Friday, January 11, 2013
Jewish Lobby: The Definition Thereof.
Sipping on beer #1 at 1252. Sip. Last night's experience in my bedroom torture chamber was quite horrific and I expected to be taking a nap about now, but I must have got at least some sleep, because I am only slightly sleeply at the moment but going downhill rapidly. Could be a short night. Sip. Anyway, if I took a (tap) nap they might bombard me again anyway. (I'm thinking about moving out to escape this very unhealthy situation, having rejected suicide for the moment as 'a bit premature.')
From brain chemistry to politics! Yes! For some reason, American Jews are, uh, 'displeased' with O'Bama's choice of Hagel to be secretary of something. Seems Hagel - quite some time ago - referred to an unknown and non-existent organization which he called, 'The Jewish Lobby.' Jews were, of course, horrified. 'Jewish Lobby?! No such thing. Hagel must be Antisemitic! Thumbs down on Hagel forever!'
Watching the proceedings on TV, I thought, 'What a juicy Jewish situation! I will define the term, 'Jewish Lobby' for my friends and readers. I will do it succinctly. I with do it with one or two links. Yas! But a bit of investigation revealed that it would be best to use at least three links instead of one:
(1) Jewish American Political Organizations.
(2) Catholic American Political organizations.
(3) Irish American Political Organizations.
Well, as you can see, there is only one actual link. The other two references are there only to provide a stark contrast (think 'Yin-Yang'). I used those two because the definition of 'Jew' can be either tribal or religious or both. (And don't forget geographical!)
(Nose is beginning to drip as they (tap) zap me with microwave cannons. I will take that as a hint to publish.)
Sipping on beer #1 at 1252. Sip. Last night's experience in my bedroom torture chamber was quite horrific and I expected to be taking a nap about now, but I must have got at least some sleep, because I am only slightly sleeply at the moment but going downhill rapidly. Could be a short night. Sip. Anyway, if I took a (tap) nap they might bombard me again anyway. (I'm thinking about moving out to escape this very unhealthy situation, having rejected suicide for the moment as 'a bit premature.')
From brain chemistry to politics! Yes! For some reason, American Jews are, uh, 'displeased' with O'Bama's choice of Hagel to be secretary of something. Seems Hagel - quite some time ago - referred to an unknown and non-existent organization which he called, 'The Jewish Lobby.' Jews were, of course, horrified. 'Jewish Lobby?! No such thing. Hagel must be Antisemitic! Thumbs down on Hagel forever!'
Watching the proceedings on TV, I thought, 'What a juicy Jewish situation! I will define the term, 'Jewish Lobby' for my friends and readers. I will do it succinctly. I with do it with one or two links. Yas! But a bit of investigation revealed that it would be best to use at least three links instead of one:
(1) Jewish American Political Organizations.
(2) Catholic American Political organizations.
(3) Irish American Political Organizations.
Well, as you can see, there is only one actual link. The other two references are there only to provide a stark contrast (think 'Yin-Yang'). I used those two because the definition of 'Jew' can be either tribal or religious or both. (And don't forget geographical!)
(Nose is beginning to drip as they (tap) zap me with microwave cannons. I will take that as a hint to publish.)