Wednesday, July 10, 2013


War? Sex? Drugs? It's the Money, Honey.

Now is the time to do further testing on two extremely important aspects of our mutual modernity: Sex and Drugs. First an overview:
Sex and Drugs are right 'up there' with War and Peace. We have evolved as a species to the point where we now understand that, concerning the 'war and peace' issue, Peace is much to be preferred. The invention of The Atomic Bomb did that favor for us. Modern Technology (tap) makes it imperative that we reject War and embrace Peace. That is now obvious. Everybody understands that Nuclear War would be a disaster for Humanity.
But what about sex? In the 'old days' we believed that God did not like sex at all. God especially hated 'self sex' (masturbation). So we circumcised (sexually mutilated) our most defenseless citizens (newborns) because we thought that God would be pleased. We were wrong about that. Nowadays we understand that Mother Nature provided males with foreskins for very, very, good reasons. We are lurching into Modernity (boom), sexwise. Good for us!

Drugs are one of the last proscriptions confronting us. True, many drugs are simply harmful with no redeeming social value (Strychnine for example). But it is also true that many other drugs which have been labeled as, 'harmful' are not really so harmful. Marijuana is an example. Indeed, I recently (boom) saw a TV piece about a child who was born with a brain defect which caused him to have very frequent seizures which prohibited him from becoming human. An astute physician suggested Marijuana as a last resort because Marijuana supplies certain brain chemicals (Cannabinoids). It couldn't hurt. Right?
And, Viola! Those Cannabinoids virtually cured that child and his seizures subsided! He is now capable of becoming human and is well on that path.
But the same TV Show had a 'rebuttal' from a (probably Jewish) member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, who pointed out that the 'cure' was doubtful and illegal. Sheeeit.
The AAP currently considers infant sexual mutilation efficatious! Ludicrous!
Indeed, Circumcision pretty much destroys both the male and the female experience of mutual sex!
Why doesn't JewMedia tell us about this?

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