' in that regard.

'The Study' begins.

To further make the point, 'Obama,' plus a small Irish ancestry, morphs unofficially into 'O'bama;' and in the modern religious warfare between the advanced nations (Western Democracies) and retarded nations (Middle-east Muslims), 'Obama' morphs into, 'Obomber!' The Prez - astute as he is - may have been influenced by his last name in very violent ways! Whowoulda thought!?
Now as for me, my first name is 'Raymond.' And I can tell you that the 'Ray' part of my name associated with 'light,' and I therefore thought of myself as a 'teacher.' Much later I learned that the ancient Egyptian God was named, Ra. Whoa! God?! Huh?!
Nowadays I do indeed think of myself as a 'God,' and my LSD experiences only confirmed that. (No need to bow down. I don't have a huge ego. On the other hand I am half drunk. Sip.) Oh. One last suggestion regarding what to name your (uncircumcised) boys: Don't name the second boy, 'David' if you have left your first son intact and circumcised the second son. Baaaaaaad idea!
And concerning girl's names, I am struck by a huge fact from my early life which tends to totally destroy the above hypothesis: Sister Mary Mary. What a bitch! Here is the 'backstory:'
My brother and I were abandoned by our entire family in about 1946 after our mother and father 'split.' We ended up in the Charleston Catholic Orphanage. We were so 'traumatized' that on the very first night at the orphanage we both 'wet the bed.' This pissed off The Sisters of Mercy who were running the orphanage. They consulted local (Jewish - there were no Irish psychologists in Charleston at the time) psychologists concerning how to 'fix the problem.'
The Jews were in a very angry tribal-psychological state in 1946. That tribal situation determined their 'prescription' to the Sisters: Circumcise the younger child only. Leave the older child intact. The sisters did as they were told. My brother was sexually mutilated and I was left intact.    

Having Fun with your Weiner.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1907. Sip. Six beers left, plus whiskey backup (Canadian Mist). Buzzing very slightly. The stalker is right above me, tapping at 'appropriate' times during sentence construction. I'll drown the dumb bastard out with some Simply Noise... Yep. Works every time.
Back with beer #3 at 1923. Sip.
Now what? Ah! Weiner is in the news again. (There is also 'other news' but this story seems to be the biggie at the moment.) Apparently his last name has had some significant effect on his 'personal psychology,' causing him to think and act like a 'weener' from time to time. I can't really blame him, because names can have significant effects on 'personality' when those names (first or last) point to culturally important concepts and/or ideas. Here's the 'gist:' Weiner apparently has an impressive 'weener,' which he has photographed from time to time and 'sexted' to various yum yums. So far, so yawn. But Weiner is prominent in politics also, and is in the running for the next mayor of New York City. Question: Should NYC voters consider the possibility that Mayor 'Weiner' might possibly morph into Mayor 'Weener' at some future point detrimental to New York City? Should the candidate's sexual predelictions be a consideration?
Well, that is for them to decide. My only interest in the matter is whether Weiner is circumcised, and whether Weiner is Jewish (I live waaaay west in Colorado). My guess is that Anthony Wiener is both, but I could be wrong. So... Wikipedia to the rescue! Ha. Anthony Weiner is Jewish. Now concerning the question of whether Weiner's weener is 'circumcised' I will leave it for you to investigate. Have fun.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Self-knowlege is a good thing.

Eheh. Sip.
It's quite early (1930), but I think it's time for me to wrap this up. Sip. The plan is to return in a week. I think you should investigate the links provided in this post.
Self-knowlege is a good thing. (Know Thyself!)
good night.

Rehabilitation: The Drugs Thereof.

Time for beer #5 at 1804. Sip. Book time. Some books contain pieces of 'Enlightenment.' And The 'Enlightened Life' is well worth living. Sooo...
Tonight's first book is, 'Winning Through Enlightenment' by Ron Smotherman, MD. I read it many years ago and promptly forgot most of it, but I apparently retained some of it. Sip.
Next book is, How to Enjoy Your Life in Spite of it All. For example,
To be awake means acting consciously in the melodrama of life. You intuitively do the optimal thing in playing the game of life. Being awake also means that behind the melodrama of your life you have a panoramic perspective born of the intuitive love and wisdom within you.
Then there is the Handbook to Higher Consciousness by Ken Keyes Jr.
And I could go on and on... but can I get in a 'pictorial' here?

The 'pictorial' above represents a 'sudden change of mind due to inhalation of Marijuana.' Notice that the eyes become 'bloodshot' and the 'anger' disappears after he 'tokes up.' Marijuana is like that.
So, Marijuana is commonly thought of as an 'Entheogen.' LSD is a much more powerful Entheogen.
My 'take' is that Marijuana and LSD should become fundamental medical resourses in our national prison system. Those prisoners need to become 'enlightened.'
And after we, as a nation, have finally 'enlightened' the most impoverished among us, I think that we should finally do our very best to rehabilitate The Jews of Wall Street. We owe it to them.  



Sipping on beer #5 at 1716. Sip. I like where this week's posts are going. Sip. 'Meditation' is a concept closely related to 'introspection.' It strikes me that given our modern technological culture, fewer and fewer young people tend to find their way into a very necessary daily 'review.' We need to fix that. I think we should start in the prisons. America is the most 'incarcerated' country. And the reason for that is that 'incarceration is profitable.' (Invest in 'prison-related companies!)
Yep. Prisons are Big Business in America. But do they teach their 'clients' the proper 'religion?' Uh-uh. They teach, 'recidivism.' (Money, Honey!) Follow the money. Those prisons should be teaching 'Introspection.' Inmates should be doing LSD. I live in a world full of idiots, but I aim to change that!
(1730. Time for the news... The News says, 'It's hot.' I knew that.
I'm back at 1740. Sip. Five minutes of violent sneezing brings us to 1746. Sip. L nasal mucosa slightly swollen. Radiation seems to be subsiding. Sip. Eyes watering. Sip.
Yep. 'They' seem to have stopped that 'attack.' Sip.
The closest thing I can remember about my Catholic upbringing concerning 'introspection' or 'meditation' is 'examination of conscience.' We were taught to 'examine our conscience' just before 'going to confession.' The idea was to 'dredge up' recent 'sins' to tell to the 'father confessor.' Dumb!
Meditative Introspection is a much better idea. You want to forget your sins, but you want to remember what you learned during moments of 'meditation/introspection.' You learn about your self by investigating your Self!

Damn This is Fun!

Kootch just appeared at the doorway, smiled, then waved 'goodnight.' Back with beer #3 at 1620. Sip. Introspection. I do a lot of 'introspection,' mostly because my 'life style' accomodates it so easily. And it's actually fun sometimes! Sip. Let's look it up... Ha! The Urban Dictionary definition. Zen Buddhists do it a lot. I am partially Zen Buddhist. Sip. But only partially. Where is all this going? I don't know yet. We'll see...
Back from the fridge with beer #4 at 1641. Huge mucus flows indicate that I am soaking in lots of 'face rad' (microwave radiation) from (probably) the apartment above. Sip. The TV is on in the LR, and I can see it from here, but since the tv picture is currently not of overwhelming interest, I am drowning out the sound using, Simply Noise. If the picture on CNN becomes really interesting, I can turn off the sound and listen to CNN. Sip.
I love The Urban Dictionary!
But I wonder about you. Hmm...
Should I or shouldn't I? I don't want to fuck things up for you...
Ok. I have decided to introduce my lovely and glorious readers to... ZEN!
Damn this is fun!

I'm Back!

I'm back at 1548 after having taken a two hour nap, and Just finishing my first can of 3.2 Natural Light at 1550. Interestingly, just before this first can of NL I did a can of Diet Pepsi. DP is certainly tastier than NL, but the psychic effects are certainly much less obvious. And as I did the DP I played Drench, noting as I did so, the salutorious effects of a good nap. I continued to play Drench as I drank beer #1, and near the end of beer #1, I became aware of the exact second the NL buzz began! Interesting! Indeed, before I became aware of the beginnings of the buzz itself I experienced a 'who cares?' moment as I plotted my way through Drench. That was the exact beginning of tonight's booze high! The 'buzz' itself became obvious a minute or two later. I'll try the same thing again next week. Maybe some day I'll be able to describe the beginnings of a booze/Marijuana high. (End of beer #2 at 1610. Buzzing nicely.)

Blogger is Back to Normal.

Hmm! Looks like my Blogger is back to normal!
Sex as Nature intended it. (The book.)
Gotta go do some chores now. I might be back tonight or Friday night.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013



Time to eat! No more beer tonight. Too bad I don't have some Marijuana! Standby... Yum!
There will be no more 'blog' until next week. It is only 2016. Hmm!
Now what...?
Goodnight and good luck... 

Sex as Nature Intended it.

If you are at all interested in some really good information concerning the subjects expressed in those previous posts, I recommend that you click on them. I especially recommend, Sex as Nature Intended it. (Click the link below.)
(This seems to be the only way I can post a link, nowadays.)
Now what? Sip.
Hmm. I'm pretty much done with tonight's blog. Sip. I don't like this 'castrated' version of Blogger. Will I be back next week?
We shall see. If I 'fail to appear' next week, then you will have to look for me. I'll be out there somewhere, but can you find me?
(By the way, this post was updated with the above link on Friday, July 12. This is a very valuable link which contains huge amounts of information concerning the detrimental effects of male sexual mutilation (circumcision), including information on how you can undo much of the harm caused by circumcision. It may save your marriage.)

War? Sex? Drugs? It's the Money, Honey.

Now is the time to do further testing on two extremely important aspects of our mutual modernity: Sex and Drugs. First an overview:
Sex and Drugs are right 'up there' with War and Peace. We have evolved as a species to the point where we now understand that, concerning the 'war and peace' issue, Peace is much to be preferred. The invention of The Atomic Bomb did that favor for us. Modern Technology (tap) makes it imperative that we reject War and embrace Peace. That is now obvious. Everybody understands that Nuclear War would be a disaster for Humanity.
But what about sex? In the 'old days' we believed that God did not like sex at all. God especially hated 'self sex' (masturbation). So we circumcised (sexually mutilated) our most defenseless citizens (newborns) because we thought that God would be pleased. We were wrong about that. Nowadays we understand that Mother Nature provided males with foreskins for very, very, good reasons. We are lurching into Modernity (boom), sexwise. Good for us!

Drugs are one of the last proscriptions confronting us. True, many drugs are simply harmful with no redeeming social value (Strychnine for example). But it is also true that many other drugs which have been labeled as, 'harmful' are not really so harmful. Marijuana is an example. Indeed, I recently (boom) saw a TV piece about a child who was born with a brain defect which caused him to have very frequent seizures which prohibited him from becoming human. An astute physician suggested Marijuana as a last resort because Marijuana supplies certain brain chemicals (Cannabinoids). It couldn't hurt. Right?
And, Viola! Those Cannabinoids virtually cured that child and his seizures subsided! He is now capable of becoming human and is well on that path.
But the same TV Show had a 'rebuttal' from a (probably Jewish) member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, who pointed out that the 'cure' was doubtful and illegal. Sheeeit.
The AAP currently considers infant sexual mutilation efficatious! Ludicrous!
Indeed, Circumcision pretty much destroys both the male and the female experience of mutual sex!
Why doesn't JewMedia tell us about this?



Yep. It's a Blogger problem. Seems Blogger won't let me write any text until I have typed in a post title. (There was a 'warning' to that effect last week. I just now discovered that if I wrote something in the title, and if I then clicked on 'link' and if I then cancelled 'link,' I could write my blog. Hmm! That is what is called, 'a work-around.' Must pee... Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1720. Sip.
I still must use the arrow keys to 'get around,' but that is ok until Blogger can fix this problem. (Please fix this problem, Blogger! I love you! Even if you are Jewish! And don't forget: I was the very first 'blogger.') Sip.
Oops, I missed the ABC Evening News. CBS and NBC are on TiVo. Sip.
Ahhh! Now I get it: The Jews want to know what I'm going to write about before they will allow me to write it! Well, gee, thanks for the 'compliment,' folks, but I usually don't know (Oops I was wrong about the Evening news. Gotta go watch ABC... And I'm back with beer #5 at 1739. Sip. 'The Trial' is of no interest to me. It's a stupid Jewmedia distraction. Sip. Get real, people!
I don't really know where any particular post will go. I like the freedom which comes with the booze buzz, so I write the blog post's title just before I publish it. (Nose dripping mucus at 1742. Sip.) The 'Title' depends on the 'content.'

Can I Publish This?

Hmm. Blogger is not responding quite properly as I attempt my first post. For example, I can't change the font. Sipping on beer #2 at 1643. I may have to abort. We'll see...
Rereading last week, I saw the need to actually do some further research on the linked subjects, and was pleasantly surprised. There is some really valid and important information in a few of those links - information which is 'at odds with our 'modern' JEWMEDIA, which is not quite as 'modern' as it wants us to believe it is. Sip.
The problem is that I 'lose the cursor' with the result that I can't 'left-click' to a spot on the screen, but must instead use the 'arrow keys' for 'getting around.'
If my description of the problem is accurate, I would speculate that the problem originates with Blogger itself. Perhaps Gerash has a 'mole' at Blogger. We'll see...
Can I publish this?   

Wednesday, July 03, 2013


Beautiful Things.

Continuing with tonight's theme, I found this link (Sex as Nature Intended it) interesting and true.
Changing the subject, I can verify from personal experience that this young lady knows exactly what she is talking about!
Now that 'drugs' has been taken care of, here is tonight's music: The Blue Danube. Sip. And I love this beautiful song (I'm Not Lisa) especially for the glorious piano play at the beginning. Mozart would have been astonished!
Now sipping on beer#8 at 2136. Sip. More links? Sounds good to me...
Foreskin Envy. Hmm. 'Mouse-over' the various subjects in the list for many fun and interesting 'definitions.' You will absolutely love this website! By all means, EXPLORE!
Sip. Working on beer #8 at 2148. Sip. Damn this is fun!
Sip. End of beer #8 at 2200. Hongry!


The Downside of Omniscience.

Now working on beer #5 at 1909. Sip. There was a small hardware problem which prevented me from finishing post #2, and that post was 'lost' as a result. So lessee... Ah! The God Interview!
I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me: The Human Race recently came up with the idea of finding and deflecting rogue asteroids which might threaten Earth. Do You think that might be a good idea?
gd: You are disgusting! I refuse to talk with you concerning any subject even remotely involving the human processes of... yuck... 'elimination.' Forget it!
me: I'm talking 'Asteroids.' You're  thinking, 'Hemorroids.' Totally different.
gd: Oh...
gd: Ok, I'll bite: What are 'Asteroids?' (Being zapped with heavy face rad... now back from the LR after clearing out huge amounts of nasal mucus...)
me: Huge space rocks orbiting The Sun.
gd: Orbiting?
me: Earth orbits The Sun. So do Asteroids. Sometimes they collide with Earth and the results can be catastrophic. In fact, The Dinosaurs were pretty much extinguished by a giant asteroid which collided with Earth. NASA wants to detect these future threats to Earth's existence. I'm wondering if You have any suggestions in that regard.
gd: Dinosaurs?
me A species of reptile which roamed The Earth many millions of years ago.
gd: Lemme get this straight: Asteroids can kill millions of humans and animals? Could an asteroid kill every human on Earth?
me: Yes. Very possible. We call them, 'Killer Asteroids.'
gd: Interesting! I need to do a little research... G'bye.
Darn it! God hung up just before I got to 'needle Him' about His penchant for lurking just below water level in every bathroom potty, in the interest of seeing and 'knowing everything that happens on Earth.' Oh well...


Huh? Oh. Now I Remember!

Sipping on beer #1 at 1700 or so. The plan was to wait until Friday, but it has been a week since my last blog... and I did get enough sleep... so here I am again. Today, while reading my notes (on paper) from last week, I found, 'Circumcision: A stupid 4000 year old cultural/religious idea: pass it on.' So I am 'passing it on.' And I was looking for the word, '.....phobia,' the definition of which is, 'Irrational fear or hatred of the foreskin.' No joy. I'm pretty sure there is such a word. Did it go extinct recently? And by the way, here you will find a very scholarly and astute history of that 4000 year old practice. Enjoy.
Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1720. Kootch has hit the sack. Buzzing slightly. Sip.
Speaking of 'going extinct,' NASA recently issued the 'Asteroid Challenge' encouraging you really smart folks out there to come up with some good ideas about how to detect and defend Earth against rogue asteroids. I thought, 'Isn't that God's job?' I'll give Him a call tonight on The Brown Telephone and get His 'take.'
Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1742. Today's big news is the political turmoil in Egypt. Sip. I see it as an important and encouraging trend toward 'Universal Secularism.'
Buzzing adequately as I begin Beer #3. Sip 24 beers left. Sip. Time to reread last week's posts, which always make more sense when I'm buzzing, but tend to horrify me when I'm hungover... Yep. It makes much more sense now. I 'embellished the theory' somewhat, of course, and you get that.   

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