Friday, December 30, 2011


Sexy Nurse.

Working on beer #11 at 2120. Sip. Time flys when you're having fun. Hungry! My tummy is suggesting that I wrap this up. Sip. But first I need to do some visuals:
Sexy Nurse.


Good Things. Good Things.

Which brings once again to that ultimate war between the individual and the society. Hmm. Blogger problems. I forgot what I was going to write about. Hmm. Sip... Lessee... clash... obligations... Aha!
We have 'obligations.' Personal obligations and social obligations. 'Drugs' are currently at the crux of those two 'groups.' Society wants us to 'conform,' but many of us want to 'explore.' Society wants automatons,  but individuals rebel at the very idea. Both tendencies are good and natural. Both 'work.' Life is complex.
Which brings up the question: What is my obligation as an individual?
The answer is a no-brainer: 'Screw 'Society!' There is a lot of 'society,' not much of 'me.' 'I want to smoke Marijuana before I die, and I will!'
So it goes. The eventual result is that 'society' fumbles its way forward based on myriad individual decisions. Marijuana will soon be legalized. It will be a good thing.
Furthermore, 'Modernity' is constantly eroding those religions which are based on ancient myths. Science is replacing Mythology as Method. That is also a good thing.

End of Link Dump.

Working on beer #6 at 1758. Sip.
2011: The year nothing happened?! Not exactly.
Cosmic Log: Its boom time for weird science. That'll keep you busy for a while.
LA could vote on mandatory condom use in adult films. Huh? I tried using a condom once or twice with Kootch, just as a test. Results? Terrible. The condom totally destroyed the sensations from the inner foreskin, making orgasm difficult. I did it both ways: foreskin forward and foreskin skinned back. Both ways sucked due to a lack of sensation. I never tried condoms again. I find it difficult to believe that a circumcised penis fitted with a condom could possibly provide enough sensation to trigger orgasm.
The 5 Best Marijuana-Related Books you've Never Read. (The Audacity of Dope?!)

Mother Nature's Way.

TGIF again. A blast of 'face rad' as I signed on to Blogger about 10 or 12 minutes ago: Eight sneezes, eight 'nose blows' lots of 'sniff and swallow.' Sipping on beer #2 at 1641. Time to reread and correct last week... Ok. I must have forgot that Reagan was also governor of California and switched "gov' with 'prez.' Didn't bother to correct it.
Buzzing modestly on Beer #2 at 1603. I recently made a 'connection' between 'Constant Gas' and 'Throat Gas;' 'Constant Gas' causes frequent 'throat-clearing' but is otherwise undetectable. 'Throat Gas' 'burns' throat tissues with each breath, causing violent coughing, usually for several minutes. The two are probably caused by the same gas in different concentrations.
Back from the fridge with beer #3 at 1613. Sip. Time to clear the old stuff from the 'Interesting' file and do tonight's link dump...
Fox apologizes to Jews for poll on who murdered Jesus. Amazing that Fox could do such a poll in 2011. The Biblical, 'His blood be on us and on our children' (supposedly spoken by a Jew) is ancient Jewish 'morality.' Nowadays most of us don't blame children for parental sins. Didn't The Romans crucify Jesus? And by the way, was it not Jesus' job to get crucified? True, Jesus gave us some memorable advice like, for example, 'Love one another,' but his main 'calling' was to act as the 'ultimate scapegoat.' He did a great job. God was 'well pleased.'
Can a molecule (Oxytocin) make us moral? Interesting. I think that 'Ecstacy' makes rotsa Oxytocin. Marijuana certainly does: Back in the late '80s I occasionally found myself tearfully apologizing to Kootch for something I had just recently said or done while drunk. Would a better word be, perhaps, 'empathic?'
50 reasons to leave it alone. I agree. Could a 'pediatrician' do an infant circumcision while high on Oxytocin? Any volunteers? Anybody? Both adult and infant volunteers accepted...
Beer #5 at 1708. Sip. Oops, time for The News... Back at 1742. Lotsa TCR in the LR.
I should point out here that 'life' is a 'struggle' involving both 'good' and 'bad' molecules. We need both to survive and evolve. It's Mother Nature's Way.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Oyasumi Nasai!

Hungry at 2232, all beer gone! Leftovers. Yum! Oyasumi!

Good God!?

This is looking like a slow night as I sip on beer #10 at 2042, buzzing appropriately. The amazing part is that I got huge amounts of sleep last night. My 'mind' is 'crystal clear.' What gives? Shouldn't I be pumping out much more 'astonishing blogaphernalia?' Hmm. Maybe 'quality' trumps 'Quantity' in such cases, but I can't verify that based on 're-reading.' Oh well...
Sipping on beer #11 at 2100. Sip. Kootch is sound asleep. Sip.
Ahah! Christmas with the Morman Tabernacle Choir on Channel 6 right now! Beautiful music! I love Christmas Music. I don't believe it but I love it anyway. Emotion preceeds logic. Christmas!
I sent zero Christmas Cards.
I received zero Christmas Cards.
Absolutely no stress! Sip.
I gave zero 'presents.' (But I forgot to get Kootch her annual Fruit Cake, darn it. I'll do it next time I shop KS.)
I drove to Walmart yesterday in search of Kootch's other requested Christmas Present. Waaay too crowded! I'll buy it for her next year. She won't be disappointed. She already has the old version and uses it appropriately.
Social Isolation has its benefits!
God had drowned all of Humanity way back in the old days, except for a sampling: (Noah, etc.) He then rashly promised never to do that dirty deed again. Good god! But wait!
God's Creations remained imperfect. They continued to sin, sin, sin!
God had already 'drowned the bastards' once and had promised to never do it again. But they continued to sin, sin, sin.
God 'cogitated.' God eventually decided to 'mix it up:' He would create a 'Son' who would go down to Earth. That Son's job would be to 'get crucified.' (God loved blood. God was a big fan of the Jewish 'sacrifice of sheep and goats,' especially goats). God sent his 'Holy Ghost' down to Earth to rape an innocent young woman, who then became pregnant with 'God's Son, Jesus.' Jesus' job was to get slaughtered. Rotsa blood! Slurp!
Jesus did his duty. God was pleased. Humanity was not condemned forever.
Good God! Mutha Fuck!
Christians believe this. Jews are skeptical.

The Eternal War.

Working on beer #6 at 1807. Sip. Buzzing appropriately. Kootch has already hit the sack. Tonight's 'work' is done. The rest is gravy. Whew. Sip. Yum!
How would America be different today if Leary had been elected president (instead of Reagan)? Fascinating question.
Bernie Sanders on The Ed Show now. Love 'em! Hmm. I feel something bubbling up... standby... Got it:
The Individual vs The Society. It is the 'eternal war.' Who are you rooting for? You, of course! But why?
Society is eternal; you are a blip. Sip. Society has time. You don't. You will die soon. Sip.
Society evolves slowly; you evolve much faster. Necessarily!
You have orgasms. Society... not exactly... (Beer #8 at 1915.) Sip.
You are quick; Society is s-l-o-w.
You are smart; Society is d-u-m-b.
You have 'musical taste;' Society... not so much. But wait!
Society did not create this music. Individuals created it. You are an individual. You create your very own 'music.'
Create! Create!

Merry Christmas!

Kootch and I just finished 'lunch' while watching M. Huh? Timothy Leary actually ran for president against Ronald Reagan?! Little did I know. Time to reread last week while I work on beer #2... Yep. I must say, it makes better reading after a beer or two. Working on beer #3 at 1621. Sip. Link Dump time:
Sachs: How 'Reaganomics' toppled America. (Shhh. Lets blame it all on The Irish.)
The truth about Marijuana. It's the money, Honey.
Why young Evangelicals are leaving The Church. Emotion preceeds Logic...
Man loses appeal to smoke Pot for religious reasons. Ditto...
A Horseshoe Einstein Ring. The more distant galaxy should theoretically have been 'red-shifted' even more than the red 'lensing galaxy,' but is clearly blue instead, indicating perhaps that it has been 'blue-shifted' by the lensing process. Interesting.
North Korean morners, crying to survive? Extreme Culture Wars. And finally:
Numerous Veterinarians Caught Altering Dog Genitalia. You will not believe it.
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011


I Only Wanna Know

Oops. I still have two beers left. Sip. If I'd had some of my homegrown Marijuana I'd have toked a half-bowl full, munched out, and called it a night. Snore!
Sip. But now I am working on beer #11, coming down rapidly. Sip. I need some seeds. Do any of you lovely and glorious readers out there have any good Ganja seeds to sell? I would pay you handsomely! One dollar per seed? Five dollars per seed? I would pay. Really. I want to do booze and Ganja again before I die. I want to blog about those 'drug experiences.' Won't you help me? I only wanna know. Please help me.
Sip. Yum. Really. I would clean out the closet next to the bathroom. I would buy three plastic buckets. I would buy potting soil. I would drill a few holes in the plastic buckets. I would fill the buckets with potting soil. I would buy  some 'gro-light tubes.' I would germinate 9 seeds between wet paper towels for several days. When the seeds 'sprouted' I would plant them in the buckets. I would then shine grow-light on the potting soil. When the seeds emerged from the soil I would raise the growlights enough to allow the seeds to grow. You get the idea. You can do it!
One fine day I would 'harvest' the leaves, chop them up, then dry them out, then I would pack a bong bowl with dried Ganja leaf particulate. Then I would drink a few beers. Then I would smoke the ganja. Glorious! Then I would report back to you.
I know you: You only wanna know too.

Glorious! Glorious! Glorious! Glorious!

Last sip of beer #8 at 1950. Beer #9 (sip) now at 1954. Better slow down...
Fun visuals here! The old guy is only 42. He was a previous Crack addict and looked like Methusula six months ago, when he switched to Ganja. Much younger now. Yep.
Top ancient mysteries of 2011. That'll keep you 'occupied' for a while...
The Intactivism Pages. Best source of True Information regarding your family penis. Highly recommended.
And lastly, I offer this link describing one of history's most momentous periods: The French Revolution. America and The Western World are very near to a similar scenerio. I love it! Let's do it!
Sip. Under normal circumstances I would have done a toke or two of 'home grown' right after beer #4 or #6. I would then have been 'totalled' for the next hour or so. I would have had very interesting internal (mental) experiences. I would then have experienced a case of 'the munchies.' (Huge blast of microwave radiation at that point caused me to exit the BR for the kitchen and LR where I sneezed 10-16 times (didn't count) in utter ecstasy. I love sneezing! Sniff.) I would then have raided the 'fridge. Yum! I would then have hit the sack. I would then have slept soundly. Zzzzz. I would have awakened in the morning. My 'hangover' would have been much less than that expected from booze alone, but 'significant.' I would have been very tempted to repeat the experience. VERY tempted. But wait!
My son-in-law, Mark (Kathy's husband and our family drug supplier) had recent done a deal for 20 hits of Orange Crush! OMG! He explained that LSD would get us 'higher than we had ever been before.' We all (except Kootch) did 'Orange Crush' one fine Sunday afternoon while Kootch watched TV.
Kootch 'babysitted' us. We all had glorious trips!
Kootch, our only link to the 'real world' was our beautiful goddess. She saved us.

Link Dump Continued...

Continuing with tonight's 'link dump:'
An amazing view of Earth's shadow! I love that very teachable photo! Words are not needed.
One of my heros is no more. I read his book, 'God is not great.' I agree! God sucks. Aha! I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'Extended the antenna.' God (as usual) answered immediately:
gd: Back from the fridge with beer #8?
me: At 1915.
gd: Please state the reason for this call.
me Christopher Hitchens.
gd: Who?
me: I'm impressed by how closely you 'follow me.'
gd: Nothing personal. It's my job. Who?
me: In the kitchen?
gd: Of course.
me: In the Living Room?
gd: Of Course.
me: In the hallway?
gd: Of course.
me: In the bedroom?
gd: Especially in the bedroom.
me: In the bathroom?
gd: (click)
I then dialed Lucifer (on an undisclosed number):
lu: Hello?
me Christopher Hitchens?
lu: A recent arrival. Yes.
me: How well is he adjusting?
lu: He is absolutely delighted! I scheduled him for Sunday's WAS.
me: Of course.
lu: He'll no doubt be very popular.
me: I agree. Question: Does Planet Hell have drugs like Marijuana?
lu: Is the pope Catholic?

Different Bait for Different Fish.

Sipping on beer #4 at 1722. And regarding the previous post, I had absolutely no conscious idea how I would eventually construct it and write it. I only had the links which I had found 'interesting.' I had very little idea (and inclination) concerning the eventual product. Beer was the magic 'juice' which brought it together. I could not have done it without that glorious alcoholic ingredient. (Drugs, used judiciously, can be very 'useful!' Comparing 'money' and 'air,' for example, would not have occured to me in my normal sober state. I will pay, of course, tomorrow. Will somebody please invent a drug like alcohol which does not 'charge you' with a hangover the next day? I'll be a fan!)
Sipping on beer #5 at 1750. Sipping and working. The two seem to be 'antithetical.' Shouldn't I be just 'working?' Isn't that what God wants me to do? Hmm. I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately:
gd: Hello?
me High there!
gd: You're drunk again.
me: Sip. Be back in a minute... I'm baaack!
gd: With beer #6.
me: Right!
gd: At 1812.
me: Exactly!
gd: You are disgusting.
me: Different bait for different fish.

Grow Your Own!

First sip at 1530. A little investigation of 'my stats' revealed that they were not all that impressive after all. However my 'intuition' tells me that the stats do not accurately reflect actual readership. Most readers probably get my blog info from sources other than Blogger ('Delicious' for example. Whatever.)
Link Dump time:
One in nine high school seniors using synthetic 'marijuana.' This is disturbing given that the 'real thing' is much less 'toxic.' Do they use it because actual Marijuana is unavailable? Marijuana prohibition is bad for the general public, but is good for Traffickers, Courts, Lawyers, Cops and The Prison Industry (and therefore, Politicians). It's the money, honey. Follow the money.
Money is the new 'air.' Imagine a planet on which a single species can 'bank air' such that that air is unavailable to other members of the species. (Sip. Working on beer #2 at 1606.) Would there not be huge tanks of air reserved for various members? More (much more!) than any single member could possibly breathe in a single lifetime? Yes there would be. Would millions of less fortunate airless members die for lack of oxygen? Yes they would. It's only 'natural.' (Sorry, Mother Nature. I know You meant well.)
Medical Marijuana crackdown coming in Colorado. There is an antidote to this poison: Grow Your Own! Occupy Photosynthesis!
Teen drinking, smoking, continue to decline; Marijuana use is up. Good news! Parents need to get more involved. Smoke up with your kids! Grow your own! Teach them about drugs! Don't rely on 'The System' to do that for you. 'The System' is broken.
The case for including ethics, religion, in science class. Great piece! I was 'put off' at first by the author's obviously 'Jewish' name, but as I read, I relented. All of life's many 'categories' bleed into each other naturally, and should be treated as such, especially in the classroom. Good work!
Kootch just waved and said, 'Oyasumi!' (Goodnight.)

Friday, December 09, 2011



After several minutes I hit 'redial' on the Brown Telephone. Mother Nature answered immediately:
mn: Hello?
me: I'm Baaack!
mn: And I'm ready for you. Shoot.
me: Why did you create Peyote?
mn: Peyote was the only way I could communicate with you.
me: Huh?
mn: Psilocybin too. It was another method. I needed to contact you. I needed to convey certain information to you.
me: Me?!
mn: To all of you. You are all my children. I needed to show you.
me: Show us?
mn: Yes.
me: Show us what?
mn: Show you who you are.
me: And we are?
mn: You are all my lovely and glorious children. I loved you so much!
me: Loved?
mn: I AM NO MORE. I loved you. I died 13.7 billion years ago in The Big Bang. This ends the current recording.

Why? Why?! Why?!?!?

Mother Nature and I seemed to get along quite well at our first 'meeting' on the Brown Telephone last week. Indeed, She seemed to know quite a lot about me... too much, in fact. I was a bit 'put off.' But now that I think about it, Her 'understanding' about me is 'definitional:' She knows absolutely everything there is to know about me because She is Mother Nature! Oops.
Over the intervening days I was able to emotionally accept the fact of Her omnicience. 'Ok. She knows it all.' So what?
I 'gathered my courage' tonight as I dialed 666 on the Brown Telephone. I had some very 'pointed questions' to ask Her:
gd: Hello?
me: Mother Nature, please.
gd: No.
me: Tell us: Do You have a penis?
gd: (click)
Dial tone! I then dialed 111 on the Brown Telephone. MN answered immediately.
mn: Hello?
me: Do you have a penis?
mn: No. Don't be silly.
me: Just checking.
mn: I know.
me: Can you tell me about Peyote?
mn: Yes.
me: Psylocibin?
mn: Yes. What is your question?
me: Can You explain why You created a Universe containing Peyote?
mn: Yes I can.
me: Will You?
mn: Call me back in a few. (click)

Now what?

This new version of Blogger is very interesting, but also very mysterious to a drunk blogger. Therefore I will use it 'as is' and will investigate this new version next week while sober. So far, so good.
What is on 'the agenda?' Lemme check...
Peaceful Parenting Every Christian parent should read this.
NJ Majority Support Marijuana Decrim. I need to contact Mother Nature regarding this... later.
Medical Marijuana Reduces Traffic Deaths... I believe it.
We The People. We vote!
Truth told! (Be warned, this is a huge, 'non-sexual' photo. And I would add, from my personal experience, 'Foreskins feel good!'
(time for the news... Alright!)
Beginning beer #9 at 1800. Sip. Now what? 
I'm approaching the end of my useful cognitive clarity at 1815 (sip), so I'll contact Mother Nature on the Brown Telephone before I get too drunk. (Ahah! The 'Preview' looks like the final result only when it is displayed in 'minimal mode.' Expanded, it appears 'infinite.') Live and learn.


Hang the Bastard.

Whew. It is now 1559 as I finish beer #5 and begin beer #6. I am learning this new version of Blogger as I go. So far so good. Now what? Time to move on to a national news story which captured my recent attention: A lovely young lady recently enjoyed a 'sight-seeing' airplane ride in a 'two-seater' private plane. She enjoyed the 'Christmas lights' of the city beneath her. So far, so good. The pilot then landed the 'two-seater' airplane and taxied up to the 'gate.' He then allowed the naive young girl to exit the airplane, at night, while the engine was still running. She got out of the airplane, alone, at night, and then walked into the spinning propeller and was severely injured as a result. She will recover much of her former human talents (no thanks to Jesus). Question: who is to blame for this horrible accident?
1) Jesus?
2) The stupid young girl? (Kootch just waved at me as she returned to her room with her 'daily chocolate.)
3) The 'pilot?'
Clearly, the pilot of that airplane was seriously at fault in that he left the engine running, at night, while allowing his naive passenger to exit the airplane. Hang the bastard.  

Voting Jewish Categories.

New Blogger format? I'll try it.
Oh wow. 6000 page views?! I had no idea. Guess I'd better watch my language. Kootch and I just finished watching M while I drank beer #1 on 1/2 avocado. Working on beer #2 at 1438. Hmm. The 'preview' takes up the entire screen. So... as a test of the new Blogger format I will publish this post and then see what the blog result looks like... looks like it did before! Alright! I love Blogger!
Time to reread last week's posts as I begin beer #3 at 1455... Yep. Just as I remember. Sipping on beer #4 at 1517. CNN just had a blurb about Obama seeking the Jewish vote. According to CNN, Jews are comprise about 4% of the US population (and are therefore not 'stastically important' but every little bit helps). More important is 'Jewish money.' American Jews are probably the worlds richest group of people, and they contribute significantly to the American political process. Every American politician, therefore, needs to suck up to The Jews. Whatever American Jews want, American Jews get!
But there is another 'Jewish category' which is not widely recognized (and indeed, I may have been among the first to define it): Honorary Jews. 'Honorary Jews' are that group of American males who were circumcised at birth for various 'medical reasons' by the Jew-dominated American Medical Establishment. There may be approximately 100 million Honorary American Jews. And they vote. 

Friday, December 02, 2011


Visal Stuff.

Beer #12 at 2010. Sip. I love my liver! Three beers left. 9 News on TV is colorful. Sip. (My liver loves me too.)
Time for another visual:

Very strange admission.
Here is a succinct observation regarding 'Culture Change:'

Oh Wow!

Slurp. Yum.
Wake up in the middle of the night. Keep your eyes closed. What do you 'see?'
I see patterns of black/dark/grey. Those same patterns persist even when I open my eyes in my dark bedroom. I call those 'patterns' 'entoptical phenomenon.'
Normal stuff. (Beer #13 at 2125.)
Steve Jobs died recently and his last words were, 'Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.' Interesting. My 'take' is that Steve Jobs was experiencing brain death: Millions of neurons were dying. It was a chaotic process. His eyes were closed. He was focused on the normal Entoptical phenomenon as usual. But his dying brain was unable to produce the usual 'blackness' as his brain died. His visual brain 'lit up' as the 'gate-keepers' died. Oh Wow! Beautiful! Oh my God!
Steve Jobs died surrounded by beauty.
LSD is like that.
Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow!

Trickle Down Economics.

Trickle Down Economics:

Democrats love this visual metaphor of Republican Fiscal/monetary policy.

Meaning is meaningless.

Nothing personal.
Which brings us to the idea of 'meaning in a mechanical process.' The question refers to the beginning of that process. But 'meaning' is an extremely esoteric idea not explainable by mechanical events. Therefore 'meaning' is ephemeral. There is no such actual 'thing' as 'meaning.' Logic fails us.
The Universe is therefore not only 'stranger than we imagine,' The Universe is 'stranger than we can imagine.'

You are a Movement.

'Cause and effect' is the principle. Acquinas, Newton, yo momma, all agree that 'effect' follows from 'cause.'
Your are a machine. But wait!
You are actually a process! The pieces of stuff which comprise you (the machine) will eventually dissemble and become the stuff of other various machines. Recycling! You are ultimately 'recycled stuff!' Therefore you are not a 'thing' but a 'process.' You are a process! What is 'process?'
Process is movement.
You are a movement.

Wake Up and See The Ritual.

sipping on beer #8 (?) at 1738, listening to ABC NEWS from the LR. Sip. Don't get me wrong: I have many lovely memories of Charleston, SC. Many ugly memories too. Google will take you on a photographic tour of Charleston. Yay Google! Here is another valuable link to Charleston. I love that site.
Popped open beer #9 at 1807. My poor liver is working overtime! Yay liver! What am I?
I am a 'biological machine.' I 'do my thing' acording to the laws of 'cause and effect.' Occasionally I 'wake up' and 'smell the coffee' for a while, then I go back to 'sleep.' For example, today I did my self-observation. I observed the machine while I put on my shoes and socks. (It's a 'ritual.' We all do lots of 'ritual behavior' because we are biological machines but we don't see the ritual. In order to 'see the ritual' we need to be aware of the ritual.) Wake up and see the ritual!
The Cerebellum plays an important part in 'ritual behavior' associated with motor function. Therefore it is easy for the 'main brain' to observe ritual cerebellar function. You can easily do that experiment: select a favorite 'mindless' physical behavior, then 'watch' your body as it 'does its thing.' Automatic! Machine-like!
Once you get used to this idea you will probably ask yourselves, 'Where does it all end?' My answer is that it is all 'mechanical.' We are machines. Biological machines. It never ends. Sip. Beer 10?

Losing My Virginity.

Whew. Beginning beer #6 at 1612.
One thing saved me back in those days: Orgasms (Self-Nurturing Procedures). Every night I would do my 'procedure' at least once. I grew sexually. At first I had no 'fantasies.' I simply peed in my pants (wet the bed) and did a mind-blowing orgasm and fell asleep immediately. When I got out of the orphanage I 'discovered the opposite sex.' I could add a visual component to my sexual experience! Sears Catalogs! Women in panties!
But the actual opposite sex remained elusive.
Bishop England High School was sexually segregated. Contact between boys and girls was 'discouraged.' The girls did 'recess' in the front yard of the school (previous photos) while the boys did recess in the back yard of the high school (no photos available). I would occasionally watch the girls from one of the front second floor (left) classrooms. I discovered that I could actually discerne the outline of their panties when they wore 'tight skirts!' Oh joy! I became, and remain, an avid 'panty-line afficionado.'
I would remain a virgin, however, until a Japanese girl offered to 'innitiate me' into Sexual Life. I accepted. We dated one night. We got appropriately buzzed. We ended up in a hotel room. But at the last minute she did an 'about face.' She apparently wanted me to 'force her.' Uhuh. I could always masturbate. I didn't really need a 'pussy.' I rolled over, ready to go to sleep. She relented. She let me fuck her. I fucked her. I became an ex-virgin. I never looked back. I never dated her again.
I met Kootch later at The Airman's Club on Shiroi AFB. I devirginized her and eventually impregnated her and married her in 1957. She hit the sack about 30 minutes ago.

Forever... and ever... and ever... Amen.

First sip at 1355. Yay beer! Three leftovers from last week. Buzzing my brains out at 1410 as I begin beer #2 on an empty stomach. Heavy face rad now as I reread last week's posts. Huge mucus flows, nose blows. Is there any way I can terminate the sadistic behavior of my 'neighbors?' Last night was another 14 hour (tap) experience of 'legal' torture. Definite human rights violation. Is there a way I can stop this torture without moving out? Any suggestions?
Moving along from last week, my experiences with the priests and nuns of Charleston (The 'Holy' fucking 'City'!) served me well in later life, turning me off, emotionally, to Christianity. The 'logic' of Acquinas was my last bulwark against Atheism, but it collapsed ignomineously in the face of modern philosophy which I discovered at the library one fine day while looking for a book about Acquinas: Russell slew Acquinas with a single blow. (Buzzing nicely on beer #3 after peaking about ten minutes ago.)
I was lucky, apparently, in that none of the priests ever tried to 'molest' me (although one of them came close). Some of the nuns, however, did 'molest me' with their power over me. Worst was 'Sister Mary.' We secretly called her, 'Pruneface.' She was a skinny old sadistic bitch. She was the orphanage cook. I dissed her chocolate pudding one evening, not realizing she was standing behind me. She was terribly offended. She got even with me by requiring me to scrub her dormitory floor. Not once; not twice; not three times...
Every Saturday morning she would ritually move all the cots in her dormitory to one side of the room. She would then sweep the unvarnished hardwood floor meticulously, allowing not a single hair or a single dust particle to escape. I, meanwhile was on my hands and knees with a brush, a bar of soap, and a bucket of water. I would splash water on the floor, rub the brush on the soap, then scrub the floor in front of me with the brush. After it was all scrubbed I would mop up the soapy mess, squeeze it into another bucket, and repeat the procedure until all soap residue was gone. I would then do another five or six square feet. Meanwhile she watched me like a hawk. The 'procedure' took all Saturday morning. Meanwhile the other 'inmates' played, or did small chores and then played. The other children played, I worked.
The 'work' was not necessary, of course. No other dormitory sister required such intensive 'floor maintenance.' The other Sisters knew, of course, but did not intervene. It was child abuse. Nobody cared. Nobody stopped it.
It affected me in later life, of course. (If it ain't fun, don't do it!)
One glorious day I was told that I was no longer condemned to live in the Charleston Catholic Orphanage; I could go! Glorious news!
I walked out. I said 'goodbye' to nobody. I never returned.

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