Friday, December 28, 2012


I propose an international movement:

One last thought for tonight: Suppose that all nations updated their 'adoption laws' to prohibit American Citizens from adopting children from their particular countries because of America's obvious human rights problems? Would that send a message to JAM?
I think so.
In fact, as I was just now reading my DROG post written on 05-06-01, I noticed a reference to UNCHR stating that the US got kicked out of that august international body by secret vote!
I suspect that the major reason for that expulsion was the Judeo-American practice of 'universal male sexual mutilation.' Prove me wrong if you can.
So much for the vaunted American 'position' regarding international 'Human Rights!'

Tonight's Pussy.



Infant Sexual Mutilation, International.

(3) Listening to last week's Beethoven Violin Concerto. Beautiful. Sipping on beer #8, buzzing nicely. Now what? Lessee... Year-end... Shall we do a 'year's ten best?' Yes we shall! This will take a while because I have to do the research in real time... Oops. Researching this year on my blog demonstrated that a 'ten best' would be too complex to do tonight. Scratch that idea.
Now what? Link Dump! Of course!
Circumcision in the USA. A Map.
The Tip of the Iceberg. Famous men who resented being circumcised.
20 Functions of the Foreskin. Mother Nature evolved it for good reasons.
39 good reasons not to circumcise. And I can think of at least one more.
Circumcision is like dog ear cutting. The dog hears much less well.
And now, I need to wish you all a Happy New Year!
Back from the fridge with beer #9 at 2038. Sip. CNN has a story concerning Vlad Putin's Russia. Seems America has been dropped from the list of countries which can adopt Russian orphans. Eheh. I wondered about the real reason for that, given the murky reasons published on JAM (Jewish American Media). Was it 'the American predelection for Male Genital Mutilation?' Did Putin imagine that many if not most male Russian adoptees would be sexually mutilated in the Jewish American tradition? Was Vladimir Putin himself 'intact and opposed' to JAM circumcision? I think so. Prove me wrong if you can.
And speaking of Which, Should Vlad Putin be added to this list? I think so.

Dear John.

Buzzing sluggishly at 1808 as I begin beer #4. Sip.
Speaking of 'bat-shit-looney,' I really enjoyed the Brick Testament version of Revelations, which is part of the New Testament. The origin of that particular book is 'sketchy' and I wondered how it found its way into the New Testament. I eventually concluded that The Book of Revelations was a joke gone wrong; that John of Patmos was actually making fun of the relatively new religion of Christianity. (By the way, if you click on this link soon enough you will also be treated to a You Tube video about Wikipedia editors, which I found quite charming. I smiled all the way through it.) (And I'm being zapped in the face by microwave radiation as I write this, and the direction from which the rad is coming is... yep, my left nostril is beginning to swell... 203.)
(Sipping on beer #5 at 1832, buzzing nicely.)
I am tempted to call Lucifer on the Brown Telephone regarding the eventual 'disposition' of JP... Yes, I will! I dialed 666 in the Brown Telephone (being zapped again) and 'extended the antenna.' God answered immediately.
gd: Hello?
me: Oops. Wrong number (click). (I then dial Lucifer's number.)
lu: Hello?
me: I've been reading some of The Bible recently.
lu: (chuckles)
me: The Brick Testament has a fun version of The Book of Revelation.
lu: Been there, read that. Yes, I agree.
me: I suspected that John of Patmos was actually making fun of that 'new religion.'  Was I right?
lu: Right on! You are a perceptive person!
me: Thank you. Given that information, I'm wondering where JP eventually ended up.
lu: Heaven, I'm afraid. He sits within the first ten rows, freezing his ass off.
me: God didn't realize...
lu: That it was all a joke? No, He did not. He rewarded JP with a 'choice seat.'
me: Boy, that joke really backfired...
lu: Really.
me: I think we should rescue him. Can we do that?
lu: Your wish is my command! I will begin the process immediately.
me: Excellent! How will you do it?
lu: That is 'privileged information,' I'm afraid. You are not cleared to that level.
me: Does it involve The Virgin Mary's 'panty fetish?'
lu: (click)

Subtle, Stealthy, Terrorism.

Sipping on beer #2 at 1719. Sip. Only 14 beers left. Sip. Time to review last week again... Yep, quite a woman there.
I have made yet another 'connection' regarding the effects of being zapped in the head with strong microwave radiation: nasal bleeding. Most all of my Bible-booger material has historically come from the right nostril. However, recent 'Bible quality' boogers are now coming from the left nostril, and 'they' have been zapping me from the left side for at least a week, whenever I am at the computer, making frequent nose-blows necessary. The most likely source of the radiation is 203, next door. I sit about six feet from the wall between us. Last night I was zapped as usual from 104 (below) and 304 (above), and endured approximately seven hours of it from 0300 to 1000 after hitting the sack at about 2300. Ya gotta love those neighbors! (But I think the're mistaking me for Jesus.) A probably related phenomenon is the 'bat-shit-looney-wall tapper.' This person often taps (several times a day) loudly on the hallway wall near the kitchen/LR area. This has been going on for about a year or two. Once, about a year ago, as I was walking down the hallway to the west, a very similar tap came from 207 as I passed by. Recently, 207 has mounted some sort of Christian emblem near his doorway. Hmm. I've heard of Muslim Terrorists, and Jewish Terrorists... but Christian Terrorists?! Say it ain't so, Virginia!
(Don't bother to call the ACSD. They're not interested.)

Thursday, December 20, 2012


OMG! Pussimus Maximus!

Wow. It is now 0120 AM and I am sipping on Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Sip. I was recently reading something about O'Bama in Ireland. Lessee... O'bama gets drunk in Ireland. (Thank you Conan! Sip.) Kootch just passed by the open door on the way to the potty, and urged me to hit the sack at 0125. Sip. I just finished that shot of CM. Hmm.
But I need to post more fun links. Hmm. Lessee...
Andre Rieu in Melbourne. Whoa. More than three hours of Andre Rieu! I'm definitely gonna hafta watch this next week when I'm sober! I love you Andre Rieu! I love you Blogger!
Kootch has awakened for the day and urged me to 'go to sleep.' Hmmph. At 0147AM. Sip.
My problem is that I got too much sleep last night. Some 'problem!'
Colorfulundies. Go there if you dare!
Onlynudeart. Yes! Yes! Sometimes unsuspected beauty shocks us. We need to 'adjust' our conceptions of 'beauty.' OMG!

 Pussimus Maximus!


Warm Slippery Pussy.

It is just after midnight, and I am still here. I've been listening to and watching a beautiful young woman playing  Beethoven's Violin Concerto. I love the music. I also love the young woman, Arabella Steinbacher. When I read her name I thought, 'She's Jewish.' But I was fascinated by her beauty. I imagined her in my arms. I was feeling the warmth of her beautiful face as we danced closely with each other. Her 'Jewishness' did not bother me at all. I watched her for the entire length of the concerto, savoring her beauty, imagining the warmth of her beautiful face. I've 'been there and done that' with other women of course, and no doubt those memories contributed to the fantasy I experienced. I later discovered that she was German. No problemo. I loved her anyway. Warm slippery pussy is warm slippery pussy. German... Jew... it didn't matter. What mattered was the warmth of her; the sweet smell of her.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Good Night.

Time to 'sign out' at 2155.
But don't forget: I love you!

Enough Already! Yay!

Sipping on beer #11 at 2016, buzzing nicely indeed. Sip. Wow! Kootch just walked by to the bathroom to (presumably) pee...
Hmm. Shouldn't I be signing off hereabouts?
Sip. (Not.) (faint boom) Sip.
Enough Already! I need to stop this. I need to focus on something which my Jewish friends (Yes, I have 'Jewish Friends') can read and link to. Hmm. Lessee. Music!
Mozart Piano Concerto #21. Many Jews love Classical Mozart Music.
War on Drugs a Trillion Dollar Failure. Yay, Richard Branson!
Obama: I won't go after States Where Marijuana is Legal. Yay Obama!
Senate/Judiciary Chairman wants to resolve Federal/State Marijuana Conflicts! Yay Leahy!
Which brings us back to the question of how 'smoking Marijuana' might have affected the Sandy Hook Killer. Marijuana is a well known 'rage inhibitor.' Should he have been prescribed Medical Marijuana? I think so.
Indeed, Marijuana is castigated by modern Jewish 'psychology' because it tends to cause 'unearned bliss' in needy circumcised males who have been sexually mutilated (circumcised). Apparently, Jews think that 'Bliss' needs to begin early, on the sixth day. Wrong!!!
I claim that 'Medical Marijuana' might have prevented the Sandy Hook Massacre.
Question: Will JAM even consider that question in the near future?
I think not.


Jewish Violence.

Let's go to the 'roots of violence.' Are we 'naturally violent?' It is true that our animal neighbors are quite violent. Lions violently attack Zebras and eat them, for example. But that seems to be 'natural violence.' Natural Violence is justified as 'methodology.' Nature is violent, but minimally so. We need to eat!
Humans, on the other hand, are unnaturally violent:
Jews violently 'adjust' the genitalia of their newborn males in a violent 'procedure' soon after birth.
And 'Violence begets violence.' But wait! That newborn will grow up to be a full-fledged Jew.
And that Jew will become a pediatrician. Or a politician. Or a Media Mogul.
And that Jew will approve social violence in many and various forms, all the way from Pediatric to Economic.
True, I am 'generalizing' here. But that is something to think about.

We Are Americans!

I recommend my style of 'retaliation' to other Americans who might feel offended by the American Jewish Tribe. No violence! That is not a solution. What we need is a non-violent response. We need to tap-tap on our keyboards. We need to question the Jewish domination of America in Media, Politics, and Medicine. We need to 'Uncircumcise America!'
We need to threaten The Jews in the most subtle possible manner.
They will 'get it!'
And that effort must begin at the level of Jew-dominated Media. The most 'enlightened' Jews themselves must lead the way forward!
And if they don't begin that process at the level of Jew-dominated media, then we need to collectively 'urge' them 'forward' using our tremendous personal and political power.


Tap, tap, tap...

Sipping on beer #6 (I think) at 1831. Sip. Buzzing nicely. Here is another example of violence: Gerash, a rich Jew lawyer, inflicts violence on me every day and every night. Invisible violence. Silent violence. Microwave violence. And interestingly, I have the means to 'retaliate' in some fashon or other, and I do. I do retaliate. I retaliate with this blog. I tap my fingers on a keyboard. Tap, tap, tap. But I retaliate not against Gerash alone; I retaliate against 'The Jews.' Why not? Shouldn't the Jewish Tribe be able, collectively, to prevent Gerash from doing his microwave violence against me? Yes they should, but they do not.
So I make war not only against Gerash but against the Jewish Tribe. They deserve it.

Top-down Violence.

Sipping on beer #5 at 1746. Buzzing nicely. Yum!
Ok. I think most of you can tentatively agree with that previous post. Here is an example of 'top-down violence.' Can we all agree? I think most of us can agree.
 Here is another example of 'top down violence.' God tells Abram to chop off the juicy part of his dick. Abram, dumbass that he was, does it and is rewarded with a name change to 'Abraham.' Jews have been doing this grotesque violence to their children ever since those ancient times. Creepy.
And I could go on and on, but you get the idea: Violence is a 'top-down phenomenon.' The powerful inflict violence on the less powerful.
And the least powerful among us is the newborn infant.


Violent America.

Well that one published alright. Sip. Buzzing nicely now at 1712 as I take the last sip of beer #3. Back with beer #4 at 1715. Sip.
Judeo-American Media seems to have been so severely affected by that violent slaughter of women and children that they have collectively focused on what they call 'The Culture of Violence.' That is now the new 'catchphrase.' I approve! I think it is a good sign that the JAM has begun to investigate this American Problem. Some of them blame violent video games. Eheh. (Well ya gotta start somewhere.) Others blame genes. 'Yas, it must be a combination of culture and genetics.'
I can go along with that. Sounds good to me. (Another WTM check revealed that the two offending processes are not currently installed.) Sip. So let's address 'violence,' shall we? Yes we shall.
'Violence' is a 'top-down' phemonomen. Can we agree on that? Yes we can: The powerful inflict violence. But wait, there's more!
Violence begets violence. Can we agree on that? I think so: 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' Sipping on beer #5 at 1735. Sip. Hmm. I'm getting a bit too
Font change just as I wrote that, as you can see. wmi and ctf were not listed in TM. Hmm. Sip.


Sipping on beer #1 at 1621. Sip. Last Friday's hangover was minimal, and I'm back two days early because I got plenty of sleep last night and I feel like getting a bit drunk and writing my blog. Sip. Back from the fridge with beer #2 at 1630. Sip. No buzz yet. Sip.
Well folks, the 'American Jewish Media' (CNN, MSNBC et al) has been agonizing all week about the carnage at Sandy Creek. It has been really amazing to watch. True, it was a horrific event, and it certainly deserves all the coverage it is getting. But there seems to be something missing in all the attention this story has commandeered. Something is missing...
For example, what was Adam Lanza's 'religion?' What was his mother's religion? His Father's? That information certainly seems appropriate given the nature of what Adam Lanza did to those 20 school kids, and those teachers. Is that really none of our business? Or, is CNN (et al) reluctant to report that sort of information? We wonder. (as I write this I am keeping track of the 'Processes' running in the background, using Windows Task Manager. I suspect that the stalkers have managed to wire my system up to the internet in such a way that they can actually delete or otherwise modify my posts on Blogger, and also actually keep track of what I do online. Creepy. Looks like wmiprsve and ctfmon are two of the processes they use to do that. Very Creepy.)

Friday, December 14, 2012



Apparently, Gerash found my first post so true (and therefore so offensive) that he could not bear allowing me to publish it. This brings into question any future blog posts.
I will therefore sign out, half drunk as I am, until next week.

Will this post publish?

Well, folks, (tap) after working for several hours on 'post #1' (faint boom) the obsessed stalker Walter L Gerash (and/or his 'technical assistants) seems to have totally destroyed my first post, which took several hours to create. Sip. Question: will this post publish?

Friday, December 07, 2012


Too Much Information?

Working on beer #7 at 1851. Sip. This could be a short night. Sip. Sip. Hmm. I'm feeling that I did not quite do my duty regarding 'tonight's links.' I need to post some more links... aha! Naughty Links! I totally forgot! So let's get started...
Sexy Cute Panties. This was my first selection when I began looking to augment my cache of sexy female photos for use on this blog. But most photos never passed my personal standards for publication. Use caution. Very naughty.
Behind the Name. Naughty. Very naughty. Are your 'friends,' Jewish? Look them up.
Careful: You are what you think!
That'll keep ya busy for a while... Nighty night!


Really, Really, Big Ideas.

Sipping on beer #6 at 1725. Sip. Only a 12-pac of 3.2 Natural Light left. Sip.
Shall we get started on those promised links? Yes we shall!
Stars. Everything you ever wanted to know about individual stars. (By the way, as I was recently driving home (West) from a visit to KP for a blood test, I remarked to myself, 'Damn that star is bright!' I was referring to our Sun, of course. Our personal star (Sol) is the only star that never twinkles.

The Hedonistic Imperitive. On a mission to eliminate suffering in all sentient life. Hmm... Would Darwin approve?

Cannabis, Cannabinoids and The Brain. Yes, they are really, really serious about this!

Hell, on the other hand, needs to be factored into the equation. Yas.

Godchecker. Check your God's credentials! Do it now!

On the other hand, you could investigate this stuff from The Scientific Point of View. Highly recommended, folks. Really. (No, I don't get a 'royalty.')


In Vino Veritas...?

Most of the way through beer #2 at 1554, buzzing sluggishly. Kootch just hit the sack early, having stayed up 'late' last night watching the Bronco game. Constant 'face rad' is causing constant mucus production requiring frequent nose-blows. The face rad began just about the time I signed on to Blogger. Sip. Night-time radiation has been intense recently, and I needed to spend about 12 hours in bed just to get 5 hours of much needed sleep. Sip. Apparently, Gerash wants you to know that he is again 'on the job,' punishing me for expressing my 'vile, hateful' (tap) opinions. I find it interesting that a 'lawyer' has such a rudimentary understanding of how America actually works. The concept of 'free speech' seems to have escaped him entirely, and he apparently believes that 'what is right' is 'what you can get away with if you have the money.' Gerash certainly gives new meaning to the phrase, 'criminal lawyer.' (faint boom)
Time to re-read last week's posts... yep. There were no links! I noticed that only today. Today there will be links. Sip. Rotsa Rinks. Sip.
Booze has an interesting effect on my thinking, which seems to be well suited to the self-expression of blogging, at least for me. What does booze do, exactly?
1. Booze 'oils the system.' The 'machine within' (CNS) becomes free of certain 'emotional friction points' which would otherwise slow it down.
2. Peaks and valleys in the 'emotional memory system' are 'rounded off,' thus aiding in the free flow of CNS activity. The neat thing about this process is that the emotional brain seems to be much more affected (at least in the beginning) than the logical brain. Sip.
'Blogging while buzzing' can be dangerous, of course, especially if you do it my way. But I am mostly immune to the consequences of being too, too honest, due to my relative social isolation.
A final comment: I had absolutely no idea what this first post of the night would contain!

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