Friday, January 25, 2013


Canadian Myst I love you. Mayday.

Sipping on beer #11 at 2130. Sip. I'm not as drunk as I 'ought to be' at this point. Hmm. Canadian Myst I love you! (Notice the 'mys-spelling.' And I should mention here that I reserve absolutely no 'rights' at all with regard to an eventual 'name change.' I'm way too old to use the money.)
Nose dripping at 2139 from Face Rad. Drip.
(But I would love to move out of my current abode into something much more private where I could at least escape the daily/nightly microwave attacks and get a normal, healthy amount of sleep every night. Just sayin'.)
Sip. Mayday. Really. Sip.

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