Friday, January 25, 2013


The Beginning is Amusing. But Tommorrow Comes the Sun.

Beginning beer #1 at 1326. Sip. Last night's bedroom torture chamber was much like that recent occasion when I was not quite sleep-deprived enough (tap) to take a nap first. That worked out ok after the beer began to take effect, but will today be a repeat? We shall see. I'll start with some links:
APOD - Huygens. The Titan Descent Movie. This unique and amazing video has some beautiful musical accompanyment. (You can find the entire Beethoven 4th Piano Concerto here.) The descent video begins with a view of the comparative sizes of Sun, Earth, and Moon, then moves to Saturn's largest moon, Titan, who's surface is hidden from view. The video and the music go quite well together, providing a really pleasant experience.
And now, folks, I will take a nap after all. But I'll be back...

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