Friday, January 25, 2013



Help! I need you! Please help me! I am so ashamed to do this. Sorry.
Goodnight. Sip.

Help! Mayday!

I am not at all above moving to Canada! Sip. (Can Kootch come too?)
Sipping on a glass of Canadian Mist and Diet Pepsi at 2232. Sip. Yum! My intention regarding next week's blog is to reread my Drog regarding Mother Nature. I recall that She and I had a 'very hot encounter' on the road to visit my brother in Houston Texas back in the early 00s. We both loved it. I wrote about it in my Drog. Meanwhile, Gerash and his Jewish allies were following me as I drove nonstop from Denver to Houston. I will reread it and base a post or two on it. Stay tuned! You'll love it! Sip.
Sipping on CM #2 at 2256. Sip. Intense radiation from 303/203 is causing swelling in my left nasal mucosa. Sip.
Will you help me?
I need your help.

Canadian Myst I love you. Mayday.

Sipping on beer #11 at 2130. Sip. I'm not as drunk as I 'ought to be' at this point. Hmm. Canadian Myst I love you! (Notice the 'mys-spelling.' And I should mention here that I reserve absolutely no 'rights' at all with regard to an eventual 'name change.' I'm way too old to use the money.)
Nose dripping at 2139 from Face Rad. Drip.
(But I would love to move out of my current abode into something much more private where I could at least escape the daily/nightly microwave attacks and get a normal, healthy amount of sleep every night. Just sayin'.)
Sip. Mayday. Really. Sip.

'Goodbye. I loved you.'

Back from the fridge with beer #8. Sip. I'll be working on next week's introduction to Mother Nature from time to time.
Who, exactly, is 'Mother Nature?' She is a main character in my version of Judeo-Christian Mythology. I originally thought of Her as having been killed in The Big Bang, which she herself engineered. I imagined that she understood the implications of what she was about to do - that many, many sentient beings would eventually emerge from that cataclysm, and that she would herself be killed - but she wanted to leave them a last message from her, Their Original Mother.
She was so lonely... So lonely!
I imagined that she programmed various 'hallucinogens/entheogens' into the resulting 'laws of nature,' which would send a message to all of her 'children who chose to partake thereof:' the message was, 'I loved you. That is why I created you. Enjoy! Please enjoy my last gift to you. Goodbye. I loved you so very much! I will never forget you!' Never! Ever!  

I Don't Pray. I Hope.

Sipping on beer #4 at 1723. Sip. Buzzing moderately. The remainder of this week's blog posts will be, uh, 'extemporaneous.' Lessee... and by the way, I also use SimplyNoise quite often while I do Web work. It not only serves to mask 'comments from above' but it tends to mask noises like farts which might be of interest to those above, and TV audio from the LR which sometimes becomes too intrusive. Sip.
Back with beer #5 after watching the Evening News. (One of my TV sets is broken, so I have to watch in real time if I want to see it.) Speaking of which, I saw some spectacular video on one of NBC's recent shows, which suggested one 'theme' for tonight's blog: Favorite videos. Hmm. LSD Girl came immediately to mind. Is it still 'out there?' Yes it is! Glorious!
Ah, but I have an interesting idea in mind for tonight's 'finale.' Hmm. Lemme think about it for a while... Sip...
Here is the 'imagined scenerio:' While talking to Lucifer on the Brown Telephone, the subject of 'Mother Nature' comes up. Lucifer reveals that he knows Mother Nature's (thump above me) phone number. I am astonished! I cajole Lucifer into giving that number to me. Lucifer does so with apparent amusement, plus the advice to, 'Stay cool! Stay cool!'
After gathering my emotions into a more or less stable configuration - so to say - I dial Mother Nature's number on the Brown Telephone. The result of that conversation will be revealed in next week's blog. Stay tuned. You'll love it!
I hope.

Love, Sex, and Rotsa Noise.

Back with beer #2 at 1617, feeling well rested! Amazing what a little nap in the afternoon will do for you! I woke up during a dream, apparently related to Civilization III, which I have been playing lots of, as usual. They used the 'vibration' method to bring me back to consciousness. Works every time. And at the beginning of the nap 'they' zapped me with 'Lung Rad,' first from below, then from above - and they zapped me again with RL Rad just now as I was writing this. That was a short nap!
Continuing with the link dump phase, I liked this: Ten things you might not know about love: Those ten things fit with my own personal experience. The author is into something called, Positive Psychology. I like it!
And I just did a brief search for a CNN article I saw recently which suggested that there was no decrease is sexual sensitivity when using condoms. I laughed when I read it, and muttered, 'Jewish propaganda' and didn't save the link. My personal experience with condoms happened in the early '70s. Kootch and I agreed to try using a condom: Thumbs down!!! Penile sensitivity went from 100% down to 10%. The CNN article suggested that there was no significant change in sexual sensitivity. Perhaps the conclusion was based solely on the circumcised male point of feeling. I forgot Kootch's reaction. Now I can't find the CNN link. Oh well. Save 'em while you can save 'em!
Finally, I'll end this post with SimplyNoise, which is great for afternoon naps. I use the 'pink noise' version.

The Beginning is Amusing. But Tommorrow Comes the Sun.

Beginning beer #1 at 1326. Sip. Last night's bedroom torture chamber was much like that recent occasion when I was not quite sleep-deprived enough (tap) to take a nap first. That worked out ok after the beer began to take effect, but will today be a repeat? We shall see. I'll start with some links:
APOD - Huygens. The Titan Descent Movie. This unique and amazing video has some beautiful musical accompanyment. (You can find the entire Beethoven 4th Piano Concerto here.) The descent video begins with a view of the comparative sizes of Sun, Earth, and Moon, then moves to Saturn's largest moon, Titan, who's surface is hidden from view. The video and the music go quite well together, providing a really pleasant experience.
And now, folks, I will take a nap after all. But I'll be back...

Friday, January 18, 2013


Be Here Now.

Q: What, at bottom, do you try to do every day?
A: Enjoy.
Q: What is your main reason for not committing suicide?
A: Curiosity about the future.
Q: What is it about The Future that attracts you?
A: Mostly, the alternative.
Q: Why are you now getting up and leaving this scenerio?
A: I need to pee and grab my last (12th) beer.
Q: We need a 'sonic.'
A: Sip.
Q: What is the most important thing you have learned in your long life?
A: Enjoy The Moment. Be Here Now.
Q: Thank you for this interview.
A: You're welcome.

Wrapping it all up.

Sip. Now what? Sip. Is this the end? What about music? What about pussy? What about questions? What about lots of other subjects? Sipping on beer #10 at 1940. Sip. Hmm... Stand by:
A Solar Prominence. Our Sun, the Real God, has a spectacular 'hiccup.'
Teen Pot use shows - unlike alcohol - no effect on brain tissue. The real problem is Big Pharma, who's legal products are very profitable but kill many thousands of American Citizens every year! Marijuana has never killed anybody! Never! Ever! (Prove me wrong if you can.) Guns kill people. Big Pharma Drugs kill people. Ganja does not kill people!
Now I need to do some Pussy and some Music... Lessee...
Emily 18. Pussimomaximo!
And now Music: Best of Mozart Part 1.
All that's left now is 'Your questions.' What are your questions? I can only imagine, as I sip on beer #11, since I don't allow 'comments.' What do you really want to know about me? Hmm! I will deal with that question as I drink my last beer in the next post (#6).


Oh Well...

Back from the fridge with beer #8 at 1840. Buzzing nicely. Sip. I just observed my little 'drip-drip experiment' in the sink. Beautiful! I love it! In fact, a few weeks ago I actually learned something about physics by watching the experiment. But wait! First I need to describe the experiment:
In a metal kitchen sink with a high faucet output, smear vegatable oil all over the metal sink. Then, position the faucet such that splash droplets of water below the sink outlet land on most or all of the surface of the sink. Over time, observe what happens to the various blobs of water in the sink as they grow larger and larger. Interesting!
Some weeks ago, as I was preparing the cold water output to do the necessary 'drop, drop, drop' behavior, I noticed that as I slowly decreased cold water flow, the 'solid' water path got skinnier and skinnier, but then 'broke up' into droplets near the bottom. Why? I sensed that I was about to discover an (unknown to me) law of physics. But after observing that 'behavior' for a few days it suddenly dawned on me that falling objects accelerate at the rate of 32 feet per second squared: that the water stream at the bottom had accelerated to the point at which the Force of Acceleration overcame the Force of Surface Tension. It was an 'aha moment,' and I was slightly disappointed that I had not discovered a new law of physics. Sip.
Oh well...

Anti-Gentileism as a Sin.

I think we need invent a brand new sin as a counterbalance to that ancient Jewish Tribal sin of Anti-Semitism. Don't you? I would attach this sin to only The Jewish Tribe. I would call that new sin, 'Anti-Gentileism.' I would classify that new sin on the same level with 'Anti-Semitism.' It would be a balance. A much needed balance. 'What is a Gentile?' A 'Gentile' is 'Anybody who is not a Jew.'

Anti-Semitism vs Anti-Goyism and the M&M Solution.

Apparently, Hitler was homosexual, and got wind of the fact that Jewish Psychologists had outed him. He responded by gassing and burning the Jewish people en mass. That is one theory, there are others. But the fact is that Hitler and the Nazis gassed and burned millions of Jews during WWII. Why? That is the question.
Hitler's grotesque 'Holocaust' had the effect of causing much sympathy all over the world and especially in America with its millions of Jews. This huge wave of empathy combined with a huge wave of Jewish Anti-Goyism to produce a massive emotional wave which changed America in significant ways. Indeed, many American Jews think even now that 'The Holocaust' was the best thing that ever happened to The Jewish People! True, God must have been 'on vacation' during The Holocaust, but it all worked out for the best in the end! Yay, fuckin' God!
American Jews immediately began 'taking profits' from 'The Bank of The Holocaust' by increasing the American circumcision rate. That was apparently one of their most important objectives: The Jewish male, now 'in control,' wanted to 'level the playing field' in the arena of American sexuality. They did it with massive mutilation, and they made a lot of money in the process. America became 'mostly Jewish below the belt.' The American 'sex life' went seriously downhill.
And nobody noticed. Why? Because Jews controlled both Medicine and Media.

The Tipping Point.

Halfway through beer #1 (of 12) at 1522. Sip. It was a hectic night, as usual, but I seem to have got enough sleep to do this blog. Sip. Last week ended abruptly while I was trying to figure out how to publish an image in the 'Images' file on my computer. No joy. Seems Blogger had changed the rules somewhat. I spent quite some time trying to figure it out while half drunk, then decided to wrap it up. All I had to do was to refer to this Yin Yan images link, but was a bit too drunk to think of that simple solution.
Wow. Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1538, buzzing my brains out already! Time to reread last week... Yep. I am a 'violent' old man. (Sip. Tap, tap, tap.) And last week's blog definitely had the effect of changing the stalker radiation behavior somewhat in the direction of 'less intense.'
And speaking of 'Stalker' behavior, I have Walter Gerash pretty much figured out after all these years. Without going into all the yucky details, I can state with 99% certainty (beyond a reasonable doubt) that Gerash is obsessed with lil ole me.
Gerash has historically used his tribal connections against (tap) me, beginning with his fellow Jews. Many Jews understand the character-assasination 'technique' of accusing a 'target' of 'Anti-Semitism.' Many Jews will believe such an accusation immediately, no proof required. Most Jews will 'become leery' of the charged person, at least. Few Jews will require actual proof of the accusation. (We all love to believe the worst about The Other.)
Anti-Semitism became a special sin against a special people. There is no other sin like it. And that sin is punishable - not by God - but by The Jewish People themselves. And they punish!
World War II was the tipping point.

Friday, January 11, 2013


'Normal' is a broad, nonexistent category.

But I am not violent. I have always thought of myself as a gentle person. So I just tap... tap... tap... sip...
I'm wondering whether there has ever been a 'study' of people who have committed violent acts, vis circumcision status. I think that such a study would confirm my suspicions. (But wait! Bill Richardson is currently being interviewed by Wolfe Blitzer on CNN. Question: We know that South Korea is mostly circumcised, due to the 1950s Judeo-American intervention in that North-South war. Is North Korea also circumcised? And if not, does 'Fear of Circumcision' play any part in the Korean North/South estrangement? Just askin'.)
(Being zapped at 1549 in the left lung and left nostril by microwave radiation from either 203 or 303. I mention 303 as a possible source because I am pretty sure that there exists an 'unauthorized connection' between 303 and 304 going back many years. (Notice the font size change, which happened in real time as I was typing)).
Sipping on beer #7 I think. Sip.
I wonder about the kind of people who would zap their neighbors with microwave weapons, invade their privacy with audio and video technology (tap), and annoy them with 'unwanted communications.' Clearly, such people are obsessional and delusional. Batshit Looney! It makes me so very, very thankful that I am pretty much normal.
I have my little 'foibles' of course, but don't we all?

Violence Begets Violence.

Sipping on beer #4 (I think) at 1418. The stalkers who are 'connected' to my blog as I write this just zapped the previous version of this post. Nothing much, thankfully. Is it a 'hard' connection, or is it a 'soft' connection, or is it both? (Hardware and Software). There is absolutely no question that the Jewish organizations most involved with my computer doings (Comcast and Norton) are both involved in espionage and sabotage, but are they working together? And why do they think I am so important? Little ole me?! Huh?
Don't get me wrong, folks: I don't suspect that those excellent organizations are even aware that I exist. But I do think that various 'shadow organizations' of 'Jewish Activism' (various groups of individuals in both organizations) might judge my blog as 'AntiSemitic.' (And I don't even want to think about Blogger in that regard. So far, it seems to me that Blogger is 'above all that' and is providing a pristine information service.)
I tell the truth as I see it. 'The Truth' can be dangerous stuff!
Furthermore I have naughty theories. For example, I think that Circumcised Jews tend to be violent people. My experience has confirmed that, time and again. Violence begets violence. Circumcision violence can the beginning of a lifetime of violence.
Espionage and Sabotage are forms of violence.
Infant Circumcision is an extremely violent attack on a defenseless infant.
Zapping an old man with microwave cannons is an obvious form of violence.
An old man gently tapping on a keyboard can also be, in some real sense, violent! 

Jewish Lobby: The Definition Thereof.

Sipping on beer #1 at 1252. Sip. Last night's experience in my bedroom torture chamber was quite horrific and I expected to be taking a nap about now, but I must have got at least some sleep, because I am only slightly sleeply at the moment but going downhill rapidly. Could be a short night. Sip. Anyway, if I took a (tap) nap they might bombard me again anyway. (I'm thinking about moving out to escape this very unhealthy situation, having rejected suicide for the moment as 'a bit premature.')
From brain chemistry to politics! Yes! For some reason, American Jews are, uh,  'displeased' with O'Bama's choice of Hagel to be secretary of something. Seems Hagel - quite some time ago - referred to an unknown and non-existent organization which he called, 'The Jewish Lobby.' Jews were, of course, horrified. 'Jewish Lobby?! No such thing. Hagel must be Antisemitic! Thumbs down on Hagel forever!'
Watching the proceedings on TV, I thought, 'What a juicy Jewish situation! I will define the term, 'Jewish Lobby' for my friends and readers. I will do it succinctly. I with do it with one or two links. Yas! But a bit of investigation revealed that it would be best to use at least three links instead of one:
(1) Jewish American Political Organizations.
(2) Catholic American Political organizations.
(3) Irish American Political Organizations.
Well, as you can see, there is only one actual link. The other two references are there only to provide a stark contrast (think 'Yin-Yang'). I used those two because the definition of 'Jew' can be either tribal or religious or both. (And don't forget geographical!)
(Nose is beginning to drip as they (tap) zap me with microwave cannons. I will take that as a hint to publish.)

Friday, January 04, 2013


Understanding 'Reality.'

Sip. Buzz is declining at 2141. Sip. But I love what I have written so far! Sip. I shall now try to describe a 'confluencial merging' of the raw concepts, Why and How. But I need another beer, and it is a good thing I have not done a toke of Marijuana! Back from the fridge with beer #10 at 2151. Sip. Are you ready for this? Yes? Excellent!
Internal chemical flow in the nervous system produces predictable, reliable, results. On the other hand, external chemical 'contamination' of that internal flow tends to produce new and surprising results which the animal subject may or may not appreciate. The important aspect of external chemical 'injection' is that ECI changes 'reality' in very interesting ways, and that the processes involved should be further investigated as new ways of understanding 'reality.'
Whatever THAT is...
OYASUMINASAI. (Nighty-night!)

How Always Preceeds Why.

Which brings us to The Meaning of Life. Why? Why am I here?
I can still remember my Catechism answer to that question. Indeed, I was too young to have even formulated the question. (Huh? Why? Not How?) You can only slip this question to a child who is too young to understand the nature of existence. The child does not yet understand that 'how' always preceeds 'why.' So you can flim-flam the child with 'whys.' But the child will eventually begin to wonder about 'how.'
'How' is always a Scientific question.
'Why' is always a religious question.
They told me that in the Catechism the answer to the question was:
'God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this life, and to be happy with Him forever in the next.' (Heaven.)
Damned white of Him! Then they taught me about Eternal Hell.
And I thought, Huh?
I sorta believed that nonsense until I took one of the three science classes offered at Bishop England Catholic High School back in the early '50s, Chemistry. I missed out on Physics and Biology because I had no adult advisors in those days.
Chemistry posed the question, HOW? Furthermore, Chemistry had something to say about the question, WHY?
God was completely missing in Chemistry!
I loved Chemistry. There was no Hell in Chemistry; only logic.

The image above is that of Bishop England High School in Charleston South Carolina back in the 1950s. The original school building is in the center; the Science Building is on the right, and the Gymnasium building is on the left. I took Chemistry in the building on the right (first floor) and I watched the girls basketball games in the building on the left. The girls wore 'bloomers.' Very sexy! Nowadays, girls wear long trunks, mimicking men's basketball attire. I can almost guarantee that if modern woman's basketball teams change their long trunks to bloomers, Women's Basketball will suddenly blossom on modern American TV. Prove me wrong if you can.

Colorado (Oxy) Moronics.

The idea that it is ok to grow Marijuana, but that it is NOT ok to acquire Marijuana seeds, seems a bit schizo to me. The 'seed prohibition' aspect only keeps Marijuana in the category of 'illegal stuff requiring contacts in the Illegal Drug Industry.' Oxymoronic!
And some folks out there who have yet to think the process through are opposed to the notion that Colorado will become a tourist destination for law-abiding people wishing to acquire Marijuana and seeds legally. Huh!? Colorado as a 'Tourist Destination?' Horrors! We don't need the money that bad, do we? Yes we do!
I think that we should take full cultural/economic advantage of Denver's Mile High City nickname and go 'whole hawg' into our Coming Marijuana Adventure! After all, Marijuana is a very safe, fun, drug; safer, in fact, than Aspirin! Smoke it if ya got it! Ka-ching!
And I also look forward to the further enlightenment of Colorado Citizenry regarding the eventual legalization of LSD, the fatal dose of which is unknown in humans. Furthermore, LSD is the ultimate Entheogen, which beats the hell out of any known Christian, Muslin, or Jewish 'preacher.'
Lastly and probably leastly, Colorado summers produce America's very best 'pants peeing weather.' Viva Colorado!


Headed West!

Sipping on beer #1 at 1720, totally sober. I'm somewhat late today, having taken about a two hour nap around noon after an entire night of 'microwave radiation therapy.' (I endure the 'radiation' - Gerash gets the 'therapy.') Sip. Also, I just did some 'kitchen work' and 'updated last week's blog a little. Sip. First signs of a buzz at 1726. Sip. Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1730, buzzing slightly. Kootch has hit the sack. Sip.
I like last week's blog for all the 'cascading links.' There is a lot of really valuable information there, students. Explore!
Now what. Hmm. Sip. The news is on, but it's being recorded on TiVo, and this is prime blog-time. Hmm... Oh! The BSL neighbor has reduced his wall taps by about ninety percent (or so). Loudness has also been considerably reduced. Hmm!
And I bought a Bong recently! Cost about 20 bucks or so at Headed West, a nearby 'Head Shop.' They appear to be doing a huge amount of business now that Colorado has legalized Marijuana. The employees there seem to be well informed concerning the new law, and they are also well informed on how to treat customers. For example, the dude who 'waited on' me kept calling me, 'my man,' and when I told him that I wanted to buy a bong he replied that they did not 'Sell Bongs. Bongs are illegal. We only sell water pipes.' Fun! Only a dumbass lawyer/legislator would make such a distinction, the purpose of which escapes me at the moment. I bought an orange waterpipe, which mysteriously turned into a pink bong on the drive back home. But the bowl of the bong was way too small for what I intended, so I revisited the shop a week or two later and bought a larger bowl and ten 'bowl screens.' I enquired about seeds, and 'my man' replied that seeds were illegal. 'But if you can find some seeds somewhere (eheh) you can legally grow a maximum of three flowering plants (ripe for harvesting) and three not-yet-flowering (immature)plants. (In other words, you can 'circle grow' legally, but a Bong is naughty.) (Back from the fridge with beer #5 at 1817, buzzing outrageously. If I had chosen to 'smoke a bowl' instead of opening beer #5, this would be the end of tonight's blog for at least several hours, as I would have been swept into a fascinating mystical experience bordering on 'entheogenic.' Tomorrow's hangover would be minimal, and I would not need to replenish next week's beer stash.)
But lucky you, I only have 3.2 beer tonight.

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