Friday, December 23, 2011


Good God!?

This is looking like a slow night as I sip on beer #10 at 2042, buzzing appropriately. The amazing part is that I got huge amounts of sleep last night. My 'mind' is 'crystal clear.' What gives? Shouldn't I be pumping out much more 'astonishing blogaphernalia?' Hmm. Maybe 'quality' trumps 'Quantity' in such cases, but I can't verify that based on 're-reading.' Oh well...
Sipping on beer #11 at 2100. Sip. Kootch is sound asleep. Sip.
Ahah! Christmas with the Morman Tabernacle Choir on Channel 6 right now! Beautiful music! I love Christmas Music. I don't believe it but I love it anyway. Emotion preceeds logic. Christmas!
I sent zero Christmas Cards.
I received zero Christmas Cards.
Absolutely no stress! Sip.
I gave zero 'presents.' (But I forgot to get Kootch her annual Fruit Cake, darn it. I'll do it next time I shop KS.)
I drove to Walmart yesterday in search of Kootch's other requested Christmas Present. Waaay too crowded! I'll buy it for her next year. She won't be disappointed. She already has the old version and uses it appropriately.
Social Isolation has its benefits!
God had drowned all of Humanity way back in the old days, except for a sampling: (Noah, etc.) He then rashly promised never to do that dirty deed again. Good god! But wait!
God's Creations remained imperfect. They continued to sin, sin, sin!
God had already 'drowned the bastards' once and had promised to never do it again. But they continued to sin, sin, sin.
God 'cogitated.' God eventually decided to 'mix it up:' He would create a 'Son' who would go down to Earth. That Son's job would be to 'get crucified.' (God loved blood. God was a big fan of the Jewish 'sacrifice of sheep and goats,' especially goats). God sent his 'Holy Ghost' down to Earth to rape an innocent young woman, who then became pregnant with 'God's Son, Jesus.' Jesus' job was to get slaughtered. Rotsa blood! Slurp!
Jesus did his duty. God was pleased. Humanity was not condemned forever.
Good God! Mutha Fuck!
Christians believe this. Jews are skeptical.
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