Friday, December 23, 2011


The Eternal War.

Working on beer #6 at 1807. Sip. Buzzing appropriately. Kootch has already hit the sack. Tonight's 'work' is done. The rest is gravy. Whew. Sip. Yum!
How would America be different today if Leary had been elected president (instead of Reagan)? Fascinating question.
Bernie Sanders on The Ed Show now. Love 'em! Hmm. I feel something bubbling up... standby... Got it:
The Individual vs The Society. It is the 'eternal war.' Who are you rooting for? You, of course! But why?
Society is eternal; you are a blip. Sip. Society has time. You don't. You will die soon. Sip.
Society evolves slowly; you evolve much faster. Necessarily!
You have orgasms. Society... not exactly... (Beer #8 at 1915.) Sip.
You are quick; Society is s-l-o-w.
You are smart; Society is d-u-m-b.
You have 'musical taste;' Society... not so much. But wait!
Society did not create this music. Individuals created it. You are an individual. You create your very own 'music.'
Create! Create!
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