Friday, December 02, 2011


Oh Wow!

Slurp. Yum.
Wake up in the middle of the night. Keep your eyes closed. What do you 'see?'
I see patterns of black/dark/grey. Those same patterns persist even when I open my eyes in my dark bedroom. I call those 'patterns' 'entoptical phenomenon.'
Normal stuff. (Beer #13 at 2125.)
Steve Jobs died recently and his last words were, 'Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.' Interesting. My 'take' is that Steve Jobs was experiencing brain death: Millions of neurons were dying. It was a chaotic process. His eyes were closed. He was focused on the normal Entoptical phenomenon as usual. But his dying brain was unable to produce the usual 'blackness' as his brain died. His visual brain 'lit up' as the 'gate-keepers' died. Oh Wow! Beautiful! Oh my God!
Steve Jobs died surrounded by beauty.
LSD is like that.
Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow!
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