Friday, December 28, 2012


Infant Sexual Mutilation, International.

(3) Listening to last week's Beethoven Violin Concerto. Beautiful. Sipping on beer #8, buzzing nicely. Now what? Lessee... Year-end... Shall we do a 'year's ten best?' Yes we shall! This will take a while because I have to do the research in real time... Oops. Researching this year on my blog demonstrated that a 'ten best' would be too complex to do tonight. Scratch that idea.
Now what? Link Dump! Of course!
Circumcision in the USA. A Map.
The Tip of the Iceberg. Famous men who resented being circumcised.
20 Functions of the Foreskin. Mother Nature evolved it for good reasons.
39 good reasons not to circumcise. And I can think of at least one more.
Circumcision is like dog ear cutting. The dog hears much less well.
And now, I need to wish you all a Happy New Year!
Back from the fridge with beer #9 at 2038. Sip. CNN has a story concerning Vlad Putin's Russia. Seems America has been dropped from the list of countries which can adopt Russian orphans. Eheh. I wondered about the real reason for that, given the murky reasons published on JAM (Jewish American Media). Was it 'the American predelection for Male Genital Mutilation?' Did Putin imagine that many if not most male Russian adoptees would be sexually mutilated in the Jewish American tradition? Was Vladimir Putin himself 'intact and opposed' to JAM circumcision? I think so. Prove me wrong if you can.
And speaking of Which, Should Vlad Putin be added to this list? I think so.

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