Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Jewish Violence.

Let's go to the 'roots of violence.' Are we 'naturally violent?' It is true that our animal neighbors are quite violent. Lions violently attack Zebras and eat them, for example. But that seems to be 'natural violence.' Natural Violence is justified as 'methodology.' Nature is violent, but minimally so. We need to eat!
Humans, on the other hand, are unnaturally violent:
Jews violently 'adjust' the genitalia of their newborn males in a violent 'procedure' soon after birth.
And 'Violence begets violence.' But wait! That newborn will grow up to be a full-fledged Jew.
And that Jew will become a pediatrician. Or a politician. Or a Media Mogul.
And that Jew will approve social violence in many and various forms, all the way from Pediatric to Economic.
True, I am 'generalizing' here. But that is something to think about.

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