Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Tap... Tap... Tap...
How - in addition to various 'local actors' - did Gerash convince The Postman that I was defaming him? My guess is that Gerash used his (illicit) 'connection' to our telephone line to call the Post Office (being gassed here) and complain to them in our name. I suspect that Gerash has used the 'caller ID' feature of modern telephone technology against me ever since it was first introduced. He did it by making various phone calls over the years using his tap of our telephone line. Hmm. I guess we need to go to cable...
Nighty night!
How - in addition to various 'local actors' - did Gerash convince The Postman that I was defaming him? My guess is that Gerash used his (illicit) 'connection' to our telephone line to call the Post Office (being gassed here) and complain to them in our name. I suspect that Gerash has used the 'caller ID' feature of modern telephone technology against me ever since it was first introduced. He did it by making various phone calls over the years using his tap of our telephone line. Hmm. I guess we need to go to cable...
Nighty night!
Good Question
Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone. Sip.
I am paranoid. I sift new events constantly looking for clues and connections. At the same time I realize that I am a 'celebrity' in some sense. That has both good and bad connotations. I would rather not be a 'celebrity.' But if I am (and I seem to be) I have the responsibility to 'set the record straight' in regard to the Gerash Defamation Machine. You know what I mean, I think: Gerash is one of those persons described in the book, People of the Lie. (Being gassed here, several coughs, R burning.) My paranoid brain zeros in on events which seem to make no sense. It then attempts to fit those 'incongruous events' into the general theory of my life, given the 'axioms' of my life, one being that Gerash is working constantly to discredit me. I've been doing that for years. The following example may seem bizarre, but was my experience:
I observed the African-American mailman turn toward me as I watched him depositing the mail into the various boxes. He was tall and skinny and good-looking. He's been doing that job for at least two or three months. Suddenly he turns toward me and spits. He does (thump) not look at me. He then continues depositing the mail into all the little boxes. My understanding of the 'spitting gesture' is that it is an expression of contempt. Possibly he was expressing his contempt for me as I lurked in the nearest apartment 'window' while he delivered the mail. Possibly. No way to know. Possibly several 'local residents' (actors) had told him that 'I hated him because he was a nigger (thonk) and was always late. He believed them, of course. Only natural.
My experience with 'postal people' suggests that some of them can be bribed into (tap) 'diverting' legitimate mail. For example, I have long suspected that postal people have occasionally diverted Kaiser Permanente questionaires (tap) concerning 'new doctor performances.' The questionaires were then delivered to Gerash. Gerash (tap) would then fill out those questionaires to the effect that I thought the doctor in question had done a bad job. Not true, of course, but Gerash thereby gained the emotional support of the said doctor who may have felt personally defamed by my 'evaluation.' Other possible attempts to communicate with me via mail may also have been 'diverted' by 'Gerash postal operatives.' I strongly suspect so.
That mailman is gone now. Various others have been substituted. The mail is delivered an hour or two earlier now, pretty much 'on time' historically.
Question: If my conjecture is correct, what was the point? Why go to all that trouble to convince a postal worker that I hated him? (thump above.)
Good question. I suspect that Gerash 'filters' (thump) my mail for 'undesirable' communications and has been doing so since the early '80s.
Kootch has hit the sack. We are alone. Sip.
I am paranoid. I sift new events constantly looking for clues and connections. At the same time I realize that I am a 'celebrity' in some sense. That has both good and bad connotations. I would rather not be a 'celebrity.' But if I am (and I seem to be) I have the responsibility to 'set the record straight' in regard to the Gerash Defamation Machine. You know what I mean, I think: Gerash is one of those persons described in the book, People of the Lie. (Being gassed here, several coughs, R burning.) My paranoid brain zeros in on events which seem to make no sense. It then attempts to fit those 'incongruous events' into the general theory of my life, given the 'axioms' of my life, one being that Gerash is working constantly to discredit me. I've been doing that for years. The following example may seem bizarre, but was my experience:
I observed the African-American mailman turn toward me as I watched him depositing the mail into the various boxes. He was tall and skinny and good-looking. He's been doing that job for at least two or three months. Suddenly he turns toward me and spits. He does (thump) not look at me. He then continues depositing the mail into all the little boxes. My understanding of the 'spitting gesture' is that it is an expression of contempt. Possibly he was expressing his contempt for me as I lurked in the nearest apartment 'window' while he delivered the mail. Possibly. No way to know. Possibly several 'local residents' (actors) had told him that 'I hated him because he was a nigger (thonk) and was always late. He believed them, of course. Only natural.
My experience with 'postal people' suggests that some of them can be bribed into (tap) 'diverting' legitimate mail. For example, I have long suspected that postal people have occasionally diverted Kaiser Permanente questionaires (tap) concerning 'new doctor performances.' The questionaires were then delivered to Gerash. Gerash (tap) would then fill out those questionaires to the effect that I thought the doctor in question had done a bad job. Not true, of course, but Gerash thereby gained the emotional support of the said doctor who may have felt personally defamed by my 'evaluation.' Other possible attempts to communicate with me via mail may also have been 'diverted' by 'Gerash postal operatives.' I strongly suspect so.
That mailman is gone now. Various others have been substituted. The mail is delivered an hour or two earlier now, pretty much 'on time' historically.
Question: If my conjecture is correct, what was the point? Why go to all that trouble to convince a postal worker that I hated him? (thump above.)
Good question. I suspect that Gerash 'filters' (thump) my mail for 'undesirable' communications and has been doing so since the early '80s.
Normal? Fucked Up? You Decide...
Which now brings me to a really naughty part of tonight's blog. I have been avoiding this, but recent events have suggested the theme of 'counterattack.' I refer, of course, to your dick. Is it normal, or is it Jewified? I report, you decide. In what follows I will present various links to photographs of penises (and pussies) taken from 'pantie sites' I often visit. VVVNSFW. VVVNSFCM. Use caution. Vote either 'M' (mutilated) or 'U' (unmutilated). Vote now:
Smiling Rady, Rong Dick. Ooo... That's one huge mutha! Normal? No?
The one on the right: Normal? Fucked up?
Japanese Girl Fucked. Select any and all fucked up dicks. One obvious example has a very small prepital opening which obviously 'chokes off' returning surface blood flow when 'skinned back' thereby increasing local blood pressure, enhancing erection. Can you spot it? I found few or none which were mutilated according to the American Jewish tradition. (Japanese are not 'Jewish' in the same way that Americans are 'Jewish.')
Back at 1806 after watching the Evening News (Kootch just wished me 'goodnight' at 1804). Whoa! All three national media channels had a report concerning microwave effects on the brain! Interesting!
Concerning the above links to photographs of penises found on my favorite panty porn sites, I must now abandon the idea due to a penile dearth. Hmm. My impression was that there were many more examples. Hmm.
And concerning microwave effects on the brain, apparently microwaves increase brain activity (tap). This fits with my experience: microwave radiation stimulates peripheral nerve activity, but there is no evidence that microwaves 'cause' cancer. Relax. Call mama on your cell phone.
Which now brings me to a really naughty part of tonight's blog. I have been avoiding this, but recent events have suggested the theme of 'counterattack.' I refer, of course, to your dick. Is it normal, or is it Jewified? I report, you decide. In what follows I will present various links to photographs of penises (and pussies) taken from 'pantie sites' I often visit. VVVNSFW. VVVNSFCM. Use caution. Vote either 'M' (mutilated) or 'U' (unmutilated). Vote now:
Smiling Rady, Rong Dick. Ooo... That's one huge mutha! Normal? No?
The one on the right: Normal? Fucked up?
Japanese Girl Fucked. Select any and all fucked up dicks. One obvious example has a very small prepital opening which obviously 'chokes off' returning surface blood flow when 'skinned back' thereby increasing local blood pressure, enhancing erection. Can you spot it? I found few or none which were mutilated according to the American Jewish tradition. (Japanese are not 'Jewish' in the same way that Americans are 'Jewish.')
Back at 1806 after watching the Evening News (Kootch just wished me 'goodnight' at 1804). Whoa! All three national media channels had a report concerning microwave effects on the brain! Interesting!
Concerning the above links to photographs of penises found on my favorite panty porn sites, I must now abandon the idea due to a penile dearth. Hmm. My impression was that there were many more examples. Hmm.
And concerning microwave effects on the brain, apparently microwaves increase brain activity (tap). This fits with my experience: microwave radiation stimulates peripheral nerve activity, but there is no evidence that microwaves 'cause' cancer. Relax. Call mama on your cell phone.
Having Fun While Drunk
Now working on beer #7 at 1542. Kootch has been cooking supper while I have been writing this (and playing video games - we are both minimal participants in the current digital culture, but nevertheless yield most of our days thereto, even at our advanced ages). Ha! I just fixed a problem with Kootch's bedroom door: the lock thingee could only be fully retracted from one direction. I said, 'That's dangerous.' I then squirted some 'Riquid Rench' into the lock thingee hole and toggled it several times. No joy. Still stuck one way. I decided to use 'brute force.' I grabbed a huge 'pipe wrench' type pliers from my tool kit and forced the lock to retract against 'its will.' Forced worked! Kootch's door lock now works both ways very smoothly. Kootch suggested during the 'procedure' that I wait until I was sober to mess agound with her lock, and I replied that it was much more fun to do it while I was drunk.
I was right. Sip.
Now working on beer #7 at 1542. Kootch has been cooking supper while I have been writing this (and playing video games - we are both minimal participants in the current digital culture, but nevertheless yield most of our days thereto, even at our advanced ages). Ha! I just fixed a problem with Kootch's bedroom door: the lock thingee could only be fully retracted from one direction. I said, 'That's dangerous.' I then squirted some 'Riquid Rench' into the lock thingee hole and toggled it several times. No joy. Still stuck one way. I decided to use 'brute force.' I grabbed a huge 'pipe wrench' type pliers from my tool kit and forced the lock to retract against 'its will.' Forced worked! Kootch's door lock now works both ways very smoothly. Kootch suggested during the 'procedure' that I wait until I was sober to mess agound with her lock, and I replied that it was much more fun to do it while I was drunk.
I was right. Sip.
The Creepiest Person Who Ever Lived
Beginning beer #5 at 1410. Gonna be a 'short night.' I need the sleep.
One of the reasons I decided to write my blog tonight is that as the day went on I found a 'theme:' abuse. I am being 'abused.' The term implies mistreatment of weaker by stronger. Indeed, the theme of 'abuse' is much in the news recently. TODAY, for example, had the story of a famous actress who was sexually abused by her father. There are also stories of sexual abuse by clerics and others in positions of power. And there are other forms of abuse in The News recently, especially 'political abuse' by rulers of Arab nations in the Middle East. The weak are abused by the strong. It's only natural... apparently.
But check out this story. Does it fit into the category of 'abuse?' Probably not. Crib designers do not intend to abuse babies. The story seems to fall into the category of 'design errors.' But crib designers are routinely sued for unintended 'design errors.' And they should be! Harming innocent defenseless infants is patently indefensible. Perpetrators of such crimes should be made to pay. Right? (The 'taps' have become 'wall-booms.') Wrong apparently!
Consider the case of a pediatrician who circumcises a newborn male child. The 'procedure' involves cutting off the most sensitive parts of the penis, thereby causing lifelong sexual harm to the defenseless infant and to his eventual sexual partner. Why would anybody do that?!
The answer, apparently, is 'For the money.' They do it for the money. True, some small percentage of them would do it for free because they derive a sexual rush from doing it - we call them circumfetishists - but most of them would never do it for free. Even Jewish Mohels need some money for their 'services.' Abraham was the first Circumfetishist. Abraham has probably caused more harm to humanity that any other historical figure. I consider him to be the creepiest Jew who ever lived, and possibly the creepiest person who ever lived.
Beginning beer #5 at 1410. Gonna be a 'short night.' I need the sleep.
One of the reasons I decided to write my blog tonight is that as the day went on I found a 'theme:' abuse. I am being 'abused.' The term implies mistreatment of weaker by stronger. Indeed, the theme of 'abuse' is much in the news recently. TODAY, for example, had the story of a famous actress who was sexually abused by her father. There are also stories of sexual abuse by clerics and others in positions of power. And there are other forms of abuse in The News recently, especially 'political abuse' by rulers of Arab nations in the Middle East. The weak are abused by the strong. It's only natural... apparently.
But check out this story. Does it fit into the category of 'abuse?' Probably not. Crib designers do not intend to abuse babies. The story seems to fall into the category of 'design errors.' But crib designers are routinely sued for unintended 'design errors.' And they should be! Harming innocent defenseless infants is patently indefensible. Perpetrators of such crimes should be made to pay. Right? (The 'taps' have become 'wall-booms.') Wrong apparently!
Consider the case of a pediatrician who circumcises a newborn male child. The 'procedure' involves cutting off the most sensitive parts of the penis, thereby causing lifelong sexual harm to the defenseless infant and to his eventual sexual partner. Why would anybody do that?!
The answer, apparently, is 'For the money.' They do it for the money. True, some small percentage of them would do it for free because they derive a sexual rush from doing it - we call them circumfetishists - but most of them would never do it for free. Even Jewish Mohels need some money for their 'services.' Abraham was the first Circumfetishist. Abraham has probably caused more harm to humanity that any other historical figure. I consider him to be the creepiest Jew who ever lived, and possibly the creepiest person who ever lived.
Happy Margarita Day.
Greetings from The Fourth Room. Did you know that today is Margarita Day? No? Now you know. Cheers. Sip. I'm currently well into the second beer, buzzing nicely but extremely sleep-deprived. It was even worse yesterday, which is why I didn't do this blog as scheduled. The problem is night-time microwave radiation so intense that it is impossible to sleep. Heavy night-time radiation is not unusual, of course, but this most recent series is really sadistic for its duration and intensity.
It (tap) - the most recent series - began the night of 2-17-11, and there has been no break since then. As a result I have become more and more sleep-deprived. Interestingly, and perhaps connected in some way, was another 'tap' from above while I watched The CBS Evening News on my TiVo that night. Katie Couric was saying something like, 'Penzler, who sells 'who-done-its,' knows he is being stalked by a killer.' There was a 'tap' from above right after that line, a typical 'VSDT,' but in this case very specific. Night-time radiation has been horrific since then. (Do I blame Katie Couric? Of course not.)
Adequate sleep is essential to human life. So is Gerash actually trying to kill me? I have long thought so. Indeed, I am surprised to be still sitting here! Apparently, however, Gerash is in no hurry... enjoying the 'murder process' over the years... and like the good Jewish lawyer that he is, insists on doing it all as 'legally' as possible.
You and I would never do something like that to other living beings, of course, because we have a normal moral sense, a 'moral compass.' But Gerash has no such moral compass. His only guide regarding right and wrong is 'the law.' Furthermore, it is ok to circumvent 'the law' if you can get away with it.
Is Gerash, 'evil?' Technically not. There is no such thing as 'evil.' 'Evil' is a metaphysical idea, not found in nature. Gerash is 'defective.' Gerash is a defective human biological machine. A psychopath.
Greetings from The Fourth Room. Did you know that today is Margarita Day? No? Now you know. Cheers. Sip. I'm currently well into the second beer, buzzing nicely but extremely sleep-deprived. It was even worse yesterday, which is why I didn't do this blog as scheduled. The problem is night-time microwave radiation so intense that it is impossible to sleep. Heavy night-time radiation is not unusual, of course, but this most recent series is really sadistic for its duration and intensity.
It (tap) - the most recent series - began the night of 2-17-11, and there has been no break since then. As a result I have become more and more sleep-deprived. Interestingly, and perhaps connected in some way, was another 'tap' from above while I watched The CBS Evening News on my TiVo that night. Katie Couric was saying something like, 'Penzler, who sells 'who-done-its,' knows he is being stalked by a killer.' There was a 'tap' from above right after that line, a typical 'VSDT,' but in this case very specific. Night-time radiation has been horrific since then. (Do I blame Katie Couric? Of course not.)
Adequate sleep is essential to human life. So is Gerash actually trying to kill me? I have long thought so. Indeed, I am surprised to be still sitting here! Apparently, however, Gerash is in no hurry... enjoying the 'murder process' over the years... and like the good Jewish lawyer that he is, insists on doing it all as 'legally' as possible.
You and I would never do something like that to other living beings, of course, because we have a normal moral sense, a 'moral compass.' But Gerash has no such moral compass. His only guide regarding right and wrong is 'the law.' Furthermore, it is ok to circumvent 'the law' if you can get away with it.
Is Gerash, 'evil?' Technically not. There is no such thing as 'evil.' 'Evil' is a metaphysical idea, not found in nature. Gerash is 'defective.' Gerash is a defective human biological machine. A psychopath.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Entoptical Considerations
Time to wrap this up. No beer left. Whiskey and Vanilla Diet Pepsi. Yuck. Sip.
Last night as I lay there being zapped by microwaves I was, as usual 'here now.' (Herenow.) I noticed, as usual, my visual field. I observed the 'darkness.' I observed that 'the dark' was not 'black.' The dark was actually very, very dark blue. It made no difference whether I observed with my eyes open or shut. Same visual field. I noticed that a slightly lighter blue 'bled' into the dark blue visual field, ever changing in structure. It has always been that way. (I became interested in that phemonon only after my LSD Trips had 'blown me away entoptically.' That was many years ago.) I watched 'the display' as usual, wondering, 'Do you see that too?' If not, 'What do you see in a dark room with eyes closed?' (Dan Rather on Rachel Maddow at 2250! Alright! I loved it!)
My guess is that my experience is normal, that you too experience the same entoptical phenomenon.
Time to wrap this up. No beer left. Whiskey and Vanilla Diet Pepsi. Yuck. Sip.
Last night as I lay there being zapped by microwaves I was, as usual 'here now.' (Herenow.) I noticed, as usual, my visual field. I observed the 'darkness.' I observed that 'the dark' was not 'black.' The dark was actually very, very dark blue. It made no difference whether I observed with my eyes open or shut. Same visual field. I noticed that a slightly lighter blue 'bled' into the dark blue visual field, ever changing in structure. It has always been that way. (I became interested in that phemonon only after my LSD Trips had 'blown me away entoptically.' That was many years ago.) I watched 'the display' as usual, wondering, 'Do you see that too?' If not, 'What do you see in a dark room with eyes closed?' (Dan Rather on Rachel Maddow at 2250! Alright! I loved it!)
My guess is that my experience is normal, that you too experience the same entoptical phenomenon.
Not So fast!
Kootch just walked by my bedroom door and made the 'turn the volume down' signal. I complied, of course. On her way back to her room I asked, 'Low enough?' (or something like that). She nodded.
TMNI is a cultural 'catalyst' (to use a chemical term meaning a chemical accelerant). Indeed, 'cultural continuity' depends for its stability on the slow - very slow, progression of cultural knowlege. American Republican Conservatives love the concept of slow cultural change, whereas Liberal Democrats love the concept of rapid cultural change. It is a 'change thing:' Not so fast! Faster!
That political balance is achieved in a cultural politic through democratic processes: Voting. America has a 'long' history in that regard and is therefore relatively stable politically. But Arab/Muslim cultures are conservative. And Technological innovation has produced an explosive situation in those ancient middle-east cultures: The Big Bang may be just around the corner! Uh-oh.
The coming months should be fun to watch on TV!
Kootch just walked by my bedroom door and made the 'turn the volume down' signal. I complied, of course. On her way back to her room I asked, 'Low enough?' (or something like that). She nodded.
TMNI is a cultural 'catalyst' (to use a chemical term meaning a chemical accelerant). Indeed, 'cultural continuity' depends for its stability on the slow - very slow, progression of cultural knowlege. American Republican Conservatives love the concept of slow cultural change, whereas Liberal Democrats love the concept of rapid cultural change. It is a 'change thing:' Not so fast! Faster!
That political balance is achieved in a cultural politic through democratic processes: Voting. America has a 'long' history in that regard and is therefore relatively stable politically. But Arab/Muslim cultures are conservative. And Technological innovation has produced an explosive situation in those ancient middle-east cultures: The Big Bang may be just around the corner! Uh-oh.
The coming months should be fun to watch on TV!

Lessee... We already have tonight's music. Hmm. Ha! Pussy! I tell you folks, this is a great butt!
Acid to Acid, Dust to Dust.
Working on beer #9 already. Sip. Buzzing nicely. I've been thinking about the 'internet revolution.' The 'Arab/Muslim world' is in turmoil due to the explosion in 'connectivity.' The 'Jewish world' falls into the same category. In fact, ancient ways of thinking everywhere are dissolving, disappearing. The modern ACID of Information is dissolving them, changing our world rapidly. (d-lysergic acid diethyamide tartrate 25 (LSD) was the clarion call. But it was chemical. The modern LSD is digital.) Acid to Acid, dust to dust!
We should be celebrating! Human Culture has morphed upward to a new order of magnitude! I love it, of course.
What we are currently witnessing is a cultural collapse caused by TMNI (too much new information). It is a seismic event of significant magnitude. Human culture is changing rapidly as human knowlege changes. We should be celebrating that. Priests, Rabbis, and Imams are going the way of the blacksmith! We are evolving socially at a dizzying pace.
Working on beer #9 already. Sip. Buzzing nicely. I've been thinking about the 'internet revolution.' The 'Arab/Muslim world' is in turmoil due to the explosion in 'connectivity.' The 'Jewish world' falls into the same category. In fact, ancient ways of thinking everywhere are dissolving, disappearing. The modern ACID of Information is dissolving them, changing our world rapidly. (d-lysergic acid diethyamide tartrate 25 (LSD) was the clarion call. But it was chemical. The modern LSD is digital.) Acid to Acid, dust to dust!
We should be celebrating! Human Culture has morphed upward to a new order of magnitude! I love it, of course.
What we are currently witnessing is a cultural collapse caused by TMNI (too much new information). It is a seismic event of significant magnitude. Human culture is changing rapidly as human knowlege changes. We should be celebrating that. Priests, Rabbis, and Imams are going the way of the blacksmith! We are evolving socially at a dizzying pace.
The Valentine Star
Sipping on beer #7 at 1808. Gabrielle Giffords is making amazing progress, according to reports, and mouthing the words of a famous song. I love it! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The Wiggles. This is 'the definitive rendition.' The actual Mozart piano series can be found here. Also beautiful. But wait, there's more! Betelgeuse is the 'Valentine Star' (also pronounced, 'Beetlejuice' like in the movie) because it is red, bright, and high in the winter sky on Valentine's Night. The star is huge! It pulsates over a period of about 5 years like a beating heart, varying in size from a low of about 500 times our sun's size to about 900 times. (Did I get that right?) One of these days it will 'blow up' (become a supernova), scattering heavy elements into the local space. Those elements will condense into other suns and planets, perhaps to become, eventually, parts of new living beings like us. (The Iron in our blood was created long ago in one or more supernovas. Thank gravity for that! Also thank the stars.)
Sipping on beer #7 at 1808. Gabrielle Giffords is making amazing progress, according to reports, and mouthing the words of a famous song. I love it! Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. The Wiggles. This is 'the definitive rendition.' The actual Mozart piano series can be found here. Also beautiful. But wait, there's more! Betelgeuse is the 'Valentine Star' (also pronounced, 'Beetlejuice' like in the movie) because it is red, bright, and high in the winter sky on Valentine's Night. The star is huge! It pulsates over a period of about 5 years like a beating heart, varying in size from a low of about 500 times our sun's size to about 900 times. (Did I get that right?) One of these days it will 'blow up' (become a supernova), scattering heavy elements into the local space. Those elements will condense into other suns and planets, perhaps to become, eventually, parts of new living beings like us. (The Iron in our blood was created long ago in one or more supernovas. Thank gravity for that! Also thank the stars.)
'Let's Fuck...'
Question: So who is living upstairs now? Daddy? The girls? The boy? All of them? Some combination thereof? One thing is clear, however: Gerash (or his evil twin) 'lives' there too. I also think there is a 'secret door' between 303 and 304, and perhaps between 303 and...?)
Time to re-read last week... Very good! I like it.
Now what? The Chart! (Or, 'How to Seduce Your Wife on Valentine's Day.') Good stuff! Sex is a brain thing after all. And breaking it down scientifically, sex is a nerve thing... an electrical thing... a chemical thing... and ultimately a very mysterious thing! Viva sex! Do it while you can, girls and boys. Do it while you still can. (God won't like it, but fuck 'im.)
My impression of 'modern sex' is that it has become 'quite sophisticated.' That is to say that 'sex in the circumcised world' has 'evolved' psychologically. It is no longer enough to whisper to your partner something like, 'Lets fuck!' Modern circumcates need to 'juice it up' at least several hours before embarking on that (time for the news...) sensuous journey. I understand. I approve. The days are gone when I could just whisper to Kootch in the evening, 'Let's fuck...'
And I found this interesting given the current international situation: Rabbis Gang up Against the Internet. Whoa! Too late!
Question: So who is living upstairs now? Daddy? The girls? The boy? All of them? Some combination thereof? One thing is clear, however: Gerash (or his evil twin) 'lives' there too. I also think there is a 'secret door' between 303 and 304, and perhaps between 303 and...?)
Time to re-read last week... Very good! I like it.
Now what? The Chart! (Or, 'How to Seduce Your Wife on Valentine's Day.') Good stuff! Sex is a brain thing after all. And breaking it down scientifically, sex is a nerve thing... an electrical thing... a chemical thing... and ultimately a very mysterious thing! Viva sex! Do it while you can, girls and boys. Do it while you still can. (God won't like it, but fuck 'im.)
My impression of 'modern sex' is that it has become 'quite sophisticated.' That is to say that 'sex in the circumcised world' has 'evolved' psychologically. It is no longer enough to whisper to your partner something like, 'Lets fuck!' Modern circumcates need to 'juice it up' at least several hours before embarking on that (time for the news...) sensuous journey. I understand. I approve. The days are gone when I could just whisper to Kootch in the evening, 'Let's fuck...'
And I found this interesting given the current international situation: Rabbis Gang up Against the Internet. Whoa! Too late!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day! (Sip. Beginning first beer at 1515.) I bought the beer at KSS yesterday, and I also picked up a nice-looking watermelon quarter for Kootch, as usual. She ate it for lunch today as we watched TV. About halfway through shopping I passed the flower section where a dozen gorgeous orange roses caught my eye. I bought 'em. Kootch loves 'em.
So I'm back on my new winter schedule. It was touch and go last night as I crawled into bed at six PM, very sleep-deprived. Would 'they' let me sleep? Nope. They bombarded me with microwaves for the next six hours, making sleep impossible. I used the time to test my meager 'defenses' and learned something about microwave radiation. Actually I confirmed my suspicions: metal cookie sheets only partially block the radiation. What seems to happen is that the cookie sheet absorbs the radiation, then re-radiates it in all directions. (Off to the 'fridge for beer #2... back at 1538. Looks like Kootch still has half of her watermelon left...) I concluded this when I notced that my left hand (holding the sheet) was throbbing. My face (behind the cookie sheet) was also throbbing, but less so. I then used the knuckle of my right index finger to help prop up the cookie sheet. Soon the the entire finger was also throbbing. (They are zapping me from the right (thump) side as I write this. Buzzing nicely, though.) Some form of 'conduction' (in addition to 'radiation' may also be involved. (R eye watering now.) Ha! I just talked Kootch into sewing an old towel around the cookie sheet. I can use that to test the 'conduction conjecture!' I'll report results next week.
In other 'local news,' somebody moved out (of the building) day before yesterday, and somebody moved in to 304 yesterday. This is a really quick turnover. The previous 'tenant' was a 30-ish (tap) male. The (apparent) new tenants may be two young women and possibly one young male (all teen-early 20s). They moved in with 'daddy's' help. The girls drove an SUV. 'Daddy' drove a green pickup. I have photos and plate numbers, of course. 'Daddy' did one very bizarre maneuver with his pickup truck: after unloading the truck and helping the kids to carry the stuff upstairs, he got in the truck for a second load, drove forward as if to turn around, then changed his mind and backed the truck up. I figured he'd turn at the parking lot and leave the area in the usual straightforward manner, but no! He kept backing and backing and backing all the way around the curve and out of sight about a quarter mile away. He backed past numerous possible turn-around points. My immediate impression was that he was attempting to avoid 'showing' his rear license plate. If so, too late: I already had it.
Happy Valentine's Day! (Sip. Beginning first beer at 1515.) I bought the beer at KSS yesterday, and I also picked up a nice-looking watermelon quarter for Kootch, as usual. She ate it for lunch today as we watched TV. About halfway through shopping I passed the flower section where a dozen gorgeous orange roses caught my eye. I bought 'em. Kootch loves 'em.
So I'm back on my new winter schedule. It was touch and go last night as I crawled into bed at six PM, very sleep-deprived. Would 'they' let me sleep? Nope. They bombarded me with microwaves for the next six hours, making sleep impossible. I used the time to test my meager 'defenses' and learned something about microwave radiation. Actually I confirmed my suspicions: metal cookie sheets only partially block the radiation. What seems to happen is that the cookie sheet absorbs the radiation, then re-radiates it in all directions. (Off to the 'fridge for beer #2... back at 1538. Looks like Kootch still has half of her watermelon left...) I concluded this when I notced that my left hand (holding the sheet) was throbbing. My face (behind the cookie sheet) was also throbbing, but less so. I then used the knuckle of my right index finger to help prop up the cookie sheet. Soon the the entire finger was also throbbing. (They are zapping me from the right (thump) side as I write this. Buzzing nicely, though.) Some form of 'conduction' (in addition to 'radiation' may also be involved. (R eye watering now.) Ha! I just talked Kootch into sewing an old towel around the cookie sheet. I can use that to test the 'conduction conjecture!' I'll report results next week.
In other 'local news,' somebody moved out (of the building) day before yesterday, and somebody moved in to 304 yesterday. This is a really quick turnover. The previous 'tenant' was a 30-ish (tap) male. The (apparent) new tenants may be two young women and possibly one young male (all teen-early 20s). They moved in with 'daddy's' help. The girls drove an SUV. 'Daddy' drove a green pickup. I have photos and plate numbers, of course. 'Daddy' did one very bizarre maneuver with his pickup truck: after unloading the truck and helping the kids to carry the stuff upstairs, he got in the truck for a second load, drove forward as if to turn around, then changed his mind and backed the truck up. I figured he'd turn at the parking lot and leave the area in the usual straightforward manner, but no! He kept backing and backing and backing all the way around the curve and out of sight about a quarter mile away. He backed past numerous possible turn-around points. My immediate impression was that he was attempting to avoid 'showing' his rear license plate. If so, too late: I already had it.
Monday, February 07, 2011
Blind Man Walking
Time to wrap this up. I have left much 'unsaid' (unwritten) because there is only so much time and space available. It's been, as usual, a long week. I'll close by describing a brief notation in my daily log:
'Heavy Rad all night. Also 'blind man theater.'' The 'blind man' refers to recent a 'street theater' episode where a person (usually a man) walks below our balcony with a long 'cane' stretched out in front of him as if to detect possible unseen obstructions. It is 'theater' which has become fairly common recently. My '20 minute timer' allows Gerash to set up such scenerios as I walk around the apartment, occasionally looking out the patio door as I walk. Regarding the 'ethnicity' of the player in question I will leave that for your speculation... 'Blindness' refers, of course, to the inevitable result of corneal heating.
Good night and good luck.
Time to wrap this up. I have left much 'unsaid' (unwritten) because there is only so much time and space available. It's been, as usual, a long week. I'll close by describing a brief notation in my daily log:
'Heavy Rad all night. Also 'blind man theater.'' The 'blind man' refers to recent a 'street theater' episode where a person (usually a man) walks below our balcony with a long 'cane' stretched out in front of him as if to detect possible unseen obstructions. It is 'theater' which has become fairly common recently. My '20 minute timer' allows Gerash to set up such scenerios as I walk around the apartment, occasionally looking out the patio door as I walk. Regarding the 'ethnicity' of the player in question I will leave that for your speculation... 'Blindness' refers, of course, to the inevitable result of corneal heating.
Good night and good luck.
Tonight's Rink Dump.
Beer gone. Sipping on Caffine Free Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Now what?! Sip. Hmm. How 'bout a rink dump!
Powers of Ten is a fascinating trip from 'here' to 'there.' We go first from our current world to the infinitely large universe. Then we go from our current world to the infinitely small universe. Hold on! It will be a wild and glorious ride!
(Piers Morgan and Fareed Zacharia on CNN! Damn. I'm missing it...)
Seven Must-Read Books on the Art and Science of Happiness. My understanding of 'happiness' is that it is a brain-state which cannot be sought directly, but is instead a 'by-product of right thinking.' Maybe so... Sip.
Mindfulness Meditation works by changing Brain Structure. Well, maybe - In fact, probably - given that 'experience' also changes brain structure. Drugs change brain structure too. The most 'effective' such drug is, of course, LSD. Been there. Done that. I know.
Kona Galaxy Garden. Beautiful connection between Nature, large and small...
Why is the Sky Blue? (Did I do this already?) Ahhh! As Kootch and I were watching NSN (mentioned previously) today we encountered the subject of 'synesthesia' where visual and auditory (in this case, visual - intellectual) subjects 'bled into' each other. Kootch remarked that she too experienced some of the Western Alphabet as 'colored:' 'A' was always red; 'M' was yellow; 'R' was always purple. She had previously revealed that she was somewhat 'prosopagnosic' in that she had difficulty connecting 'faces' with 'names.' But this was news to me. These three letters appeared to be the only ones which came to mind. She also mentioned that none of the Japanese characters (Kanji) had that effect on her. I remarked that 'maybe there were too many characters and not enough colors.' She chuckled.
Beer gone. Sipping on Caffine Free Diet Pepsi and Canadian Mist. Now what?! Sip. Hmm. How 'bout a rink dump!
Powers of Ten is a fascinating trip from 'here' to 'there.' We go first from our current world to the infinitely large universe. Then we go from our current world to the infinitely small universe. Hold on! It will be a wild and glorious ride!
(Piers Morgan and Fareed Zacharia on CNN! Damn. I'm missing it...)
Seven Must-Read Books on the Art and Science of Happiness. My understanding of 'happiness' is that it is a brain-state which cannot be sought directly, but is instead a 'by-product of right thinking.' Maybe so... Sip.
Mindfulness Meditation works by changing Brain Structure. Well, maybe - In fact, probably - given that 'experience' also changes brain structure. Drugs change brain structure too. The most 'effective' such drug is, of course, LSD. Been there. Done that. I know.
Kona Galaxy Garden. Beautiful connection between Nature, large and small...
Why is the Sky Blue? (Did I do this already?) Ahhh! As Kootch and I were watching NSN (mentioned previously) today we encountered the subject of 'synesthesia' where visual and auditory (in this case, visual - intellectual) subjects 'bled into' each other. Kootch remarked that she too experienced some of the Western Alphabet as 'colored:' 'A' was always red; 'M' was yellow; 'R' was always purple. She had previously revealed that she was somewhat 'prosopagnosic' in that she had difficulty connecting 'faces' with 'names.' But this was news to me. These three letters appeared to be the only ones which came to mind. She also mentioned that none of the Japanese characters (Kanji) had that effect on her. I remarked that 'maybe there were too many characters and not enough colors.' She chuckled.
Mystical Consciousness
This fact is not taught to children. This fact can only be discovered personally. A child who has been taught a certain 'religion' may or may not eventually conclude that what sHe was taught was nonsense. Most children never progress to that realization. Some do. Those folks eventually become 'atheists' or 'agnostics.' The 'Atheists' live the life of 'idee-fixe.' Like 'religionists' they never learn. The Agnostics, on the other hand, do hallucinogenic drugs like LSD. They learn new stuff. It is good to be Agnostic, folks: you get to do Acid, while Atheists and Religionists suck, drinking only beer, wine, rum, whiskey...
You know what I mean: Drugs are a path to Mystical Consciousness. Mystical Consciousness is an emotional-philosophical attitude toward The Universe: LSD astonished you. You are therefore always ready to be surprised. In fact, you yearn... unafraid... for the next moment... never afraid... always ready to be surprised.
This fact is not taught to children. This fact can only be discovered personally. A child who has been taught a certain 'religion' may or may not eventually conclude that what sHe was taught was nonsense. Most children never progress to that realization. Some do. Those folks eventually become 'atheists' or 'agnostics.' The 'Atheists' live the life of 'idee-fixe.' Like 'religionists' they never learn. The Agnostics, on the other hand, do hallucinogenic drugs like LSD. They learn new stuff. It is good to be Agnostic, folks: you get to do Acid, while Atheists and Religionists suck, drinking only beer, wine, rum, whiskey...
You know what I mean: Drugs are a path to Mystical Consciousness. Mystical Consciousness is an emotional-philosophical attitude toward The Universe: LSD astonished you. You are therefore always ready to be surprised. In fact, you yearn... unafraid... for the next moment... never afraid... always ready to be surprised.
Our Mysterious Universe
Whew. I should do all that research sober, but the various ideas only come to me when I'm buzzing. A sober blog would be a much different blog.
I'm beginning the 'final four' beers now at 1925. Sip. Time for a 'rink dump:'
As you know I am a Science Freak. I Love NOVA! This season, NOVA is calling Wednesday Night, 'Smart Night' (or something like that). Two absolutely fascinating hours of programming are on PBS back to back: Nova Science Now, and NOVA. Highly recommended! Last week NSN did a remarkable show on The Brain which I found astonishing. (How Does the Brain Work?) And NOVA did an equally fascinating show on 'Making Stuff: Cleaner.' (My left eye is feeling pain now as 'they' zap me from 203 with heavy microwave radiation. More on that later.) Back with beer #9 (of 11) at 2000.)
One of the many things I liked about last week's NSN show was the elegant demonstration of Electromagnetism's effect on the brain (and on nerves in general). We are machines! Biological machines! Our lives can ultimately be reduced to electro-chemical phenomenon in the CNS. Our 'life history' is 'data.' Nothing more. Electro-chemical 'history.' And that is what makes it all so fascinating. (Left nostril dripping as I peed in the potty just now.) How is it possible that mere electro-chemical events can ultimately produce 'feelings of love?' 'Science' has no answer for that. Nor does 'religion.' Hence 'mysticism.' Nor do 'mystics' have an answer. I am a (supermarket) mystic and I have no answers. I have questions, not answers. We live in a very mysterious universe.
Whew. I should do all that research sober, but the various ideas only come to me when I'm buzzing. A sober blog would be a much different blog.
I'm beginning the 'final four' beers now at 1925. Sip. Time for a 'rink dump:'
As you know I am a Science Freak. I Love NOVA! This season, NOVA is calling Wednesday Night, 'Smart Night' (or something like that). Two absolutely fascinating hours of programming are on PBS back to back: Nova Science Now, and NOVA. Highly recommended! Last week NSN did a remarkable show on The Brain which I found astonishing. (How Does the Brain Work?) And NOVA did an equally fascinating show on 'Making Stuff: Cleaner.' (My left eye is feeling pain now as 'they' zap me from 203 with heavy microwave radiation. More on that later.) Back with beer #9 (of 11) at 2000.)
One of the many things I liked about last week's NSN show was the elegant demonstration of Electromagnetism's effect on the brain (and on nerves in general). We are machines! Biological machines! Our lives can ultimately be reduced to electro-chemical phenomenon in the CNS. Our 'life history' is 'data.' Nothing more. Electro-chemical 'history.' And that is what makes it all so fascinating. (Left nostril dripping as I peed in the potty just now.) How is it possible that mere electro-chemical events can ultimately produce 'feelings of love?' 'Science' has no answer for that. Nor does 'religion.' Hence 'mysticism.' Nor do 'mystics' have an answer. I am a (supermarket) mystic and I have no answers. I have questions, not answers. We live in a very mysterious universe.
Nature's Way: Green to Brown.
Halfway through beer #2 at 1647. Sip. I'm a few days late (this being Monday). The problem was sleep deprivation due to violent microwave attacks Wednesday and Thursday nights. Back with beer #3 at 1650. Over the weekend I thought this might be a good time to do a little test to see what difference two weeks between 'booze nights' would make, CNS-wise. However, today (Monday) I 'caved in' with the excuse that 90% brain function is recovered by day 2, and that a real test would require something like 6 weeks or so. Cheers. Sip. I did give it my best effort on Friday night, downing one beer as a test - I've been known to write some pretty good stuff while sleep-deprived and drunk - but it just didn't work out, so I wrapped it up early after one beer... leaving 11 beers for tonight (with whiskey back-up).
I recently reread last week's posts. Funny (to me). I must confess that my 'conversation' with hg made sense until after the line when hg said, '+' (yes). My next line is a complete mystery, however, and hg's reply '...' is equally mystifying. And why was I 'forgiving' hg? I remember thinking at the time that I must be the only person in history who ever 'forgave' the Holy Ghost - (funny, which is why I wrote it) - but I'm still at a loss. Maybe it'll come to me before the night is gone.
On the subject of 'spiritual communications' I've come up with some 'interesting details:' Why did Galileo invent the Brown Telephone? The answer is that Galileo thought that the Catholic Pope (Galileo was Catholic) should have a direct line to God (et al). But it seemed obvious to him at the time that there was no such connection; therefore, as a favor to His Holiness, Galileo devised the Spiritual Communications System and created the Green Telephone. However, the pope (et al) were so horrified by Galileo's Heliocentrism that he was reported to The Inquisition and placed under house arrest for life. Galileo retaliated by withholding the 'Papal Present' entirely, changing the color to brown, then passing the (now) Brown Telephone on to his successors. After a long journey through history in the hands of various 'religious rebels' it ended up in my hands, and I will also pass it on after my death. Tradition has it that some of its previous 'owners' included, Spinoza, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Russell, Leary, and Sagan. To whom will I pass on that remarkable spiritual device? Obviously not to Rahm Emmanuel. But stay tuned.
Halfway through beer #2 at 1647. Sip. I'm a few days late (this being Monday). The problem was sleep deprivation due to violent microwave attacks Wednesday and Thursday nights. Back with beer #3 at 1650. Over the weekend I thought this might be a good time to do a little test to see what difference two weeks between 'booze nights' would make, CNS-wise. However, today (Monday) I 'caved in' with the excuse that 90% brain function is recovered by day 2, and that a real test would require something like 6 weeks or so. Cheers. Sip. I did give it my best effort on Friday night, downing one beer as a test - I've been known to write some pretty good stuff while sleep-deprived and drunk - but it just didn't work out, so I wrapped it up early after one beer... leaving 11 beers for tonight (with whiskey back-up).
I recently reread last week's posts. Funny (to me). I must confess that my 'conversation' with hg made sense until after the line when hg said, '+' (yes). My next line is a complete mystery, however, and hg's reply '...' is equally mystifying. And why was I 'forgiving' hg? I remember thinking at the time that I must be the only person in history who ever 'forgave' the Holy Ghost - (funny, which is why I wrote it) - but I'm still at a loss. Maybe it'll come to me before the night is gone.
On the subject of 'spiritual communications' I've come up with some 'interesting details:' Why did Galileo invent the Brown Telephone? The answer is that Galileo thought that the Catholic Pope (Galileo was Catholic) should have a direct line to God (et al). But it seemed obvious to him at the time that there was no such connection; therefore, as a favor to His Holiness, Galileo devised the Spiritual Communications System and created the Green Telephone. However, the pope (et al) were so horrified by Galileo's Heliocentrism that he was reported to The Inquisition and placed under house arrest for life. Galileo retaliated by withholding the 'Papal Present' entirely, changing the color to brown, then passing the (now) Brown Telephone on to his successors. After a long journey through history in the hands of various 'religious rebels' it ended up in my hands, and I will also pass it on after my death. Tradition has it that some of its previous 'owners' included, Spinoza, Voltaire, Nietzsche, Russell, Leary, and Sagan. To whom will I pass on that remarkable spiritual device? Obviously not to Rahm Emmanuel. But stay tuned.